Poll: In your opinon, what is the worst aspect of online gaming?


New member
Jul 4, 2011
For me, the worst aspect of gaming is the foul mouthed children. i can handle fellow adults being dicks but if i cuss out a child they go call there parents and usually they try to lecture me. The player mic mute button is nice but i should not have to deal with it.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Arrogance and poor sportsmanship.

Fair enough, the opposing team just steamrolled yours. They had better players, better luck or whatever. It's acceptable. Then you get someone saying something like "Lol you're all shit. Owned noobs." or even your own teammates just laying into each other whilst offering absolutely no constructive criticism whatsoever.

Just makes me want to cave their skulls in with a blunt instrument.

It's probably worse on voice chat but to hell with that, honestly.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
The worst aspect of online gaming is the ass holes who think they are good using the OP weapons and items all the damn time


New member
Feb 3, 2010
It's "other people", period, and it's not even restricted to foul mouthed brats or griefers. When you multiplayer game, you're essentially putting yourself in a situation where the quality of your recreation is entirely dependent on the behavior of a pack of total strangers. Racist Bob in the party? There goes your fun. Know-it-all Tom up in your shit? There goes your fun. Guild Princess causing drama again? There goes your fun. People keep going afk to have a smoke or walk their cat or pinch a loaf? There goes your fun. Your opponent rage quits or spews insults, hacks or griefs or just generally acts like a prick because he's angry you're beating him/not putting up enough of a fight? There goes your fun. Player silently and methodically waxes you without the slightest bit of a contest occurring because they've been honing their skills for years and you just bought the game yesterday? There goes your fun. And on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on.

Now consider that this is a hobby that was originally primarily migrated towards by introverts who don't deal well with social situations to begin with and aren't used to having to cope with the pressures annoying people can put on your patience and time, and you have a recipe for near constant misery punctuated by occasional glimpses of wary enthusiasm.

So, the answer is "other people". Can't live with em, still illegal to kill them and stack their bodies in your root cellar like cordwood.


New member
Jul 9, 2011
teqrevisited said:
Arrogance and poor sportsmanship.
This and it is exactly the reason I quit playing online games for a while now, unless it's a private server with friends or people I know that aren't obnoxious.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Campers and people who abuse cheap strategies. Things like Grenade Launchers, Commando, most explosives... you get the picture. People who make up for their lack of skill by using the cheapest, most ridiculous strategy they can.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
As everyone else has said, the grievers and foul-mouthed manchildren.


New member
Jul 17, 2011
Foul mouthed adult jerks.

I've played with teens and kids who had leagues more manners then some of the adults I've run across. A lot of kids I can forgive for being simply immature, but when 25+ year old adults start acting as a complete jerk, THAT annoys me more then anything.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Team killers and other dickery that affects gameplay. I can ignore the stupid things blurted by morons, but I can't ignore someone blowing my head off when they're on my side.


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
1) Gold Farmers or similar bots. You know, the guys constantly spamming their website in the chat window in the hub towns. Annoying as heck.

2) Snobbery. One of the better examples I can think of is found in Guild Wars, specifically in the "Heroes Ascent" PvP. Now for the most part, Guild Wars is a very easy game to play, you can usually find a party somewhere. Heroes Ascent though has gotten just obnoxious though. Your success rate in it is kept track of in a title you're granted, for which there are 15 ranks. 13 consecutive wins in one sitting will get you to rank 3 with 192 points. Literally, nobody will accept party members there unless they have that title at at least rank 6, which requires 1000 points (assuming a perfect record, this means you need 68 wins to get a team, which you need to get ONE win in the first place). More commonly now, groups require at least rank 9 (4665 points). Effectively, the message the players portray here is "no new players need apply. EVER."


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
People. Just people. It covereth a multitude of sins on this matter. They do stupid things and we hate them for it.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
BloatedGuppy said:
It's "other people", period, and it's not even restricted to foul mouthed brats or griefers. When you multiplayer game, you're essentially putting yourself in a situation where the quality of your recreation is entirely dependent on the behavior of a pack of total strangers. Racist Bob in the party? There goes your fun. Know-it-all Tom up in your shit? There goes your fun. Guild Princess causing drama again? There goes your fun. People keep going afk to have a smoke or walk their cat or pinch a loaf? There goes your fun. Your opponent rage quits or spews insults, hacks or griefs or just generally acts like a prick because he's angry you're beating him/not putting up enough of a fight? There goes your fun. Player silently and methodically waxes you without the slightest bit of a contest occurring because they've been honing their skills for years and you just bought the game yesterday? There goes your fun. And on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on.

