Poll: Do you agree with the Black Ops Swastika Ban?


Diabolical Party Member
Jul 7, 2010
No I don't agree with the ban. People are saying if you show the image people are never going to know your meaning for doing so. However there are major differences between the Nazi and Religious symbol. For starters they have different colour schemes (e.g. Nazi Swastika: Black with a white circle and red background. Religious Swastika: Gold/red cross.) Also they are drawn in different directions. If people are not made aware of these sort of things then they will never accept them and know the difference. I have to say its also unfair and prejudice towards people who are trying to show they are proud of their religion and its kind of hypocritical if they allow people to play COD:WaW's campaign, MP and Zombie modes online, they have Nazi Swastikas all over the blooming place.

However, if they are going to be banning people for using the Swastika either for religious or insulting perposes then they should ban other offensive imagery as well and also the use of other religious symbols to be fair to the people being banned for using the Swastika religiously.

I also have to raise the question, if they can see the difference between the Nazi and Religious Swastikas used in people's logos then why not just ban the people using the Nazi one?


New member
Oct 19, 2007
In my opinion, it entirely depends on the intended use of the swastika. Keep in mind that the symbol was around a LONG time before the National Socialist Worker's Party of Germany picked it up and started using it. If it's obviously a Nazi swastika, then yeah, get rid of it. But if it isn't...well, that's up to the admins, I guess.

But what do I know? I don't play the game.


New member
Sep 30, 2010
Oh man, edit-posting? Alright, I guess I have to respond now-- if only because I'm sorely hungering for some good old-fashioned argumentativiting (sic).

Longshot said:
There is no such thing as universally true ethics or morals. Therefore, there is no way we can make an argument by saying something is "unethical". Of course, the good old "...in my oppinion" changes everything. But ethics and morals are not something one should present as arguments, for they are simply not universal in nature.
I hate relativity so hard. That being said, I agree with you-- to a point. I believe there are a universal set of ethics and morals, but that they are incredibly simple, and incredibly easy to circumvent.

Just pulling this one out of my ass: "Murder of another human being is wrong."

This can easily be circumvented in one of two ways: "The person I'm killing is sub-human (vis a vis Nazi's to everyone else), so what I'm doing is perfectly moral," or "if I don't kill person X, more people will die. What I am doing is unethical, but it is necessary."

Granted, the above point is a general statement-- I think this chunk of text has little I can argue with in regards to the OT.

Longshot said:
Of course. They are a business. However, if we were to be truly idealistic, and look out for the minorities, we would ban everyone on XBL. There will always be someone who thinks somethig is offensive. Pleasing the majority is the only realistic approach, and should weed out the worst things. Besides, the schwastika is something special; i don't think we have any other symbol that can represent as much evil as that can.
Note that "they are a business" and "idealis[m]" are often incompatible. Businesses are designed to make money; the actions taken in pursuit of money rarely intersect with anything "ideal," given that by the very moment they are given money, someone else is losing money.

What I was saying in my quoted portion was not "Treyarch is trying to protect their customers," but "Treyarch is trying to keep their customers." If banning the swastika allows them to keep one more customer on "their side," they will do it, regardless of how offensive/inoffensive the swastika is. My point is largely that their interest is not in protecting the customer, but protecting their income.

On a note unrelated to the OT-- I believe it will take a small handful of years before some other symbol has ramped up enough "offensive credits" to outweigh the swastika. It's been mentioned already that the Hammer/Sickle is some incredible Bad Medicine in Eastern European countries-- but for a more modern example, why not the symbol of the Muslim religion? Regardless of your opinions on Islam, it's an undeniable fact that Islamophobia is an incredibly potent force in America; I'd suggest that if our jingoist attitudes remain unchecked, the associated symbol will become more hated than the Swastika.

To clarify something, briefly: I am not suggesting that Islam is a religion of evil. I do not believe the associated symbol is something to fear. But much of the fear of Americans is founded on misconceptions; something already discussed to death by the historyphiles in the forum.

