Poll: Is Microsoft out?

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Zeh Don said:
Except that they'll price it as a games console, which means they've lost the core gamers who they rely on to drive the demand, and they'll lose the TV box crowds because it'll be too expensive.
No one - and I do mean no one - will pay US$500.00 to watch TV they can already watch.
Well core gamers get the same old console stuff they always had at the same price so there isn't any difference on that market, but I agree that it a steep price for anyone picking up sub $100 media boxes.

However MS has already been implementing subsidized payment plans (same as mobile subscriptions), I don't know if they intend to use that but it could put the entry price very low while making them more money at the end of it.
And people wouldn't even realize they are paying extra, also gives MS a great opportunity to justify and up the old Xbox Live fee.


New member
Mar 6, 2012
Yeah It is a bit early to call dibbs on the corpse. Maybe something fantastic will come out as an exclusive for Xbone or maybe Big M will change its plans after the recent feedback


New member
Mar 5, 2012
Well they will probably lose a lot of people who identify themselves as "gamers", but they will still sell millions of consoles to the people who only play cod and fifa and dont care whether they are getting fucked over or not. They wont win the generation, but they will still sell a lot - they might even sell more than last time if it becomes popular as a multimedia hub instead of as a console.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
I think we're being far too hasty here. The console isn't out yet, the console it's going to compete with (the Wii U caters to a different market) isn't out yet. It's too soon to say what will happen.

However I'm not sure what GameStop will think of this. A console that pretty much eliminates their chance of getting any profit might not gain much popularity with them. If they decide to not support this console then that might mean some problems for Microsoft.

Still, fans will get the console and that might be enough to save it. It can still be an impressive and successful console, but I for once I dob't really want a console to do well.


New member
Jan 28, 2013
I think people are overreacting to what was (and I don't see how you could argue it wasn't) a TERRIBLE launch event.

Forget all the bs about used games, backwards compatibility etc.

Ultimately there are 3 things that will decide its fate:

1. Pricing, especially relative to other consoles and gaming/entertainment devices

2. Exclusive games or as TB likes to call them, 'Killer Apps'. This is one of the biggest reasons the WiiU is floundering at the moment.


3. Competition. This one is out of their control and is more relative to how other devices sell and if there's any new technology or new devices that release and trend in the future.

If they bring some amazing new exclusive games to the table come E3, then all the bad PR and pissed off core gamers won't make much difference.

Having said that, I personally think all the consoles are a fucking joke. Long live the PC master race.


Dec 24, 2011
Calm the fuck down. We literally found out about this thing YESTERDAY. Why are people on this site so quick to assume something is "dead" or "out" as if one bad turn is going to sink a company forever.

[a href="http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/9.407643-Is-gaming-dead?page=1"]Is gaming dead?[/a]
[a href="http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/9.399122-Dead-Space-3-SHOULD-be-the-nail-in-EAs-Coffin?page=2"]EA should be dead![/a]
[a href="http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/9.382821-Is-gaming-dead-for-you?page=1"]Is gaming dead for you?[/a]
[a href="http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/9.281295-Is-Mario-dead-A-theory"]Is Mario Dead?[/a]
[a href="http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/6.270785-The-Big-Picture-PC-Gaming-Is-Dead-Long-Live-PC-Gaming"]PC gaming is dead.[/a]
[a href="http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/7.404087-Update-Firefall-CEO-Clarifies-Consoles-Are-Dead-Statement"]Console gaming is dead.[/a]
[a href="http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/9.408345-The-Wii-U-is-crap-awful-console-Nintendo-are-walking-dead"]Nintendo are walking dead[/a]
[a href="http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.405369-So-how-do-you-feel-about-Margaret-Thatchers-death"] Margaret Thatcher is dead.[/a]
[a href="http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/9.408584-Poll-Is-Microsoft-out"]Is Microsoft out?[/a]


In the name of Harman...
May 11, 2012
So EA and Microsoft have an "exclusive business agreement", huh? That explains all that Nintendo bashing EA was doing there for a while. Must be one of the clauses in the contract, make Frostbite sound like unscalable shit and blame it on the Wii U.


New member
Jun 15, 2011
Have Sony actually come out and said their machine WILL support backwards compatibility and used games? Hell, have they even SHOWN us the console?
I don't particularly like this new Xbox, and I really hate Kinect, and 500GB (minus all that space for three OS', all those apps, etc) is NOT enough to be installing Blu-Ray games onto, but these things will not kill the XB1. Halo fanboys are some of the stupidest on the planet, after all (just look at the generic as fuck franchine they have chosen to worship), that alone will generate enough sales into the future to recoup and losses, especially with the extra revenue stream from used copies.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
The Xbox One is going to do fantastically.

Perhaps not because of people like "us" who spend times on websites such as this, and are mainly interested in the games. But for the people who will see this plastered on TV, in magazines and so on. They will want it because it's the latest gadget and promises all sorts of fancy features.

The COD crowd, the Kinect crowd and the people who have a nice large living room and want a single machine to do everything.

These are the people who are going to make it sell.

Zeh Don

New member
Jul 27, 2008
Legion said:
...But for the people who will see this plastered on TV, in magazines and so on. They will want it because it's the latest gadget and promises all sorts of fancy features...
Funny, the Wii U and the Vita tried something similar... and have been the largest failures for their respective companies in over a decade.

