Poll: If Skyrim gets DLC, which province should it go to next?

Shadows Risen

New member
Nov 1, 2011
Hmm... I'd like the DLC to go back to Cyrodiil or to Summerset and take the fight to the Thalmor (albeit, with different stories so the Imperial/Stormcloak choice actually mattered).

However, I think Bethesda will either do another Daedric realm or maybe Solstheim as although it's part of Morrowind, it's same climate as Skyrim so wouldn't be that different, just a lot more Dunmer around the place.


New member
Mar 21, 2009
The next DLC should be Outside Tamriel, in a place more advanced and less relying on magic...maybe a world which has been plagued by war for over 200 years, a war that...remains constant if you will... and maybe instead of bows they use long tubes which propel metal fragments...Fallout 4 I want less DLC and more Fallout 4

Blazing Steel

New member
Sep 22, 2008
Shadows Risen said:
Hmm... I'd like the DLC to go back to Cyrodiil or to Summerset and take the fight to the Thalmor (albeit, with different stories so the Imperial/Stormcloak choice actually mattered).

However, I think Bethesda will either do another Daedric realm or maybe Solstheim as although it's part of Morrowind, it's same climate as Skyrim so wouldn't be that different, just a lot more Dunmer around the place.
EDIT: So much hate for the Thalmor here. Don't get me wrong I agree, but does no one like the high Elves?


New member
Feb 21, 2009
Personally I want to see one of the areas where the beast folks are located. Either than that someone other than Tamriel. For you see, this is a personal gripe I've always had with high fantasies such as this.

Prime example for me has been LOTR, Middle Earth always being treated as the center of the universe when there are so many other places we know little about based on the lore.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
I'd like to see one that comes in with the Terrans (from Terra). With their weapons to be thrown against the Thalmor...

On a serious note however I like the idea of Summerset Isle... In a similar way I liked Point lookout for Fallout 3.

So if Bethesda were to allow us to sail there and have it take place after the Stormcloak/Imperial campeign then that would be awesome...

Also I'd like to see the Mysteries of the Dwemer explaned and possibly the re-introduction of them into Mundus.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Klagermeister said:
Skillswords said:
Considering there's a current war going on between the redguards of hammerfell and the thalmor, i'd love to join the thalmor and crush the redguards into submission
Ohh, for shame... The Thalmor are power-hungry jerks! Why would you want to join them?

I'd say Elsweyr or Valenwood. If I had to pick between the two, Valenwood.
The Bosmer are an interesting race, and giant migratory trees sound kickass.
Just imagine: The main cities are never in the same place for a long period of time. The trees they're in uproot and walk somewhere else!
i care little for the flags i fight for, the thalmor can pay me well, and ill end their troubles by applying my battleaxe to the face of whoever im payed to kill.

Matthew Valkanov

New member
Jun 8, 2011
Hmm...Well, like others in this thread I doubt they'll do a DLC which is one of the other provinces of Tamriel : those are usually reserved for whole games rather than DLC/expansions pack (Daggerfall being an exception I think). If it turned out that they DID go that route, most likely it would be one of the provinces that haven't been used at all in the series, so Black Marsh, Valenwood or the Summerset Isles. Perhaps even Orsinium though I thought I read in one of the wikis that Orsinium had been destroyed by High Rock and Hammerfell.

What I would really like would be something that allowed me to become a Jarl and help fight the Thalmor more extensively. I don't think I'm the only one who, after completing the Civil War questline, thought to themselves "Hey, I did EVERYTHING in this bloody war, and all I'm getting in return is a random weapon every so often? Well YOL to you too, mate"


New member
Sep 4, 2009
I didn't know that a new DLC meant it had to be in a new province - isn't that what each separate standalone game does?

Both DLCs will be in a similar style to The Shivering Isles (confirmed, Pete Hines); massive new landmasses that feel like a separate games, with their own main quest and extra fun things to do on the side.

I think one could be either the capital of the Dwarves (next to Blackreach) or Aetherius [http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Aetherius] (opposite of Oblivion, theoretically impossible to get to & the place I believe the Dwemer to be).

