Poll: I hate the imperial system. America, I'm looking at you! Give it up, metric is simply better!!!!

Tim Mazzola

New member
Dec 27, 2010
See, I never really SAW the metric system until, like, high school, so it'd be confusing to me to adjust to using it. Still, I do acknowledge that metric makes WAY more sense.


New member
Aug 1, 2010
modern professional scientists do use metric, and i agree that imperial is effed up.
also, radeonx is just ignorant. ignore him


New member
Jun 16, 2009
Citizen Snips said:
I'm tired of hearing this stupid argument.

For the United States to switch to metric, Every factory and manufacturer would have to switch to metric at the exact same time for it to work. If one part of the manufacturing process went to metric and the other used standard measurements, then the entire production would be off. It's not that most of us don't want to switch. It's simply an impossible task.

On top of that every piece of machinery in the United States that uses Standard measurements would have to be destroyed, since it would be impossible to find tools to fix them.

So in short, yes metric is very nice and is more exact; however, for us to do so would mean the destruction and obsoletion of the largest amount of equipment in the world overnight.
This. It's the exact same reason why all of our power lines use much more energy than in Europe. As of right now, both are completely unfeasible to change to match the global standard.


New member
Nov 4, 2010
Radeonx said:
Because we are America, and we use whatever the fuck we want because we can.
If you disagree you clearly hate freedom and are a communist, socialist, or some evil combination of the two.
You Fail Logic Forever [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/YouFailLogicForever].

Specifically, Appeal To Authority and False Dichotomy.

This is the kind of bad logic which theists are notorious for using when trying to argue in favour of a god, and believe me, I've heard plenty of those.

I wonder if there's a relationship between the excessive power wielded by the religious in America and the stubborn refusal to update their measurements?

Jake the Snake

New member
Mar 25, 2009
Well see the flaw in your argument is that your trying to convince us with simple logic. Americans and logic don't mix. Like salmon and peanut butter.


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
I don't get why someone would want to use the Imperial system when the Metric system is more accurate.

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
What, you think that's bad, trying buying marijuana, drug dealers use both metric AND imperial at the same time. Basically, they'll describe everything in grams until you get to 7 grams, which is a quarter of an ounce, so they just call it a quarter. It's really confusing and I have no idea why they use both systems.

I'm Canadian and was raised completely on metric, so I don't know even the simplest imperial measurements.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Roxor said:
Radeonx said:
Because we are America, and we use whatever the fuck we want because we can.
If you disagree you clearly hate freedom and are a communist, socialist, or some evil combination of the two.
You Fail Logic Forever [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/YouFailLogicForever].

Specifically, Appeal To Authority and False Dichotomy.

This is the kind of bad logic which theists are notorious for using when trying to argue in favour of a god, and believe me, I've heard plenty of those.

I wonder if there's a relationship between the excessive power wielded by the religious in America and the stubborn refusal to update their measurements?
Clearly my logic is terrible. Next time, I will never write anything in a satirical fashion again, because I don't want to open the flood gates of idiocracy.
Thank you, you masterful genius, for pointing out the flaws in my argument.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Radeonx said:
Clearly my logic is terrible. Next time, I will never write anything in a satirical fashion again, because I don't want to open the flood gates of idiocracy.
Thank you, you masterful genius, for pointing out the flaws in my argument.
Next time, bring him a sandwich too. You generally can't see sarcasm on an empty stomach!


New member
Nov 4, 2010
Radeonx said:
Clearly my logic is terrible. Next time, I will never write anything in a satirical fashion again, because I don't want to open the flood gates of idiocracy.
Thank you, you masterful genius, for pointing out the flaws in my argument.
Sounds like I just fell victim to Poe's Law [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PoesLaw].


Cortana's guardian
Oct 22, 2009
Canid117 said:
I agree with the sentiment(ie USA USA USA!) but I honestly feel that my IQ dropped by about 10 points after having watched that whole thing...

OT: whatever floats OP's boat I'll use Imperial if it suits me and or Metric if I need to for a job its matters little to me in the long run


New member
Oct 26, 2008
Nothing is good about the imperial system, except Feet for someones height. Apart from that -32F is freezing WTF is that?


Kid makes a post...
Jun 1, 2009
emeraldrafael said:
Angerwing said:
A) No sir/ma'am I am not. This is an example of the pettiness the world has to have against America and the other Imperial using countries of the world. And no, its not. There's a few misspellings, such as Practicle (practicAL), tempratures (tempEratures), and collossal (colOSSAL). Some people miss lessons, you are one.
Wow, that bolded statement was really uncalled for. Here is a post you made earlier today in a different thread. I didn't even need to look for something incriminating. I grabbed a post at random, and here we are. I think you may have missed an important lesson yourself.
emeraldrafael said:
theonlyblaze2 said:
When did E! have anything to say about G4? Also no, Morgan DOES NOT look like she wants to be there. Or at least she doesnt want to talk about Video Games like they're bad. I like how she makes a case for the guys.

