Poll: Female babysitter charged for having sex with 14-year old boy.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
To everyone who defends her:

Imagine if she was a man and the boy was a girl

A 20 year old man getting a 14 year old girl drunk to have sex with her is horrible.

Send her to jail!


New member
Oct 28, 2010
ok when i was 14 if i had a chance at that... fuck yes id take it, and brutally murder anybody that tried to stop me, even my parents. The kid wanted it he knew what he was doing end of story no crime, and even if it was the other way around a 20 year old male and a 14 year old female id say the same thing, if the 14 year old wanted it then there is no crime end of story.


New member
May 21, 2009
I seriously hate the shit out of what I am about to say and people who actually agree with what I'm about to say, but...

GODDAMN! That is just... goddamn. I really do feel jealousy right now.

But for reals... She is way to old for that. And look at her. She could easily get someone her own age.

It was consensual (obviously), so there shouldn't be any big punishment. Probation, community service, psychologist. That would be the rational punishment.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
StBishop said:
Adam Grove said:
I think rehab/tons of comunty servic should be sufficent, besides she already has to deal with the embaressment of having this article online for the whole world to read
Saulkar said:
While I have no problem with underage sexual encounters between individuals (as long as it is wholly consensual with absolutely no coercion), there has to be a certain age limit to which this should be allowed, eg. A 20 year old woman/guy with a 14 year old girl/boy or vice verse compared to a 40 year old Guy/Girl with a 14 year old Guy/Girl. Personally I do not feel that any harm would come with an age gap of 6 years (progressively narrowing the gap the younger the people get) but I draw a hard line made of bricks and mortar when it comes to someone drugging a person to cognitively compromise them making it easier to coerce them, or to coerce them in general.

So in the end I feel that unless she did the boy any physical harm or caused extensive cognitive trauma, she should receive a (high) fine and community service.
[outdated pop culture reference]
Now drop down flip it and reverse it,[/outdated pop culture reference] you got a 20 year old bloke getting a 14 year old girl drunk and raping her.

If you feel that your response is still valid I don't really know what else to say.

In your mind imagine this dude:

with this girl:
What is the cognitive level of the girl?
Has the guy a history of violent acts or sexual assault?
What are their personality types?
Do not send me random pictures, give me a fully evaluated description of the two people you showed (those two specific people). I cannot tell shit from looking at them. People think I am a 30 year old steroid pushing rivet head biker but I am a 19 year old Jim Carry who likes leather. Would you tell that just by looking at me?

This makes me believe further in a system that evaluates an individual on their mental and sexual aptitude and development. Say you have someone who wants to start having sex under age say 12 or 13 but you do not know how capable they are. In that case I believe there should be an specialized aptitude test that evaluates an individual and determines whether or not they are ready. In the event that the individual wants to have a sexual encounter with someone who is like 5-10 years older than them, those people should also be (anonymously unless they commit a crime) registered following a similar test (more like an interview followed by a period of observation as a written test can easily be cheated) so that not only do you have a face, you have an ID that can allow you to track them down quickly. But none the less with such a complicated system many more might just forgo it and commit the act illegally. Here in Canada there was much opposition towards the age of consent being raised from 14 to 16. Reason being is because it would do nothing to stop underage sex and because it was made illegal, rape and abuse victims would be less likely to report it as they had broken the law.

The age of consent law in itself is all encompassing rather than tailored to the individual as not all people are created equal.

A Shadows Age

New member
Mar 30, 2011
This is fucking retarded, it's not like he is going to get pregnant and have his life fucked up... Unless it was not consensual. Wow I did not look like that at fourteen, I know some people who do, and they looked they same since they were fucking 12, my guess be beer goggles... AArrr!


New member
Mar 26, 2009
It's wrong, she should face some stiff penalties but damn. When I was 14 I was the horniest I have ever been and if a girl like that would go me I'd be happy as fuck (whereas if the genders were reversed I'm 90% certain the girl sure as hell wouldn't be). Is that grounds for mitigation, especially since it was consensual?


New member
Jun 10, 2011
While I think there's certainly a moral grey area here (their prior relationship etc), it's still pretty f-ed up, and really, considering what happened here is abuse of authority, and statutory rape, I'm more than a little disappointed that so many posters on here are being so predictably bro-tastically insensitive to the issue.

Maybe the kid won't be messed up because of this, or maybe he'll live with years of guilt and shame because he got involved in a physical relationship that he was to young to comprehend and fully consent to. Either way, it's still not really something to celebrate. Sexual exploitation of kids is always wrong, M'kay?


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Well I was going to say that she should go to jail but if that thing about her being in a relationship with him is true then no, she shouldn't
Damn, which one to believe...


New member
May 21, 2009
Arfonious said:
To everyone who defends her:

Imagine if she was a man and the boy was a girl

A 20 year old man getting a 14 year old girl drunk to have sex with her is horrible.