Able Seacat

New member
Jun 18, 2012
Too soon to tell. Hopefully E3 will show more. There's still quite a bit we don't know about both the Xbox One and PS4. I'll admit that I'm interested over what the 15 exclusives (8 being new IPs) are for the Xbox One.

Zac Jovanovic

New member
Jan 5, 2012
It amuses me how many people loathe piracy but rage over new consoles not being able to play used games. My moral compass may be malfunctioning but to me used games are worse than piracy, with piracy you know someone is enjoying your work for free, with used games you know someone is enjoying your work and someone else is making money.

While a proper digital distribution service would increase the chance of me buying a next gen console, the lack of progress in the control department is a deal breaker. Pricing is also a big factor, unless it's priced 400$ or less I can't justify picking it over PC even from the financial standpoint.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
Zac Jovanovic said:
My moral compass may be malfunctioning but to me used games are worse than piracy, with piracy you know someone is enjoying your work for free, with used games you know someone is enjoying your work and someone else is making money.
Except that with piracy the game company gets nothing, while with used games they at least got the money for that sale. The two are not comparable.

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
I just dont know who they are targeting I mean it looks like the sports crowd dont like sports gtfo. Also a lot of people I know who play Fifa and COD etc play very little else they dont go out and buy a lot of games its one or two purchases a year and lets face it if you are into watching TV in a big way you will already have a good setup to suit you.

I just saw nothing to like whatsoever.I am still waiting for E3 but atm they have pushed me even further away from purchasing their console. All they had to do was say used games will function like before, Xbox live is free and it dosent require an online connection ever.

It seems they want to make everything digital so they can control the price to everything but seriously having to install the entire game to a hard drive to play is not why I play console games and only 500gb wtf it should be double that at bare minimum if I have to install frikkin blue ray games to it and why do I have to install at all? oh right yeah so they can control what I do with it.

PS4 and WiiU are looking more and more promising and they havent had to do anything well done Microsoft. At the moment they still have money to force it to work much like they did with the original Xbox but they are losing ground in the PC space now and from this it looks like they will probably lose ground in the console space. Its too early to call yet but it is possible that they could really fuck themselves up if they carry on with their current ways although maybe its karma at work finally.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Zeh Don said:
Legion said:
...But for the people who will see this plastered on TV, in magazines and so on. They will want it because it's the latest gadget and promises all sorts of fancy features...
Funny, the Wii U and the Vita tried something similar... and have been the largest failures for their respective companies in over a decade.
The Wii U and Vita didn't have a reputation for online multiplayer.
I'm not the best at my gaming history but from what I remember Xbox Live (the original) was the first big step forward in console multiplayer, so whenever someone things "CoD online" or something similar, it's usually on the Xbox. So long as they can keep that reputation, they're gonna get some sales.


New member
Sep 7, 2012
KarmaTheAlligator said:
Zac Jovanovic said:
My moral compass may be malfunctioning but to me used games are worse than piracy, with piracy you know someone is enjoying your work for free, with used games you know someone is enjoying your work and someone else is making money.
Except that with piracy the game company gets nothing, while with used games they at least got the money for that sale. The two are not comparable.
Well, not entirely, but it does make an interesting point.

This isn't a good place to have this debate, however. There's nothing amusingly hypocritical or anything about us not not liking such a thing as this. At least used copies are legitimate. And while a lot of big companies don't like used game sales, either. Piracy and used games are definitely not the same.

I'll admit that used games can be imperfect on some level. Especially since, the limited quantity of these games mean that some games can end up lost to history outside of piracy, with legitimate copies no longer being in circulation. But removing used games is not the answer. Especially since a perfect alternative has not been reached.

Heck, if anything, Steam ought to allow a user to trade game from their library away as Steam gifts as Green Man Gaming does. If you bought something, you ought to have a right to it. Like to let your friends and family play it. Or sell it. Not being able to sell something you have bought and paid for doesn't seem right. Customers ought to have their own legal, ethical avenues for sharing. Taking away used takes away that right. Whether you agree with piracy morally or not, taking away the right to used games is not going to help the spread of information and consumer information rights.

Under no circumstances is what the XBOX One doing acceptable for customers. If we don't even have rights like this, what rights do we have?


New member
Oct 28, 2009
While I don't think it'll be a massive success, I don't think it'll be the Hindenburg-level disaster many are proclaiming (as much as I may want them to be correct).

My feeling is that the less 'industry minded' side of the gaming community, e.g. the people who only have a console for their annual CoD, Fifa and Madden purchases, are a huge part of the Xbox consumer base. And I think those are the sort of people who probably don't know or care about the lack of backwards compatibility (how often are people playing the older versions of CoD or Madden?) or the blocking of used games (again, the sort of people who buy these games day 1) or anything else. They want their little electric box that lets them shoot their buddies and play football. So while we can sit here and gawk at the incredibly consumer unfriendly attitude on display, it'll probably make enough money to keep Microsoft's gaming division limping along.

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
They have enough money to be fine if this bombs. That said they had made bad decisions.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
Zeh Don said:
Legion said:
...But for the people who will see this plastered on TV, in magazines and so on. They will want it because it's the latest gadget and promises all sorts of fancy features...
Funny, the Wii U and the Vita tried something similar... and have been the largest failures for their respective companies in over a decade.
True, but they didn't throw advertising money at it like Microsoft do. MS will have adverts on all major sports events, on prime time television and have again bought the rights to DLC being released on the Xbox first.

Sony and Nintendo's problem is that they never take advantage of advertising to the same extent as Microsoft, not in the West anyway.