Poll: do you think smoking is attractive?


New member
Feb 21, 2011
I find smoking fucking disgusting, so no, it's anything but attractive to me. I admit that it can look cool in fiction with the way that it is romanticized, but in real life it just does not fly.

My perception is not helped any by the fact that many of the smokers I encounter in my day to day life are just lazy and rude. Yes, I know that not all of them are like that, but I admit that the bias is there. It's a definite deal breaker for me.


New member
Aug 4, 2008
In fiction, sometimes it lends an aura of "coolness" to the smoker, I'll grant. In real life, I've yet to see it do anything positive to the smoker's attractiveness. Then again, I know fairly few smokers, so take that for what it's worth.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
I don't find it attractive, but I wouldn't kick Scarlett Johansson out of bed if she lit up a cigarette, either.

Lighting up a cigarette can pretty much knock a person down a peg in my perception of how attractive they are. I've actually dated a smoker in the past and the instant she lit up I would lose some interest (don't know how she never noticed a complete shift in my body language the minute she lit up). But it's certainly not a deal breaker for me. That would just be shallow.

Hah! Captcha is asking me about e-cigarettes. That's kinda ironic.
[sub]Correct me on the definition of irony. I know you want to.[/sub]


New member
Jun 18, 2012
No, smoking is unattractive. It is also kind of stupid and inconsiderate. You have no idea how many times I've had friends with parents who smoke INSIDE the damn apartment. If one wants to risk him/herself a slow and very painful suicide by COPD then by all means, but don't go puffing your tar in others faces.

Sure smoking is your choice, you can do what you want. But that is not going to stop me from telling people it is absolutely foolish.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
No. I hate the smell of tobacco. My sister smokes and it stinks up the garage and herself. Typically, she can't smell it, but everyone else can.
That being said though, I do smoke.[footnote]"But don't you hate the smell?" I hate the smell of tobacco.[/footnote] Only once or twice a month though and at a friend's house (where 2 of the occupants smoke).


New member
Apr 8, 2009
Major put-off for me. It would seriously turn a 10/10 girl into a 5/10 for me if she lit a ciggy. It smells, is unhealthy and an expensive, addictive habit.

However, I don't question them. If they want to smoke, it's their choice and I don't have any right to complain (unless it's a non-smoking area).

Julius Terrell

New member
Feb 27, 2013
Every time I see some hot chick somking, the only thing I can think of is "There is NO WAY I'd want to be around her!"

As much as I hate cigarette smoke. I'll be happy when those disgusting things are banned forever.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
I'm VERY asthmatic, and I'm apparently triggered by concentrated tar particles, so kissing a smoker has a small chance of putting me in a mucousy death spiral.

So no. :D


New member
Apr 10, 2012
The best thing about smokers is they tend to be less uptight, which is a very attractive quality in a woman.

L. Declis

New member
Apr 19, 2012
I grew up in a medical family who spent a lot of time kicking my arse and threatening me if I ever smoked. So, no I wouldn't.

I once kissed a girl who smoked, and it tasted like sticking my tongue in an ash tray.

Saltyk said:
I don't find it attractive, but I wouldn't kick Scarlett Johansson out of bed if she lit up a cigarette, either.

Lighting up a cigarette can pretty much knock a person down a peg in my perception of how attractive they are. I've actually dated a smoker in the past and the instant she lit up I would lose some interest (don't know how she never noticed a complete shift in my body language the minute she lit up). But it's certainly not a deal breaker for me. That would just be shallow.
This guy gets it. I have literally shifted from "Damn, my primal instincts say I should drag her off to my cave", seen them light up and think "Oh, never mind then".

conmag9 said:
In fiction, sometimes it lends an aura of "coolness" to the smoker, I'll grant. In real life, I've yet to see it do anything positive to the smoker's attractiveness. Then again, I know fairly few smokers, so take that for what it's worth.
I like the idea they think it makes them look cool, but then you end up stinking of smoke, usually standing outside in the wind and rain plastering you down like a dog who ran into a river, shivering and coughing and having trouble breathing...

Smoking has never looked cool.

Unless you're Solid Snake or Big Boss. They're pretty cool.

Xan Krieger said:
Here's the thing, while it is hammered into our heads at a young age that smoking, drinking, and other things are bad for us the simple fact is we're never given any viable alternatives to help reduce the stress in our lives. Nothing really prepares us for what a pain in the ass being an adult is so we turn to things to help us handle the stress. I smoke once or twice a day and occasionally drink to cope with stress. Plenty of my friends also smoke or drink for the same reason. I think we figure we're making a trade, lose some physical health in exchange for better mental health. It's not that we're stupid, it's that life after high school is hard as hell.
There are no alternatives except television, copious amounts of sex, sports, video games, roleplaying, music, making music, having a nice meal, googling strange things, YouTube, leaving the place and counting to twenty, spending time with friends or family, etc.

