Poll: Have you, personally, ever been discriminated against?


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Both religiously, and because of my gender.

In high school, I had a falling out with my best friend over my faith, and she got everyone else to stop talking to me. They spoke to me a little, but jabs at Christianity were frequently involved.

I'm also a female in the construction industry. The discrimination there is more on a subconscious level. People assume I don't know what I'm talking about.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Well this is probably pretty tame by most people's standards but here goes, i went to high school at a private Catholic school (expensive) and my mother broke her back (figuratively) to get me the best education possible, she was working as a waitress.Needless to say i was at the bottom of the social ladder at school, when i saw some of the other students arrive to school in their brand new BMW , i knew this wasn't my regular "circle".In retrospective though it was the best thing she could do for me, it gave me an excellent education and some good life principles.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Dumped by my first girlfriend because, according to her, it annoyed her I found the same sex attractive.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
TheDarkEricDraven said:
Sure. I hate talking about it, though, so why am I even making this post? It just saddens me to think about it.
Eventidal said:
Mostly I've just been discriminated against for being a furry.

I'm not one of those who goes HI IM MAX AND IM A FURREH or anything, either.
Well...there is your avatar...
Why is your avatar... whatever it is? (hard to tell at that size)
Why does a brony choose to put Pinkie Pie as their avatar? Why does someone put a reference to their favorite game or movie in their avatar? Why do some people put a picture of themselves, or a custom character in a game they use to represent themselves, or even an online persona that represents themselves? (I know my grammar is probably terrible but I don't know how to write this any better right now T_T)
I put my fursona as my avatar because he is a representation of myself. He was created by me, is drawn by me, and represents something that is important to me. I could try to hide the fact that I'm a furry, but I see no reason to do so. If it somehow comes up in conversation (as I guess it has tonight) then I'm open about it, but I don't go bringing it up when it's not even tangentially related to the topic. I don't think I'm being unrealistic or overly forward to have a furry avatar.


New member
Sep 22, 2011
Oh have I ever. Let me see....

In High School I was goth. I was also a Senior when Colombine happened, and was wearing a trenchcoat. Yep.

Around age 22 I had a shaved head and a metal goatee, and was interviewing for a position as a shipping and receiving manager at a local owned garden store in a very rich town (i.e. White Upper class). During the interview, the owner was called away. I curiously looked at what he was scribbling and saw he wrote "Looks scary, may frighten customers."

I lost the job 3 weeks later when I took the requested time off for my older brother's wedding, but got a sweet severance when I brought up that lovely tidbit during my firing.

Now: I have tattoos (almost full sleeve) and a septum ring. I also have some rocking mutton chops. I get the occasional gawker but overall, living in Oakland, people don't seem to give a shit here ;D

But the most "fun" bit of harassment was when I was hanging out in a particularly racist town in the East Bay Area. My friend (who's African American) and I are getting coffee, and some peckerwoods come over and start shit. I was called a "race traitor" for hanging out with someone who was not white.

That made me laugh, if only because it was so absurd.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
putowtin said:
AdeptaSororitas said:
Hello my dear Escapees, your friendly Sister of Battle here.

So I've noticed that a lot of people in the world, and particularly on this site have a whole host of unique opinions and lifestyles, so through a long winding train of thought I began wondering if anyone of them had ever been discriminated against due to their beliefs, gender, lifestyle or even race.
I'm disabled, most of the time I have to walk with a stick (the rest of the time I can't walk at all) I've heard people mutter behind my back before (apparently the inability to walk also makes you deaf) but the most shocking discrimination came recently when I went to see HP & the deathly hallows part two. A guy rushed past me as he was "sick of being stuck behind the fucking cripple" (his words) and knocked me to the floor, my friend and one of the cinema attendants helped me to my feet, I thanked the attendant who then told me that I should wait for everyone else to be seated before going in. I complained and said that I didn't want a seat right in front of the screen, to which he replied that "maybe you should stay at home then, and wait for it on DVD"
Sometimes I want to hit people, this was a time I wanted to stamp on peoples heads!
Oh man, that sucks hard core.... =/ I was in a wheelchair for almost a year (bad car accident, pinched some nerves, long story) anyway mum and I went shopping one day while I was still in my chair, and I was just sitting quietly, staring off into space (my imagination is a fun place :3 ) and one of the sales ladies comes up to me (she wanted mt to move somewhere) and started talking very slowly and loudly, like she thought I was mentally disabled instead of just physically. I looked at her and calmly replied that I would move, but only if she stopped talking to me in that tone of voice... she was very embarrassed. So I definitely, at least mildly understand what you went through.

Also! When I was in school, and starting to walk again (like I said long story) I had almost everyone in school accusing me of faking my injuries in order to get sympathy.... Even after I had to go in for ankle surgery to get a tendon in my foot moved over so that I could lift my toes again..... (yay nerve damage, am I right?) anyway I just about beat some guys head into a locker (repeatedly) the last time I heard someone talking about me that way....

A Raging Emo

New member
Apr 14, 2009
Shycte said:
A lot of angry white males here...
Can kinda see where all the straight white males who grew up somewhere in the middle class playing lots of video games (myself included) are coming from, though?

As another poster in this thread has said, by default, straight white men are "racist, sexist, homophobic, ageist, et cetera".

Which, obviously, is totally not true, yet that certainly seems (in my experience, anyway) to be the impression that the rest of the population is under.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
A Raging Emo said:
Shycte said:
A lot of angry white males here...
Can kinda see where all the straight white males who grew up somewhere in the middle class playing lots of video games (myself included) are coming from, though?

As another poster in this thread has said, by default, straight white men are "racist, sexist, homophobic, ageist, et cetera".

Which, obviously, is totally not true, yet that certainly seems (in my experience, anyway) to be the impression that the rest of the population is under.
Well, I can't really say that I've ever felt accused for something like that, although I can understand where you are coming from with this. But the thing to remember is that stright white males is the least discriminated group in the world. You can dance around the issue and claim that males loses custody battles just because they are male and so on, but it doesn't change how the real world looks like. And that my friend, is something that the straight white male seem to forget.