Poll: How many people have you slept with?


New member
Jan 31, 2010
12 (insert Dirty Dozen joke here). Mostly they've been girlfriends, a couple were one night stands between girlfriends.

Also, to those in their late teens (or even older) who think they're "forever alone" - I was 19 when I lost my virginity (I'm 33 now). I spent the next 7 years with the same girl, 2 years with another and just over 1 year with a third. The other 9 were a mix of short-lived romances (7) with a couple of one night stands in between, but all clocked up in more recent years. In other words, it wasn't until I was in my late 20's and early 30's that I flourished in that department. Don't sweat it, there's someone for everyone.


New member
Jul 15, 2009
2 so far.

First one was a crazy one-night stand which turned into a short fling at 21 which I wouldn't change any detail of.

Second was... the worst sex I've ever had and had the worst fallout. I won't go into details but I'm glad I lost it earlier.

Adam Xonix

New member
Nov 29, 2011
I think im close to 100 by now... lost count at 50+ when i was 18 im 20now almost 21. but i have fallen for my girlfriend so i wont.be trying to find out exactly how many


New member
Jul 17, 2010
I dont sleep with anyone anymore. Simply cause I've slept with everyone, and I dont double dip.

... but no, seriously, 3


New member
Jun 11, 2012
=y said:
SpectacularWebHead said:
I don't know what's more irritating, that this thread has come up again or that my answer is still 0.
My answer hasn't changed and there ain't anything wrong with that. Just gotta wait until there's the right person to do it with is all in my case. :D

Upon second reading of this thread...

Fiz_The_Toaster said:
.No. said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
This might change your mind.
Who could resist this?
Aaaaand my drink almost decorated my monitor and now I have the giggles.

Well done! :D
Consider why there is a hammer there.
Mjolnir be not the hammer of which I speak.

...The hammer be-eth my manhood.


New member
Aug 2, 2011
Grand total of eight. I try to keep track of all the for real real sexing. Ummmm, does oral sex count? If it does I have no fricken idea. I had a crazy year that I barely remember other then lots and lots of awkward sex, hurt feelings, and nonsensical situations. After that I just kind of gave up on relationships and was more into sex and fuck buddies. That lasted for a couple years. Then dis ***** came along....


New member
Mar 7, 2009

The first was a prize for beating a cage fighter on the street.

Though I was already in a shit state, and I was half drunk when I got the woman, so I don't really member anything aside from she was there, she was on, and I was in pain.

The second is my lovely lady now who I've been with for a few years now. So that's pretty cool.

Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
Just the one here... Although I was with her for 4 and a half years, and it only ended recently... (well, last year, but then I went away with the military for 6 months and stuff, so it still feels like yesterday!)


New member
Nov 15, 2011
Depends on your definition. If you mean anything sexually stimulating, 'bout twelve. If you mean penetration of anything, 'bout seven.

If you mean sleeping in the same bed with someone else... 'bout twelve, actually. Huh.

Anywho. I'm in a dedicated relationship now, and I'm quite happy as things are, but this number will still probably go up, because while we consider ourselves bound to one another, I've always wanted to try a threesome, and my other has a fetish for me fooling around with other people while they watch. So um, yeah.

Capcha: gadzooks



New member
Jan 26, 2012
Depends on what you mean by "slept with". If you mean cuddley-snuggles, then I've lost count. If you mean had sex with, then...I actually don't remember. I don't enjoy sex a great amount, so I generally just attempt to forget about it after it happens. I can ballpark it as more than 8, though. I went through an experimental phase in university.
Aug 25, 2009
In any terms, more than 8.

Yeah I was a slut when I was younger. I lost my virginity at 14 in a Sixth Formers' house party with my bassist in the bed next to me and two of the older years switching between us. And for the record, it isn't actually very fun.

Yes there were some nights that were amazing. One night I got to sleep with the majority agreed upon hottest girl in school, who won the 'rear of the year' competition for the yearbook, and she was two years older than me. That was awesomesauce. But then there's the nights when you're so blackout drunk you can't even remember if you did or didn't sleep with anyone, but you wake up with someone else's vomit in your hair and some guy slumped across your chest snoring. Fun.

Then I went to uni, grew up a whole bunch (it kind of helped that none of the girls in my year wanted to sleep with me and I wasn't going to be knocking boots with the younger years like some of the guys in my year) and basically only slept with one girl at uni, who I was in a committed relationship with. Which was kind of nice actually. It started falling apart when I told her about the past though, so there's that to worry about for future relationships.

Fun fact related to the above: One of the 14 year old girls the guys in my year were sleeping with (them aged 18) got pregnant not long after we left the school. To this day we are still not exactly sure who it was. She aborted it anyway, but still.

