Poll: I'll Save You, Little Turret from "Portal 2"!

Adrian Madhog

New member
Feb 23, 2011
Sky Captanio said:
Let's see. The end of crisis core for a game. For a Movie I'd say the end of The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas and 1 scene in I Am Legend (if you've seen it you know which one.)
Oh that poor dog...

Adrian Madhog

New member
Feb 23, 2011
Shirokurou said:
Adrian Madhog said:
Hinnuzaki no Kano (I'm not sure if I'm typing this right, it's a tragic love story between two women... and it has robots XD
Kannazuki no Miko, mah boi...

Also albeit more of the manly tears variation, Metal Gear Solid 3... the debriefing made me cry...
Thank you, my good man. Yes, I really loved that anime.
MGS series... too convuluted and self-bloated to make me cry.

Adrian Madhog

New member
Feb 23, 2011
sleeperhit79 said:
First of all the writer of this thread is not a very very very manly man, and that's ok. I am also not a very manly man, and I feel no need to be and thankfully we don't live in a society that values that as much. All that said I cried at the cliche aeris part in FF7, that game touched me not necessarily because she died, but what was brilliant was the minutes after. I cried of anger at having sephiroth dismiss her very existence as insignificant and in another brilliant move by square you had to battle a boss right after that with your eyes still blurry and your throat still dry, it was awesome.
A movie that really did it for me was grave of the fireflies, I highly recommend that movie both for the emotional content and the historical significance of seeing WW2 from a different point of view.
Oh how dare you question my masculinity sir! I challenge you to a duel to the DEATH! (smack the face with a silk glove).
A-hem, on an unrelated argument, "Grave of the Firefly" is outstanding... it's like an animated neo-realist film but with the emotional impact doubled. Studio Ghibli isn't just Miyazaki, after all.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
The scene with your mother and Quentin in Dragon Age 2 almost got me going to the first time,
now I'm just emotionally stunted to the scene when it pops up.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
LightningBanks said:
Its hard to say for games that make me cry. I think the only times ive shed a tear is when a game ends, just because I want MORE OF IT.


Rossmallo said:
The ending of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2, if you've been through the whole game before it.

Seriously, just looking it up on Youtube dulls the effect. You have to experience the whole game before it's proper weight hits you.
Ive played the first, now I have the urge to play the second...though snt there three now, excluding the two different types? (I may be wrong)
Nah. The "third" one is to Time and Darkness as Yellow was to Blue and Red.


Apr 8, 2011
Final Fantasy VII...you all know the bit I'm talking about. Still can tug on the old heart strings even now.

And I can't bring myself to be a twat to Tali in Mass Effect. Just can't do it.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
I cried at the end of Gunbuster
they barely killed anybody of (two major character,s and a small army of red shirts nobody really cared about)
but it still got a bittersweet ending.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Toy Story 3

Red Dead Redemption

TV Shows:
Futurama (Jurassic Bark and Luck of the Fryish)
Pokemon (Bye Bye Butterfree)

I still remember that Pokemon episode... I buy a shit ton of VHS tapes, sit my ass down, rock out to the fuckawesome theme song... and then Butterfree leaves... that was like a punch in the balls. I was 6, and it was probably the saddest fucking thing I had ever seen. I even tried watching it again a few years later. The tears flowed like motherfucking rain.
goodbye... Butterfree...


New member
Jan 17, 2011
DirtyMagic said:
Don't make me pull out the big one again... Don't make me do it!

Anywho, of course I'd love to have all emotions through games! Games are way more interactive than any movie or tv series will be, so why not have all possible emotions flow through it?
It makes games great!


New member
Mar 18, 2011
BanthaFodder said:
There there. There is no shame in this you know.
I've yet to find anyone who could resist the video.


New member
Mar 24, 2011
My other half loves the little turrets in Portal, in particular their voices and what they say. He doesn't like destroying them either - "but... but they're only doing their job!"

I'm a sucker for Square's game / film endings, they always seem to have me reaching for the Kleenex. I shall cite Crisis Core, where even though I knew from playing the original FFVII what was going to happen at the end, I still bawled like a little girl. And the end of Advent Children which, even though I've seen this more times than I can conveniently count, never fails to make me cry. You'd think I'd be over it by now.

Actually, I think a large part of it is the music involved. I can't listen to the Distant Worlds version of "Maria and Draco" without tearing up. God knows what I'm going to do when I go to the live concert. Make a damned fool of myself probably. Get a grip, woman!


Elite Member
Sep 19, 2008
Hm, i normaly don't cry. Especially in movies, but some series and such got me some wet eyes. (And yeah i agree for example with "Up"... someone not crying in the first few minutes is not a REAL human).

I think the shortest (so a good time/sadness ratio) thing to ever get a MANLY tear out of me is this:

And something else which got a bit to me (especially now that i am getting a bit older) is this villainous speech of King Haggard (Christopher Lee) from "Last Unicorn", one of my all-time favourites.

Overall i LOVE just immersing myself into something to feel. I love watching shows and clips to laugh, play games to feel awesome, hear music to make me sad. EVERYTHING.


New member
Apr 22, 2011

Final Fantasy 3/6 - Celes tries to kill herself for not saving Cid. And I was 10 at the time.

Valkyria Chronicles - Isara's death. You bastards. You cold hearted bastards.

Acecombat 5: The Unsung War - The death of Alvin H. Davenport AKA "Chopper". This one holds a special part in my hear that I'd share with you guys. Ace combat games aren't well known for their characters, but this one actually made me feel like I was part of a team, rather than the dimmist AIs they could find. "Chopper" was the funny guy of the squad, often clashing with the support aircraft you have. Ever since I started the game, he was there helping me out, and his lines were very nice. Later, toward the middle or end of the game, we have to protect a stadium from being bombed from the air. Chopper takes a hit to his plane, but rather than bailing out and risking the civilins on the ground stays in the air. The enemy planes note his damage and aim for him, even ignoring me. The only chance he has is to ditch the plane in the stadium, after the people have left it. When it's clear for him to land, Chopper comes over the com that he can't. "My electrical systems are fried. I can't open the hatch." Then, after saying goodbye, Chopper crashes to his death.

This was one of the few times I ever had to pause the game and sit back. Couldn't believe it. Favorite Character and he was gone. Just like that. This faceless voice made me care more about his death than Aries did back in FF7. Can't explain why. Also of note, when I unpaused the game, another wave of fighters came in, and I thought of only one thing. Revenage. To this date, I can't think of another game that made me want revenage on the enemy. Just thought I throw this out there for you guys.