Poll: Drinking age changing to 21


New member
Sep 28, 2008
See, people always forget that when the US raised the drinking age from 18 to 21, the alcohol related car accident rate in young people plummeted, like, dropped substantially. An argument could probably be made for stricter drivers licence requirements, but then people also forget that driving is so integral to the US culture and way of life. It's a function of just how damn big America is and how spread out its people are that cars are far more necessary there then they are in Europe, where most of the criticism for our drinking age comes from.

... That being said, I do find it somewhat silly that you can die for your country but not have a beer in it's honor at 18.


The Basement Caretaker.
May 26, 2009
axia777 said:
Insanum said:
In the UK its 18, But in some places its "Over 21 only".

The problem is people think raising the drinking age to 21 will stop underage drinking. Idiots.
They are idiots. America is 21 and over yet American teens get wasted all the damn time. It is a useless venture to try and stop people from doing what they want to do.
Im 20, So ~ the over 21 thing annoys the shit out of me. I mean some places you dont want to go in, But some places dont allow children, So its like, More civilised than other places, Yet im not allowed in, When im more responsible then some of the scum that go in.

I filed a police complaint against one place. Didnt get nowhere.


New member
Aug 23, 2009
they are doing it because it stunts your brains growth 21-23 it when your brain is fully developed so they are trying to only fuck yourself up after you have a good brain to work with- moral smoke weed nothing bad there.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
It's already 21 here, so I don't care.

Also factor in me hating alcohol and me planning to get a liscense and you have everyones best friend at the end of a long night :3


New member
Sep 21, 2008
Oh, judge, your damn laws: the good people don't need them and the bad people don't follow them so what good are they? - Ammon Hennacy
Legality does nothing. If anything it provokes the idea that teenagers are going to do it just to spite authority. I don't drink cause it tastes like piss, but most of my mates do. The law does jack, if anything it causes worse problems. My friend had to get her stomach pumped while she was in critical condition and not before because she's a minor and didn't want to get arrested/fined. This is superbly fucked up. Laws like this are retarded. I know how to get smokes and alcohol if I really want to, it's not hard. Doing this will do nothing. Australia was my last great hope in the western world, but I see they too are drinking the Kool-aid. Im just gonna start my own damn anarchist commune at this rate. Stupid governments.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Muhaha! Now Canada beats both Australia and the US!

I think 17-19 is perfectly logical, 21 just seems a bit high, its not as though I am one of those people that is counting down the days that I can drink, but it'll be nice to go watch a hockey game and a a beer with friends, not as though anybody my age drinks in moderation anyways. It seems with alcohol you are either prude and you never drink, or every weekend you drink so much you sleep with your cousin and piss your pants three times over.

I think drinking should have the same laws as children, if you cant handle it, you are not allowed to do it.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Its ridiculous, clubbing after 1:30PM is boring as if your not smashed off your face :p, besides nowadays it seems most kids in Aus are drinking in grade 10, so pushing to legal age back isn't gonna do anything.

Australia is too laid back a nation to take such petty proposals seriously.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
I'm mostly indifferent, because I don't live down under and don't drink, but it *is* pretty stupid. Where I live the drinking age is 16, and even that doesn't stop 14 and 15-year olds from gulping down a beer. If somebody wants to drink, he will find a way to do so. And just because there's a couple of retards who have to go and get completely smashed every weekend, it doesn't mean there's not 15-20 year-olds around who simply like the ocassional beer.


New member
Apr 3, 2008
shannon.archer said:
Now this I think is bulls***...

Push to lift drinking age to 21 in Australia

You can go to war and die at 18, you can smoke at 18, you can vote and pay taxes at 18 but you can't f***ing drink? What kind of logic is this? This is of course directed to the wonderfully conservative Australian government. I was wondering what every Australian or otherwise thinks of this move, whether it will be successful or if their aim of stopping teenage drinking will actually work >_>. Honestly i think the only way anything will change is if the parents influence THEIR children to behave sensibly and the government should give them the power to do so.
quit your rant. find a new arguement for this hten the same ol done to death excuse.... and it should be raised to 21


New member
May 17, 2009
What really convinced me was that argument about joining the army. I never thought of it that way and yeah, If you can go off to die, how is alcohol any worse? Although I guess at one end you're dying for your country (or more specifically the corporations that run it) instead of just dying from an overdose on the vodka.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
shannon.archer said:
Now this I think is bulls***...

Push to lift drinking age to 21 in Australia

You can go to war and die at 18, you can smoke at 18, you can vote and pay taxes at 18 but you can't f***ing drink? What kind of logic is this? This is of course directed to the wonderfully conservative Australian government. I was wondering what every Australian or otherwise thinks of this move, whether it will be successful or if their aim of stopping teenage drinking will actually work >_>. Honestly i think the only way anything will change is if the parents influence THEIR children to behave sensibly and the government should give them the power to do so.
Welcome to the struggle brother. We here in America stand with you! If you are an adult, then who the hell are these people to tell you that you can't drink? The only thing that law ever did in the states is cause a lot of binge drinking (and all the other problems from doing an illegal act in secret).


New member
Nov 4, 2009
I agree.. Smoking and excessive drinking alcohol may cause cardiovascular diseases.. Once your health is ruined with different complications, it?s hard to bring it back like how normal it functions like before. It therefore brings advices that pls pls pls just drink moderately. You may die at 18 or earlier. It is possible. Better to do repair credit now.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Insanum said:
axia777 said:
Insanum said:
In the UK its 18, But in some places its "Over 21 only".

The problem is people think raising the drinking age to 21 will stop underage drinking. Idiots.
They are idiots. America is 21 and over yet American teens get wasted all the damn time. It is a useless venture to try and stop people from doing what they want to do.
Im 20, So ~ the over 21 thing annoys the shit out of me. I mean some places you don't want to go in, But some places dont allow children, So its like, More civilized than other places, Yet im not allowed in, When im more responsible then some of the scum that go in.

I filed a police complaint against one place. Didn't get nowhere.
Yah, I remember. I was annoying. But hey, you are 20. Only one more year and you cn join us bar dwellers. Oh the fun of drinking in public where you get to see lots of be act like asshats! It is rad. ;)


New member
Jan 13, 2009
the drinking age here in denmark is 16, yet half my class is already having parties each weekend where they drink themselves more drunk than any hobo.

and they are only 14-15.

again, any drinking age change doesnt touch me the slightest. i hate being drunk (only tried it once, and i won´t return, for sure), and every alcoholic substance (except 0.xx% cider) tastes like if i stuck my tongue on a frozen turd.

i have nothin against people that drink (except the junkies that drink too much), but it just isnt me.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
Let's face it, people are getting stupider, more egocentric, and less capable with each generation. I put the blame on computers (fuck spell check, learn the words. It really isn't that hard) and wishy-washy namby-pamby parents who cave in to every demand their squalling little princess-brat comes up with.

These days, 18-20 year olds can't be trusted to enjoy alcohol responsibly, and the community statistics are there to back me up. Not that 21-50 year olds can be trusted with it either, but that age range is significantly less likely to group-attack people and kick them to death.

In Australia at least. I've seen very few reports of alcohol fuelled violence coming from Europe (except after football games), so I can't make any accurate guess there. The poms do seem to be rather stab-happy without age-clustering, and guns appear to have made all yanks insane and likely to snap given the right circumstances. Could be neither place has such an age-specific problem with booze as we do.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Jaythulhu said:
and guns appear to have made all yanks insane and likely to snap given the right circumstances.
Oh come on now. Stop spreading blind stereotypes please. Violent crime in America is way down.