Poll: Does the use of a sniper rifle excuse camping?


New member
Nov 30, 2009
I dont care what corner you hide in, but when u rush the spawnpoints to camp there I get ticked off.

Me personally I don't camp (I do snipe in one spot till located), but i like to stay in the same spot for a few kills before moving on, which I don't consider camping.

I'm not that guy laying under the truck wheel at the back of the map waiting for nothing and going 3-0


New member
Oct 18, 2008
When your using a sniper then its fine to camp and really with any kind of weapon its fine to camp it's only a problem when someone is spawn camping

Dragon Zero

No one of note
Apr 16, 2009
Is it a legitimate strategy? Yes.
Does it piss me the hell off when some twelve year old uses it as his only strategy, then yells in my ear about how much "mAd SKIllz" he has? Why yes, yes it does!

Plus I just don't see the fun of it, I prefer to seek out my prey instead of just waiting for it to come by. But then again, when I do use a sniper rifle I go up front and provide support to the buddies assaulting them, so I guess I do things wrong, or so everyone tells me when I do that. Plus the only game in which I snipe in the multiplayer is Rainbow Six Vegas, and that I only do when we all agree to it. And also Battlefield because you have to always take into account that the round doesn't fly straight for five light years like in other games. On this note though I do say that while I don't care for sniper rifles in multi, I do love battle rifles (ex: FAL in MW2) but that just comes from my need to be "sportsman-like" in my own demented way.


New member
Nov 11, 2008
In real life combat, People camp like bastards. So if it happened in real life it's okay.


New member
Aug 7, 2009
I think camping is okay, after al if I am hiding in a room and some retard runs in there and doesn't check behind them then they kind of deserve it. Besides if you run out going gung ho trying to kill everyone then bad things might happen to you.


New member
Oct 23, 2009
The whole 'Is sniping camping' business is something I've been looking into.

Seriously, now. All those people who think sniping is camping, think about this;
How else would you use a sniper rifle?

You can't use them effectivly at short or even medium range, and they're useless unless you're looking down the sights.

And I know some snipers that move from position to position along a specific line or area. And before you say anything, that's not technicly camping, because he's not staying in one place.

Camping can easily be eliminated by a 'Flanker' class (I'm thinking COD4 here), ie Sprint, UAV jammer, and either a SMG or a Carbine, and simply sneak up to the camper in question.

Campers are also predictable. A 'cooked' grenade can take one out if you aim it right.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
I believe it's only a legit strategy is you're using a sniper rifle or you're playing an objective-based match.


New member
Nov 29, 2009
It's a perfectly acceptable strategy, but so annoying because there is usually no immediate counter to it. However once you know the sniper or camper is there, it's pretty easy to counter it, but again annoying because it requires more resources then worth while.


New member
Oct 24, 2009
eTe said:
It's a perfectly acceptable strategy, but so annoying because there is usually no immediate counter to it. However once you know the sniper or camper is there, it's pretty easy to counter it, but again annoying because it requires more resources then worth while.
A good sniper relocates after each shot. Preferably with a view point over his last position.


New member
Nov 29, 2009
Yes true, but then a lot of people out there who call themselves snipers, are usually not good enough to relocate. Or that's what I've learned anyway.

A good sniper is a real pain in the tush.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
it's a nuisance at times, and if everyone practiced camping then the game would crawl to a stop. but i guess at the end of the day it is pretty legit in alot of situations-like say defending a bombsite, and MW2 made a number of features to twart campers such as killcams and heartbeat sensors and UAV, so alright.

other than the fact that it's a nuisance, i cant really say that it's "illegal" or whatnot.
on a sidenote: i love to hunt down campers and blowing them up with AT-4 or M203 rounds. or just a simple knife..

most campers are pretty predictable, and they more or less like to stay at certain spots even if someone flushed them out of there previously. so chances are, you see a camper at one spot, he'll very likely go there again even if he was killed at his favourite camping spot before. so just take note of these spots and toss an explosive or flashbang at them. that'll teach the campers that the same trick rarely works more than once.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
TempestZ said:
eTe said:
It's a perfectly acceptable strategy, but so annoying because there is usually no immediate counter to it. However once you know the sniper or camper is there, it's pretty easy to counter it, but again annoying because it requires more resources then worth while.
A good sniper relocates after each shot. Preferably with a view point over his last position.
ah you see-then this guy's the real deal-and not a camper. as long as he knows enough to relocate-then he has upgraded to the ranks of a proper sniper.

eTe said:
Yes true, but then a lot of people out there who call themselves snipers, are usually not good enough to relocate. Or that's what I've learned anyway.