However, I must say this is a pretty decent response and has at least framed smoking in a somewhat acceptable light (but still not an attractive one). I consider my opinion slightly changed.

anthony87 said:
Colour Scientist said:
I used to know a guy who, on more than one occasion, would come out into the smoking area where I was smoking away from everyone else, yank my fag out of my hand/mouth, throw it on the ground and look at me like "you're so welcome."
I really hope you kicked him. Hard

That's such a shithead thing to do.
Well, even as a non-smoker, that's a shitty thing to do. I second the kick him option. However, if you were my fiance or daughter or my little brother, I'd probably do the same thing.

jklinders said:
I voted indifferent as I really don't care. I do admit that it colours my initial impression of a younger person who does it though. It is widely accepted as one of the least healthy things you can do to yourself. The information on this is everywhere but idiots are still taking this habit up out of stupid reasons like "peer pressure" or "it's a cool and adult thing to do." It's neither of those things. It's a habit forming drug that is considered more addictive than heroine. Just so stupid to start it these days.

It's fucking expensive to smoke here in Canada unless you use the contraband smokes. It fucks up your lungs heart and god only knows what else and people are still starting to smoke.

Now once I get to know these people I put aside any initial bias, but I still want to pick these people up and shake them.

This rant is not directed at the older generation who had tobacco companies lying for years about how bad it is for you but at teenagers and early 20s folks who take it up for the first time. It just fucking baffles me.
Same. When you know how much it will fuck you up, both financially and physically, as well as it fucking with your brain chemistry, and your children in the future will hate you for dying early because you couldn't stop a hobit you chose to take up despite knowing how bad it is, I never quite understood the reasoning, although the "how to deal with stress" post gave some light to it. I would still argue against it though.

spartan231490 said:
I mean, I don't have a lot of deal-breakers in a relationship, smoking is close though. I find it extremely unattractive. It's a whole lot of points off, so to speak
I think it may well be a deal breaker for me. It's right up there with "does drugs" or "is racist". It just speaks of a very bad habit that I don't want to deal with, and if I am dating someone, I don't want to deal with them getting lung cancer or such because of their own choice. I also wouldn't want our future children to imitate them, and I couldn't introduce them to my mother without the smoke killing her in an asthma attack.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
I romanticise smoking somewhat, and by somewhat, I mean a lot.

Stuff like old westerns, certain anime like Cowboy Bebop, and Black Lagoon, it gives smoking a kind of character, adds a coolness to certain things.

That's not to say I'm ignorant of the effects, most certainly not. I'm somewhat of a social smoker, I'll smoke with others while at the pub etc, but I don't touch the things when I'm alone.

The smell doesn't really bother me, but I grew up with parents who smoke, so that's most likely something I got used to personally.
I hate the smell of smoke, I don't smoke, and I hate being in a closed space with full of smokers.

However, smoking seems so attractive. There are %78 "No" result, but I think most of them will still find it attractive according to the situation.

Perhaps because of social conditioning, maybe because of old movies (western and french movies), or because of certain tv/movie characters...
not sure about the reason, but we find sexiness and charisma in cigarettes

For example, these are not attractive:

But, these are:


New member
May 24, 2009
Oh, god no. I've lived with smoker parents my entire life, so I am all too familiar with the irritable, unreasonable monster that is a person going through nicotine withdrawal. Besides that bit of unpleasantness, the smoke is disgusting, the ash everywhere is annoying, and, at least in this day and age where the dangers of smoking are common knowledge, just starting up the habit in the first place shows a severe lack of willpower and personal respect. Why would I ever find someone willingly and knowingly wasting their money and destroying their body attractive?

That all said, I'm not one of those people who think smoking should be banned or regulated. I'm a firm believer that people have the right to do whatever the hell they want with their own bodies, no matter how incredibly stupid it is. Just like I reserve the right to judge them poorly and want nothing to do with them for it.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
It looks attractive, I guess. I'd eventually get fed up with daily smoking. If this new girlfriend of mine only smoked every once in a while while still being an active-ish person like me, I certainly wouldn't mind. Smoking reduces lifespans which is a plus in the grand economical scheme, so smoke away!

Kevlar Eater

New member
Sep 27, 2009
I don't care. I'm not a smoker, and I don't care what people do with themselves. But under the right circumstances (a classy-dress woman holding a cigarette), smoking can be attractive to my eye.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
Nien. It is a major turn off for me. In fact, probably something that would keep me from starting a relationship with a person from the beginning. Just the thought of kissing that taste... Well...


New member
Apr 15, 2008
god no. It's a massive waste of money, it smells awful, and have you ever seen a smoker's teeth? Disgusting. Plus, it will kill you. You have to be an idiot to start smoking these days, and idiocy is never attractive

It looks cool in movies, but so do a lot of things

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
Here's a question for those who say it's like kissing an ash tray, what does a normal kiss taste like? I'm 24 and have been curious about it so what's it like?


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Cant really answer the poll. While the "smoking affect" as shown in movies is rather cool, actually being around smokers makes me nauseous (when they smoke a lot). They arent bad people (in fact, most of them are quite aware of their habit and have warned me when they where having a high-smoking activity), but I cant really be attracted to someone who makes me nauseous except in an abstract sense.