Poll: If Skyrim gets DLC, which province should it go to next?


New member
Feb 2, 2011
They won't do another providence exluding very small ones but for the sake of "what if" MORROWIND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD


Fuzzy Cuddle Beast
Jan 3, 2011
Going to a different province... say what? Didn't you hear? The DLC is all going to be centered around different kinds of armor for your horse.

Blazing Steel

New member
Sep 22, 2008
It won't be Cyrodill; or at least not like it was in Oblivion. This is because they're not going to release the whole of it as DLC and since Bruma is the only northan city there isn't enough to just tack on the bottem of Skyrim. They could add loads of camps etc. and have Bruma as a northan capital either for/against the Thalmor (due to war) but it's unlikely and won't look like Oblivion due to the war and the 200 years that have passed. I haven't played Morrorwind, but I know it's big so we won't get all of it and I can only see it being used if it has major cities close to Skyrim's borders.

I also wouldn't wager it being in High Rock or Hammerfel because they'll be left for future games. Geographical I don't believe it will visit Valenwood or Elsweyr or Black Marsh (although Black Marsh would be awesome). A Daedric realm could happen, but we have already had Shivering Isles.

Some possibilities which I would like, would be something inbetween Skyrim's north and Atmora because they could use this a new land that hasn't been affected by the war. Or something like Blackreach that was under the WHOLE or Tamriel and linked you to vairious part of the world. For example it might reach a city in each homeland so you could see how each world has changed in 200 year. Not likely but I would buy it :).

Psychedelic Spartan

New member
Sep 15, 2011
I kinda want blackmarsh, the home of the Argonians, like me, maybe more for the dark brotherhood, involving the shadowscales, who you learn about by talking to the argonian in the dark brotherhood.


New member
May 26, 2009
Definitely should have some stuff inside Skyrim itself but I think Atmora would be pretty cool. Keep moving north to the ocean I say!


New member
Jun 29, 2011
I'd like to see them go to Cyrodiil, because after pumping most of the last 5 years of my free time into Oblivion, I'd like to see what they've done with/to my beloved second-homeland now that the Thalmor have come along and turned things arse-over-tit.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Summerset Isle or Valenwood. Obviously because of the whole Aldmeri Dominion plot. I'm surprised they aren't listed in the poll.

Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
I'd want it to be in Hammerfell, just so I could hear guards say:
"Did you see those warriors from SKyrim? They have Straight Swords. STRAIGHT. SWORDS."
Also becuase it would be in a desert-y envrionment, which would be a nice change in the Elder Scrolls games.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Warriors and pirates, hunters and witches.
Jungles, swamps, deserts, rivers and seas.
That's how i imagine this land.
...But let it be made more properly this time. :(

Akichi Daikashima said:
Also becuase it would be in a desert-y envrionment, which would be a nice change in the Elder Scrolls games.
Ahem... ;)


New member
Aug 30, 2011
Jesus Phish said:
Didn't they already say they're doing DLC and that it's going to xbox first for a limited time?

And based on the DLC they did for Oblivion, if it goes anywhere it'll go to a Daedric realm as opposed to going to another province as a realm is a much smaller area. All the provinces are huge and open, so people would just be angry if they found out they could go to Morrowind say but only go to the city of Vivic
Technically, even Morrowind only gave us approximately half of the province's land mass - apart from Vvardenfell (which the actual game was set on), Morrowind also encompasses areas on the continent of Tamriel, including a strip of land bordering on Skyrim to the West, a large peninsula along the Vvardenfell's Eastern coast, and vast farmlands worked by Argonian slaves to the South.

That said, much of Morrowind is now an ash-covered wasteland after the Ministry of Truth (the big floating rock above the temple of Vivec) came crashing down on Vivec, completely obliterating the city and causing Red Mountain to erupt, resulting in a mass exodus from the now uninhabitable province. The Southern areas were subsequently invaded by the Argonians of Black Marsh, who were finally being able to exact revenge for having to watch their brethren suffer in slavery for millennia.

So personally, I don't think Morrowind would still offer enough content for a whole expansion pack - of course, one might raise the objection that Morrowind's expansion packs were themselves confined to relatively small areas (the island of Solstheim and the city of Mournhold, respectively). Furthermore, there seems to be a trend towards small-scale DLCs over pricier expansion packs anyway.

If they do make a large-scale DLC, I hope we get something connected to Akavir - the continent of dragons and original homeland of the blades (who are supposedly descended from a group of elite Akaviri soldiers who immediately pledged themselves to Reman Cyrodiil - their mortal enemy - once they became aware of his dragon-soul-sucking powers).


New member
Dec 11, 2008
Cyrodil and Valenwood. When the Empire keeps the homeland of Skyrim, ever soldier including the Legates and General Tullius all hint to a war with the Thalmor, to get back at them and get back Talos.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
For the first expansion I'd like to see the whole Thalmor issue resolved, with significantly different plots and events depending on whether you sided with the Stormcloaks or the Empire. For example, a newly-independent Skyrim could be forced to defend against a Thalmor invasion, and mount small, guerilla-style attacks on the Summerset Isles (my preferred choice of location for DLC) in retaliation.

Alternatively, a newly-united Empire could decide to put an end to the unfavourable conditions of the White-Gold Concordat by taking the fight to the Thalmor - first a rapid and crushing invasion of the Isles, and then maintaining an occupying force there.

In the Elder Scrolls lore it's occasionally stated that the isles have a problem with attacks from the Sload. The expansion could use this (and build on it) to get around the major problem with the idea - which is that the Thalmor would be drastically more powerful than a wartorn independent Skyrim or the nigh-crippled, albeit still united, Empire.

Supposing one joined the Stormcloaks, news of a crushing Sload offensive launched on the Summerset Isles after the Thalmor attackson Skyrim began would explain why the Nords haven't yet been steamrolled off the map, and make the idea that Skyrim could repel their invasion more viable.

If the same news were to reach the still-united Empire, they might take it as an opportunity to forcibly re-negotiate the terms of Concordat - that is, by invading, conquering and forcibly incorporating the Summerset Isles into the Empire.

Both plots could use the same assets and areas and offer a wide variety of mission types beyond the usual "go here, kill everything" type, but they could still be wildly different and worth playing from both perspectives. Hell, I can think of at least a half dozen completely new (to Skyrim) quest objectives that could be implemented without requiring changes to the game's mechanics, so who knows what Bethesda could come up with.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
Skyrim should stay in Skyrim. At most, they go the Shivering Isles route and allow us to explore a Daedric Realm (Hircine's please!). But what I want most are new enemy types. Draugr and bandits get soooooooo so so so boring.


New member
Nov 14, 2011
KingHodor said:
If they do make a large-scale DLC, I hope we get something connected to Akavir - the continent of dragons and original homeland of the blades (who are supposedly descended from a group of elite Akaviri soldiers who immediately pledged themselves to Reman Cyrodiil - their mortal enemy - once they became aware of his dragon-soul-sucking powers).
We won't get Akavir, no Elves have EVER been there (unless you count the Nerevarine) and all the men there got eaten by the Vampire Monkey people.

It's far too radical to be in a TES game, I like the idea of it being a crazy eastern world inhabiated by monkeys and dragons, but it's far too "out there" to be an expansion. More like a whole new franchise.


New member
Dec 27, 2011
I'm gonna guess whatever it is, it'll have to do with the high elves, but I think hammerfell would be an awesome place to go with it.