Now consider that this is a hobby that was originally primarily migrated towards by introverts who don't deal well with social situations to begin with and aren't used to having to cope with the pressures annoying people can put on your patience and time, and you have a recipe for near constant misery punctuated by occasional glimpses of wary enthusiasm.

So, the answer is "other people". Can't live with em, still illegal to kill them and stack their bodies in your root cellar like cordwood.
^ This, this, this.

Seriously, I almost cried. What book of the Bible did this passage come from?


is most likly drunk righyt noiw!
Apr 18, 2010
Team killers...

Everything else can be solved with the mute function...


New member
Aug 4, 2008
BloatedGuppy said:
It's "other people", period, and it's not even restricted to foul mouthed brats or griefers. When you multiplayer game, you're essentially putting yourself in a situation where the quality of your recreation is entirely dependent on the behavior of a pack of total strangers. Racist Bob in the party? There goes your fun. Know-it-all Tom up in your shit? There goes your fun. Guild Princess causing drama again? There goes your fun. People keep going afk to have a smoke or walk their cat or pinch a loaf? There goes your fun. Your opponent rage quits or spews insults, hacks or griefs or just generally acts like a prick because he's angry you're beating him/not putting up enough of a fight? There goes your fun. Player silently and methodically waxes you without the slightest bit of a contest occurring because they've been honing their skills for years and you just bought the game yesterday? There goes your fun. And on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on.

Now consider that this is a hobby that was originally primarily migrated towards by introverts who don't deal well with social situations to begin with and aren't used to having to cope with the pressures annoying people can put on your patience and time, and you have a recipe for near constant misery punctuated by occasional glimpses of wary enthusiasm.

So, the answer is "other people". Can't live with em, still illegal to kill them and stack their bodies in your root cellar like cordwood.
To be fair, an introverted personality doesn't necessarily mean that a person doesn't deal with social situations very well. The concept of introvert and extrovert is actually centered around energy and how a person generates it in a social setting. An extrovert actually gains energy from being around others whereas an introvert loses energy. I'm an extrovert and I'm actually very capable in social settings (I've been tending bar for years now) and I'm rarely anxious or anything, but by the end of any social event I'm simply ready to go home and be alone for a while. An extrovert, on the other hand, gets more and more energy as the night goes on and thrives on socializing.

Another thing to note is that only about 1 in 5 people are considered introverted, which is actually a pretty small amount (also, a person's personality shifts over time). Hell, even when I was a kid and playing NES and later SNES/Genesis, I recall doing so with friends. The biggest games were Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, and similar titles that involved actually playing with other people. Arcades were very popular as well. Perhaps in the modern era of online play, the social aspect of gaming becomes more muddled by the difference between face-to-face communication and the anonymity of the internet, but I would still argue that gamers are not mostly introverted.

I...didn't mean to ramble like that, but I just got home from work and I drank WAY too much Red Bull tonight.

OT: I voted other. I really don't have any problems with multiplayer. I can easily ignore people that annoy me and I generally just play with friends or on servers that aren't filled with kids. I also don't play anything online on my consoles (except for football games, but I only play my RL friends). The only negative aspect of online play that I can think of would actually be that it ruined the whole playing with your friends thing. I live 300 feet from one of my best friends and we'll play something together online instead of actually hanging out together. It is our own fault, but I'd rather blame the internet.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Why do I get the feeling that this was made with only shooters in mind, as though no other games have online?

I don't play shooters, I play fighting games online, those don't have any of the above issues.

Maybe on the 360 you'd get the foulmouthed children on fighting games too, I play on ps3 and hardly anyone has a mic so the human speech factor never even comes to play.

Mouldy Cheese

New member
Jul 9, 2011
Ugh I detest people that run around saying "I'm so pro at this, you guys are all noobs" or "OMG YOU ARE SUCH A NOOB". It's not something I get too often, but it's always poor sportsmanship.

And you know what? When I see someone behaving so full of themselves or bringing other people down it just makes me think "I bet that guy has a tiny penis".