Poll: inFamous 2: Die inFamous-er: I am Worried


Friday Only Superhero
Aug 5, 2009
In the light of the announcement of the sequel at E3, I decided now would be as good as time as any to re-play it. And yet, the more I play 1 the more worried I get about 2.

(Potential spoilers for 1 and the trailer for 2, ye be warned)
1. They changed voice actors, almost never good but this one seems very glaring and bad. In 1, Cole's voice was the closest thing to gravel you can get with out actually being gravel (and I think it worked for the most part). In the trailer for two the only thing I can think of is: holy shit, this guy sounds like a more douchebaggy Drake (a la Uncharted).
2. Sucker Punch has completely redone Cole's person. Watch the trailer. There is little to no resemblance between inFamous Cole and inFamous-er Cole. This is a particular problem for the sequel since the only thing linking the two stories is the main character. Also see above statement about looking like a douchebaggy Drake.
3. Melee combat. Lightning powers seem to have the "ranged" feel to them. You can't really using lightning without having the ranged-ness to it. I am glad they decided to fix this particular short coming from 1, but to make it the focus? That sounds bad.
4. "The Life that Eludes me?" That is the title of the trailer. It seems like Cole is worried, or at least concerned, with the fact that things are changing. Wasn't that the point of 1? And the whole point of 1 was to prepare you for 2 which seems weird that Cole is looking for a Life that eludes him when he is exactly where Kessler wanted him to be.

I am very worried about this game, but I have yet to play a Sucker Punch game that I dislike. So far I am not liking what I am seeing. Anyone else think I am justified in my fear, or am I a crazy person?


New member
Sep 4, 2009
It looks really good from what I've seen in the trailer, and I don't really mind that they've changed Coles look and voice actor, although I liked the original Cole he was kinda boring. THe new Cole looks more likeable. Also I don't think most of the focus is on melee combat, but I do like how they've made it more dynamic, near the end of the original it started getting kinda boring hiding behind a wall, popping out to shoot someone, and going back to the wall, when all i really wanted to do was give them a lightning charged punch in the balls


New member
May 28, 2010
Gameplay looks great. Amazing, just like the first was. Cole looks and sounds nothing like the Cole MacGrath I know. Though I'm not sure I've heard the surname 'MacGrath' spoken in previews yet, so maybe it's just as somebody else said; Zeke found a new friend with superpowers, and what a coincidence! His name is Cole!

Speaking of which; didn't Zeke kind of get emancipated as a friend? I thought we didn't like him anymore...

Of course you could just assume that Cole was a heavy smoker prior to inFamous 1, and this was how he appeared and sounded before he took up smoking. Thus, his superpowers restored his youth. Yeah, I know, it makes no sense. We still have some time yet before release, so while it looks like Sucker Punch will stick with their current incarnation, there is some hope old Cole will return.

But not much.

At all.

I'm hoping there's a good balance of melee and ranged combat and they don't focus entirely on the melee. I loved the combat in the first game, is was frantic, intense, and amazing. So far the showing off of melee seems like a hype machine, but I'm like you, and hope it's not practically the entire game...

The trailer name may be a reference to the life it seems Cole wanted; y'know, marriage, kid, his best friend not turning out to be a right jackass...


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Oh for fucks sake, they changed Cole because everyone and there fucking mother complained about his gravely voice and his generic bald look. Guess what? hair GROWS over the course of time.

As for why he's still growing stronger? the Beast came at a different time since Kessler fucked with the time stream, he's still not ready. He tried to fight it and it destroyed him. They've already said that a million times.

Melee combat is good, especially since YOU KEEP ALL YOUR OLD POWERS he's already a master at ranged combat, now he needs new moves, there's only so many variations on "Lightning Gun" you can have.

And finally before anyone brings it up "How did lightning turn into ice" it didn't and your an idiot. That's NOT how the Conduits work, Conduits don't gain lightning powers they gain powers period, Cole was ALWAYS going to mutate into a conduit that's the only reason the Raysphere worked on him, he still has further mutations to go under, and not necissarily the same ones as Kessler because again, Kessler fucked with the time stream and the Raysphere forced his mutation early. Stop bitching about the fucking ice powers, and just incase you missed the forward this is me saying this early.

So in summary.

1. The story makes sense because The Beast arrived early than it was supposed to, Hence Cole has had to leave Empire City, hence he's in an unknown enviroment where people are intent on killing him.
2. The powers make sense because in the 1st game he essentially mastered all the use of ranged electric combat, we've only seen ONE melee power so far and TWO Ranged ones, the cyclone and the ice. Also given how conduits worked (as in you actually listened to the dead drops instead of ignoring them) Cole's powers should only get stronger.
3. Cole still has the same body type he had in inFamous, he just let his hair grow out a bit and the different graphics engine makes him look different but as for body archetype, skin and hair colour, he looks exactly the same. If your complaining about a new outfit for a much hotter location than Empire City, and the fact that he decided not to shave his head anymore, there is the door.
4. His voice was changed because everyone fucking complained about it. Frankly the less and less he looks and sounds like everyone else from this generation the better.

