Poll: Elder Scrolls or Fallout?


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I would say Fallout...but not by much. I like both settings, but I've never been able to, ah, appreciate either's gameplay.


New member
Sep 11, 2008
I remember a discussion I had with a friend of mine about which was better he explained that TES was better as it was set in a universe you would want to be in whilst the Fallout universe is a world that you don't want to be in.

I viewed it as the other way around. Fallout was better because it was a miserable place where people make do with what they have. There is no magic only science and technology.

Plus there a lot less games that take place in a post apocalyptic setting based on the 1950's idea of the future.


I can smell sausage rolls
Dec 6, 2010
Fallout, i enjoy the story more, the humor more, the atmosphere more. Not only that but from my time in fallout i always seem to be finding something, wheras i felt like i'm just walking around the woods a lot in TES games, and when i do find something it's not as interesting...

Eddie the head

New member
Feb 22, 2012
Well on one had I love the Setting in Marrowind and I liked most of Skyrim. On the other hand I loved Fallout:NV. I am going Fallout.

The Last Nomad

Lost in Ethiopia
Oct 28, 2009
Overall, I'd go with Fallout. But Skyrim is probably the best game of both series. And Until a real sequel to Fallout 3 comes out, its probably gonna stay that way...


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
A couple of months back, I would have said Elder Scrolls.

Then, I decided to give Fallout: New Vegas a second chance. I loved it.

Then I went and purchased the first two Fallout games on GOG.com. I loved them both.

I just personally find the story, lore, characters, setting, and atmosphere more appealing to me than what I've found in Oblivion and Skyrim.


New member
Aug 22, 2011
Even without the first two Fallout games, I think I would have to vote Fallout. I just like the music, the humour, the VATS and mostly just everything. I also like Skyrim, but the older Elder Scrolls, while enjoyable and remarkable rides, just never felt like home to me like Fallout did.

I hate most of New Vegas, but that's got to do with my low tolerance for gambling, gangs, gangsters, cannibals and Las Vegas.

It's just more mad, more random, more free in many ways. If you didn't like the breadcrumb trail in Fallout 3, there was little to hold you back and try to attack mercenaries or terminator-type high tech soldiers. Sure, your chance to die is a rough 99% when you first start out, but once you know the intricacies of the system and sub-systems, you can outrun, outfox and headshot your way to an awesome gun in no to very little time. Plus, if you level up with a plan and stick to it, you can cause one hell of a bloody mess while enjoying the scenery and an inspiring little ditty on your lips. That only happens in, say, Skyrim quite late in the game, and the combat just doesn't feel as rewarding.


New member
Jun 2, 2011
Al-Bundy-da-G said:
w9496 said:
Voted Fallout.

Fallout has better humor, atmospehere, and characters in my opinion.

I also prefer the combat system over the Elder Scrolls games. Fallout allows you play the way you want. Want to shoot people? Go ahead. Want to throw grenades at people? Nothings stopping you. Want to punch people in the face until they die? Go beserk!
Excuse me sir the king of Sweden would like a word...

cookie for the reference.

Fallout hands down, considering Skyrim is the only Elder Scrolls game I played.
He will punch you and all the pussy wildlife, because hes a FUCKING BADASS viking.

OT: Cant really say. I loved Fallout 3 and Skyrim. I never got into Oblivion or NV (Flameshied on!)
Gonna vote TES I think, had more fun with Skrim then I did with Fallout 3, even though I love the setting.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
The Elder Scrolls.

I love the fantastical and mystical worlds that games have always offered, but the Elder Scrolls series has always been far more than just standard fantasy fare to me. There's so many unique and amazing elements that you wouldn't find in other fantasy games, and Elder Scrolls has always been close to my heart.

The Fallout series has amazed me since it's triumphant return in Fallout 3, and I will always return to it and New Vegas whenever I get that post-apocalyptic itch. However, for me, Elder Scrolls has always been my number one. Fallout does some great things with story and atmosphere that I like, but the truth is I like everything the Elder Scrolls universe has to offer.