Longshot said:
I don't disagree, but would simply like to add that free speach does not apply to XBL. Censorship is perfectly fine, we are not entitled to anything, we have no rights.
That may no longer be true. Given that Treyarch is an American video game company, and the American Supreme Court recently gave companies and corporations the same rights (by legal definition) as citizens (I can't remember the case name; can anyone figure that out for me?), Treyarch and XBL may eventually have to uphold the concept of free speech (with all its exceptions) vis a vis the First Amendment. This may or may not happen, but I believe that it's certainly a point worth considering.

That being said: litigation is not my forte, so I could be waaaaaay off base here. :p

Longshot said:
Why shouldn¨t they? That is the thing they understand. I will never be able to understand the emotions a jewish person may feel when looking at a swastika. Therefore, I simply never considered complaining to Treyarch about the swastikas I had seen. Swastikas do not offend me, and thus I don't really think about the fact that they might others. I am willing to bet that you wouldn't either, had ther enot been this discussion. The discussion forces us to think, but who many of us honestly think about what others might find offensive, on our own with no provocation?

I hope I made myselv understandable. Watching Desert Bus has robbed me off sleep.
To be honest, I'm mostly playing devil's advocate here-- I rarely take anything personally on the internet, due to the sole fact that the internet is populated largely by D-Bags. So: no, I was not inherently offended by the Swastika, having attributed it not to neo-Nazi's, but trolls; nor would I have complained to Treyarch about the presence of the Swastika in either in-game or multiplayer depictions. Quite frankly, I don't give a shit.

I'm still not entirely sure what this quoted piece means, but maybe it's confusing because my original post is confusing. If that's the case, let me clarify the portion you quoted:

I really, really don't like someone saying "the Swastika is offensive," and following this up by saying "the islamic crescent moon is offensive." They are both offensive to different people. My advocacy is for consistency in treatment; in real world applications, I don't believe in censorship period but, were there to be censorship, I'd like the censorship to be applied to everything potentially offensive a la Harrison Bergeron.

"Consistency," here, is the point I'm trying to underline, highlight, make bold, italicize, and generally draw attention to.

Also: sleep well! :D


Re: "joke"-- yes, most certainly a joke. We were talking about Nazi symbolism and its place in a game about murdelation; I thought it was somehow appropriate to refer to Niemöller's poem. Further, it's worth noting the base joke behind the faux-poem; that when you get rid of all the bad people, nobody is left on the internet. ;)


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Benny Blanco said:
Yeah, but thats the only way i know how to spell it, opr at least the way me grandfather spells it. and maybe, but we were part of a nation then. Shit sucked all around, but it was better then the nazi regime.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Valkyira said:
The unfortunate thing is that anyone who made the swastika symbol is doing it because of the Nazi's, not the Hindu's. It's known that it's the Hindu sign for peace and the Nazi's took it and changed it so now, 99% of people see it as the Nazi hate symbol.

Little kids who think they're cool by putting the swastika there are doing it because of Nazism, not Hinduism.
Thank you for grossly horrifying me with your awesome avatar!

I disagree, I for one would rather have no dicks and the lot.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Yes, because people are just using them to be douches. Remember people, "Don't be a dick."

John Stalvern

New member
Aug 28, 2008
I disagree with the ban. Not just out of principle, but because beyond that it won't yield any real results.
Some people have been saying that banning those that make a swastika their emblem will somehow get rid of the assholes. That's bullshit. A few people who didn't get the memo will be banned, (and that isn't going to be the end of their online activities, not by a longshot) and then, what? If they make their emblems to get a rise out of people they sure as hell can think of other ways to do it without one symbol. Griefing, trash-talking preteens don't just disappear when you take away ONE method of expression. To think this will do anything is very naive.


