Poll: Have you, personally, ever been discriminated against?

Code Monkey

New member
Mar 21, 2009
Devoutly christian extended family + My Atheist beliefs = Quite a few awkward family reunions. We're usually civil, but I catch the occasional glare. We're both still bitter about the time they sent me to a bible camp. That was a miserable experience for all parties involved.

Other than that, I'm a straight caucasian male in Canada, so pretty lucky when it comes to discrimination.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Yes, several times and for multiple reasons.
For being androgynous.
For being a pervert.
For liking/writing yaoi.
For being a pagan [fired from three different jobs by fundamentalist bosses.]
For having a bi-sexual partner.
For being an outspoken woman.
For saying I don't like children and will never have any.

Texas sucks. But not quite as much as Missouri did. People are horrible.


New member
May 21, 2011
There was a teacher I had once who blatantly discriminated against white students...

I'm 'hardcore' christian though, and most teachers are pretty far to the left so... The fact that I openly support the conservative party and complain about gun laws, welfare and similar certainly haven't helped my case.


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011
Other. Age related.

When I was in my teens there was a bit of discrimination(comments I probably was not meant to hear) about the "teens of today".

I was never very social but I always valued politeness and courtesy in public so I was taken back at comments about disrespectful teens with myself as the target example.

Matthew Kjonaas

New member
Jun 28, 2011
Yes, I have a lisp and I have been teased since for the longest time by people acting like they do not know what I am saying or impersonating me.


New member
Jul 11, 2011
Matthew Kjonaas said:
Yes, I have a lisp and I have been teased since for the longest time by people acting like they do not know what I am saying or impersonating me.
Awww, lisps are cute! I don't see why anyone would pick on them.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
Dagny said:
Right, that's what I'm saying--I do agree that technically the term "discrimination" can encompass any of those things. But I also think that since we don't have more precise terminology to work with, we have no choice but to define the term partly by the context in which it's being used. In this particular context, I don't think that the silent judgments people make about each other every day count as the kind of discrimination that's being discussed. Yes, technically those judgments are a form of discrimination according to the literal meaning of the term, but to insist on including them in this discussion would hamper it. In order to facilitate the discussion, we have to temporarily accept a more limited definition of the term "discrimination."
Right, I get what you're saying. The meanings of words is very open-ended and subjective, so we kind of make a temporary definition so we're all on the same page and we all know what people are talking about when they say 'discrimination'.


New member
Feb 25, 2011
I've been discriminated against because of sexual preference, politics, and because I'm an Atheist. I go to a christian school, and I'm always getting discriminated against becasue of:
- my socialist views, and have internationalist views, and support Greenpeace
- my Atheist views.
- and being a bi-sexual


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
Yes - I think everyone has at some point in their lives. Whether it be for hair colour, way you dress, skin colour.

I get ripped out of sometimes for the way I dress - it's apparently "out there" and not normal. No, it's just H&M -_-


New member
Dec 6, 2010
I love how 82% of the people who voted have been discriminated against. I know discrimination is a pretty serious problem, but really, I find it hard to take seriously when things are as they are.

Everyone is part of several groups whether they like it or not, and if a few of them are minorities, guess what, you're going to get discriminated. If people of that group often do stupid stuff, you'll get discriminated. Don't you share the opinions or believes of most people around you? You'll get discriminated. TBH I don't think it makes sense to give a fuck.

Yes I've been discriminated. Based on age. Yes. Age discrimination. I've never heard anyone mention it, but I see it all the time. It's no suprise I havne't heard of it because none of the people in power(adults) gives a damn.

Kids don't get to do what grown ups do. You might say kids are statistically stupid, and you'd be right, but statistically black people commit more crimes than white do and it's still wrong to treat them all like criminals. Besides, a stupid adult can do stuff kids aren't allowed to regardless of inteligence. I heard grown ups talking about not knowing what to vote but they'll vote anyway because they feel guilty if they don't, while I still wasen't allowed to vote yet, even though I had opinions, had read the facts and could hold my own in an argument.

I'm not saying that kids should be treated like adults, after all they are biologically diffrent from us.(Women are biologically diffrent from men btw, but I digress) But bias is bias, and kids must be judged on a case-to-case basis, just like homosexuals/atheists/religious/black/women/dyslectic and so on.

Your once and future Fanboy

The Norwegian One
Feb 11, 2009
Im a white, bisexual, fat, gamer, socially akward Atheist, and i have been discriminated against for all these reasons.

Some less than others though...

kittii-chan 300

New member
Feb 27, 2011
I've been discriminated by all of those things (except politics) so i put other.
Racially: being english in japan (and vice versa) is not that fun at first.
Sexuality: being bi and prefering girls over men.
Lifestyle: reading and drawing...
Other: having heterochromia
Religiously: my outerfamily are upset that they cant brainwash me into being their perfect little christian pet so yeah.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Vuxul said:
Yes, being an atheist in a class where everyone is a fundamentalist muslim meant never having any friends, told every day that i would go too hell and of cource to top off with, having to bypass the theory of evoloution in biology as they all cried out that it was a lie.
In Denmark off all places!
Really? But I haven't heard/read anything in the Qur'an Or by Imams going against evolution. To be honest, I haven't thought about it (only thought about Islam and the Big Bang, where the Qur'an supports the Big Bang :D).
On topic, I have been racially discriminated against several times (being PAkistani in England of coure...) but the worst is when I claimed Gran Turismo 5 is better then Forza 3 (I have both so I can judge, the racist guy didn't), and the guy and his friends get pissed off and make black servant jokes, tell me to go back to paki land, and then called me a chocolate face c**t, which is going a bit too far when all I said was I prefer GT5...


New member
Jun 26, 2009
There were these black guys who used to come to a resturaunt I worked at and every time I came over they talked like Wally Cleaver to me (Gee shucks Golly Gee Whiz sport champ super keen). Never been more hurt in my life.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
I've had rotten fruit thrown at me on duty, and I was once shot at in a first-world country... both for being in the US Army. Would that be political discrimination? I didn't actually agree with the politics behind my orders most of the time, though... I guess I'll mark this one "other"


New member
Jan 30, 2011
Generic Gamer said:
I'm a conservative so I'm regularly ripped on whilst on campus but I've never had the 'victim mentality' to actually be trodden down.
I'm only in high school, but my school is extremely liberal. It wouldn't be so bad if a lot of the students and teachers didn't go on about how we should be open minded and tolerant, yet when I state my opinion, I get torn apart. I'm not exactly looking forward to college.