A good sniper is a real pain in the tush.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
sasquatch99 said:
grimsprice said:

If you don't like it. Stop playing.

What would you do in a real battle?
Love that picture.

OT: Yes, yes it is.
Although I always move after every shot.
And how does using the Barrett mean you suck at sniping, period?
Damn straight its a legitimate strategy.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
DtDust said:
Also, if you use the Barrett, you suck at sniping, PERIOD.
You can still be a good player, but not a good sniper

Edit 1:
sasquatch99 said:
And how does using the Barrett mean you suck at sniping, period?
With the major one shot kill sniper rifles, you should only need one shot

Amen Amen Amen. Apart from I'd argue the point that a Sniper Rifle that fire semi-automatic is not something that requires skill, and shouldn't be called a Sniper Rifle. Moar liek assualt rifle that has an over the top scope. Point and click adventure baby. Spam that click the minute you've locked your crosshair. At least with bolt-action you know you've pretty much got one shot to pull it off. I've missed a few kills in my time with bolt actions, merely cause I was taking my time trying to line up a headshot. But it doesn't annoy me losing those odd kills, because I know if I had got the kill, it'd have required more skill than using MW2's equivelant of Counterstrike's AWP

Am I the only one who has yet to even get a kill with a Barrett online, yet my Intervention has almost finished all its challenges?

Robby Foxfur

New member
Sep 1, 2009
Its a good tactic if your in a good spot and yes its annoying, but think about it would you really want to run in guns blazing or would you want to sit around a corner and shotgun to death anything with legs that was unfortunate enough to step just to far around the coroner.

But yes it does get old after a while, and thus why you have been given grenades. and the kick button :p (if your peaty)


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Also, may I just add, comparisons to real life are pointless, if a dude rounded a corner and saw about 5-6 corpses piled up [due to a lack of despawning pointless textures in RL, shame really, imagine how much better the world would be?] I think common sense would tell him to try and find a different route.


New member
May 28, 2009
TempestZ said:
eTe said:
It's a perfectly acceptable strategy, but so annoying because there is usually no immediate counter to it. However once you know the sniper or camper is there, it's pretty easy to counter it, but again annoying because it requires more resources then worth while.
A good sniper relocates after each shot. Preferably with a view point over his last position.
Not necessarily. I for one prefer to stay in the same building/area. Not exactly the same window, but I tend to cover choke points or points where I know the enemy will be. For the most part my opponents are very stupid and will only look in the window I killed them from, before seeing me finally just before I kill them only a few feet from my old position.

Moving around can help you, but it tends to get me killed. I'm happier with Claymores watching my back and only one route to worry about, and a clear line of sight, than having to relocate all the time.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
FROGGEman2 said:
How else do you play with a sniper?

Like, how?
When I played CoD4 on the PC I'd never snipe in the same spot for more than 30 seconds at most. It's a risky strategy, sure, and it'd be fair to say that I got most of my kills in a match with my Deagle running between buildings, but I was never a camper. In fact, by running around the map like that I got a lot more kills than any other sniper on my team, hands down.

I don't understand how people can camp in the first place, because I just don't get how that's fun. When it comes to gaming online, I always get frustrated and annoyed when a camper kills me because the logic behind him being there fails me.

I get that it's a strategy to get more kills and whatever, but it boils down to doing the same thing over and over and over again. Waiting in the same spots for people to come round the same routes that you've watched again and again.

Having a camper on my team can also be a burden, and it can lead to losing a lot of matches if you've got someone who's camping a spot that no-one's walking down. It basically means you've got one less player to rely on. Especially when it comes to objective-based matches like search and destroy, a friendly camper quickly becomes an annoyance to me.