Poll: Does the use of a sniper rifle excuse camping?


New member
Nov 6, 2009
Rafe said:
Camping is one of the most enjoyable and realistic way's to play in my opinion.

I'll admit, I don't really like it when I'm killed 4 times in a row by a camper. But - I get over it. Try and find a way to take them out.
I find the Javelins are particularly useful (and entertaining) ways to remove campers.

I selected "all weapons" - but I mean LMGs/LSWs, sniper rifles, assault rifles and launchers.
I don't think most SMGs, machine pistols or shotguns are that useful when you're camping.

I think the most fun I've ever had on MW2 was whilst defending bomb B on bailout.. Armed with L86, susat, grip & stopping power, whilst lying down in the building in Bailout. Just the ability to take out OpFor whilst my team tries to outflank the enemy. I ended up being charged from 2 directions by the enemy team.

I find anti-campers are like anti-tubers. They need to get over it. Its only a game. IRL, I can't go over to Mr enemy sniper and say "you're being mean! move around a bit! like omg, you've killed me 5 times now!"

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
DtDust said:
DeadlyYellow said:
Are you referring to regular camping or spawn camping?
I was talking about normal camping,
I dont have as much trouble with spawn camping in MW2, getting killed fast, yes, but someone sitting outside spawn points? never (Except Highrise, fuck Highrise)
You haven't played demolition on Favela or even worse Rundown, were the white mansion is at the back of the map, two people can sit on either side at the back and spawn camp 6 players easily.

I love campers, so easy to kill. I don't understand the hate for them, they get one cheap kill so you go back and nade them job done, they usually end up going back there so another easy kill.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
Nifty said:
Doomlord1375 said:
Camping is a strategy, just like running in guns blazing is a strategy.
In the sense that neither are strategies?
I fail to see how they aren't strategies. Granted, running in is a stupid strategy at best, but camping actually works if you're good at it. As in, stay in one spot to get a few kills, then move to a new spot before they find you.

Snipers are very hard to use at short range (unless you're playing a game with a broken sniper rifle), so camping is pretty much the only way to use them. Similarly, sometimes shotguns are worthless outside of melee range, so camping around the corner is the best way to use them.

Besides, look at real life examples. You don't see soldiers running back and forth looking for someone to take on out in the open. You see them in trenches, inside fortified locations, or moving slowly and always keeping cover, which they cling to if someone starts shooting. Camping is just emulating real life combat scenarios.

(Also, this topic still exists? Wow)