67 Games
9 games are 100% complete (4 are 200G download games)
4 games are 90%, 7 are 80%, 11 are 70% and 7 are 60%. These are the games I like.
18 games are under 10% complete. These are the games I borrowed and decided were not worth my time.
Every time I put a game into my XBox (I only play one game at a time, usually for 1-2 weeks), I pick out a few achievements to casually aim for while I play. The more times I play a game, the higher the percentage of achievements.
It's my rating system, and it's my way to avoid a game being the same experience every time I play.
Sometimes I look at a game and say "why isn't that game higher?" If an achievement isn't fun, like multiplayer in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, then I just don't play it. If one looks like fun, I'll toss the disc into my XBox.
BUT the biggest reason for gamerscore/achievements: to tell which people are noobs, and which people are hackers (a 15G player in Halo 3 with a high rank and thousands of game wins, for instance).