Of course (before someone has a cry) these are just my opinions (And some factoids) so take that for what it is.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
I think it looks good. Hopefully they'll have some sort of explanation for his voice change, but I don't really have a problem with it.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
SpaceMedarotterX said:
Oh for fucks sake, they changed Cole because everyone and there fucking mother complained about his gravely voice and his generic bald look. Guess what? hair GROWS over the course of time.

As for why he's still growing stronger? the Beast came at a different time since Kessler fucked with the time stream, he's still not ready. He tried to fight it and it destroyed him. They've already said that a million times.

Melee combat is good, especially since YOU KEEP ALL YOUR OLD POWERS he's already a master at ranged combat, now he needs new moves, there's only so many variations on "Lightning Gun" you can have.

And finally before anyone brings it up "How did lightning turn into ice" it didn't and your an idiot. That's NOT how the Conduits work, Conduits don't gain lightning powers they gain powers period, Cole was ALWAYS going to mutate into a conduit that's the only reason the Raysphere worked on him, he still has further mutations to go under, and not necissarily the same ones as Kessler because again, Kessler fucked with the time stream and the Raysphere forced his mutation early. Stop bitching about the fucking ice powers, and just incase you missed the forward this is me saying this early.

So in summary.

1. The story makes sense because The Beast arrived early than it was supposed to, Hence Cole has had to leave Empire City, hence he's in an unknown enviroment where people are intent on killing him.
2. The powers make sense because in the 1st game he essentially mastered all the use of ranged electric combat, we've only seen ONE melee power so far and TWO Ranged ones, the cyclone and the ice. Also given how conduits worked (as in you actually listened to the dead drops instead of ignoring them) Cole's powers should only get stronger.
3. Cole still has the same body type he had in inFamous, he just let his hair grow out a bit and the different graphics engine makes him look different but as for body archetype, skin and hair colour, he looks exactly the same. If your complaining about a new outfit for a much hotter location than Empire City, and the fact that he decided not to shave his head anymore, there is the door.
4. His voice was changed because everyone fucking complained about it. Frankly the less and less he looks and sounds like everyone else from this generation the better.

Of course (before someone has a cry) these are just my opinions (And some factoids) so take that for what it is.
I think this guy deserves a /thread, thats pretty much what i was trying to say but he made it sound better


New member
Jun 30, 2009
ReckzB said:
Gameplay looks great. Amazing, just like the first was. Cole looks and sounds nothing like the Cole MacGrath I know. Though I'm not sure I've heard the surname 'MacGrath' spoken in previews yet, so maybe it's just as somebody else said; Zeke found a new friend with superpowers, and what a coincidence! His name is Cole!
In one interview one of the developers said that infamous is like the new Batman Movies. In the first one you learn how he gets his powers, in the 2nd you learn how he acts and what he does as a full blown hero not just some guy in tights.

It is the same Cole haha


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Nihlex said:
ReckzB said:
Gameplay looks great. Amazing, just like the first was. Cole looks and sounds nothing like the Cole MacGrath I know. Though I'm not sure I've heard the surname 'MacGrath' spoken in previews yet, so maybe it's just as somebody else said; Zeke found a new friend with superpowers, and what a coincidence! His name is Cole!
In one interview one of the developers said that infamous is like the new Batman Movies. In the first one you learn how he gets his powers, in the 2nd you learn how he acts and what he does as a full blown hero not just some guy in tights.

It is the same Cole haha
In the second Batman movie he started talking with that stupid gravely voice, in the second inFamous he stopped talking with the stupid gravely voice.

It fits!


New member
Oct 7, 2009
I just hope they fixed the terrain transitioning. It was ass-tastic in InFamous 1, and really was a bit of a deal-breaker.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
Couldn't disagree more with the new Cole. He looks and sounds like a douche.

SpaceMedarotterX said:
Oh for fucks sake, they changed Cole because everyone and there fucking mother complained about his gravely voice and his generic bald look.
Every lemming and his fat lemming mother, you mean. Some people actually enjoy variety in protagonists. There was a certain degree of camp to Cole's over-the-top gravely voice, and his appearance was genuinely unique. He's more of a traditional badass, like the kind you find in real life - close cropped hair, functional clothing, sharp features. He's not the bullshit pretty boy who looks like he'd get his ass handed to him by your average biker, and he's not spouting painfully unfunny wit every time he opens his fucking trap.

Was he the perfect fratboy housemate or the kind of guy who charms the pants off your mom/sister/gay friend? No. That's a good thing.

Guess what? hair GROWS over the course of time.
Are you suggesting that every sequel should feature longer hair for all characters to maintain continuity? I'm trying not to just make fun of you here, so you can treat that as a legitimate question if you like.

His voice was changed because everyone fucking complained about it. Frankly the less and less he looks and sounds like everyone else from this generation the better.
What year are you posting from? All the idiots pride themselves on looking and sounding like the new Cole. And you really shouldn't mistake the noisy wheel for popular opinion. A lot of people had no problem with Cole's look and sound, but they tend not to make posts about it. They're just happily playing the game. There has, in fact, been a pretty big backlash against the new Cole, which is why the devs themselves have said his current look isn't final.

