Poll: If You Fought In The American Civil War, Who Would You Fight For?


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
Coltelement said:
Daystar Clarion said:
The British... as a quadruple agent, and destroy your country from the inside out. How dare you leave us.
...Unless, however, you have a German "Doppel Mäkler" on your tail. I knew about your plan the whole time, and while you were busy destroying America, I was destroying non-other than... FRANCE! We should team up to destroy it and all that is evil!

Anywho, I voted North, because they won. :p
Destroy America and France? Deal.
I really love my country, but I think it's currently run by a bunch of money-hungry-hungry-hippos... So yea, as long as I have a nice house in the English Countryside... I'm game. :p

(The North will still win. We had the power of industry.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
FranzTyphid said:
The west.
y'know just to be difficult.
OT:probably the north because i think they were about abolishing slaves
They were not, at least not really. Slavery was an issue, but mostly a verbal/academic one. States were a lot more independant then and while a lot was said between slave and non-slave states things more or less worked out.

The war was mostly fought for economic reasons, irregardless of what you might have heard. The bottom line is that "The South" produced a ton of raw materials like cotton, which were then shipped to "The North" for manufacturing and eventually shipping and trade. It was the age of the "Gentleman Farmer" with these guys living more or less like nobles with huge mansions, massive fields, and armies of slaves and workers producing material which they would sell at a massive profit. Of course there WERE poor familiies and farmers too, but basically a lot of the power, and indeed a lot of the money/material was in the hands of those Gentleman farmers.

In very simplistic terms the big issue was that the Northern states did not like the prices that the Southern states were demanding for raw material. After all the more they paid, the more expensive it was to produce goods to trade. It should also be noted that The North was *NOT* a group of modern day, progressive thinking liberals, they were VERY racist, and even if slavery was outlawed they still held what amounted to indentured servitude and ran sweat shops.

Goverment involvement in business interests lead to the divide. Slavery which was an issue under discussion was simply a blunt object to make things difficult and help generate sentiment on both sides. The bottom line was always about who had the grain, cotton, and other materials. The goverment pretty much got to the point where it was going to regulate pricing, and The South said "F@ck this, we're not going to accept that, and we're leaving."

A war happened, and the slaves were freed for political reasons, but also because they were a good weapon against The South. Given the power of the region, they really wanted to make sure it wouldn't "rise again" as the threat goes. By suddenly freeing the slaves who had noplace to go, you had large bands of hungry people (even if not inherantly violent) rampaging through the countryside looting, destroying, and doing whatever. It utterly decimated the infrastructure. What's more Northern Troops used their own recruited Blacks to committ acts of post-war terrorism, having them disguise themselves as slaves and make attacks on major holdings that remained, and killing people that were seen as being inconveinent. "Gone With The Wind" and "The Yankees are burning Tara" really doesn't do the time period justice.

The "liberation of the slaves" was pretty much one of the most ridiculously done things in history, and was intentional. No real effort was made to keep things organized.


As for what side I'd be on, all I can say is that I'm not a man of the times. None of the politics involved represent anything I really believe in. Sure, I'm anti-slavery, but at the time that meant something far differant than what it does to me, as even the North were racist twits. In the end it was two groups of people fighting over money, both of whom were equally corrupt in their own way. The North won, so it gets to write the history books, build the monuments, and claim what the war was about.

In a purely pragmatic sense, my family has always been East Coast, so as a result I'd almost definatly have my money and interests invested over here, so I'd probably wind up supporting The Northern Side.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
Agayek said:
Aby_Z said:
If I had to, North. Slavery is bad etc, etc. I'd more likely just go ahead and make my way to Canada though...
The thing is, though, that slavery wasn't the primary issue of the Civil War.

The Federal Government forcing the states to accept the abolition of slavery was.

Basically, the American Civil War was almost entirely based on the concept of States' rights vs Federal powers. It was kinda silly that there was a war fought over it even, when one considers that there is a clause in the Constitution that allows for the secession of states that feel they've been wronged (I think it's the Constitution anyway; it may be in the Articles of Confederation instead).
Indeed, it was mostly just that the South didn't want to listen to the Federal Gov. The North wasn't fighting the civil war to make the south abolish slavery, they were fighting to keep the south from leaving the Union. If the south HAD succeeded in breaking away, the US would have simply uber failed and wouldn't exist as we know it today. Also I think it was the Articles of Confederation that had that clause, it seems to go along with the "loose agreement" thing they had going on there.
That being said if i had to choose one it would be the North, but i would probably run away to Canada with the rest ><


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
Aby_Z said:
Oh no, I know about that. Damned History class actually taught me something. Yea, the war was all over them succeeding, and that was caused by slavery becoming an issue (Wasn't a state added that upset the balance of pro-slavery to anti-slavery states?) and the war ensued after that. Lincoln just eventually decided to free the slaves along the way (My memory may be tricking me, but I don't think slaves were forced into the war effort against the south, but joined anyway.)

