Poll: ME1 vs ME2: the crew


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Well, my first play-through, I let Wrex die, I loved Garrus, liked Tali and Liara, let Kaiden die... anyone I missed? No, I don't think so. Joker was awesome too.

Sebenko said:
Lack of Wrex (and a pricetag of £35) is the main reason I haven't got ME2 yet.
Wrex exists, he's a good buddy of Shepard and even does a bro-arm-hug... if you let him live.

Crew of the ME2? The only guys I didn't like were Jack, Miranda and Jacob. Garrus and Tali are even more awesome due to more character back-story development. Jack is boring and one-sided (unless you want to sex her up, and not just for one time - I wouldn't), Jacob is another soldier with little to no identity and Miranda is too fake, even for an NPC.

Thane is pretty cool, the good-hearted and polite assassin that only kills bad people... cliche enough for me to have seen before, but not boring when it's about. And he is quite funny at times.

Grunt is no Wrex, but his side-mission was awesome, even if just so I could see Wrex again.

Mordin was my favorite new teammate. Fast, brutal and awesome. And intelligent as hell. Plus his dialogs both during combat and on the Normandy are funny as hell. Who didn't laugh at his singing?

Legion and EDI, the two AI crew members. EDI proved that AI isn't always bad, and Legion was sort of like HK-47, but less of a sociopath.


New member
Apr 19, 2009
ME2 crew bitchslaps ME1 crew in all aspects.

Miranda : Badass, sarcastic and my favourite squadmate. This is like the 20th time I mention the immense sexual tension between her and Shepard. The dialogues between them are pure gold.

Jacob : Bland, but unquestionably better than Kaiden. He had a bromance with my Shepard, nothing compared to Garrus though.

Garrus : The ultimate bromance. :D Who doesn't love the turian Batman? He and Miranda = sarcasm squad.

Grunt : Nothing compared to Wrex, but has his charm. Definitely better than I expected.

Legion : SHEPARD COMMANDER. That is all.

Jack : I wanted her to be my Shepard's romance, but after hearing about the fact that you have to make her go Paragon, I changed my plans. She's perfect as she is, not as a crying, emo-ish girl.

Thane : Definitely clicked with my Shepard. If I recall correctly, he was the only one who used the word "friend" when addressing Shep. The interrogation was amazing, they are great partners in crime.

Samara : Finally an asari, who isn't a goddamn skank. She was OK, but I didn't use her in anything, except her loyalty quest, which was bloody awesome.

Mordin : I AM THE VERY MODEL OF A SCIENTIST SALARIAN... Simply fucking hilarious. I lack words to describe the hilarity of his dialogues. When he was giving Shepard a romantic advice, I lol'd, inhaled my cheeseburger and choked for 3 minutes.

Zaeed : Finally, a badass and interesting human male squadmate! Did something happen to the space time continuum? Why the hell didn't Bioware include him in the game with an option to actually go and talk to him with a normal fucking dialogue wheel?! Seriously, you create an awesome character and then decide to toss the idea out of the window.

Tali : The only character, which I utterly despise. I dislike her voice, her awkwardness, her disturbing obsession with Shepard (One of the reasons, why I love Miranda is because she argues with Shepard and doesn't treat him like a Greek god.) and quarians are generally kinda "meh". I wouldn't hate her so much, if it wasn't for those OMIGOD TALIMANCE FTW HIPS! people.

Seriously, who the hell does that kind of shit?

Please, Bioware, I beg of you - include a badass and a bit psychotic human male squadmate in ME3 as a potential love interest and I'll make a female Shepard. Seriously, Kaiden is a bland wussy and Jacob is still bland. Just make a interesting human male LI, please.

Also, Wrex for ME3.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
mad benji89 said:
i prefered grunt to wrex to behonest i dont know i think it was hes need to kill anything in sight and when he tells storys about killing turians and how he gets exsited about it made me think that he just basicly a big insane kid, kinda lol

but garrus i think will always be one of my top characters just how he acts so badass all the time i liked him on the first one because how he was a c-sec officer and he had enougth of going by the rules so he desided to join you because spectures can do what they want and the only people they really have to listern to is the countcel.

i liked doing tali's side story that was pritty cool not going to go into detial to much though because dont want to ruin it for people who either half waythrough it or not on that bit yet but its a good one

legion was kind of cool having a geth on your side but half of the stuff he said didnt intrest me that much its somthing what you would expect a machine to say because he dosent have he's own feelings or thoughts lol
imagen if you could have a relationship with legion on the game it would be like screwing all the geth at once lol
You sir, just took the English language deep into the woods and murdered it.
OT: I liked the second crew for sure, I mean come on mordin sings, and legion who is awesome.