I'm hoping they tone down the douche to about half power. I could at least tolerate a milder, less gravely Cole if they feel the need to soften him for mass consumption.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Well let's see SpaceMedarotterX basically said what I was going to say so;

1) People hated his voice
2) People change
3) Did range combat pretty much to the limit already gotta go somewhere
4) Plot yo, how does it work?

5*) Using a word like douchebaggy immediately points the word back at you.

WARNING: All thoughts expressed within the contents of this post are opinion and as such do not reflect the views and feelings of (INSERT NAME HERE) and as such are possibly completely and utterly wrong. They may also be lies or simply useless and random information.

Thank you,
The Management


New member
May 28, 2010
Nihlex said:
In one interview one of the developers said that infamous is like the new Batman Movies. In the first one you learn how he gets his powers, in the 2nd you learn how he acts and what he does as a full blown hero not just some guy in tights.

It is the same Cole haha
Just so we're clear, I was kidding :p

But one can't deny how conspicuous it is that he's changed that drastically. I'll still with the 'super-powers made me pretty!' super-power theory. At least that's how I'll think of it as I toss lightning tornados around.

Speaking of which, I'm not sure I've ever encountered a circumstance where a character changed this much - aesthetically - from one game to another. Maybe Bionic Commando, but there was a substantial time difference there...


New member
Jun 24, 2010
FieryTrainwreck said:
Couldn't disagree more with the new Cole. He looks and sounds like a douche.
Use of "Douche" to describe a voice or look rather than character traits shows not only immaturity on your part but also a stereotypical outlook on life.

Every lemming and his fat lemming mother, you mean. Some people actually enjoy variety in protagonists. There was a certain degree of camp to Cole's over-the-top gravely voice, and his appearance was genuinely unique. He's more of a traditional badass, like the kind you find in real life - close cropped hair, functional clothing, sharp features. He's not the bullshit pretty boy who looks like he'd get his ass handed to him by your average biker, and he's not spouting painfully unfunny wit every time he opens his fucking trap.
'Hey look guys I'm calling people lemmings, am I hip yet tell me i'm hip!' No there was nothing campy about Super Gravel: The Voice, it was the same god damn voice as every 'Macho' character this generation, same as the almost being shaved bald. So I really need to break out the "Current Generation Heroes" picture again? A traditional badass, I thought you said variety. Okay let's look at his original clothes, a full body suit, made for a suitably colder climate. His current clothes in inFamous 2 are summerwear, because you know, it's fucking hot down south. He also hasn't been spoiting painfully unfunny wit, the closest he got to that was "Somethings never change... well sometimes" and by the way, the 'traditional badass' like what year level? are we talking the early yars where the beardiest man with the scruffiest look was the badass? or are we talking the 90's where it was musclebound BLOODKNIVES! all the way? If your talking about in real life well I can think of two Badasses off the top of my head who stand back to back, Low Ki and Bryan Danielson. Low Ki is bald and disciplined, Bryan Danielson has been everywhere from bald to hairy and unkempt.

Was he the perfect fratboy housemate or the kind of guy who charms the pants off your mom/sister/gay friend? No. That's a good thing.
And the current Cole isn't that now, nor was the former Cole a traditional badass, Since I'm actually a fan of 'Cape' comics and even comics like Constantine and Sandman. The worst thing Cole is doing is still looking like the average joe and NOT a Super Hero, or even like a street level hero like Constantine (I mean the comic Constantine not the bad Keanu Reeves movie)

Are you suggesting that every sequel should feature longer hair for all characters to maintain continuity? I'm trying not to just make fun of you here, so you can treat that as a legitimate question if you like.
No I am saying that saying "Oh he has longer hair" should not be considered a bonus or detriment, it's simply a change in character asthetic. If someone show up with shorter or longer hair, that's a natural thing.

What year are you posting from? All the idiots pride themselves on looking and sounding like the new Cole. And you really shouldn't mistake the noisy wheel for popular opinion. A lot of people had no problem with Cole's look and sound, but they tend not to make posts about it. They're just happily playing the game. There has, in fact, been a pretty big backlash against the new Cole, which is why the devs themselves have said his current look isn't final.

I'm hoping they tone down the douche to about half power. I could at least tolerate a milder, less gravely Cole if they feel the need to soften him for mass consumption.
I live in australia, nobody looks like Cole down here, I don't know where you live and what you put up with.


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
ReckzB said:
didn't Zeke kind of get emancipated as a friend? I thought we didn't like him anymore...
He comes back at the end and tries to save Cole from Kessler, so we can only assume they're friends again
OT: meh, Cole was kind of unlikable in the first one anyways. As long as the Karma system isn't the base of your powers anymore I'm really fine with whatever at this point.


New member
Dec 13, 2009
I really am not liking the fact that all the resolution and hardening that took place in Cole's head has had a bridge dropped on it. Why did I bother getting the good ending and becoming the hero Kessler failed to be if Cole's just going to go back to being an angsty guy, nay, even more angsty than he was at the beginning.

I'm not sure I like where they're taking it. It'll still be fun, but it kinda feels like they're abandoning the (great) feel of the last game.