Man, now I'm all depressed.

pharaoh malik

New member
Dec 1, 2010
Ghonzor said:
I've never understood people who have a plethora of partners. Difference of opinion I suppose. I'm not religious, but it's still special to me. Two for me
FalloutJack said:
Hey,suppose I only WANT to sleep with one and not others? This may be odd, but that's how it is.
To both of you, I would have only liked to have one meaningful partner but that's not how it worked out for me. :( The first guy I slept with and thought was the one wasn't the one after all.

I've slept with nine guys and one girl. The girl I was in love with. And I was in love with two of the guys. However they both used me for sex. So that's nice.

A handful were casual, but mostly because I was feeling heartbroken and realizing that sex is not as romantic to most men as it was to me. I feel sex is very intimate because when we have sex with someone we are in our most vulnerable state. And especially for a women, we're literally letting the guy inside.

Generally I would love a relationships and monogamy but it hasn't worked out for me yet. Just because I have had multiple partners doesn't mean I don't want a long lasting relationship with one person. Guys my age are generally not ready to settle down... :/ or perhaps I'm only good for sex appeal... -_- Though I still don't understand why someone can't just want me for more than that. BaAAAAAh.#foreveralone

Alas. Someday.


New member
May 24, 2011
Well my first was my girlfriend who I am still with so I haven't slept with anyone besides her. I'm a good boyfriend proud to say it :D


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
pharaoh malik said:
I'm really sorry to hear that. Being the guy in this case, I'd like to apologize for other guys making ME look bad. I'm known mine for years before even thinking of anything romantic, friends with similar interests for years. Slowly, even snail's pace, we grew closer. It was only about a year ago that I told her I loved her, because she needed to hear that someone appreciated her when she hasn't had the best of lives. I'm sorry that you yourself have had a hard time with your love life. This is just one I want to work more than anything.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
pharaoh malik said:
Ghonzor said:
I've never understood people who have a plethora of partners. Difference of opinion I suppose. I'm not religious, but it's still special to me. Two for me
FalloutJack said:
Hey,suppose I only WANT to sleep with one and not others? This may be odd, but that's how it is.
To both of you, I would have only liked to have one meaningful partner but that's not how it worked out for me. :( The first guy I slept with and thought was the one wasn't the one after all.

I've slept with nine guys and one girl. The girl I was in love with. And I was in love with two of the guys. However they both used me for sex. So that's nice.

A handful were casual, but mostly because I was feeling heartbroken and realizing that sex is not as romantic to most men as it was to me. I feel sex is very intimate because when we have sex with someone we are in our most vulnerable state. And especially for a women, we're literally letting the guy inside.

Generally I would love a relationships and monogamy but it hasn't worked out for me yet. Just because I have had multiple partners doesn't mean I don't want a long lasting relationship with one person. Guys my age are generally not ready to settle down... :/ or perhaps I'm only good for sex appeal... -_- Though I still don't understand why someone can't just want me for more than that. BaAAAAAh.#foreveralone

Alas. Someday.
Having two partners doesn't automatically mean I found the right girls.
Sadly, I was the one being used for sex, and in one case it took a couple years to figure this out. This all happened when I was a teenager as well, so that set me up for a wonderfully paranoid and closed-off life. I know your feels miss. As someone who becomes more attached than I'd like to other people, it scares me in all honesty. I hate to be alone, but the feeling of being used is such a stain on my psyche that I'm afraid to reach out to people now. I can go on dates and such, but intimacy is an entirely different ordeal. After being so sure and then being proven wrong with such force...it takes a very long while to bounce back.

I don't close off the option of finding someone who truly cares, but I find that my resolve to do so is much weaker now. There's always that niggling little doubt when I talk to someone. I'm not attractive by any means in my own opinion, and even the "confidence boost of being used for sex" (as some very thick people have described it to me) doesn't help.

I never want to become desensitized. Sex will always be special to me. In my mind I can only conceivably share that weakness with someone I believe will have my back and who will equally find it special. I may not want to settle down at my current age, but I'd love to set up the basis to do so. At the end of the day I'm just some forever alone nerd who wants to be loved like I've loved in the past.

(Excuse the stream-of-thought rant.)


Elite Member
Mar 20, 2010
Starik20X6 said:
Well if we're talking 'home run' then only one. If we're talking counting anything past 'second base' it's three.

Also, looking at the poll... Winning option: 1. Second place: More than 8. Dafuq? Assuming nobody's lying...
Oddly enough that didn't surprise me too much (most people manage to score at least one partner, people who are good/lucky/hot/whatever get lots and lots, and I suspect it being very feast or famine is more common for the guys). That the middle numbers are so much lower than the top and bottom did though.