Poll: mass effect: The council


New member
Oct 17, 2011
I never blamed the Council for what they did, even though it frustrated me I could understand them...oh and considering the Destiny Ascension is a freaking Dreadnought with thousands of crew I figured saving them was worth it. :p
As to the choice of Council-member...while I couldn't blame the Council for what they did I COULD blame Udina...hence there was no way he'd get to be a Council-member...I have a feeling that will bite me in the ass...


New member
May 11, 2009
winginson said:
I'm going for my first playthrough here, which I did as a "what would I do run?" and ended council dead anderson.

My reasons. You are specifically told that saving the Acension will result in many casulties, possibly meaning not there will not be enough ships left to beat Sovereign. Under those circumstances the only logical choice is to let them die so everyone in the galaxy doesn't.

Yes I know that Shepard was always gonna win and after seeing both endings there is no real difference whether they live or die. I really think there should of been more difference depending on what happened.
Actually there could be an argument that saving the Ascension is the most logical choice.

For one thing, Shepard knows that the rest of the Reapers will try to come eventually, no matter what. The Ascension is also one of the most powerful ships in the known galaxy. Thus it'd be an asset in the long run.

As well, the council, while obstructive, are still a symbol of unity and, most importantly, they are obstructive for the right reasons. They question you because what you claim has very little in terms of proof that they can see, and when they do get evidence, they are fairly quick to do something(this can be seen while trying to prove Saren's guilt. They dismiss you when you have very little credible evidence, yet also act reasonable when you do bring them evidence.) That being said, they are rather stupid about certain things(I think most anyone could see Sovereign's not of Geth design), but then again, Shepard has been rather dumb of things as well.(Ilos? the pointlessness of that journey is astounding in hindsight) Another thing to note is that Shepard is part of Cereberes at the point it sounds like the council is denying the existence of Reapers, so even if they were merely putting out a media blackout so everyone isn't panicking about the space-thulus coming to get them, they wouldn't be likely to divulge much information about it to Shepard anyway.

O.T: Saved council, Anderson human representative.

Zeel said:
People harping about "galactic stability" are complete fools. These are the same three assholes who were just sitting up in their bunker while a renegade spectre goes around trying to commit Racial genocide.

Anyone who thinks the council members were promoting galactic stability aren't thinking clearly. They needed to be purged, clearly they weren't doing their jobs effectively anymore.
How weren't they doing there jobs right in ME1? Because they were questioning someone about the existence of giant space-thulus? I want you to think of the concept of Reapers, and tell me that you'd believe someone who started talking about there existence, especially someone with little in terms of practical evidence.

Oh and BTW, don't bring up ME2 as an example of them being bad at there job, as there was no way you'd know that they'd be like that after the end of ME1.


New member
Jul 17, 2011
Kill the council, elect Anderson.

bjj hero said:
At the time Sov is about to hit the kill switch for every known life form and you are unsure if you have the resources to stop him. Splitting your troops to save some high ranking diplomats struck me as terribly elitist and selfish.
This is pretty much how I felt about it as well.

It's throwing away half a battle fleet (and possibly the fate of the galaxy) to save some corrupt politicians. Hell no.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
In my "default" playthough, I kill the council. Even knowing how it ends, I always operate based on what Shepard knows at the time, saving the Ascension could lead to many human casualties, that means not having enough ships to take down Sovereign, and not having enough ships to keep protecting humans across the galaxy.

And my default Shep gives the seat to Anderson because, well Udina's a dick.

In another Playthrough (The one I like to call repentant paragon, with a Shepard who led the assault squad on Torfan and who treats it as her greatest failure so she compensates by trying to be the perfect model of a soldier) I save them on the grounds that the Council is the heart of galactic power, and even if the Citadel is lost, the Council will be needed to rally the forces of the galaxy against the Reaper onslaught.

And Anderson is given the council seat again because, well Udina's a dick.

And finally in my renegade playthrough, I kill the council because, screw them. And Udina gets the seat because I want human dominance and having that ruthless bastard in charge is the perfect way to get it.


New member
Nov 14, 2011
ShadowsofHope said:
However, you end up defeating Sovereign by defeating Saren with Sovereign's conscience linked to him temporarily, fleet or no fleet.
At the time you don't know this though.

I'm not metagaming, and at the time it's an all or nothing decision, sacrifice the council and have a better chance of defeating Sovereign, or save the council and possibly let intelligent life in the galaxy end now. In Universe, defeating Sovereign via Saren isn't a possbility to Shepherd, so sacrificing the council is the only chance of success.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Council Alive/Anderson on Council.

I find myself incapable of leaving them to die, because its just not how Fiona Sheperd rolls. Not saving them reeks of posturing and amounts to a galactic coup d'état. So despite some pretty shabby treatment from them, I still act the bigger person and save them.

Also, one thing that absolutely SHAT me to tears in ME2 was that I was unable to at least have earned the Asari councilor's trust. Sure, the Turian councilor is probably a total douchebag and steadfastedly refused to accept the truth even when a giant peice of Space Cthulu fell on his office. Trouble is, the way Bioware writes it, they seem deadset on saying "Aliens SUCK. Humans MUST rule the universe for anything to get done". Why can't I visit the Asari Embassy (especially once I obtain Samara) and make my case personally and perhaps get them into my (and by extension, the Alliance's) corner.