New member
Feb 20, 2008
In ME1, I liked most of my team. I wasn't that big a fan of Garrus or Kaidan, but I loved Ashley, Tali, Wrex, and Liara (literally for the last one).

In ME2, the only characters I was a big fan of were Garrus (character development FTW!), Tali, and Mordin. Thane and LEGION were pretty cool, and Samara is growing on me, but the rest...

I certainly could have done without Miranda and Jacob. It probably has to do with the fact that they were assigned to me, so I didn't get to know them well before they joined me. Also, I'm no fan of Cerberus.

Jack... I really wanted to like Jack. She could have been a much better character - less of a psychopath, more of a snarker. As it is, I still felt quite sorry for her, but I didn't really like her.

And Grunt. His loyalty quest was cool, but half of that was Wrex being present.

mad benji89

New member
May 4, 2009
ryai458 said:
mad benji89 said:
i prefered grunt to wrex to behonest i dont know i think it was hes need to kill anything in sight and when he tells storys about killing turians and how he gets exsited about it made me think that he just basicly a big insane kid, kinda lol

but garrus i think will always be one of my top characters just how he acts so badass all the time i liked him on the first one because how he was a c-sec officer and he had enougth of going by the rules so he desided to join you because spectures can do what they want and the only people they really have to listern to is the countcel.

i liked doing tali's side story that was pritty cool not going to go into detial to much though because dont want to ruin it for people who either half waythrough it or not on that bit yet but its a good one

legion was kind of cool having a geth on your side but half of the stuff he said didnt intrest me that much its somthing what you would expect a machine to say because he dosent have he's own feelings or thoughts lol
imagen if you could have a relationship with legion on the game it would be like screwing all the geth at once lol
You sir, just took the English language deep into the woods and murdered it.
OT: I liked the second crew for sure, I mean come on mordin sings, and legion who is awesome.
woops i hope the english language didnt have kids to feed because otherwise i would feel really bad =[ lol


New member
Oct 25, 2008
ME1's crew was more... well, intimate, since there were less people.

ME2's crew was more interesting, more diverse, and it fleshed out Tali and Garrus in great ways. And while I'll always look back to my moments with the ME1 characters and see them as wonderfully unique, there's more actual development of the characters in ME2.

In short: ME2 wins.


New member
Jul 27, 2009
I love both crews, but the second one is by far my favorite.

Except for it's lack of Wrex. Not awesome.

Jake the Snake

New member
Mar 25, 2009
I thought the WAY you met crew members in ME1 was much more organic than in ME2, but that said, I like ME2 Way Better and here's why:

Kaiden: Who the f*ck cares?
Ashely: Only did her cuz she read poetry, and i'm a poet. Some respect came out of her reading Teneson and Frost I guess.
Garrus: Cool guy, not very memorable
Wrex: Pretty Badass
Tali: Almost as forgettable as Kaiden
Liara: Liked her but was a little off to me. Didn't really consider her a romance option.

Jacob: Probably the least interesting, but beats kaiden by miles
Miranda: As a renegade player, you can't help but love her. She's a bad ass...in more than one sense of the word. Yeah, i tapped it.
Mordin: I wish all salarians could be as cool as this guy. Hell all aliens in general.
Garrus: Became a Renegade badass. Kinda pissed they didn't really let you explore him much but i loved the "Reach, Flexibility" story XD
Jack: Ehhhh, kinda cliched, but she worked. Can't tell if i prefer her or liara more.
Thane: Easily the best bro a guy could ever have. He was green. That's amazing. Nuff said
Grunt: Preferred Wrex, but thought he was funny in naive twisted way.
Tali: I liked that she grew up a bit and they developed her character. I don't get what the sexual fascination people have with her is though.
Samara: Mysterious kicks lots of ass
Legion: Awesome, just simply awesome.
Zaeed: Who the f*ck cares, but he's DLC, so i'll let it slide...

Basically ME2's characters left a much deeper and more complex impression on me than those in ME1

Theron Julius

New member
Nov 30, 2009
AAAGGHHH!! Difficult choice. Both games had Tali and Garrus, some of my favorite characters. ME1 had Wrex that glorious beast... ME2 had Legion, who is awesome... Ugh... ME1 only because Wrex was just that awesome. I still love the ME2 crew... And that's not just because Tali can be romanced that time around!


