Poll: I hate the imperial system. America, I'm looking at you! Give it up, metric is simply better!!!!


This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
Radeonx said:
Because we are America, and we use whatever the fuck we want because we can.
If you disagree you clearly hate freedom and are a communist, socialist, or some evil combination of the two.
And thats ironic because Liberalism ultimately removes freedom. "I know you were joking"


New member
Jun 8, 2009
Sgt. Sykes said:
First, oh fuck, stop mistaking one country for a whole continent. I'm pretty sure the whole LATIN AMERICA uses the metric system. Even Canada is quite fond of the metric system. It's just the stupid US.

Also, what's with the constant switching of e and i, i.e. kelven...? I see that way too often.
When people say America, they mean the United States of America. If they meant North America, or South America, they would say that. If they meant both, they would say the Americas. Deal with it.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
We tried switching to metric once, America, that is. The only thing is that we did it WRONG! We tried teaching everyone to convert everything to metric, rather than establishing new grounds in the metric system, so all that really went down is everyone getting really confused and giving up on the system all together. What I think we should do is wait a few generations until everyone has completely forgotten about it and try it again the right way.

As it stands now we just have a really crappy system, and the second largest country to still use the imperial system is Liberia. (Source: From Earth to Heaven[/U] [I think] By Isaac Asimov

Incidentally that is a freaking long title!


New member
Nov 14, 2010
im used to imperial, so my advice to people who dont care for it, is to suck it up, i learned both systems so why bother changing?


New member
Jun 8, 2009
ApeShapeDeity said:
Snotnarok said:
More America bashing nice. You realize it's used by people here because the schools teach it because it's the federal governments standard.

So we use it because we're forced to learn it.

I do think metric is far better though since everything is in 10's instead of crap but c'mon it's not because we're ALL stupid.
Mate, I'm not saying Americans are stupid! Not at all. I'm sure I could come up with a few idiot Americans to try to defend the indefencible, only to get ninja'd by many, many examples to the contrary. (infact, my grandpa was American)

My point is it's really only the U.S.A. that insists on continued use of the imperial system in fields such as mechanics and engineering. Which is neither helpful to Americans nor the rest of the world.
Untrue. As an American engineer, the vast majority of the time we use metric. The only thing that is used often is miles vs. kilometers (mostly when dealing with autos). Yet all my drawings, models, etc. are in metric.


New member
Oct 10, 2009
No, not because one system is better than the other one, but because it would simply be too difficult to switch.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Angerwing said:
Holy hell, thats bordering on Stalker level there. Thats just creepy, and also unfair, since thats a different thread, on a different topic, with a different opinion and frame of mind. But oka, we'll play this fiddle and have our duet.

First I should say that my Apostrophe is somewhat broken, so thats why (usually) none of my posts have apostrophes in them, and its just easier to go through. Also, thats grammar, not spelling, so lets get off the high horse and take a basic english class. With the exception of Dotn (in the post you pulled out of another thread) I spelled every word right, I just didnt use the correct word.

Now, as the the quote you grabbed, again, its the pettiness the rest of the world feels it needs to have just so it can change the US to its standards. Again, I dont see the US pushing the dollar on anyone, even though currently the dollar IS getting stronger, and is actually better economically then most places. Plus, it fits, because the OP doesnt like the Imperial system, and you in fact actually proved my point. Metric is the woman in this occasion. As soon as you go against it, all hell breaks loose and you are clearly in the wrong. Bet if I made a thread calling out all the short comings of Metric and all about how you dont need a base ten system to do easy mathematical things. So thanks for proving my point. Even though I dont believe its right to go grabbing posts from other threads on individuals through what was on the level of stalking.

So tell me this, if I ran through your posts, would I find "contradictory" information that I could use out of context here?

Anyway, thats not spelling that I got wrong in those examples. Thats again grammar. If you note, I spelled everyone of those words right. So your argument falls apart rather quickly.

