Poll: Drinking age changing to 21

Emilie Diabolica

New member
May 26, 2009

i'm seriously considering starting my own country. bloody government is going to shit here, on top of all the ridiculous censorship.

shall we stage an uprising against rudd and all forms of government? YES!
anarchy seems nice about now...



New member
Oct 6, 2009
shannon.archer said:
Now this I think is bulls***...

Push to lift drinking age to 21 in Australia

You can go to war and die at 18, you can smoke at 18, you can vote and pay taxes at 18 but you can't f***ing drink? What kind of logic is this? This is of course directed to the wonderfully conservative Australian government. I was wondering what every Australian or otherwise thinks of this move, whether it will be successful or if their aim of stopping teenage drinking will actually work >_>. Honestly i think the only way anything will change is if the parents influence THEIR children to behave sensibly and the government should give them the power to do so.
If thay tried that here in Canada and it worked, we'd probably burn down Parlament.

Random Argument Man

New member
May 21, 2008
HellsingerAngel said:
Legal drinking age in New Brunswick Canada? 19

And I found that stupid. If I'm responsible enough to choose who's going to run my god damn country, buy sex related items and run up a line of credit, then why am I not responsible enough to drink a beer?
It's less worst than that law where you can't drive between 12:00 to 5 AM if you're under 21.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
That is just retarded. Alcohol is part of Australian culture, instead of wasting their time banning alcohol, try putting effort into cracking down on drug-cartels, or maybe ban smoking (I am so anti-smoking it ain't funny (Don't try and start this argument with me about smoking, as it is my opinion and therefore it is right, therefore you shall lose)) or perhaps they should even put more effort into THE EDUCATION SYSTEM (the point of whcih would be to teach the kids HOW TO BE MATURE seeing as trying to make them smart just epic-fails).

On a more different note; I do not drink, I don't plan on becoming a heavy drinker, but I think that more focus should be put on making the population mature enough for alcohol, as opposed to hoping they become mature enough on their own.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
axia777 said:
Jaythulhu said:
and guns appear to have made all yanks insane and likely to snap given the right circumstances.
Oh come on now. Stop spreading blind stereotypes please. Violent crime in America is way down.
Yet you still have an average of 63000 murders a year. Americans kill more of each other every year than all of the terrorist attacks since 1985 combined :p

Ill give ya California though. They've done well. Probably because everyone is too broke to afford guns AND bullets.

Maybe it's the beer that's the problem in the states, but in a reverse way. I've had several american beers, and they're all weak, watery swill. Perhaps some decent beer from europe or Oz would improve the situation up north? (And no, Fosters is NOT "Australian for Beer". That shit is just a practical joke we played on the rest of the world)

LooK iTz Jinjo

New member
Feb 22, 2009
I Framed OJ said:
It wont stop bindge drinking as it is a culture. They need to change the culture.
Says who? I'm 18, I reserve my right to binge drink responsibly. Meaning leave me the fuck alone, all that changing the age does is change the age on the fake ID, or who is doing their drinking a pubs and clubs. You're right though drinking is Australian culture and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, 18-20 year olds should not be made criminals of just because you can't figure out a better way to solve a problem that doesn't actually involve us anymore.

Also what is the point of posting in this thread "I don't drink so I don't care" how does that promote the discussion?


New member
Aug 20, 2008
HaHa! Now you will have to deal with crappy U.S. style drinking laws!
In all seriousness this sucks balls.


New member
Jul 20, 2008
This deserves an imply.

>Implying the number of under age drinkers is not huge.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
I don't drink (I'm 18 and live in America), but even tho I don't, I think having a drinking age at all is stupid.

What do 99% of teenagers not like? Authority? What do 99% of teenagers love? To tick off said authority. Therefore, anything authority says not to do, teenagers will probably do it. Imo, having a drinking age just encourages minors to drink even more than if there wasn't one.

Changing the drinking age isn't going to change anything, so there's really no point to it at all.

I mean, I know PARENTS who let their TWELVE YEAR OLDS have wine and crap at swank affairs, so yeah, point made.


New member
Jun 11, 2009
Valate said:
shannon.archer said:
Now this I think is bulls***...

Push to lift drinking age to 21 in Australia

You can go to war and die at 18, you can smoke at 18, you can vote and pay taxes at 18 but you can't f***ing drink? What kind of logic is this? This is of course directed to the wonderfully conservative Australian government. I was wondering what every Australian or otherwise thinks of this move, whether it will be successful or if their aim of stopping teenage drinking will actually work >_>. Honestly i think the only way anything will change is if the parents influence THEIR children to behave sensibly and the government should give them the power to do so.
It's American logic. Which is terrible logic to go on, except for a few of the gems.
Like segregation?


New member
Sep 17, 2007
I'm largely indifferent. I'm 27, American (legal drinking age 21), and it didn't do me any harm. I don't see the logic in it when 18 seems to be that magic age of legal acceptance into everything. Legalized substances? To hardcore, apperenrly. :) Ah well. You'll still find a way to get it. It just won't be kosher, I suppose. :)

LooK iTz Jinjo

New member
Feb 22, 2009
Fluffles said:
I'd laugh if it actually stopped anyone.
We wouldn't stop drinking, but it's just more effort because we once again rely on our older friends to buy and would not be able to get into pubs and clubs anymore, which is like "ok you've had a bit of a taste, now come back in 3 years."


Digs Giant Robots
Dec 30, 2008
It's going by American logic and, American logic dictates that the law will stop all things. However the law won't stop everything, especially underage drinking.
When you drink underage there's a thrill, a buzz if you will. When you turn 21 though it's gone because you're no longer being deviant or rebellious you're doing what you've been doing for the past God knows how many years.

If anything the drinking age should be raised to 19 so at least the kids have a chance to be out of high school and (hopefully) get a taste of the real world.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Most australians start drinking at 17. Explain to me how exactly this is going to help?