Poll: How many legendaries is too much in a pokemon team?


New member
Nov 10, 2010
So I have one other friend who plays pokemon so we decided to do the match. To my annoyance he used the 3 shinies from the gamestop event last month + Lugia, Zekrom and a Volcarona. Needless to say I had no fun and when he beat me I just grinned and raised my eyebrow and don't like playing with him anymore.

... At least my Roseraid did QUITE well. Anyways, am I a sore loser? do you think a pokemon team of JUST legendaries is overkill? Anyways, I vote 1 as I find Tornadus just too cool.

Was I a sore loser?


New member
May 20, 2009
Zeckt said:
So I have one other friend who plays pokemon so we decided to do the match. To my annoyance he used the 3 shinies from the gamestop event last month + Lugia, Zekrom and a Volcarona. Needless to say I had no fun and when he beat me I just grinned and raised my eyebrow and don't like playing with him anymore.

... At least my Roseraid did QUITE well. Anyways, am I a sore loser? do you think a pokemon team of JUST legendaries is overkill? Anyways, I vote 1 as I find Tornadus just too cool.
Im a gen 1 guy (red/blue). I thought the legendaries where a bit weak i went with a garydos, ivysaur, geodude/dugtrio, kadabra and arcanine which left me a gap for another. Articuno seemed to fit that profile but i wasnt keen on the others. That set up was pretty decent


New member
Oct 26, 2009
The only time I actively used one was my first playthrough of Platinum - I used Giratina. I'd been using only 5 until I got to him and really needed something that could fly. Not only could he do that, but he's a Dragon/Ghost so he gave my team a new real advantage!

Using more than one is a little much I think.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
I never use legendaries. Though I might train them for one day I use them in ubers.

It has alot to do with the fact that you can't breed them, also it's just more fun to get them quickly.

Also it's no fun taking on teams of OU pokemon using Ubers.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I tend to rarely use legendaries. When having trouble in Heartgold, I nabbed Raikou and started using him as a steamroller, but I usually find playing with entirely non-legendaries to be much more satisfying somehow.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
I tend not to use Legendaries. Sometimes I'll have one on my team just to try them out (usually on my first playthrough), but other than that I don't find them too interesting.

Miss G.

New member
Jun 18, 2013
I don't play others in matches, but I have used the lv. 15 giveaway Keldeo on my team since it basically needed to be leveled up a lot like every other non-legendary, and even then my Jolteon was my best Special Sweeper. He just filled out the Water type member I needed for a balanced team since Vaporeon was too slow for my liking.


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
I myself have never used Legendaries. However, I do believe that if you want to use Legendaries, you should only use 1, because too many legendaries isn't fun.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
Don't they all have counters anyway? I personally don't play with others, but if I did I don't think I'd mind if the opponents had 3+ legendaries in their team, because I'd probably never play against them again anyway. For someone who plays them all the time, you can do two things: get a team of their counters, or ask them to stop using those legendaries.

Not to mention that event Pokemon usually have awful IVs, especially shiny ones.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
I'm just gonna straight up say one... I have a no legendary policy, but that's cause I'm MENTAAAAAAAAL!!

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
WenisPagon said:
No legendaries, all Shuckle, final destination.
Shuckle + Umbreon.


Stall for fucking eternity.

OT: I never really bother using them as they aren't very fun in game, competitively you should fight him witha proper ubers team.

And a fucking Wobbuffet.

He shall know the wrath of the miscellaneous turquoise blob.


New member
Jan 28, 2012
Legendaries are super boring.
In the game story they are just lame steamrollers you get at a high level so they never learn much more than they already have and in pvp, they usually have obnoxiously high stats which is why almost all of them are banned.

They tend to rot in my boxes while I use something I have more agency over.

As for your team, put metagross in to counter 2/3 of his team, acrobatics aeropteryx holding a flying jewel to insta-murder volcarona and whatever else.


Mar 27, 2011
WenisPagon said:
No legendaries, all Shuckle, final destination.
Aaahahahahaha, that was quite good.

OT: I like Ho oh, sometimes Lugia, mostly just depending on whether I play Gold or Silver. In Gen 1, I always get a Mew in my party. ALWAYS. So, really, max one, MAYBE 2 if I take the time to trade Mew into Gen 2. Don't play anything past Gen 2.


New member
Dec 5, 2010
That really depends on the situation since the situation may restrict which Legends you can use. Obviously, tournament play restricts the entry of specific Legends...but even playing through the main game may prevent you from wanting to use certain Legends since they may not be as utilitarian as regular Pokémon. Plus, PVP situations may have their own house rules they may wish to use, so there's that as well. All in all...it's hard to say how many Legends is "too much" since your mileage may vary.

CAPTCHA: trick or treat

You're a mite more than three weeks early, Captcha!


New member
Jul 23, 2009
People using legendary annoys me. I used to play Colosseum online, and I'd get people that use Dialga and Giratina teams. Fortunately, I had Garchomp: Destroyer of Legends. 9/10 times he and my Absol would end such teams easily. The other time the person would ragequit. There's always a counter, even for legendary teams.

Adeptus Aspartem

New member
Jul 25, 2011
Legendaries =/ Ubers.

There are legends which are just garbage. Usually people should agree on what they want to play before hand. Because it's not funny to face Lugia, Darkrai and their friends when you derp around with Raichus and Muks.

Also Volcarona is no legendary. On the otherhand the new super mole + garchomp are usually forbidden and are played alongside the ubers. And once you faced a decent sandstorm team you know why - because dat mole 1hits every non-uber pokemon usually.

SkarKrow said:
Shuckle + Umbreon.


Stall for fucking eternity.

OT: I never really bother using them as they aren't very fun in game, competitively you should fight him witha proper ubers team.

And a fucking Wobbuffet.

He shall know the wrath of the miscellaneous turquoise blob.
Ow come on, Wobbuffet is ludicrously overpowered. Isn't he usually banned? Personally i think using Wobuffet is basically the biggest dick-move you can do in a pokemon fight :D


New member
Oct 19, 2010
Legendaries have no place outside Ubers because they kinda break balance in a huge way. I mean, I have a near-perfect Mewtwo, but I'm not ever going to use it in a serious battle, because he's completely broken.

While friendly matches shouldn't be so strict on such things, your friend should probably consider how bs using a Legendary team against your friends is. If he doesn't mix it up at all, you should seriously consider breeding a counter-team, such as Garchomp+anything. You get a pretty hefty advantage, especially if he hasn't EV-trained: you can't breed Legendaries, so they tend to have IVs that are all over the place.

Rylee Fox

Queen of Light
Aug 3, 2011
When I play against other players my rule is always 1 legendary per team max. I want to see people play with a variety of monsters, not just legends.

I remember the fun times I had battling my friends in the original red/blue version. Whenever they would send out Mewtwo I'd just field my Golem. It always went the same way. "Golem used Explosion!" "Mewtwo fainted!" My friends learned to fear my Golem. =P