Poll: How do you feel about interracial marriages?


New member
Dec 4, 2011
brandon237 said:
Forget it, it's appears you don't seem to understand what I'm getting at. I don't have the energy to explain further.

I sorry, if this come across as rude, but I had a long but ultimately fruitless "conversion" (it's not really a "discussion" when the other party has already made up their mind and is more interested in pushing his/her agenda than discussing the points of the topic) in this very thread - not saying you are like that "brick wall", but you currently have not gotten it yet so ... I'm just tired. LOL


New member
Jun 11, 2011
I'm an interracial child so any relationship I'm in is interracial my wife is white so that makes things funny to me trying to explain my halfculture lifstyle. One thing I've learned is that everyone is racist. The fact we try to hide that fact makes things worst. It dosent matter let it go and everthing else will follow. I'm not saying embrace those racist thoughts and I'm not saying its natural cause its not. Its thousands of years of history were people segregated themselves and it will take hundreds of years to change that mind set. People just need to stop worrying about wether or not they are being racist and just being just better period.
It does work any race can mix and be happy we just need to open about different cultures and somehow make are own. I will never be full mexican nor will i ever be full white. I am what I am and if you dont like how it is the relationship wont work its not racist its just prefence.


New member
Dec 10, 2011
Tanner The Monotone said:
Using no stereotypes, I don't prefer one race to the other.
Then be very, very careful. Stereotypes are simplifications our brains instigate in order to produce basal expectations. They are superficial in every sense, and very rarely apply on a personal level. I have watched men get dumped (deservedly so) for basing their attraction on stereotypes. It happens constantly with the Asian women here; men care more that the women are Asian (because they are attracted to Asian women - not even Korean/Japanese/Vietnamese etc. specifically, which all have very different cultures and phenotypes) than their personalities.

It's differences in the races that would make me prefer one to the other. If I can't group characteristics, whether sexual or cultural, to one group, how am I supposed to prefer one to the other?
Preferences due to physical characteristics is fine. Some guys like Redheads more than Brunettes, or BBWs over normal weight. That's fine; women can't control their phenotype (weight being an exception) and you're attracted to them for what they are - not what you expect them to be. Being attracted to somebody because you expect them to act like "X" is very harmful to any future relationship. Not all Latinas/Black women are into anal or are "fiesty." Not all Asian women are submissive or into anime. Not all Europeans (almost as bad as "Asian") are "sexually Liberal."

Get rid of or modify your stereotypes, and enjoy people for who they are.

I was also mostly just saying that I like festivals that happen in Latin America.
Cool. Liking a girl because she celebrates Cinquo de Mayo? Not cool.

Yes, preconceptions are hard to change, but it is a huge service to yourself and any potential mate.