Poll: Drinking age changing to 21

The Creep

New member
Oct 28, 2009
Serge A. Storms said:
Fuck the po po
That's all very nice, but it's the legislators to blame. Most police officers are nice enough folks, really. They've got a crappy job to do and most of them do it well.

On topic, I don't see how changing the legal age to 21 will really solve anything. The legal drinking age of 18 really stops teenagers from binge drinking as it is. Hell, all the alcopops tax did was cause kids to invest in hard liquour and mix their own drinks.


The Night Zombie
Sep 8, 2009
Wow, that crazy Australian government. What will they think of next? Anyway, I think people should be legally allowed to drink when they reach the age of majority. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever for them not to. The ones who really want to drink are going to drink anyway, so I don't really see the point in this.


New member
May 21, 2008
It's not an age issue.. Its a culture problem. Getting drunk is seen as 'normal'... This perception is everywhere in western culture (English speaking anyway). This is a bad thing.

We need to change this view in media and culture, then and only then will society change.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Motti said:
Most Australians start drinking at 17. Explain to me how exactly this is going to help?
It is not. But then we all knew that anyway. They are just delusional politicians trying to garner support from their constituents for the sake of votes come election time. They are just shilling themselves like whores when then make idiot laws like this. It happens ALL the time in America all over the place.

kahlzun said:
you're link isn't working.

also:lame idea
Here is one -



New member
Nov 1, 2007
Mothers against Drunk Driving strike again!

You can always count on soccer moms to ruin everything...even Australia!

Ok...I wouldn't have gone to Australia anyways...but I'm sure it has some redeeming qualities.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
hebdomad said:
It's not an age issue.. Its a culture problem. Getting drunk is seen as 'normal'... This perception is everywhere in western culture (English speaking anyway). This is a bad thing.

We need to change this view in media and culture, then and only then will society change.
Getting drunk in society has been normal for thousand of years. So what is your point? Why do we want it to change? Why is it a "bad thing"? Booze if done in moderation is one of life's great things. Hell, I had a couple of delicious pints to day of a Belgian White Wheat Ale and a Strong Golden Ale. Just two. But they were a good two.


New member
May 21, 2008
axia777 said:
hebdomad said:
It's not an age issue.. Its a culture problem. Getting drunk is seen as 'normal'... This perception is everywhere in western culture (English speaking anyway). This is a bad thing.

We need to change this view in media and culture, then and only then will society change.
Getting drunk in society has been normal for thousand of years. So what is your point? Why do we want it to change? Why is it a "bad thing"? Booze if done in moderation is one of life's great things. Hell, I had a couple of delicious pints to day of a Belgian White Wheat Ale and a Strong Golden Ale. Just two. But they were a good two.
Ok, maybe I took an extreme view there. I do like a drink myself, however it is a problem when people drink too much, then go punch some one in the face. Alcohol fuelled violence is a major problem. (However the lack of alcohol can also turn into rebellion against the state!)


New member
Oct 31, 2009
The honest answer is simple. If your entire life can dramatically change in one single day, something is wrong.

Depending on your state (Obviously US), your going to be getting behind the wheel at 16, maybe 17. Your going to learn how to vote, pay taxes, and do other fun things at 18.

At age 18, you're just coming out of High School. You're just getting your first decent paying job, you're getting your girlfriend that's actually going to stay with you for awhile. You're now driving to places you never been to as a child.

Your experience with alcohol consumption is maybe being a Designated Driver, and driving to a bar, picking someone up, and driving them home.

You want alcohol consumption to be at 18 again? What the hell is wrong with you, as frank a statement as it can get. Do you have any idea how many people that's going to kill? Do you have any idea how much insurance is going to go up? Do you have any idea how many lives that will screw over?

You can argue that the drinking age was 18 way back when. You can't argue that in today's world we are much different then our older counterparts. We have Cell Phones, cars that go over 130 miles per hour straight from the factory, parents that are willing to just bend head over heals to buy kids whatever they may need, including a Mustang for their first car.

We have enough teen deaths, between inexperiance, cell phones, texting while driving, innatentive driving, speeding, road rage, driving in bad weather(Snow,Ice,Hail,Winds,Rain) and drug use. We don't need to kill more people just so you can drink yourself into a stupor.

Now, with that being said. Alcohol isn't that bad. It's a social drink. You go to a pub, and you have a few drinks with your good friends while watching your favorite sports team lose again. And then you drive home after spending 40 bucks on beer, which honestly, isn't that much for one person.

In the U.S, 60 percent of all teen deaths in car accidents are alcohol-related. That is not a bullshit fact. That is a true statistic.

Now, that's with Alcohol banned until your 21. I sure hope you are smart enough to know that that number is going to skyrocket if it's under 21.

And yes, I know, you are careful. You are not like them. You drink at home, your with friends, you feel like you are missing out on a social event every weekend. I know that you are not going to die in a car accident. I know that you can hold your own and still think clearly after a couple beers. But everyone is not like you. They ruin it for you by simply not being as good enough as you*.