New member
May 7, 2009
For the most part, I would agree. However, as has been said before, there may well be people using the hooked-cross in its original sense of health/well-being. Which is a shame.


New member
Mar 9, 2008
I generally disagree with the curtailing of free speech but in this case I feel that Microsoft have done the right thing. One thing a lot of these young idiots forget is that free speech, while a right, is also a privilege, one not available to a large number of people.

Hate mongering is never acceptable and a ban against a symbol, synonymous with the attempted genocide of an entire people, shouldn't be protested under the guise of protecting against censorship. The people what they were doing was wrong and continued anyway therefore they should be duly punished.

Shit like this is why gamers get a bad reputation.


New member
Aug 30, 2008
Octorok said:
Iwata said:
If you ban the swastika, then you also have to ban the hammer and sickle, no if's, ands or buts. Double standards much?
No, not really. The Hammer and Sickle was representative of a series of leaders and time periods in the 20th Century Soviet Union, many of which varied from Stalin. However the Swastika is associated (primarily, any fucking idiot who says it has a different meaning is wrong. I don't care what it meant before the Nationalist Socialists, it's a Nazi symbol.) directly with the one leader and regime - Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.

And to "boil it down" and suggest that Stalin killed more people than Hitler, I counter by saying that Hitler's actions caused more deaths than Stalin's. World War 2, a conflict which was driven by Hitler, resulted in 70 million casualties. 70 million. That's like if you executed literally everyone in the United Kingdom, and then the population of Scotland once again.

Hitler was, indisputably, more of a "bad guy" than Stalin, and his symbol represents that.

OT : Yes. It's one thing for the Nazi soldiers to be wearing them. They did wear Swastikas and had Swastika flags on their buildings. But the players who have them as their emblem are, bluntly, trolls. Or possibly Nazis, but far more likely to be people trying to be "edgy" and get a rise by using on of the single most recognisably terrible symbols in the world.
I see your point about Hitler being more of a "bad guy" (even though I disagree). WW2 did result in more deaths then Stalin's goologs (spelling?) However, the point was that when compared apples to apples, i.e. people the regime killed via work camps, ethnic cleansing, and other things not considered to be on the battlefield, Stalin did kill more of his "own" people.

As far as your comment about the hammer and sickle.... even though it was used for a series of leaders for 60ish years, doesn't make the emblem any less offensive. Soviet Communism/Socialism was just as evil and destructive as Nazism, and could have been worse. Had the United States and its NATO allies not have held strong, then another world war would have been inevitable, maybe with wide scale nuclear destruction.

I would put Hitler and Stalin about on the same level...maybe a little bit more toward Hitler b/c of the more deaths via war, but any defense you can provide of Stalin is petty at best. They were both evil monsters, and Nazism (which did have it's roots in National Socialsim) and Soviet Communism/Socialism are both horrible, failed forms of government, forms of oppression.

AS FAR AS THE TOPIC: Neither the Swastika or the Hammer and Sickle should be banned. They are parts of history. However, the developers SHOULDN'T have made them either available to use as a player emblem. I do think that's in bad taste..mainly b/c a player (even in ignorance) is wearing the colors of our enemy (all be it long dead enemies.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
The controversy over fan-made swastika's in the game is silly to me do to the over welming amount of use in the official Zombies mode.


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Anyone else starting to gloss completely over the "Deeerp indihindoo buddist symbol deeeerp" posts? It's not like any of them are presenting the argument in any way other than "LET ME ENLIGHTEN ALL YOU PLEBIANS OF A HISTORY LESSON YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF TEEHEE TEEHEE!" and it all starts to look the same.

I'm also getting tired of the "freedom of speech" posts. They're so devoid of anything resembling intelligence or understanding of the modern world that any time spent reading them would be as much a waste as responding.

MicrosoftPaysMe said:
The controversy over fan-made swastika's in the game is silly to me do to the over welming amount of use in the official Zombies mode.
Ok, forgot about this type of post. Is there any one more useless than a post that so completely misses the issue and can be countered with one sentence (which won't be read or processed), only for us to have to put up with 400 more posts saying the exact same thing?


