Poll: Do you RP when playing RPG's?


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
While playing a P&P RPG there is no other decent way to play for me. If you aren't in character then you're just throwing numbers around.

When playing an video game then yes, I like to get into the mindset of my character. Make choices that my character would make. Unfortunately I'm very bad at this.


New member
Feb 12, 2009
I usually start out evil then end up swinging to the good side. In fallout it was the 'Others' quest that swung me to the side of good.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
I will create a persona and use that as a handicap for my character. Its kind of a quasi-RP. It provides me with the ability to ask myself what would my character do in this situation or what would I do in this situation. Later after I beat it I then go though and play Thieving SoB.


New member
Jul 3, 2008
Well, I never play "mmo" games, but when I do, I usually never RP
Pen and paper rpgs, those are a whole different story, I always get the "Best RP" exp bonus"


New member
Feb 7, 2009
Rarely. I'm only able to pretend the character I control has his or her own will. If the game world doesn't cooperate, any attempt at roleplaying from me falls flat. There is just so many times I can overlook the lack of options that suits my character. A poor story or an uninteresting game world will also end my roleplaying.


New member
Feb 21, 2008
It seems like this is the old chestnut of "should RPGs have characters you have to make up a personality for" question. For me, I don't generally make up a character's personality if it doesn't already basically exist. My issue with games like Fallout, or Oblivion, or even Mass Effect, is that no matter how customized my character is, he's still just a stand in for whatever I want to do. There's no personality which is legitimately "his" (or "hers"), so there's nothing compelling me to be consistent.

Actually, the perfect RPG for me would be one where you have complete moral choice, but where the choices you make early on decide your character, and thus determine the choice you're able to make later in the game. In Mass Effect, if I act like a cold-hearted jerk on the first two missions, I shouldn't be able to turn around and become a character with a smile on my face for the whole human (or not-so-human) race.


New member
Aug 5, 2008
Depends on the game, really. Lots of one-player RPGs have a mute protagonist with little in the way of ability to influence his apparent personality, but of course we're not talking about those. In games like Fallout where most of your influence is on your character's combat style, then yes, I try to play his/her combat style to the hilt. (For example, my Fallout gal is the 'lone gunner,' took no followers, high skills at Repair so minimum reliance on NPC merchants, perks styled towards survivability rather than sheer damage). Of course, in multiplayer RPGs you really don't have a choice, RP or GTFO.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
I role play as mario in Fallout 3.

I could rename the game: Fallout and the Holy Plunger Collection


New member
Feb 4, 2009
Gormourn said:
Undeadpope said:
I would for some online with more of a feel for RP.
After playing World of Warcraft(no RP)to level 80 I found it hard to start a new on a RP sever and get into the grove which for so long I had been used to "LF1M [instance/quest name here] DPS /w me" I could not get in the grove into saying "I seek a brave soul,in which to protect our group from the wrath of our enemies"its rarely necessary,but if your going to RP it might as well be all the way.
There is no RP in WoW, trust me =)

Plus you don't have to say something in olde english or something cheezy and pathetic.
Both good points
especially the second one,don't know why I tend to go for the "cheezey and pathetic" kind of RP,my best guess is I just find it more fun to RP in that style.


New member
Dec 26, 2008
I would totally enjoy WoW lore and RPing if I could get a core group of friends at designated times like one would play D&D, rather than how most people MMO.

Honestly, as far as RP, I had a fun time giving my character depth in Saints Row 2, but that was a little limited too.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
In SOME games I am compelled to play a role, but most of the time, I approach problems using my own moral compass. That means, generaly speaking, choosing what seems like the "best" answer to a problem, though sometimes it amounts to what benefits my character the most.

Gunstar Hero

New member
Feb 14, 2009
I always try to, if I can.

I found things like Mass Effect difficult to rp in a traditional sense. I made Shephard look like me in Mass Effect, so essentially played it as myself rather than another character.

I do in Oblivion though, big time. I wouldnt do the main quest as a my evil vampire until I had worked out a REASON why the evil guy would want to save Cyrodil. I just enjoy things like that more if the character Iv built has a reason to do the game other than "you have to".

Id like to RP in things like EVE online, but again, I find thats better by playing it as myself... in the sense that if I was in space like that, what would I do.


Spoony old Bard
Feb 13, 2009
I don't. if I can choose my characters appearance I go mad with giant features and pink clothing, if I can choose to save people or let them die I usually opt to decapitate said person and teabag them repeatedly. I also took pleasure in killing the villagers in 'The Witcher'. 'nuff said.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
I don't think singleplayer RPGs really count as roleplaying. That said I do enjoy having dialogue options, aslong as the choices aren't all just cosmetic, with no real consequences.

I usually have some rolemodel in mind for my PC, like bruce willis or sean connery and try to pick lines that fit the best. Mostly this doesn't work, because of the retarted good/neutral/evil morality in games, but I still think it's better than nothing.
I love VTM:Bloodlines for doing dialogue better than any other CRPG to date.

In MMOs I don't roleplay at all. Chat is player to player, and the PC is just a pawn.


New member
Aug 19, 2008
Kinda, I start of playing "myself" or however I think I would be in whatever setting the game takes place, then I usually morph into either a douchebag or a noble hero.