Poll: Is your virginity worth saving?


New member
Mar 20, 2004
kenu12345 said:
dagens24 said:
I don't think saving yourself for your marriage partner is a) practical or realistic b) a good idea. Now I have no idea how old you are but it's very easy to say you'll wait when you're young, but it's A LOT HARDER than you think it'll be. Plus even if you do manage to wait, what if you're not sexually compatible. It's hard to have a healthy relationship when the sex is bad, and without sexual experience with that partner it's impossible to tell if you'll be a good match sexually. That's a pretty big risk to take, make a life long commitment to somebody without knowing if you'll click in bed.

The whole idea of saving yourself seems incredibly naive.
Personally I think if you love someone it wouldnt matter how they are in bed. Call me naive or whatever but I dont care how they uh preform in bed as long as i love them thats not going to change cause of sex. Please forgive my bad grammar and stuff im freaking tired lol
Have you, by chance, ever had sex? I ask because it's easy to say something isn't important to you when you've never experienced it. If you have and you're saying that if you love somebody you can get past not being sexually attracted to them well that's fine, but I would say that you're probably in the majority. For most people sex is a HUGE part of life and having a healthy sex life with a partner is a very important part of a healthy relationship. Like I said, for MOST people.


New member
Mar 20, 2004
BangSmashBoom said:
Okay? Clearly most of you are all as you people call it "Atheists", but to tell you guys the truth I'm proud of being a virgin, I've got a good reputation at church, I have lots of supportive friends there, I've been doing jr youth group for a while now and I'm going to be promoted to teen doing youth group next year, I have a bright future ahead of me and I personally feel that I don't need any form of sex in my life right now, and if I am to do so it'd have quality over quantity only with my wife.

"But m8, what about the sexual compatablity?" 'bout that well resently I've been going wife hunting and honestly it felt like a burden, so I put it in God's hands and I feel that we made an agreement that, when I'm ready for a woman that my wife will have everything I need in a woman, and yes that includes me not having to ruin the surprise to know if she's my type or not, why and how?

Because I have FAITH in my God, that if I follow the path that he has set out for me, that he will give me all that I'll need, IT'S ALL JUST SIMPLE FAITH, it's MY leap of faith that I'M taking because I trust in my loving God, okay?

To some of you guys faith is just another lucky dip, even if it is, I'd have plenty of time to learn from my mistakes which is what life is all about.

I'm not posting to judge or to shame, all I'm trying to say is that I'm taking a leap of faith that I believe that will pay off at the end.
Hey, whatever floats your boat. I think your reasons are terrible, but they are your reasons. It's your life to live (or not live, hey-o!). I, however, will be having a lot of fantastic sex in the mean time :D

White Lightning

New member
Feb 9, 2012
Athinira said:
White Lightning said:
BangSmashBoom said:
White Lightning said:
What's with all the weird ass characters in your post? Like... I just don't understand.

I also voted yes in the poll but for reasons that are the opposite of yours.
Okay, feel free to share, why do you feel that your virginity is worth saving?
I guess it's because I had a Bible crammed down my throat as a child, but more so do to the fact that (I think) it's something you should do with someone you care about. Religion (shouldn't) play apart in it. It's more of a... (I hate this word) emotional thing, like you should love someone. Does that mean you should get married first or anything like that? Well no, but your first time should atleast be done with someone you care about. After that it's whatever floats your boat.
Problem is that sex is supposed to be an enjoyable experience, and if you are a complete amateur in bed, then the "special one" you've been saving it for is likely going to end up somewhat disappointed.

Sex is no different than any other discipline, in that practice makes perfect. IMO, you'll be doing both yourself and your partner a bigger favor by being able to have a really enjoyable act rather than telling them that they're your first.

I'm not saying you should screw anything with a pulse. But sexual experience is a huge boon.
I've thought about this, but too be honest how hard can it actually be? I mean can the other person not give direction? I dunno but I don't see being good at it as that big of a hurtle. I imagine it would be like riding a bike, it's not all that hard to figure out if you've got someone teaching you.

Or I may be wrong eniterly and setting myself up for an extremly embarrassing moment in the future...