Also, I like the double standard that men always need to be broken down. How about the women shuts the hell up and stops bitching about what makes the man happy even through it doesnt HER happy. I'm sure if they guy tried to say that he didnt like something she did, that entire audience would have turned against him (or really anyone) and his GF would punish him later for it.
Regardless, the OP's spelling isn't much worse than most of the people on the forums. Really, it only serves to make you look pedantic, and it doesn't warrant insulting his intelligence. Or mine.
B) Yes really. And you know why? You go from pounds to metric tons. POUNDS to METRIC TONS (2000 lbs. = 1 MT). How is that not a nice even number? its not a nice round number, and when you have to go from one to the other (as I had to do constantly in Chemistry and Physics), its nice to have nice even numbers.
lacktheknack said:
emeraldrafael said:
B) Yes really. And you know why? You go from pounds to metric tons. POUNDS to METRIC TONS (2000 lbs. = 1 MT). How is that not a nice even number? its not a nice round number, and when you have to go from one to the other (as I had to do constantly in Chemistry and Physics), its nice to have nice even numbers.


Also, I wouldnt go spouting off about the Euro. The only reason its so strong is its the nation of a continent(???). European countries (Britain in particular [Britain isn't a country. It's an island]) is in the shitter economically in terms of individualness and its only saving grace is the average that those countries make.
You missed the point. I don't give a toss about the Euro, I was only using it to draw a comparison to your baffling dismissal of the metric system. I guess they don't teach reading comprehension in your spelling classes.
C) I deny it. There for, it is deniable.
Therefore, I think you mean. And I meant it's undeniable for one using any kind of reasonable logic.
And others have said they like Miles of meters and MPH over KPH. SO it is deniable. Your logic falls apart.
No it doesn't.
and very well, we are all entitled to our opinions. and we are all entitled to our own customs. So why does everyone get on America's case, when really it doesnt hurt the world to use it.
We're having a discussion. You may have noticed the OP using a humourous tone. It's not necessary to start saying things like
Yes... perhaps when you learn to spell
That isn't constructive.
You dotn see America telling everyone to switch to the dollar, even though its the international choice in Currency and English is the international language of business (and you can go ahead and say how the dollar is doing poorly, but really, who IS doing well?)
SO why when someone says that the Imperial is their preferred method, they get blasted out the water, but when that same person DARES to question Metric, its a crime against God?
Imperial is an archaic and arbitrary system. Metric is consistent. That's why it's preferred. Despite your hyperbole, that hasn't really happened in this thread, except, ironically, from yourself. You automatically went on the offensive when someone raised logical points regarding Imperial/Metric. You went personal and you went petty.

To the rest of the people in the thread, I'm sorry I went so off topic.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
I think it's nice to keep imperial to keep teh cultural knowledge alive and then use metric like normal people.

and I feel that feet and inches are better for height than parts of a meter. Being six of something instead of 1. something just makes one feel taller.


Boyz! Boyz! Boyz!
Dec 3, 2008
Metric is for math weenies that can only multiply and divide by 10.

I've never heard it called the Imperial system before. We call it "English" measurements here.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
I'm American, and I completely agree that metric is better. I don't see why we don't just convert to it. I always use it in my science classes anyway, so why not just use it for everything.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
Eh, I like using imperial in my day to day life and using metric for sciencing. While the metric is far more logical and understandable, the imperial system is far more reasonable for the human mind. For example, feet and inches are more useful for measuring how tall you are then having to be a lot of centimeters. I like miles more (England uses miles I know), but most likely because I've used them for longer. As far as science and engineering goes, I like the metric system more (I also prefer to think of my weed in terms of grams), but I'll always be 5'11" and weigh 200 pounds (unless I gain or lose weight, grow, or shrink with old age, but you get the idea).


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Oh damn it all to hell, not another one of these threads.

It's topics like this that makes me wish I could become the evil overlord of earth, make my own system of measurement, then force it on everyone while saying "Since you kids can't play nice and stop squabbling like spoiled brats, I'm taking away your toys!"

Hey, here's an idea; if you're so damn concerned about measurements and think it should be forced upon people (in clear violation of 1st Amendment laws, among others), why not write to a Congressman about it? Or if you live in another country (in which case, why the hell are you even worried about what Americans do in the first place?), ask your American friends to do that for you? Instead of bitching about it on a forum that's supposed to be about a community of gamers?

Geeze, sorry for swearing so much but it's like we can't live and let live on this forum!