New member
Jan 31, 2010
Fallout. Because Esther & Tiny Tots. Seriously. I use that thing to go Deathclaw hunting. And Legion hunting. And any damn thing else I please hunting.

Captcha: save it

No, silly captcha - nuke it!


New member
Feb 14, 2010
I enjoy the both of them, but I've played more Elder Scrolls than Fallout...been through 4 Elder Scrolls games and only the most recent 2 Fallouts. I feel a stronger connection to TES, and so that's why I voted that way. They're both great games though, just for different reasons. Are things I like and hate about both of them.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
Fallout. Definitely.

Neither games are particularly spectacular from a gameplay point of view, but Fallout has a much, much more interesting and unique setting compared to TES. The characters in Fallout (not including 3) actually feel like real and relatable human being whereas TES just feels like "which fantasy cliche can we use this time!". Fallout just has more to say and says it better than anything Bethesda has done (including Fallout 3 which, while enjoyable, just felt flat and really poorly written compared to Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas).


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Elder Scrolls... Fallout's okay, but the setting is just too ugly for me to enjoy it as much. Plus, I just prefer swords to guns. (Also, TES now has dragons. Win by default.)


New member
Feb 14, 2010
Ghostwise said:
Fallout all the way! I like guns. :D
I just got New Vegas Ultimate Edition yesterday for 20 bucks. Haven't played it since it originally came out and I had it on Xbox360. I got the ps3 version. Played for about 10 hours yesterday lol. No issues yet. I read it has issues on ps3 but it is sporadic for users.
I have to admit, the expansions in NV really felt more like a chore than anything else...with the exception of Lonesome Road and Honest Hearts. That's just personal opinion though. Keep on powering ahead, you've always still got a lot to do. :p
Anyway, back OT everyone.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
Elder Scrolls

I liked Fallout I finish the main plot and mess around a bit but after that I stop and I don't really come back. Elder Scrolls I do come back. I get into getting mods it. Doing new playthrough etc.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
I LOVED Fallout 3. and I LOVED Skyrim.

However, I think what hurts Elder Scrolls is that it took two games to try and get me hooked. Skyrim was the one that got me really "in" to the franchise. Fallout 3 got it on the first try. So, a CLOSE call but Fallout gets my vote.

But Skyrim has Dragons, and slightly better replay value, and easy to install mods via steam.


New member
Oct 9, 2010
Both are equally great, it really depends on what you are looking for.
While both are massive games elder scrolls is just that much MORE massive.
-Elder Scrolls will keep you busy for years, while Fallout will only keep you busy for months.
Both games are very immersive, there is a lot of lore in both games and it is really in depth and interesting, but the edge goes to fallout.
-Skyrim+Oblivion characters are not very memorable, while in fallout i still remember characters like Moira Brown or MR House. also interesting companions in fallout, (Skyrim can get really lonely with all the one-word followers).

I found that while playing Skyrim i get the feeling of "Holy shit, I am cool" but when i play fallout i get a feeling of "Holy shit this is cool!" interpret that how you want :p

In elder scrolls the world is familiar, the setting appeals to many a fantasy nerd, but fallout is in a very flexible setting, if you encounter something strange in fallout you can just say "because radiation!!!" but that literally means ANYTHING can happen.
Comparing combat in fallout NV to Skyrim, I can say combat in skyrim is a lot more fun then NV.
-fallout`s combat revolves around shooting (but that can be done many different ways)with other people shooting back, while Skyrim has a much more flexible combat (mainly because of spells, oh and dragons.) Not to mention Skyrims combat can be infuriatingly difficult sometimes.
The quests especially in Fallout 3 are a lot more involving, then any quest iv found in the Elder Scrolls games.
Finally, just one last thing, I find that DLC in the fallout games are a lot more interesting, including things like rummaging through an alien spaceship, exploring super-labs, or giant mutated swamps...you can't really find that kind of, uniqueness in the elder scrolls games DLC.

(to be clear i have only played fallout 3 and fallout New Vegas (plus dlc) and only Oblivion and Skyrim (plus some dlc)