New member
Nov 20, 2009
My stance:

The surest protection is abstinence. That said, sex that doesn't involve penetration works just as well (and has done so in the past for me). I look at it this way: if/when I do get married, my foreplay is going to be really good to make up for it.

For all of those who say shitty sex makes for a bad relationship... I find the giving more fun than the receiving, so perhaps I'm in the minority but clearly that isn't a truism.


New member
Jun 27, 2010
I say no, because people have badgered me about it since I was in HS and I'm tired of it. However, not one is really interested in me. :(


New member
Apr 7, 2012
I... I don't even know where to begin with this. Your morals are messed up, and that crazy hypocritical book that you get them from too. I'm TL;DR-ing this entire thread to so as to avoid finding more disturbing evidence of crazy, archaic, Christians.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
I say "No, if you don".

Because I don't don, so it doesn't effect me.

In all seriousness, I don't see why it should even matter.

BangSmashBoom said:
Okay? Clearly most of you are all as you people call it "Atheists", but to tell you guys the truth I'm proud of being a virgin, I've got a good reputation at church, I have lots of supportive friends there, I've been doing jr youth group for a while now and I'm going to be promoted to teen doing youth group next year, I have a bright future ahead of me and I personally feel that I don't need any form of sex in my life right now, and if I am to do so it'd have quality over quantity only with my wife.

"But m8, what about the sexual compatablity?" 'bout that well resently I've been going wife hunting and honestly it felt like a burden, so I put it in God's hands and I feel that we made an agreement that, when I'm ready for a woman that my wife will have everything I need in a woman, and yes that includes me not having to ruin the surprise to know if she's my type or not, why and how?

Because I have FAITH in my God, that if I follow the path that he has set out for me, that he will give me all that I'll need, IT'S ALL JUST SIMPLE FAITH, it's MY leap of faith that I'M taking because I trust in my loving God, okay?

To some of you guys faith is just another lucky dip, even if it is, I'd have plenty of time to learn from my mistakes which is what life is all about.

I'm not posting to judge or to shame, all I'm trying to say is that I'm taking a leap of faith that I believe that will pay off at the end.
I really don't see why you have to bring God into it. Congratulations...you have made social progress within the church and don't feel the need to have sex. That doesn't change whether or not your virginity is worth saving. The re...

...wait a sec, are you pulling my leg? I'm going to assume you aren't and maybe look like an idiot...

...the rest of your post seems to be that God will provide you with a suitable partner when it's the right time, and there is no risk involved because you will know when it is the one God provides and there is no way a relationship would not work out between you.

Ok. What I want to know is how you are going to know who the right one is. And actually, how you have any clue what the path he has set out for you is?

Look...I don't want to seem like I'm needlessly picking a fight, but if you're going to sit back and hope that God provides, and it doesn't work, you're the one who's going to be short one wife. Maybe some things are just a burden. Maybe it's just worth it to follow through regardless. Just because it's difficult doesn't mean you shouldn't try.

(Yes, I'm an atheist, and it's incurable).


New member
Jan 25, 2010
White Lightning said:
I've thought about this, but too be honest how hard can it actually be? I mean can the other person not give direction? I dunno but I don't see being good at it as that big of a hurtle. I imagine it would be like riding a bike, it's not all that hard to figure out if you've got someone teaching you.
Very few things comes easy without experience. I still sometimes see people having trouble with even the simplest of the simplest task (like using a screwdriver, or - in case of my dad - logging onto a Computer) because they have no experience with it, even if it's simple.

Sticking your penis inside a girl isn't difficult (and yet i failed at it on my first try, but i was extremely wasted which definitely isn't something i won't recommend). Pleasing her is an entirely different issue (I'm assuming you're a male). And yes, if she has to talk you through it (or vice versa), then it is simply going to be an embarrassing experience. "Am i inside?" or "Can you feel it?" is questions I've fortunately never had to ask any of my girlfriends.

Appropriate captcha btw: Gold Medal <--- You won't get that without training.


New member
Nov 14, 2007
No it's not! Not by a longshot! It's even a bad idea!

Get some practice before you settle down with someone, it helps!


