Poll: In your opinon, what is the worst aspect of online gaming?


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
Tryhards. The people who brag every time they get a kill and ***** and whine every time they die. It's either lag, or a weapon is overpowered or whatever. It's a fucking game, and frankly even on the off chance that what you're bitching about is a realistic complaint, nobody on your team even remotely borderlines on caring. My best friend in the whole world could tell me that the liberty launcher is OP and it's ruining the game and I would still be completely indifferent towards the subject.


New member
Jan 11, 2010
Selfish assholes who only care about their kill/death ratio are by far the worst thing about online gaming.

Go for the fucking objective you cunts!


Future sovereign of Oz
Nov 6, 2010
If you could take all the choices from your poll, and roll them into a big horrible blob, that'd probably be my answer. I can't distinguish which annoying thing douchebags do online is the worst, so I'll just say that the people in general ruin the expirience.

Rock Beefchest

New member
Dec 20, 2008
The only thing that makes me angry is team killing. All of the Mic offenses can easily be addressed using muting/ party chat. Plus i have not seen a whole lot of really offensive conduct. The weird thing is that the rare occasions when I remember someone being offensive, they always seemed to be British. Though I admit that might be because it stands out more to me when I am called the N-word in that accent.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Random groups.
MMORPGs are nice if played with friends you know and at best like, but running a mission with a couple of guys you just picked up at the last outpost sometimes seems like torture.
Mostly speaking from Guild Wars perspective here, I had more than one player being warrior with fire-spells or selfheal. It's especially bad if you are the group healer.

Thank Dwayna for costumiseable NPCs.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Team killing because you can't really guard against it and it usually leads into one of the top two options. 'Yes yes, you rock, I'm a nub because I didn't expect my partner to shoot me in the back...'


New member
Feb 18, 2011
People take it too seriously, if you first start out on a game people grief you over being a noob and stuff. Imagine if NPC's did that in a singleplayer game.

"You...I've seen you in my dreams...HAH you're only lvl1 NOOB. You don't even have a class yet! That Dark Elf is right, you're going to DIE in here. Peace"

Another thing I hate, is online gaming in general. It really breaks immersion when you can hear people yelling and being racist and grieving. I miss games where I can sit down with my friends in the same room and play splitscreen deathmaches.


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
how about actually playing with other people. it is why i tend to not play online unless I have a few friends there I want to play with

Alpha Maeko

Uh oh, better get Maeko!
Apr 14, 2010
It wouldn't be xbox live if there weren't two polar opposites spouting hateful, demeaning, and racist things at each other with the same unintelligent wrap-around come backs over and over again until one of them rage quits.

Sarah Frazier

New member
Dec 7, 2010
The online community in general. These are the things that make me, as a roleplaying in MMOs, hate online gaming.

~People who think it's hi-larious to run up to groups of people and spam emotes to look like they're humping.
~People who throw an absolute fit when people start asking them questions and trying to learn something new.
~People who throw an absolute fit when any tiny thing relating to RL is brought up and taints their precious immersion, even if it's the way other characters talk.
~People who say and do the most shocking and offensive things possible, then tell the people who get offended to grow up.

And now for general behavior.

~People who brag on an almost daily basis about how uber their gear/stats/crits/whatever is.
~Guilds who try to out spam one another.
~People who instantly turn to cussing everyone out when their PvP team starts to lose.
~People who resort to hacking/exploiting for the sake of winning.
~People who, for whatever reason, start ranting about how horrible the game is and how much better is, rather than just quitting and leaving everyone else alone.

There's probably more, but I've whined enough already.


New member
Apr 21, 2011
Cocky people make me sick to my stomach... I mean, friendly competition is good, I mean, saying stuff like "lol, I just owned you with a grenade" is OK, but "OMG, you all suck at this you complete noobs. I swear to god I am amazing at this, fuck yeah, no scope!" is just stupid. When people get arrogant, it's annoying, even when team-mates do it. There's a fine line between competition and being big-headed.

Also, teabaggers. I don't think they realise they're pretending to rub thier balls in someone's face... Idiots.

I have to say, I don't mind griefers, but I hate the people that respond to them. I have done my fair share of griefing, and while it isn't nice, it's helluva lot of fun. I mean, you tell me putting someone off thier sniping isn't funny just as they get a shot lined up. The way I see it is that it's pranking in games.

Also "Hardcore" gamers. Bunch of fags. Since when weren't games made for fun? All hardcore gamers care about is winning.

Oh, and people who use the word "clan" to describe thier team in games. I don't like people who call it a clan, a "Team" or "Group" or "Guild", sure, but never a clan...

Robert Ewing

New member
Mar 2, 2011
Arrogance, poor sportsmanship, loudmouth children, hackers, lag.

Sadly this sums up the entire experience. If I said all of these things to a regular gamer, and asked them what they sound most like. He'd say online gaming.

Grotch Willis

New member
May 10, 2011
I would have to say little kids hands down, because in all of the games i've played online, they almost always are the ones doing the things on the poll.


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2010
BloatedGuppy said:
It's "other people", period, and it's not even restricted to foul mouthed brats or griefers. When you multiplayer game, you're essentially putting yourself in a situation where the quality of your recreation is entirely dependent on the behavior of a pack of total strangers. Racist Bob in the party? There goes your fun. Know-it-all Tom up in your shit? There goes your fun. Guild Princess causing drama again? There goes your fun. People keep going afk to have a smoke or walk their cat or pinch a loaf? There goes your fun. Your opponent rage quits or spews insults, hacks or griefs or just generally acts like a prick because he's angry you're beating him/not putting up enough of a fight? There goes your fun. Player silently and methodically waxes you without the slightest bit of a contest occurring because they've been honing their skills for years and you just bought the game yesterday? There goes your fun. And on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on.

Now consider that this is a hobby that was originally primarily migrated towards by introverts who don't deal well with social situations to begin with and aren't used to having to cope with the pressures annoying people can put on your patience and time, and you have a recipe for near constant misery punctuated by occasional glimpses of wary enthusiasm.

So, the answer is "other people". Can't live with em, still illegal to kill them and stack their bodies in your root cellar like cordwood.
Ok, a totally misanthropic view... but it sounds weirdly appealing to me...
So, yeah, I think I need to see a shrink ;)


New member
Dec 8, 2010
The worst aspect of online gaming is the all the people and the unfortunate truth behind the greater internet fuckwad theory.

It got to the point where I only play with people I know IRL.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
Overzealous medics in Battlefield. Once, I died on a platform easily seen be the enemy. So a Medic on my team saw me and revived me. I got shot and killed again. The Medic saw I had died and revived me. Happened again.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
I think you kind of split one of the choices there. Shouldn't the first choice be "racist and homophobic remarks by foul mouthed children" to properly cover the full spread of online @zzhattery?