I'm a fairly die-hard extreme metal (thrash, doom, sludge, stoner, death, black, grind, d-beat/crossover, etc.) kind of guy, but, when I was a kid, I was exposed mostly to my parents' musical tastes. My dad is a big fan of pub and garage rock and rockabilly (think Brinsley Scwarz/The Jam/The Stooges and Wanda Jackson/The Stray Cats/The Reverend Horton Heat), my mom is a big fan of synthpop, electronica, and alternative hip-hop (Duran Duran/Gary Numan, Moby/Daft Punk, and Outkast/Digital Underground), and they're both fans of new wave, early punk, and 80's alternative rock (Elvis Costello, The Clash, They Might Be Giants, REM, and Devo received heavy rotation), so, yeah. I tend to gravitate towards those genres as well as metal. My favorite non-metal bands are The Clash, They Might Be Giants, The Replacements, REM, The Smiths, and Talking Heads.