New member
Nov 14, 2007
Oh and don't start threads with polls and questions if you've already decided. I mean, if you're God has already decided for you.


New member
Jun 28, 2008
Do I appreciate it when a girl has NO IDEA what she's doing sexually? No, it isn't an enjoyable sexual experience. Fucking virgins is awkward and while I might do it if I'm in love, I actively avoid virgins if I know that they are virgins. Not saying I want to marry a veteran hooker or something, but as long as you're free of disease and not hiding some other STD like children from me, your sexual history is your business.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
no. I think the first time should be with someone special but saving it for marriage... that's going a little too far.
first, I would be not having sex to save myself for someone I probably haven't even met yet. second, I wouldn't know if that marriage would last, so how is that fair to the next person you marry? third, anyone who has had sex knows what a mess the first time usually is. If i think about my first time... that's not how I want my wedding night to go... and finally, I think I'd be a little weirded out if I was in a relationship with someone who says she loves me and finds me attractive, but doesn't want to have sex with me. same goes for my exes.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Divine Miss Bee said:
come on over to mine, things make much more sense here.
I'm not sure if that was intended to sound lgbt-phobic or if it just came out that way, but....Wow.


New member
May 18, 2011
Virginity is overhyped.

Sex is overhyped.

Stop making it a big deal and the problem will solve itself on its own.

BOOM headshot65

New member
Jul 7, 2011
White Lightning said:
I've thought about this, but too be honest how hard can it actually be? I mean can the other person not give direction? I dunno but I don't see being good at it as that big of a hurtle. I imagine it would be like riding a bike, it's not all that hard to figure out if you've got someone teaching you.

Or I may be wrong eniterly and setting myself up for an extremly embarrassing moment in the future...
I have to agree with this one here. I know that me and my girlfriend have talk about it, and neither of us care how bad the other is going to be, we are not having sex until we are married, and even then only to have children. We dont care how ackward or strange the first time will be...thats not why we will be marrying/married to eachother for. We would be married because we are eachothers best friend and we want to spend time with eachother, specifially the rest of our lives. We already know its going to suck the first time, but it doesnt matter. Nothing on this Earth will get us to have sex until we are married. Hell, she is always saying that one of the things she likes about me is that I DONT think about sex with her, outside of marriage. Hell, even IN marriage, I wouldnt really care about sex. It sucks? Oh well, I guess we will go into the other room and she can punch people while I leave a neat hole in thier skull with a sniper on Borderlands. Or I can help her at Fallout. Or she can watch me tear up the track on Forza Horizon. Problem solved.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
Here's my counter points to your points OP: no I don't think most women will appreciate a man who saved his virginity for marriage. Experience is generally viewed a a good thing nowadays. I'm also agnostic so I don't really care what religion has to say about it, and I struggle to believe that God has some special person out there just for me. I'm far too cynical for that. So instead of waiting my whole life for this non existstant perfect person, I'll bone pretty much any girl that wants it. Good day


New member
Nov 29, 2008
I'm a virgin because I'm a germophobe, Trichophobe & a hypochondriac. I will punch any half or fully naked thing that gets within swing distance of my arm. & if it is hairy, I will chase it with a razor.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
Well, I answered "No"
In general people can do whatever they want and nobody should give a damn
(especially if noone gets hurt and/or when this isn't related to you)

I personally prefer to wait till marriage (and expect from my future wife similar attitude)
But for different reasons- I don't like opening to just anyone, and short-term relationship isn't worth the emotional discomfort I get from doing so.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
BangSmashBoom said:
To some of you guys faith is just another lucky dip, even if it is, I'd have plenty of time to learn from my mistakes which is what life is all about.
I'm curious, if you spend your whole life waiting for god to provide you with a partner, then what time is there to learn from that mistake if he didn't provide you with one?

Unless the bible states something like "if god doesn't provide you a partner by the age of 50, screw who you like"

It doesn't.

This means there isn't any time is there?

I don't mean to disrespect your religion, I was baptised and raised catholic, but people, we need to start taking the important lessons from religion, not the ridiculous archaic bullshit that you extreme American Christians seem to practice.