Poll: High School was...


New member
Sep 5, 2011
There was some good and there was some bad, but the best years were definitely the first one and the last one, which is where I seemed to make the most friends and the best ones too.


Thinking with Portals
Jun 4, 2008
spartan231490 said:
I don't' really fit in the pole. It was one of the most miserable experiences in my life. But amongst all the misery are some of the greatest most cherished memories I have. I would never go back and do it again, but I'm very glad that I did it.
This is pretty much how I feel about it. I was bullied and exams really got to me in the last two years, but I did some things there that I loved. I would never, ever say it was the "best days of your life!" like a lot of adults told me at the time - I don't miss it at all. Things like choir trips and musical performances were fantastic, but they were few and far between and I'd never repeat the experience as a whole.


New member
Sep 16, 2011
It was a monotony, which forced me into an (almost) never ending loop of, "Every day is the same" paradox. Oh wait, it still is, I never got out.

Through the three years of High School, I learned the equivalent of two days worth of research on the site, "Fun Factz".

The only up-side is: I learned about the real world, and how dumb some people can be. If I haven't attended HS, I would probably become an anti-social freak, who wouldn't know what, "What's Up" means.

So I guess, HS is a necessary evil.


Full Frontal Nerdity
May 25, 2010
I like the distinction between two grades of average in the poll - went for average (good) in the end. Had some pretty good times, did okay and met my girlfriend there, even if there were some rough patches early on.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
When it come for the High School teachers given me the educations they did a good job which I'm greateful for (in saying so I guess my classroom was not disrupted as it would be compare to others).
When it come to the social aspect of High School was a different (there was a small time during High School I got depress for abit).

Pontus Hashis

New member
Feb 22, 2010
Best of my life, if you count what I'm doing now as high school, since Sweden has a diffrent system.
Friends with everyone in my class, geting laid, okay teachers, Best schooltime evuer!


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Let's see, I went from middle school, where I was picked on and ostracized constantly until the eighth grade, to a high school. There I was pretty much accepted by everyone, made a lot of friends and became more social. I had mostly great classes, and it has helped me come up with an idea of what I want to do for the future. So for me, it was great. The Senior year was boring though, every other year was awesome though.


New member
May 3, 2010
Still in it, but it's shit. All the people around me are shit, my classes are shit, my teachers are generally shit, and the administration is complete unadulterated shit.

I started high school with no friends, went up to a LOT of friends sophomore year, junior year I was back down to almost none, and now I have maybe 2 or 3 friends, none of which are very close.

If these are honestly the best years of your life, you are suffering from nostalgia. I sometimes feel the same about my exchange trip to Germany, but then I remember I'm being too specific about my reminiscence and the majority of it was terrible.

Freshman year was goofing off, sophomore year was drama and bullshit; junior year I can't remember whatsoever, the only memories of which I have are several occasions of alcoholic consumption and the wonderful mono/strep throat combination I had that caused my prude catholic girlfriend-of-the-time to break up with me for not paying enough attention to her while I was very ill, then spreading rhetorical bullshit to her friends (which were also my friends) and causing me to be alienated from the majority of the people with which I had built my previous social foundation. Not that I miss any of them. If their friendship is that fragile, they were nothing short of an expendable asset.

Now it's senior year, and I'm failing the only class I need to graduate because why, at this point, should one give a shit? The only life I have in store is a monotonous routine of working as many hours as I can to combat the massive debt that piles up in this country simply from owning a house, a car, and enough food to skate by on the minimum required daily calorie count for sustaining cellular function.

Best time of my life, really.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
While I didn't enjoy high school my last 1.5 years, my first 2.5 were great. I honestly would go back to my junior year and prevent the event that made me switch schools thus screwing me out of 1.5 years of good education if I could.
But then life would be different for me and I wouldn't know half the people I do now so... butterfly effect.


New member
Sep 1, 2009
I would literally cut off my own legs, happy tree friend style, before repeating high school.


New member
Jan 30, 2011
Let's see here... I went with amazing!, although that's not exactly true. It was better than good for quite a few reasons, but I don't think I'd ever call it amazing. Better then college? In some ways, yes. I didn't have to do as much, classes were easier to pull off without studying (or thinking about them at all really), and the band was significantly more fun. I'm sure that last one would have changed if we weren't very good, or if our football team in college was better, but as a rule getting high places - 1st 2nd or 3rd nearly every time - in marching band competitions was quite enjoyable, especially with a group of people that were fun to hang around with and a teacher who knew enough to be a good instructor but was at time completely oblivious (I've got some fun stories about that).