Anyways, all in all. Yes, it would be cool for us under 21's to get some beer and laugh so hard we fall off of a stool. No, I'm not getting my sober ass killed by your drunken friends at 3am when your doing a hundred down the road.

*I've used 'you' as in 'the reader', not 'the first post'*
(All of this is based from a United States angle. Seeing as every single 'western' country is getting more and more like the US every day. It's angle applies more and more every day.)


New member
Nov 1, 2007
hebdomad said:
axia777 said:
hebdomad said:
It's not an age issue.. Its a culture problem. Getting drunk is seen as 'normal'... This perception is everywhere in western culture (English speaking anyway). This is a bad thing.

We need to change this view in media and culture, then and only then will society change.
Getting drunk in society has been normal for thousand of years. So what is your point? Why do we want it to change? Why is it a "bad thing"? Booze if done in moderation is one of life's great things. Hell, I had a couple of delicious pints to day of a Belgian White Wheat Ale and a Strong Golden Ale. Just two. But they were a good two.
Ok, maybe I took an extreme view there. I do like a drink myself, however it is a problem when people drink too much, then go punch some one in the face. Alcohol fuelled violence is a major problem. (However the lack of alcohol can also turn into rebellion against the state!)
While I don't drink I am glad that you at least clarified your point. I hate when people act like alcohol is a recent phenomenon.


Flamboyant Homosexual
Apr 11, 2009
Its bad enough we dont have +R18 games but now this? Has the government actually noticed not just kids but mostly guys in groups that go around and bash people up? Whats that Kevin Rudd, you want to fix the economy? well this sure 'aint the right direction.


Hail, Ilpalazzo!
Jan 26, 2009
It will not help at all. The majority of people I know settled down and started drinking alot more responsibly when they turned the legal age.
It will just make the rebellious trouble making period overlap with the driving age. Many people will say well I will get in trouble if I'm found drinking, I might as well drive too, then people will die.


New member
Jul 20, 2008
shannon.archer said:
Dommyboy said:
This deserves an imply.

>Implying the number of under age drinkers is not huge.
You've never been to Australia -_-
Wait.. what? I am Australian.

I meant that as in the fact it won't stop many underage drinkers at all as alcohol is easy to come by.


New member
May 21, 2008
Ziadaine said:
Its bad enough we dont have +R18 games but now this? Has the government actually noticed not just kids but mostly guys in groups that go around and bash people up? Whats that Kevin Rudd, you want to fix the economy? well this sure 'aint the right direction.
Well if the liberal party get their act together, and promise these four things...

1. R18+ rating for games
2. No internet filters
3. Up-to-date internet
4. Proper funding for Australian game developers

Then they'll get my vote.

However we all know politicians don't keep promises, and the liberal party is too busy name calling to come up with anything constructive...

Maybe the Greens can step in?


New member
Feb 7, 2009
I Framed OJ said:
It wont stop bindge drinking as it is a culture. They need to change the culture. But being told everything will kill you makes people not care. If anything more people will bindge as it is illegal. And all it will do is make more underage drinkers, as people will drink at 18. Hell 15 and lower. We havd a 12 year old get her stomach pumped. And I am sure there are much much worse stories out there.
That's not even the beginning. I know a 12-year-old who was in my Year 8 class, who got drunk and then laid by a guy from another house after school.

And I had asked her out about a month beforehand....


New member
Aug 31, 2009
The legal age to have sex in my opinion is just retarded, what are they going to stop the two horny teenagers by putting a wall in between them?

OT: The drinking age really does not matter. I drink all the time and I'm 19; I have enough contacts willing to buy me alcohol, and if you get caught at someone's house the worst thing they do is make you leave; in my opinion the American government is quite lenient on underage drinking (and it's more fun because it's "wrong" XD ).

Serge A. Storms

New member
Oct 7, 2009
The Creep said:
Serge A. Storms said:
Fuck the po po
That's all very nice, but it's the legislators to blame. Most police officers are nice enough folks, really. They've got a crappy job to do and most of them do it well.

On topic, I don't see how changing the legal age to 21 will really solve anything. The legal drinking age of 18 really stops teenagers from binge drinking as it is. Hell, all the alcopops tax did was cause kids to invest in hard liquour and mix their own drinks.
Yes, but fuck the po po.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Dryaxx said:
It's 16 in Denmark, so pwned ^^
Drinking age is 16 in Austria as well, and while the alcohol consumption is rather high at about 13 litres of pure alcohol per annum per capita, only 18.3% of drinkers are deemed to be "heavy" or "hazardous" and a mere 2.2% (of all alcohol consumers) are dependent upon it. In fact, only 34.5% of the youth drink alcohol anyway, despite the low alcohol drinking age.
So I don't think there's a huge correlation between the drinking age and drunkenness in general, as if it's forbidden people will circumvent it anyway (as in America).


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Meh i don't drink. And as if that would stop the binge drinking, most thirteen year olds can easily get alcohol so how will it help?