Poll: inFamous 2: Die inFamous-er: I am Worried


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Credossuck said:
The true trouble here is:

why make infamous 2.

Totally not needed.
Uh... what? did you totally miss the end of the first game?

"A supernatural being called The Beast is going to appear and destroy the world, instead of fighting I took Trish and ran but it found us and killed her. I came back here to get you ready, to make sure you would make any difficult choice to win"

The entire first game was a GAMBIT to prepare you for The Beast, it was a Superhero Origin story.

Now the Beast has woken up long before he did in Kesslers Timeline (where he was married with children before it appeared and his powers had awoken naturally) and Cole isn't strong enough to fight something that can level an entire city. And since he can't dick around waiting for his powers to naturally evolve to that level he needs to find the guys who made the Raysphere and find out how to mutate quicker.

I mean fuck it's not like this WASN'T planned with a sequel in mind.

imahobbit4062 said:
Why the hell are so many people saying that melee seems to be a major focus? All they did was add a fancy action camera to it.
Because Suckerpunch said they want to add a major focus to Melee.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
imahobbit4062 said:
SpaceMedarotterX said:
Credossuck said:
The true trouble here is:

why make infamous 2.

Totally not needed.
Uh... what? did you totally miss the end of the first game?

"A supernatural being called The Beast is going to appear and destroy the world, instead of fighting I took Trish and ran but it found us and killed her. I came back here to get you ready, to make sure you would make any difficult choice to win"

The entire first game was a GAMBIT to prepare you for The Beast, it was a Superhero Origin story.

Now the Beast has woken up long before he did in Kesslers Timeline (where he was married with children before it appeared and his powers had awoken naturally) and Cole isn't strong enough to fight something that can level an entire city. And since he can't dick around waiting for his powers to naturally evolve to that level he needs to find the guys who made the Raysphere and find out how to mutate quicker.

I mean fuck it's not like this WASN'T planned with a sequel in mind.

imahobbit4062 said:
Why the hell are so many people saying that melee seems to be a major focus? All they did was add a fancy action camera to it.
Because Suckerpunch said they want to add a major focus to Melee.
Suckerpunch also said Infamous 1 would take 60 hours to do all missions.

I know it's still awhile to release but so far there new "Melee" is just a fancy action camera every time you hit someone.
And ya know, melee combos, melee being a viable form of attacking and all that.


New member
Jul 7, 2009
I do have to think that the new Cole seems like a prick rather then a psychopath. Which is important for the "evil" path.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
Korten12 said:
but that could still be setrotyping becuase you are basing his attitude on looks, I have met people who are goth looking and are very nice people. You are assuming that no matter the look he is going to be a douche. He may have a new voice (one that when I relistened to it, I kinda like it.) and a new look, doesn't suddenly mean his attutide will change, when I change my clothes and get a haircut do I suddenly change my personality?
No sense comparing Cole to you. One is a fictional character that can be clearly molded and manipulated to fit the perceived preferences of any number of demographics. The other is a flesh and blood person with a personality of his own, which governs his decisions regarding fashion, temperament, speech.

In other words, don't compare a video game character to a real person.

I believe Cole's personality will change along with his appearance and voice actor. If they're willing to completely redesign his visual aesthetic to appease a wider audience, what's to stop them from doing the exact same with his disposition? And if they've taken cues from Nathan Drake when it comes to dress and facial modeling, why wouldn't they ape his mannerisms and "humor"?

I'll be absolutely shocked if the new Cole isn't spouting idiotic one-liners left and right.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
Dexiro said:
Zaik said:
Dexiro said:
I like the new Cole (is the new guys name even Cole?). The old Cole wasn't that likable, he was ok but his personality just sort of faded into the background. The character change seems necessary since he seems to be a lot more acrobatic now, that wouldn't have suited the old Cole.

okay, WHAT?

How was the old Cole not acrobatic? He did a damn flash kick as one of his melee attacks.
I never said he wasn't acrobatic, I just see the old Cole as more of an old croaky guy in comparison to the new one. New Cole seems a lot more agile and acrobatic, it suits him better.
You're confusing animations with character modeling. If the old Cole had the new Cole's moves, he'd obviously look just as acrobatic. V-neck shirts doesn't make you faster.