The other DLC could involve either the Akaviri - their "next invasion" was estimated to be around 400 years after Uriel Septim V invaded Akavir, which puts it at around the same time as Skyrim take place; or a conclusion to the Thalmor/Empire storyarch introduced for this game setting of the civil war, which was handled quite poorly, and the blades. Plus it could help the tie up the lore for everything left double-ended or inconclusive as the more they wrap up in Skyrim, the more they can start afresh in the next TES game which starting afresh is what Bethesda like to do.


They'll fix it by "Monday"
Nov 17, 2009
The7Sins said:
Josh12345 said:
8) Akivir (By popular demand): Homeland of the dragons, it is where the Redguards immigrated from, Seperated from Tamriel by ocean to the west.
Your a tad wrong on this. The Redguards immigrated from the continent of Yokuda to the west which was destroyed some time ago after a civil war. Only a small archielago remains of Yokuda.

Akavir is indeed the home of the dragons along with some other races. However it lies 4200 miles to Tamriel's east not its west.

Anyway I hope we get the Summerset Isles so as to put a stop to the Thalmor. However your poll lacks this option so I voted for more of inside Skyrim.
Sorry, I'll fix that, I just made the connection because I knew some of the Redguard's Continent still existed and that there were once humans living on Akivir

Lord RPGs

New member
Jan 31, 2009
Black Marsh. Something, and don't ask me what, has always made me want to visit the home of the Argonians. I've never played one, and I doubt I will, even if they release a thing to go to their homeland. But I digress. I'd love to see their homeland, but failing that, take me where the Kahjitt come from, if only for the chance that they'll give us some background on who Mai'q the Liar is, and why he has to break the fourth wall with every waking breath.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
I just hope there's some Civil War DLC so I can kill some more Thalmor. If its in a new province, I hope they let us try and recruit said province back into the empire or into an alliance with skyrim. Morrowind or Hammerfell would be nice, especially since we've already met some Alik'r Redguards from Hammerfell and some Dark Elf refugees from Morrowind.


Not quite Cthulhu
May 25, 2009
Bigfootmech said:
Cyrodiil! Just for the trolling.

I think someone should do a full game overhaul where they use the old maps from the old games, and link them up with mountains (making them smaller, or passable somehow), making an EPIC size world to walk accross.

If you thought WoW was big enough, you are wrong!
in skyrim there are paths that lead into other povinces. It took me ages to find it, but there is a road that leads back into cyrodil thats blocked by a big gate.
And i do want to go back to cyrodil and see what has happened to it in my absence


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Saxnot said:
pilouuuu said:
None! They should make the base game better instead, with less repetitive dialogue like "arrow to the knee", more choice, more dialogues, better characters, more non-violent solutions to quests. Making the game deeper and better, not bigger.
regardless of how you feel about the base game, this isn't very likely. Few people will be willing to buy 'skyrim: the better edition'. From a financial standpoint, it makes way more sense to create completely new things
Isn't that what Fallout 3 - Broken Steel did? Why not put more quests, more options in Skyrim itself instead of making the game bigger? I would leave other locations for a spin-off a la Fallout New Vegas.


They'll fix it by "Monday"
Nov 17, 2009
pilouuuu said:
Saxnot said:
pilouuuu said:
None! They should make the base game better instead, with less repetitive dialogue like "arrow to the knee", more choice, more dialogues, better characters, more non-violent solutions to quests. Making the game deeper and better, not bigger.
regardless of how you feel about the base game, this isn't very likely. Few people will be willing to buy 'skyrim: the better edition'. From a financial standpoint, it makes way more sense to create completely new things
Isn't that what Fallout 3 - Broken Steel did? Why not put more quests, more options in Skyrim itself instead of making the game bigger? I would leave other locations for a spin-off a la Fallout New Vegas.
Hmm, something like Broken Steel would be good, unless of course you have to pay for (as another user put it) Skyrim: The Better Version.