Send her to jail!
But guess what? She's not a man, and he's not a 14 year old girl.

Like it or not, genders actually do have pretty big differences. A 14 year old girl confronted with the idea of sex? Usually not gonna go for it.

A 14 year old boy? He's gonna jump on that in a second. Maybe two, considering how comfortable he is.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
fenrizz said:
There are three really important (to me at least) questions here.

1. Did she get him drunk, or did they drink together?

2. Did he or a family member press charges?

3. Did he want to have sex with her?

Without those questions properly answered I cannot form a proper opinion on the matter.

If it turns out that they had a few drinks together, had sex willingly and a parent pressed charges I do believe this woman to be innocent.
I share this opinion of yours; but people ask what if it was a 20 year old guy with a 14 year old girl? I reply: what were the circumstances? I never make a premature judgement without some solid facts and answers.


New member
May 14, 2011
Damnit. I voted before I read the edit >:{

If it was consensual, let her go. Since I was under the impression she got him drunk in order to seduce him I voted "Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200".

EDIT: She should still be charged for supplying a minor with alcohol, but sexual assault is overkill.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Tdc2182 said:
Arfonious said:
To everyone who defends her:

Imagine if she was a man and the boy was a girl

A 20 year old man getting a 14 year old girl drunk to have sex with her is horrible.

Send her to jail!
But guess what? She's not a man, and he's not a 14 year old girl.

Like it or not, genders actually do have pretty big differences. A 14 year old girl confronted with the idea of sex? Usually not gonna go for it.

A 14 year old boy? He's gonna jump on that in a second. Maybe two, considering how comfortable he is.
Equallity, if this is going to be a fair world where everyone is treated equally the she should either go to jail or it should be legal to get 14 year olds drunk to have sex with them


New member
Feb 7, 2009
Arfonious said:
To everyone who defends her:

Imagine if she was a man and the boy was a girl

A 20 year old man getting a 14 year old girl drunk to have sex with her is horrible.

Send her to jail!
Apparantly they had a 6 month long relationship when this happened, so in all probability they had a few beers together then had consentual sex.

I see nothing at all wrong with that.
Even if the ages had been reversed.
Aug 1, 2010
My first thoughts:


Seriously, where were all the hot, horny babysitters when [i/]I[/i] was 14???


New member
Aug 6, 2009
the 19 year old has power over the 14 year old boy, so it's an unequal relationship to begin with. i would've loved to hit that when i was 14, but really a 19 year old girl interested in her 14 year old babysitting charge has some issues. 19 and 14 between any 2 individuals is not jail time worthy, but at the very least community service.


New member
Feb 13, 2011
It's not a question of whether the law itself was right in this instance. The point is, she knew the law and how it applied in this position of professional trust (she was a babysitter, after all), and conspired to break it anyway.

I call shenanigans. There is something wrong in the way she conducted herself having established a professional contract (albeit informally) with the parent. When that trust is violated, law will not look kindly upon contempt of it when the matter requires officiation.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
I'm just going to throw this out there.

How many blokes here got laid in their early teens?

I know I was 13 when I lost my virginity to a 16 year old lass so I have absolutely no right at all passing judgement.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
fenrizz said:
Arfonious said:
To everyone who defends her:

Imagine if she was a man and the boy was a girl

A 20 year old man getting a 14 year old girl drunk to have sex with her is horrible.

Send her to jail!
Apparantly they had a 6 month long relationship when this happened, so in all probability they had a few beers together then had consentual sex.

I see nothing at all wrong with that.
Even if the ages had been reversed.
Ok, but the law is the law. A 20 year old man couldn't get away with sleeping with 14 year olds
Sep 30, 2010
DarkRyter said:
That's one bad kid. He's so hardcore, his parents can't leave him home alone. And even then, he ends up boozing up and banging his baby sitter.

PS: That's probably not how it went down, but can you imagine if it was? Damn.
You sir, have made my day with that post.

In all seriousness though, I'm not really sure what to think about this. I mean yes it's wrong to have relations with those underage and being able to drift through life on looks should not be possible, but it appears that he was consenting and it had been going on for a while. I really can't pass judgment on this whole thing with the information provided. I doubt I would with more information. I just can't figure it out.
Also, I'm aware that if the genders were reversed people would be forming a lynch mob but my opinion is unchanged. I have no idea of the motives or the details of their relationship and thus I refuse to judge it.


Nov 1, 2009
As to not invoke double standards, she should be put on trial and treated like any other male offender would be in this same situation. Although I say that in a completely legalese manner, as a consensual relationship between the two would otherwise cause me to defend the pair.

On the other side..

MrDeckard said:
My first thoughts:


Seriously, where were all the hot, horny babysitters when [i/]I[/i] was 14???