New member
Oct 22, 2010
I support the ban of Swastika symbols.(That, and the penises. So....many....penises.)

many people who comment on this likely know that the Swastika was known as a very good symbol before the Nazis got a hold of it. However, the people who are using such a symbol in Black Ops aren't using it because of the good reasons. They are using it because it's associated with Nazis, and the genocide of millions of innocent people.

So essentially, I support the ban not because of the symbol itself, but because of the obvious intent behind the symbol.

Jed Petty

New member
Mar 27, 2010
Freedom of Speech is in place with regards to the government trying to hush the masses.. not Microsoft or Activision. I totally agree with the ban. The swastika is a symbol of evil now and until what happened during the 30's and 40's with regards to WW2 is forgotten. Anybody that wants to flaunt it now or support it is either 1: a racist prick 2: immature or 3: has a total lack or respect or understanding of what Hitler and Nazi Germany did to millions of people..


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Hairetos said:
Tdc2182 said:
Hairetos said:
Tdc2182 said:
Hairetos said:
Tdc2182 said:
First of all, The Nazi Swastika was exclusive to the Nazis. The Hindu, Buddhist, and Jainist religions symbol only shares a similar look, not to mention that some of them are actually tilted differently.

I don't even know why I am telling people that the Nazi Swastika was mutually exclusive to Nazi Germany. Is it really that hard to make the connection on your own?
Um, yes? Partly because the difference is in the tilt? And most, if not all of them, are simply titled "Swastika", with an adjective prefix denoting the religion. Did you actually read the fucking article, btw?

"Director of Xbox Live policy and enforcement Stephen Toulouse has taken to his blog to make sure that players know they can't use the swastika as an emblem despite its historical significance unrelated to the Nazi party."

It doesn't say "Nazi swastika" and he makes it very evident that any other religious representations of it will still receive a ban, which is part of the debate around this decision, asshole. Peaceful religions should be allowed to use their symbols as they wish.
Yeah, you completely missed the point of what I said. And currently, I don't care to much to repeat myself seeing how I have said it to about 10 other people in this thread alone.

You come tell me when you find the person using the using the Buddhist Swastika. It has been out dated for the past 300 years.
Really? Wanna bother googling it? I googled "swastika use today":


"It remains widely used in Eastern religions and Dharmic Religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism."


"Yes, the swastika still continues to be an extensively used auspicious sign in Buddhism, Jainism, and Hinduism."

Then I googled "swastika outdated"

I got nothin'.

Maybe you should check before you make blanket statements about people's usage of religious symbols.
I'll actually give you that one because I didn't exactly clarify the certain Swastika which the Nazis picked up which became outdated.
Do you know which symbol they derived it from? Because I'm sure I can find someone who uses it today.

EDIT: Aww, I'm on the ignore list I guess. Mature.
You lack the slightest shred of intellectual honesty. Perhaps XBLA would pull the plug on you, but here we have the choice to ignore you.


New member
Oct 13, 2009
Offensive emblems are against the ToS, which you all agreed to.
If you clicked "no", you just shouldn't be on live.

Tyrant T100

New member
Aug 19, 2009
As I stated in another thread similar to this, the Hammer and Sickle is just as bad if not worse than the Swastika, Let's say 20 million killed by Fascism tops and 100 million killed by Communism, and for some reason the Hammer and Sickle is premade.


Contra Bassoon
Jan 15, 2010
Tyrant T100 said:
As I stated in another thread similar to this, the Hammer and Sickle is just as bad if not worse than the Swastika, Let's say 20 million killed by Fascism tops and 100 million killed by Communism, and for some reason the Hammer and Sickle is premade.
Because it is a cold war icon. The game is set during the cold war. Hence, hammer and sickle.