I had friends, but in the band and outside of it, I didn't do drugs, only drank a couple times and never seriously, I had a girlfriend for three of the four years, and I've had more than one girl I know come up to me and say that they had the biggest crush on me during that time. The school itself could have been better; some teachers I had were pretty good, one or two were amazing, and the rest could go screw themselves for all I cared. But dealing with that sort of shit has always been something that you have to go through. I did so by subtly screwing with them in every way possible. Oh, I had the occasional teacher who would give me F's and D's on big papers because they didn't like my style of writing or didn't like my argument, but the few who actually encouraged that sort of thinking were the ones I listened to.

The kids who I was never friends with could be jerks at times, of course, but I went through my fair share of that during middle school - middle school sucked, by the way - and my first few years in Scouts, and I quickly learned that having a thick skin and the ability to throw a glance someone's way that will tell them that under no uncertain terms if they continue what they're doing they're likely to end up with a bloody nose at best are two extraordinarily handy abilities to have. I got in a couple fights, but nothing serious and there were only a couple times that I came out with a bigger enemy than I went in to it with. Hell, I didn't even win all of them, but when you're able to stand up to a 6'3" tall, 200lb football player and match him punch for punch you tend to come out of it looking pretty good (we became friends pretty quickly afterwards. He went in to the Marine Corps, I became a writer).

Luckily for me these fights tended to happen off of school grounds and without any faculty knowing, otherwise my experience would have been quite a bit more interesting. I'll maintain that sometimes all a kid needs to straighten up is a good, non-serious ass kicking though, just so he'll realize there is someone out there that's bigger than him, and they're willing to let him know.

Erm... I didn't fit in with any particular social clique, but I managed to hang out with nearly all of them, and I think that helped out a lot in the end. I was myself, and I was confident about being myself, and I think because of that the people I spent time with didn't really care if I was their typical 'friend' or not.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Freshman-Senior years = hell because I had pretty much one friend and there were a lot of assholes to give me shit.

My 2nd senior year due to me being behind in credits = Awesome because I made lots of friends and all the assholes left with my grade.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
Meh. It was cool at the time, but nothing on my life since.

I mean, if I'd listed my ten most awesome moments in life the summer after my senior year of high school, and then done it again the summer after my Freshman year of college, only about two would have remained on the list.

By now, in my mid 30s, I'd have probably had to have had a list of the 100 most awesome moments in my life the summer after my senior year of high school for even one or two to still be on it today, and even then they'd probably be things like "Met Joseph, who remains a great friend 20 years later."

The odd thing is that I remember people telling me when I was in high school that "these are the best years of your life." Looking back on it, I really wonder what kind of boring, horrible lives they had after high school for that to be true.


New member
Dec 17, 2011
Unfortunately, I'm finding it really hard to fit into any group of people in my school. Living in a largely farming community with a HS with 300 kids really limits the kind of groups in the school, but being a huge gamer and connected to the internet to a degree more than any other person in that school makes it impossible to find others like me. The only people who game in my school play nothing but Call of Duty, and altough that's a lot of people, it means I have no one to relate to. I don't get bullied in any way, but finding a group with the same views/intersts as me isn't happening.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
Well I am in my Senior year and it's okay. Mostly okay just because I REALLY want to get onto College already. I used to get somewhat picked on in 6-9 grade but it was minimal. After 9th grade, 10-12 no one gives a shit. I don't get picked on. Though it does help by the fact that the cliques in our school aren't as strict as others maybe. So I talk with popular kids, sometime the nerds.

I am in the borderline Nerd/Popular group.


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
Senior Year, it's average (Good), but I am really looking forward to graduating and getting out. I'm not a fan of School to be honest...


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Fried_beans said:
I am almost through high school and I was just wondering how it was like to others. Reply to the pole and leave a reply giving a summary or reason or just a little anecdote. Honestly high school isn't that bad but it's definately not great
I'm in my senior year, and if it weren't for the fact that I'm going to a much more laid back, much smaller, and much closer to home extension of my district's normal high school, I'd have probably dropped out last year.

Not that I didn't think about it anyways, I barely passed all of my classes last year, I decided that if I were to get held back, I would without a doubt drop out and just get a GED.

The funny part is that I got nineties on all of my finals last year except for my English exam, which I scored 100% in.

I liked pretty much all of my teachers, but I just couldn't help but laugh at the look on their faces when I bombed their classes, but aced their respective tests.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
It was OK, nothing brilliant but there were fun times to be had. I found history to be more interesting than I thought it would be, I aced all of the coursework, but I got a below average grade for the final exam. The coursework made up 50% of the final grade as well so I must've tanked the exam.