Poll: Do you watch My Little Pony:FIM?


New member
Dec 29, 2009
Condor219 said:
00slash00 said:
the two parter was good but i have been really let down by every other episode (though i missed the halloween episode). twilights breakdown just felt like it was pandering to bronies and was boring to me. the most recent episode made me hate rarity and sweetie belle. rarity i was never crazy about but sweetie belle was always my favorite cmc. i just found them both to be so annoying and i felt like they changed rarity's character too dramatically too fast. rarity, would refuses to even get a little wet, is perfectly fine with running a race while covered in mud? i dont like how the episodes, except the first 2, all seem to focus on just one pony and completely ignore all the others. but really what bothers me most is that there is no singing
Go watch the halloween ep. Personally, I didn't like either of the two normal episodes released so far (the recent one actually focused on my two least-favorite characters without a single appearance from any other, in addition to focusing on the CMC, which I dislike) but the future ep's look better and Nightmare Night was pretty good.
well saying i dont watch it anymore is an exaggeration. obviously since i saw the most recent one, i still watch it. but i dont have the excitement for it that i did for season one. i watched season one at least 5 times but so far there havent been any season two episodes (except the two parter) that i feel like id even want to watch a second time. right now i dont hate the show but im less optimistic about it and am much more looking forward to lauren fausts next project. it will be interesting to see if the bronies migrate to her galaxy girls show, once that starts. i would definitely like the bronies to stay though. they have done the impossible and brought manners to the internet


New member
Jul 22, 2011
Aidinthel said:
wackymon said:
You'll probably want to add some text to that post to avoid a warning. And no, text in a linked image doesn't count.

New page of a pony thread, new user group link
(I recommend anyone joining turn chat notifications off when it prompts you, as group chat is very active.)
thank you dear sir for that information.
I thank you much.

Rabid Toilet

New member
Mar 23, 2008
00slash00 said:
well saying i dont watch it anymore is an exaggeration. obviously since i saw the most recent one, i still watch it. but i dont have the excitement for it that i did for season one. i watched season one at least 5 times but so far there havent been any season two episodes (except the two parter) that i feel like id even want to watch a second time. right now i dont hate the show but im less optimistic about it and am much more looking forward to lauren fausts next project. it will be interesting to see if the bronies migrate to her galaxy girls show, once that starts. i would definitely like the bronies to stay though. they have done the impossible and brought manners to the internet
I feel kinda the same way about season two, so far. The two parter was really good, and so was the halloween episode (go watch it), but the other two episodes were pretty meh. Still, season one had a few episodes I wasn't fond of either, so I'm hoping it'll get better as it goes.


And about Rarity's sudden character change. She is the element of generosity. She cut off her own tail in the second episode to help the sea serpent. The idea of her being willing to put aside her hatred of all things dirty to make up with her sister after she realizes how much she means to her doesn't seem all that off.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
McGuinty1 said:
I guess to each his own, and having seen clips of the show I agree to every reason you listed except for the saccharine part, on which I believe our respective tolerances differ greatly. I didn't say outright that the only reason any adult watches it is for the references, though I did not make that explicit. My contention is that just because it has all those qualities you listed, just because it is a well-above-the-bar kids' show, does that mean that one HAS to watch it? Sure, you can watch it and enjoy it, but there is plenty of other programming that is just as good or better that is not aimed squarely at kids.

My post was really aimed at the uber-nerds who are making a cult out of a kids show, I guess I should have been more specific. Also I suppose the avatars are a fad that will pass next year, and I did edit my post after you quoted me to read "very difficult" instead of "unable", as I realized that the first version was too broad. However, most people who have a Pony avatar that I have run into on various forums are exactly the kind of white-noise blockheads who deserve exactly zero attention or scorn. You sir, are not that kind of poster, and I've enjoyed this discussion.
Upon reflection, I'd have to agree that it's very, very sugar-coated on the surface (could not say any of the character's names out loud without reluctance for maybe 3 weeks after having first seen it, and it took twice that amount of time before I stopped cringing whenever the theme song came on), but I think it's considerably easier to get past it relative to other things that might be considered saccharine (given what can be found under the surface).

Not to say that being "tolerably saccharine" makes it a must-watch. That's like saying a Transformers movie had just enough of a plot to make to legitimate, then insisting that it was the best plot ever in any movie. Sure, it was better-than-average, but that doesn't make it a 'must-see'.

But novelty in society goes a long way. And I think the sheer novelty of MLP drove a lot of the initial interest, then hung onto people once they got into it. And it was fortunate enough to be so novel that it was absurd to say you liked it, which drove people to justify it excessively, and drove people to "recruit" others so they might observe the same process that they went through.

MLP was a fad. Was. That's what helped its rise (unless a person immediately heard the title and got excited about it, the fad aspect recruited them). But because there's legitimate content in it--both canonical and fanmade--and because people had already displayed their interest in it (often adamantly), they decided to stick with it. This is the true reason MLP is popular and will continue to be. Not because it's an amazing show among modern standards, but because a series of events triggered a sociological reaction in a group of people (saying this as an avid fan of 8 months of FiM).

Damn, a calm, intelligible debate on the internet? What happened?

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Yes I watch it because I really love the art style. They have some very talented people working on that show that's for sure.

It's nice that something so inoffensive and feminine has become popular with young men in this day and age. It's a good sign for our society I think.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Lukeje said:
Why does the OP ask about gender and the poll then only include sex?

As a related question, is the new series worth watching even with the departure of Lauren Faust?
If you'll notice: The poll says "Yes, I'm a guy." As in "Yes, I watch the show; I am also male." Not the best wording, but I think that's what he meant.

OT: I'm of the male persuasion, and I watch it occasionally. It's a bit much for me.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
65.6% of those polled as of this post watch the show. That is funny.

And I totally don't watch that show.

Or anything else awesome.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Well if you couldn't already tell from my avatar.:3
Don Savik said:
Stop with these pony threads. Pretty sure some already exist. Kthxbai
Oh, does that mean we get to have an endlessly bumped megathread?


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
I am...*Checks pants* Male.

And I thoroughly enjoy My Little Pony.

So, yes, this means I am 20% pure awesome.


Ruining videogames
Feb 3, 2011
Can't. Fucking. Stand it. Although it is very impressive, in that each and every one of the characters is ungodly annoying in their own unique way.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Well, just the same, don't expect any of us to take your claims serious or as having any merit that Friendship is Magic is "not very good, speaking objectively" if you're not going to back it up.


Occasional Gentleman
Apr 3, 2010
LilithSlave said:
Well, just the same, don't expect any of us to take your claims serious or as having any merit that Friendship is Magic is "not very good, speaking objectively" if you're not going to back it up.
*nod* The point where a person claims perfect objectivity in a purely subjective debate is the point at which I stop listening and just start laughing.


New member
Jul 3, 2011
not anymore. I got up to like episode 8 and I realized the only characters I liked were Pinky Pie and that baby dragon, because Pinky was the only one who made me laugh and the baby dragon was FREAKIN ADORABLE. they didn't get enough exposure, so I was like "screw this"

Chanel Tompkins

New member
Nov 8, 2011
Nah...and why would I, I'm twenty fer Chrissakes. And even when I would have been in the appropriate age demographic, I was watching Bugs Bunny or Roadrunner and maybe a back to back showing of Pokemon and Digimon on Saturday morning.