New member
Feb 15, 2010
It all looks fun, just like the first game,
and if they just tweak Cole's design a bit, some hints/ties to the former game.

The hair i get, hair grows, but an entire new face?

And lose the tattoo's, i dislike uninspired random Tribal tattoos.
(no apologies to the millions of real life suckers wearing those btw...)

And.....Zeke?, euhm...why are we hanging with that traitorous bastard again?


New member
Aug 2, 2008
I gotta admit I don't much care for the ice powers. Just seems kinda...lame. I respect that it makes sense in the context of the story, and I am interested to see how the developers let us use it to interact with the environment, but to go from spending all of the last game shooting lightning and using electricity in fun and fairly unique ways to ice just seems like a step down in terms of "oooo"-ness.
But, like I said, I am interested to see how the designers utilize the mechanic. I just hope the rest of the game (story, characters, etc) don't have the same felling of being a step down from the original.
Plus, changes to the character of Cole could have been a lot more subtle. I respect that a lot of people didn't apprec the generic antihero-ness of him, but they could have just had the voice actor loosen up a little, make smaller tweaks to his appearance, etc. I feel like this new Cole would be better suited to a third installment, or even fourth, while this game should show him slowly changing into the "new" Cole.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
wait I have a question I believe needs a legitimate answer.

How did Cole get to the new city anyway? I mean did he ride on top of a train or bus? The entire journey?


New member
Aug 19, 2009
I looks great to me. I think since Cole had to escape, he grew out his hair, changed his out look, and maybe used some lightning powers on his vocals,and changed his personality. To escape all the praise and money from Empire citizens.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
FieryTrainwreck said:
You're confusing animations with character modeling. If the old Cole had the new Cole's moves, he'd obviously look just as acrobatic. V-neck shirts doesn't make you faster.
No i'm just saying the new Cole looks a lot younger, younger people are usually more agile. Not that it matters much.


Friday Only Superhero
Aug 5, 2009
SpaceMedarotterX said:
wait I have a question I believe needs a legitimate answer.

How did Cole get to the new city anyway? I mean did he ride on top of a train or bus? The entire journey?
That is probably going to be explained in the prologue of 2.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
I loved the trailer but hated the "new Cole," but I'm sure they'll explain it in the story somehow.

Personally I'm willing to bet that "the Beast" is actually Cole himself. The story could have something involving Kessler going back in time to stop the Beast but he inadvertently ends up creating him, which is why he "wakes up" so much earlier this time around (the "Infamous" Cole from the first game). By going back in time to change his past self, Kessler accelerated the process (killing his girlfriend, causing mayhem, etc.). Then he (or one of his iterations, whatever) goes back again to do things differently and succeeds, and that's how we end up with this different "Cole," the one who chose the "good" path - hence the blue lightning. It accounts for both endings from the first game. Whichever path you chose, that character is in this game somehow.

I dunno, time travel in any story invariably ends with numerous plot holes, but I'm sure they could make a similar story and do so convincingly. Either way, I'm looking forward to it.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Though your worries make complete sense for someone who enjoyed the first game, I can't help but think that the changes to the protagonist are mostly to make the whole "moral choice" system, which I'm assuming they are keeping, make more sense. It was obvious from the title, upgrade paths, looks, and voice of the first Cole that you were expected to choose the be-a-bastard options. It was the pairing of those expectations with touting a "moral choice" system that made me wholeheartedly uninterested in the first game. Making a guy look and sound more generic gives a more ambiguous space to make your choices in.


El Zorro Cauto
Nov 9, 2009
I'm not worried with the changes to Cole, although they are a bit jarring and need to be explained, especially the voice. Of course the devs said that the game is half-way through development so they may give him some tweeks to make him resemble to old Cole a little more.

As for the ice powers, I think that those are just something that he develops along the way. Remember how Kessler aka Cole from the future could teleport and mind fuck people? I think that the ice powers are something that appear overtime with other powers (perhpas) as a result of the Ray-sphere.

Anyway, the graphics look great, the gameplay looks great and we have a new setting, an asshole who's rallying an entire city to take down Cole, and the reveal of the Beast. I'll be sure to pick it up when it comes out as long as it comes out before I potentially do a semester studying abroad.

...or two...sorry, I couldn't help but make a Zapp Brannigan reference there.