Admitedly showing up with Cerberus would be akin to a Navy SEAL showing up to the Pentagon with some guys from Al-Qaeda to say "Shit man, the Martians are coming and these guys believe me". The Joint Cheif's of Staff would look at you like you were a fucking lunatic and ship you off to Ft. Leavenworth in a straight jacket forthwith. I really can't blame them for looking over my evidence and deciding that I'm not seeing the picture correctly.


New member
Jan 3, 2011
Saved the council with Anderson. Mainly because they're in a massive dreadnought that looks like it could kill a reaper or two


Ego extravaganza
Aug 10, 2008
On my own choice walkthrough I let them die to have the upper edge on sovereign.

And even with my knowledge that sovereign gets defeated either way I let them die soloely on the reason that it is not rational to sacrifice the lives of people trying to save the galaxy for the lives of the ones that delievered the galaxy to it's doom.

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
You have to understand that the human race is trying to prove themselves in the beginning. By saving the council and defeating Sovereign while sacrificing countless lives humans were able to secure themselves in eyes of the galactic community.

At least thats how I saw it when I saved them. Also while Anderson doesn't make the best politician. As Shepard you know of the impending Repear invasion. You need a friend in the council to help you since no one else believes you. Which is why I had Anderson as the political head for the human race.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
bjj hero said:
But you only find this out by playing through. At the time Sov is about to hit the kill switch for every known life form and you are unsure if you have the resources to stop him. ...
Actually no. Even Sov needs a way to access the computer to hit the kill switch! That is what Saren was for, to get access to the computer Shepard was standing in front of. (BTW Is that last sentence anywhere close to correct English grammar??)


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Alade said:
On my own choice walkthrough I let them die to have the upper edge on sovereign.

And even with my knowledge that sovereign gets defeated either way I let them die soloely on the reason that it is not rational to sacrifice the lives of people trying to save the galaxy for the lives of the ones that delievered the galaxy to it's doom.
And then mankind gets wiped out by the three council races and their ridiculously powerful fleet. Remember: The Turians alone have 39(!!!) dreadnoughts, mankind have 8.

Letting the council die, means ignoring the reaction of the REST OF THE GALAXY to that!


New member
Nov 5, 2008
Council Dead, Anderson elected

I played through it as "what makes sense with what shepard knows" I took a small hit in the paragon department but I stand by my decision.


Ego extravaganza
Aug 10, 2008
Kashrlyyk said:
Alade said:
On my own choice walkthrough I let them die to have the upper edge on sovereign.

And even with my knowledge that sovereign gets defeated either way I let them die soloely on the reason that it is not rational to sacrifice the lives of people trying to save the galaxy for the lives of the ones that delievered the galaxy to it's doom.
And then mankind gets wiped out by the three council races and their ridiculously powerful fleet. Remember: The Turians alone have 39(!!!) dreadnoughts, mankind have 8.

Letting the council die, means ignoring the reaction of the REST OF THE GALAXY to that!
The galaxy will undersand if you say "We had to do it to stop sovereign", you obviously don't state publically that you let them die on purpose.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I saved the council.

If only so I could laugh in their faces and say "ha ha, I told you so" at the end of ME1. But then at the start of ME2 they go back to being pricks who deny everything, eventhough they wholeheartedly admitted the Reaper threat at the end of the first game. [sub]Fucking assholes![/sub]

Still, it's a good thing to have some goodwill with the other turians, salarians, and asari.

Maybe that's what we'll get in ME3 in place of ME2's loyalty missions; Proving your loyalty to entire species.

... Oh, and Anderson got the seat on the council. Sure it's nepotism, but fuck it, I saved the galaxy.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Alade said:
...The galaxy will undersand if you say "We had to do it to stop sovereign", you obviously don't state publically that you let them die on purpose.
I doubt the galaxy even knows about Sovereign. They'll just see that somehow mankind's first spectre is connected to the death of the council. So I don't think they would believe it.

Remember Anderson's and Saren's history together, so this would have been the second time mankind's spectre is involved in a screwed up mission.

Even if they believe it. They would be even more wary towards humans and that would cause a lot of trouble for mankind.

Then there is always the chance they just look for an excuse to attack mankind, the death of the council would be a really good excuse. So no matter how you turn it: It is just much better to save them and not risk the consequence that would have come otherwise.

If you really think about the consequences, you actually have no choice. Obviously Bioware didn't do that.

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
Kashrlyyk said:
(BTW Is that last sentence anywhere close to correct English grammar??)
English is my second language. Lets see how good your sentence structure is in Farsi...


New member
Dec 30, 2010
bjj hero said:
Kashrlyyk said:
(BTW Is that last sentence anywhere close to correct English grammar??)
English is my second language. Lets see how good your sentence structure is in Farsi...
Funny thing. I was talking about my own "last sentence" in that post not yours. The "in front of" part at the end just doesn't sound right. And since English is my second language too, I asked.

As far as I can tell, your "last sentence" in that post is perfectly correct English grammar.