Poll: Is Russia in Europe or Asia?


Jan 23, 2008
Ninjamedic said:
Seriously I don't know. I asked all the geography teachers in my school and they couldn't answer.
...What the fuck kind of geography teachers do you have that can't look at a map?

About 1/4th or 1/5th of it or something, is in Europe, Eastern Europe to be precise, the rest is in Asia. Yes, it's in both continents.


New member
Jul 17, 2008
Sorry Russia, but you gotta be part of asia. Hell, we are gonna move the western border of asia to your western border, just because you are so large you take up a good chunk of asia. I'm gonna have to give turkey to asia as well, since they would rather be part of the middle east.


New member
Jul 21, 2009
Don't let the inadequate US education system fool you, Russia resides firmly all across Eurasia. In fact, you can visit Russia and travel to mystical Caucasia, where white people originally came from... That last bit is a joke - but few people know about the origin of that crazy encephalogist's theory.

So, yes, while diminished from the USSR sprawl, Russia is a Eurasian nation. ... I'd even go so far as to say it is Siberia, except with people all along the warm bits.


Lost in Time
May 20, 2009
Hell,it's mostly populated on the European side as most of you have said,so I just voted for VALVe.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
both just because it's one country doesnt mean it has to be on one continent. It Most people probably live on the European side al the bigger cities like Petersburgh and Moscow are west of the European-Asian border. The border is about 1000 miles east of Moscow.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
It's in both. Look at a map and it'll show that eastern Europe and northern Asia are called "Russia."


New member
Feb 16, 2009
The question was "is Russia in Europe or Asia?"

The following choices are meaningful answers to the question: yes, no, Europe, Asia.

The following choices are meaningful answers to the question, and are also correct answers to the question: yes, Europe, Asia.

All other answers do not address the question.

If you were around during the Cold War you probably have more cause to say it's an Asian country. But since then, it has become more accepted to be included in Europe.

In related news, is Mexico in North or South America? Is Turkey in Europe or the Middle East? Where is the dividing line between the Middle East and the Far East? Is Pakistan in the Middle East or the Indian Subcontinent? Is Australia a continent?


New member
Jul 17, 2008
Kathinka said:
Sgt. Sykes said:
Ninjamedic said:
I asked all the geography teachers in my school and they couldn't answer.
WHAT??? Geography TEACHERS couldn't answer that? Just what kind of school are you attending? Like, no offense, but I just have to know.
dude, it's the states..thinks i have encountered over there that people thought:

- europe is a country
- we all speak french
- hitler is allive and kickin'
- mo electricity
- texas is larger then europe
- best one, also by a teacher: he argued since the czech republic is on the other side of the world, the leaves of the treas would fall upwards in the sky when winter comes. i felt literal physical pain when he presented that theory to me in all seriousnes.
As an American, in our defense, we have long believed that we should be able to believe as much or as little as possible, thus the belief in our imaginary friend in the sky still persists despite all evidence to the contrary. If you were to plot an IQ vs political leaning on a chart I'm sure you would get a perfect bell curve. I have yet to meet a genius who is either ultra conservative or ultra liberal. As for your statements:

-While europe might not be a single country, the european union is indeed a power in the world and the euro is a valid currency, and not silly monopoly money like some people have claimed it to be.
-Everyone speaking french is unlikely. Better odds are that everyone knows english, even if it is a second or third language. Funny thing about french is that more people speak it out of france than in france.
-Who tells you that hitler is alive and kicking? WW2 ended 65 years ago. Even our young vets are mostly dead by now. If americans are gonna make crap up about hitler, it should at least be about how WE killed him (like in Inglorious Basterds).
-mo electricity? I think you meant to say NO electricity, which would be a silly assumption. Even third world countries have electricity. It might be at a different frequency and voltage than our standard electronic devices use, but it's still there.
-Texas is larger than many countries in europe. Texas is pretty big. It's bigger than any single european country, and probably bigger than most of the smaller ones put together. It doesn't really NEED to be that big, but as long as we are able to put all the troublemakers in one state, texas can remain as big as it has been.
-I don't know what I can say about this one. While most people can't tell you why gravity works, they should at least know THAT gravity works the same way on the entire earth.


New member
Apr 29, 2010
Russia is it's own country and is north of both Europe and Asia. Uness you are on about the continents themselves, in which case, both.


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
I'd consider Russia a "European" nation, but geographically it exists in Europe and Asia.


New member
Apr 29, 2010
Snownine said:
Ah, the wonders of a totally arbitrary system of defining continents.
That's the problem. There doesn't seem to be a CLEAR definition of exactly what constitutes a continent.


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008

I voted Asia, as I've just grown up thinking that it was in Asia, and the European parts were the countries that were absorbed during the time of the USSR


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Ninjamedic said:
Seriously I don't know. I asked all the geography teachers in my school and they couldn't answer.
Simple answer, both. Longer answer, both, though the bulk of the land is in Asia, the bulk of the population is in Europe; occasionally, it won't appear on European maps, though generally it does.