Now, as to it being "undeniable" how do you explain those in this thread who have also said that they liked to use miles over kilometers in both distance and speed? Or how I even had a person say they liked metric liked the Imperial way for weight? Care to explain, possibly? Are you saying that their opinions are illogical, and wrong? Because if you are, I hope you quote everyone one of them and give them the same lecture. Please o' please do so, because if not, you're just the pot calling the kettle black.

Also, it is relevant about the dollar and its lack of forcible change. Metric is something used by some and not by others. The dollar is something used by some, not by others. Its called a comparison. And it does work, and if you'd like to tell me how it doesnt, I'd love to hear how, since you didnt give a reason.

Alright. So... everyone is entitled to an opinion. Just as long as its what the majority thinks is what youre telling me. Because I'm supposed to respect that you just called my preferred measurement of choice archaic and arbitrary, yet when I saw that I enjoy using it, I get a lecture on how wrong I am. Oka, I see how this works. And I see. I'm being better. When the title of this thread is:
I hate the imperial system. America, I'm looking at you! Give it up, metric is simply better!!!!
Yep. No pettiness there.

Or in here:
ApeShapeDeity said:
Imperial measurement is crap.
ApeShapeDeity said:
Why can't the rest of America just get on board with the rest of the world?
ApeShapeDeity said:
In short, imperial sucks. Let it die.
Yeah, theres certainly no pettiness there.

Also, side note. The -our thing is a more regional thing. And if you type it in on an American computer, it will say its misspelled. Just so you know. So whether you spell it (or any other word like it) -or or -our, its right either way.

And finally, if you want me to prove my point, tell me this. If I were to make a thread that said Metric wasnt as easy or necessary as people made it out to be (as was shown in programming example using base 16, binary, and how days and broken on a scale of 60 seconds = 60 minutes = 1 hour. Which then goes to 12 hrs. = half a day = 2(12)=24 hrs. = 1 day) dont you think metric users would come and tell me about I'm wrong? How would that be any different then what I posted defending my choice and right to use imperial (standard) system?

More so example is 52 weeks in a year 12 months in a year (neither divisible by 10) with months that run on a 28(29)/30/31 day scale (usually alternating except for three times during the year and when the year changes to a new one)? If you dont understand (it is kinda confusing to read that way), it means the months run like this:
-28 (29 on leap year)

And that these months are split into 4-5 weeks (not divisible by ten), with each week having 7 days (not divisible by ten) which runs back into the 1 day = 24 hr. -> 1 hr. = 60 minutes -> 1 minute = 60 seconds format. None of which is necessarily divisible by ten, since most divide by 4 into 15 or sometimes by 12 into 5.

So, seeing that, and how you run on a base system of 12 to tell time and a system of 52 weeks which is divisible by 4 (a multiple of 12) and how over half the months arent divisible by 10. Especially when they are broken up into 4-5 weeks that are made up of 7 days. No where does the base of 10 come up, only the base system of 12 (which is what the imperial or standard system runs on).

So there alone, Metric is unreasonable. Care to prove how it isnt? And why, showing that you must use the standard base 12 system to tell time and the date, though you can change between measuring in imperial or metric, imperial is obviously superior, because it runs time. and time cant be changed or converted (especially since there are 24 time zones, which is a base 12).

Lets hear it metric.

Grabbin Keelz

New member
Jun 3, 2009
Your just jealous because we thought up our own measurements which makes us cool. America doesn't conform with the rest of the world world, they conform to us.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Multiples of ten are a million times easier to understand than multiples of random numbers that makes no sense. Imperial was replaced in most of the rest of the world for a reason.


New member
Jun 8, 2009
Grabbin Keelz said:
Your just jealous because we thought up our own measurements which makes us cool. America doesn't conform with the rest of the world world, they conform to us.
Well, it's not really America. The British are mostly responsible for the use of those measurements in the US.

BTW...the British are pretty guilty themselves. Heck, they still use stones for weight, and mph for speed.