I know the basics of US history now but I hate the damned subject >.<
Actually, funny story. Lincoln's famous Emancipation Proclamation didn't free anyone from anything. It declared the slaves in the South (where the US Government had no power) free, while ignoring those (relatively) few slaves in the North. It was a PR move more than anything else.

The war was kicked off because either California or Kansas (probably Kansas, but for some reason I get the feeling it's California) joined the Union as a no-slave state. This pissed off a the South because now there was no longer an even split and they'd more than likely be forced into disadvantageous positions by the federal government. So they attacked Fort Sumter and it all went to hell.

Feste the Jester

New member
Jul 10, 2009
If I had to, the north. I support that the Central Government should hold more autority than that of the local states. Which is what the Civil War was about.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
El Poncho said:
The North since Britain started the slave trade so I'm gonna goddamn end it!

Although, just staying in Britain drinking my tea wouldn't be a bad idea.
Just FYI, it actually opperated in Africa long before colonial times. Also, many nations, including Britain, by the way, were able to abolish slavery withing their nations through law rather than civil war.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
North, the South had terrible supplies, small armies, and limited resources and was doomed from the start.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
TheNumber1Zero said:
Well, anyone who chooses the south may end up with less than positive quotes.

Probably the north
Aby_Z said:
more likely just go ahead and make my way to Canada though...
I'll join you.
I'll welcome you since I'm already there. =P

El Poncho

Techno Hippy will eat your soul!
May 21, 2009
Georgie_Leech said:
El Poncho said:
The North since Britain started the slave trade so I'm gonna goddamn end it!

Although, just staying in Britain drinking my tea wouldn't be a bad idea.
Just FYI, it actually opperated in Africa long before colonial times. Also, many nations, including Britain, by the way, were able to abolish slavery withing their nations through law rather than civil war.
The Empire made it widespread though, and I know we abolished it because it wasn't profitable any more.
Dec 14, 2009
Griever18 said:
Slavery isn't big on my "Things I Like" list, so the North.
As opposed to the current America which makes prisoners work for pennies an hour and are put into solitary confinement if they don't? Yeah...


New member
Aug 18, 2008
hippykiller said:
I personally would fight for the south. why? well becuase im an Irish Republican and a catholic. and i don't like the idea of a government that forces beliefs and laws on states that don't agree with them. and a whole majority of people who fought for the Union were German anti-Catholic immigrants. but that's just me. so, people of the escapist... Time To Pick Sides!
You don't know much about the American Civil War then, if you think the majority of Union soldiers were German immigrants.

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
That's a good question, the North suffered more casulities, but ultimitaly was the victor after a long war. It's only a matter on how long it's been in the war,where I'm stationed, what company I'm in........Actually, screw this I'm joining the Navy and hoping the damn Merrimack or the navigator are no where near me.
Agayek said:
Aby_Z said:
Oh no, I know about that. Damned History class actually taught me something. Yea, the war was all over them succeeding, and that was caused by slavery becoming an issue (Wasn't a state added that upset the balance of pro-slavery to anti-slavery states?) and the war ensued after that. Lincoln just eventually decided to free the slaves along the way (My memory may be tricking me, but I don't think slaves were forced into the war effort against the south, but joined anyway.)

I know the basics of US history now but I hate the damned subject >.<
Actually, funny story. Lincoln's famous Emancipation Proclamation didn't free anyone from anything. It declared the slaves in the South (where the US Government had no power) free, while ignoring those (relatively) few slaves in the North. It was a PR move more than anything else.

The war was kicked off because either California or Kansas (probably Kansas, but for some reason I get the feeling it's California) joined the Union as a no-slave state. This pissed off a the South because now there was no longer an even split and they'd more than likely be forced into disadvantageous positions by the federal government. So they attacked Fort Sumter and it all went to hell.
It was proably kansas. The Territory was already listed as a free state, but the introduction of Popular Sovereignty opened it back up. It turned into a warzone between abolotionist and Pro-Slavers before being setteled as a free state.

Couple that in with the attack on Harper's Ferry by John Brown and the Election of Abraham Lincoln and you got the south seceding and as they say "The rest is history."


New member
Jan 13, 2009
TheNumber1Zero said:
Patrick_and_the_ricks said:
I'll welcome you since I'm already there. =P
Perfect. See if you can't ready some of that bacon that resembles the shape of ham.
No problem good sir, but be sure to bring me an American Cheeseburger. (The ones here SUCK)

Then were so gonna watch this movie =P


New member
Jan 31, 2010
The North,

not because they were on the moral high ground, but because that Barnsby was so damn loony, and I'm gettin the hell away from him.


Forgot to Remember
Jul 23, 2009
Patrick_and_the_ricks said:
TheNumber1Zero said:
Patrick_and_the_ricks said:
I'll welcome you since I'm already there. =P
Perfect. See if you can't ready some of that bacon that resembles the shape of ham.
No problem good sir, but be sure to bring me an American Cheeseburger. (The ones here SUCK)

Then were so gonna watch this movie =P
A, what a wonderful day we have ahead of ourselves.