Poll: If Skyrim gets DLC, which province should it go to next?


They'll fix it by "Monday"
Nov 17, 2009
OK, I know I am late to the party:
Basically, people have found the basic outline of the provinces of Tamriel within Skyrim. Obviously it's not incredibly detailed or else the game would have been delayed for 4 years and would come out on 6 discs, some say that it's to give the devs a sense or scale when they were making the geography but what I'm here to talk about is the very popular theory that it's actually to be used for future DLC.

So what I am asking is which province of Tamriel should any(if there are any) DLC for Skyrim come out (Bethesda said they wanted their DLC to be HUGE)?

1) Cyrodiil: Homeland of the Imperials, Centre of Tamriel, borders Skyrim to the south and is where TES 4: Oblivion took place.
2) Morrowind: Homeland of Dark Elves, invaded by Argonians after a series of natural disasters post-Oblivion Crisis, borders Skyrim to the East and is where TES 3: Morrowind took place.
3) High Rock: Homeland of the Bretons(and to a lesser extent, Orcs), One of the few places unaffected by the Great War, borders Skyrim to the North-West and the south of it is where TES 2: Daggerfell took place.
4) Hammerfell: Homeland of the Redguards(and to a lesser extent, Orcs), gained independance from the Empire after the Great War, borders Skyrim to the South-West and the north of it is where TES 2: Daggerfell took place.
5) Atmora: Little is known of it, is where humans first came from and colonized Tamriel (Bar Redguards), seperated from Skyrim and Tamriel by an ocean.
6) More questlines and caves within Skyrim (self explanitory).
7) No DLC at all (again, self explanitory).
8) Akivir (By popular demand): Homeland of the dragons,4200 miles from Tamriel and is seperated from Tamriel by ocean to the east.

NOTE: I only listed provinces that border Skyrim itself (so sorry for anyone hoping for Valenwood, Elsweyr, Summerset Isles or Black Marsh, there's always TES:6)


New member
Nov 23, 2011
This thread has been done a few times already, search before you post.

OT: High Rock would be very interesting, but ive always wanted to see how Cyrodiil held up after some 200 years since the Oblivion crysis. I have dreamt of returning to see if my house in Anvil still stands :p

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
It won't be in another province in my opinion. They will leave that for a sequel. I think you are expecting a bit much.


They'll fix it by "Monday"
Nov 17, 2009
xXxJessicaxXx said:
It won't be in another province in my opinion. They will leave that for a sequel. I think you are expecting a bit much.
Well, Bethesda said they wanted their DLC to be huge, less DLC and more like expansion packs (which makes a lot more sense considering Skyrim already pushed the boundaries of what you could put on a 360 disc)


Assumed Lurker
Mar 27, 2009
I want it to be that no matter where you end up going or doing in the DLC, you absolutely rip the Thalmor a new one on the way, whether you be Imperial, Stormcloak or otherwise.

Yeah, I hate the Thalmor.

Of course, if I have to vote it'd be inside Skyrim. I'd be surprised if they went elsewhere, but maybe we can repel a surprise Thalmor invasion inside Skyrim.

[sub][sub][sub]Yeah, I really do hate the Thalmor.[/sub][/sub][/sub]

Unrelated to DLC, I'd like TES 6 to be set in either Elsweyr or Black Marsh. I wanna experience their unique wildlife and terrain.

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
Honestly I hope they do no DLC at all and start working on a new game. I was so, so disappointed with Skyrim.


Jan 17, 2010
United Kingdom
DLC should never be set in a new province. New provinces should be kept for new games, not DLC or expansion packs. So, when Skyrim gets DLC I think it should be set in Skyrim. Afterall the game is called Skyrim because it's set in Skyrim, there's no need to go elsewhere. They can still do plenty with DLC set in Skyrim, like driving out the Thalmor for example.


New member
Jan 4, 2008
Cyrodiil! Just for the trolling.

I think someone should do a full game overhaul where they use the old maps from the old games, and link them up with mountains (making them smaller, or passable somehow), making an EPIC size world to walk accross.

If you thought WoW was big enough, you are wrong!

Jesus Phish

New member
Jan 28, 2010
Didn't they already say they're doing DLC and that it's going to xbox first for a limited time?

And based on the DLC they did for Oblivion, if it goes anywhere it'll go to a Daedric realm as opposed to going to another province as a realm is a much smaller area. All the provinces are huge and open, so people would just be angry if they found out they could go to Morrowind say but only go to the city of Vivic.

One province per game seems to be their current style. I think one of the older ones (arena or daggerfall) had two provinces in the game but since Morrowind they've only added more land to the current map or you go through a portal to another realm.


New member
Dec 24, 2009
Bernzz said:
I want it to be that no matter where you end up going or doing in the DLC, you absolutely rip the Thalmor a new one on the way, whether you be Imperial, Stormcloak or otherwise.

Yeah, I hate the Thalmor.

Of course, if I have to vote it'd be inside Skyrim. I'd be surprised if they went elsewhere, but maybe we can repel a surprise Thalmor invasion inside Skyrim.

[sub][sub][sub]Yeah, I really do hate the Thalmor.[/sub][/sub][/sub]

Unrelated to DLC, I'd like TES 6 to be set in either Elsweyr or Black Marsh. I wanna experience their unique wildlife and terrain.
Trust me your not alone on the Thalmor.

I also would want 6 to be set in Elsweyr if only so I can play as a Khajitt and not get crazy racist looks from NPC's


Tea & Grief
Nov 9, 2009
How about a DLC where the guards stop asking if I am fetching the Companions their mead even though I'm their bloody Harbinger? OR a DLC where I get some recognition for settling the civil war? That'd sure be nice. Maybe a DLC where they don't use eight different voice actors to record the exact same lines of dialogue, which would, you know, actually make a grain of sense. Yeah, I'd like that. Some actual AI would be nice, too.

All in all, I want a DLC that stops the main game from pulling me kicking and screaming from the immersion that they have so carefully built up with their beautiful environments.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
I think Bethesda should break from the tradition of other companies and fix the bugs Skyrim already has before they start introducing more content.


New member
Apr 5, 2010

I vote for an expansion involving the issues present in Windhelm between the Nords, Argonians and Dunmer.


New member
May 29, 2011
O how my heart aches for my homeland of Morrowind, but I would really want to visit Cyrodiil to see the full might of the imperial army against the thalmor hordes and find out to what level the cites got fucked up *shakes fist at thalmor*.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Well, I don't think they would do another province, but then again...the Kahjitt seem to mention their home an awful lot. I wonder whether anything's planned for that...it would be such an extreme contrast from chilly skyrim.

Personally though, I'd really love something lovecraftian in nature. All those mountains, the massive caves and dwarven forts. Plenty of places for something unspeakable to lurk...


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Firoth said:
I think Bethesda should break from the tradition of other companies and fix the bugs Skyrim already has before they start introducing more content.
That's a pretty solid tradition of Bethesda's as well.
If what they're saying is true about the ps3 version, I think they should abandon the idea of dlc all together and just start the next game from scratch...and I mean really from the ground up not just modify the existing engine and call it a new engine. That doesn't seem to be working out.