Sep 12, 2008
emeraldrafael said:
ApeShapeDeity said:
Yes... perhaps when you learn to spell, I will learn Metric. Also, Grams don't translate well, because, hey, how many grams are in a pound? 454 (really 1 pound = 453.59237 grams, but hey, round up)? What kinda fucked up unrounded number is that?

How about the rest of the world takes a nice big shut the hell pill about getting on America's case that it doesnt metric. Is it a better system? I suppose, though I like to be difficult. Really, what is America hurting by not using it?

Besides, the distance measurements are awesome, and speed as well. So nah, thats oka. I'll keep it, and the rest of the world can deal. Remember, America isnt trying to push Imperial on anyone, at least so far as I've seen. The rest of the world can take a step off their metric high horse and leave Imperial alone.

Benjamin Grant said:
I think they were being ironic.
That's kind of a foolish statement. They're implying that if we abolish the Empirical system, we wouldn't have to worry about converting pounds into grams. If you've ever tried to use standard measurements in science, you'd know how horrible it is. Take this example.

I have 3.5 tons and need to convert that into grams. I need to go....

3.5 tons X (1 ton/2000lbs) X (1 lb/ 16 oz) to equal 112,000 ounces (Or 1.12 X 10^5)

Now in the metric system, to convert 3.5kg into grams all you have to do is multiply by 1000, which most people can do in their heads instantly.

It saves a large quantity of time, which means it's more efficient. Anyone would agree a system is best when it's the most efficient.

Even using a non-science application.. converting ounces into gallons/quarts/pints/cups is rather annoying when you get down to it, granted it's not all that difficult.

That said, I live in America and grew up on the Empirical System. I'd still prefer it to all be metric, but I'm not foolish enough to believe it's an easy thing to chance considering all the industrial applications.

asam92 said:
Nothing is good about the imperial system, except Feet for someones height. Apart from that -32F is freezing WTF is that?
It's actually positive 32F. :)

Grabbin Keelz

New member
Jun 3, 2009
scott91575 said:
Grabbin Keelz said:
Your just jealous because we thought up our own measurements which makes us cool. America doesn't conform with the rest of the world world, they conform to us.
Well, it's not really America. The British are mostly responsible for the use of those measurements in the US.
Hey, don't backsass America or we'll bring Democracy and corrupted politics to your country whether you like it or not!


New member
Sep 30, 2010
You durn fool kids and your fancy metric system. My car gets fourty rods to the hogshead and thats the way i like it.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Actually a system of counting that has a base of 12 is better when dividing and multipling, but I don't really care. I use both, it just depends: atmospheres, miles, liter, its all the same. I think now we hold onto it mostly out of pride and the fact that it takes a good amount of the population a really long time to accept new ideas.
EDIT: Most people, in America at least I can't speak for everyone else, who care about their education end up learning both. Yay chemistry!


New member
Dec 16, 2010
Bailoroc said:
Hey, here's an idea; if you're so damn concerned about measurements and think it should be forced upon people (in clear violation of 1st Amendment laws, among others), why not write to a Congressman about it? Or if you live in another country (in which case, why the hell are you even worried about what Americans do in the first place?), ask your American friends to do that for you? Instead of bitching about it on a forum that's supposed to be about a community of gamers?
Uh, yeah, it's not about games. Hence the "Off Topic" tag in the forum directory.

First amendment? You're really gonna site the first ammendment as a logical reason against metrication? As I've stated earlier, I don't care if you want to use imperial conversationally or in unison with metric. It's NOT a matter of free speech. It's a system of logic and measurement. Standardisation reduces mistakes, miscommunicatons and keeps proccesses straemlined.

What I'm trying to say is that I believe the metric system is the more widely used of the two for a good reason. It's better.

So, in technical fields I believe those still on imperial should conceed for the common good.


Edit: Geez, emeraldrafael. If I wanted a flame war, I'd just have posted something like;
'Why do American's misspell a few words and decide they have thier own language?'
Do yourself a huge favour and relax a bit. Ok?


New member
Oct 23, 2010
I use a mix of both, i use cm along with inches, and also only use liters and gallons mostly