New member
Mar 24, 2009
I'm going to have to go with the second crew.
....Oh yeah. Reasons.
Crew 1:
Kaiden: The guy was like a future space cousin to me. He always had my back with his biotics, and I liked the way his story played out.
Ashley: Kind of a *****. Didn't really have any feeling for or against her, but seeing as it was her or Kaiden........
Wrex: This man was the coolest guy in the game. My first playthrough, I never really liked him, but as I talked with him I realized just how fleshed out he was. Great battle comments too.
Tali: Kept her boring self on the ship the entire game. After the first mission, I only saw her when she was in required cutscenes. She just didnt seem, I don't know, relatable in any way. She talked too much as well. Stupid Geth Backstory.
Garrus: Always loved how he was ready to destroy anything in the way of the mission. Got him to calm himself down though. Got me through some good hacking and loved his backstory.
Liara: I cant tell you how pissed I was to find this is who I had to save from Therum. Too naive for me.
Standouts: Kaiden, Garrus, Wrex ((Wow that came out a bit more gender-related than I thought))

Crew 2:
Jacob: Kind of a cool guy. Definitely the type one would have some kind of alcoholic beverage with. Backstory kept a little to close to Shepard's though.
Miranda: Im tempted to just stamp the 'Eye Candy' label on here, but that's what she was. She was kind of a generic character, and that didn't sit well with me.
Mordin: The guy sings, gives you sex advice, and talks like he's been on caffeine for his entire life. That plus his intriguing past really got me to like him.
Garrus: Now 10% more Badass! That's just gravy.
Tali: She really surprised me in this one. She really did start to grow on me, especially after her loyalty mission. Her character really grew up, and it was good time spent indeed. God I'll miss her.
Samara: A surprise as well. She could have come off as an uncaring badass ((like our next contestant)), but instead she turned into one of my favorite characters. Her extensive code of honor and her remorse really made her seem.....human. The incredibly fun loyalty mission helped as well.
Jack/Subject Zero: Dear god I hated her. I mean really, really hated her. She didn't really seem to have any remorse, which turned her away from me from the start. Even as she opened up a little, she seemed to be a one-dimentional *****. At least Bioware stuck with the character they wanted to make.
Grunt: Whether it was his lack of any kind of self-preservation, or his origin, I really enjoyed Grunt's company. He really made me smile when he would come out and say he wanted to kill something with his bare hands. His honesty really was fun. He will be missed as well.
Thane: I loved this alien. His talks were never boring or stale, and his backstory was incredibly engaging. Plus, he takes out a room of armed guards by himself. Epic.
Legion: Kinda spooky, which I expected from him. I liked his explanations of himself, and the geth way of thinking. Immensely better than what Tali was in the first game.
Zaeed: Kind of an awesome character, but too little of a role for me to make any serious judgements.
Standouts: Jacob, Mordin, Samara, Tali, and Thane.

The ME2 characters just seemed to be more fleshed out and enjoyable than the first crew, and the game was better because of them.

T3h Merc

New member
Dec 24, 2008
In Mass Effect I enjoyed Garrus, Tali, Joker,and Wrex. I found Kaidan bland and Ashley infuriating.
In Mass Effect 2 I enjoyed Mordin, Tali, Grunt, Garrus, Thane, Legion, and EDI. So I prefer ME2's Cast.


Gentleman Bastard.
Jun 27, 2009
"Looks like Garrus finally got that stick out of his ass and is beating people to death with it." -Joker.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Definitely the first game people. I love the emotional value of a character that you have grown on. I wish Ashley and Wrex could have been in my party or at least played a larger role in the game.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
mad benji89 said:
ryai458 said:
mad benji89 said:
i prefered grunt to wrex to behonest i dont know i think it was hes need to kill anything in sight and when he tells storys about killing turians and how he gets exsited about it made me think that he just basicly a big insane kid, kinda lol

but garrus i think will always be one of my top characters just how he acts so badass all the time i liked him on the first one because how he was a c-sec officer and he had enougth of going by the rules so he desided to join you because spectures can do what they want and the only people they really have to listern to is the countcel.

i liked doing tali's side story that was pritty cool not going to go into detial to much though because dont want to ruin it for people who either half waythrough it or not on that bit yet but its a good one

legion was kind of cool having a geth on your side but half of the stuff he said didnt intrest me that much its somthing what you would expect a machine to say because he dosent have he's own feelings or thoughts lol
imagen if you could have a relationship with legion on the game it would be like screwing all the geth at once lol
You sir, just took the English language deep into the woods and murdered it.
OT: I liked the second crew for sure, I mean come on mordin sings, and legion who is awesome.
woops i hope the english language didnt have kids to feed because otherwise i would feel really bad =[ lol
nah he was a more of a lone wolf kinda guy, never was very nice to his friends...

God's Clown

New member
Aug 8, 2008
The second by far. First had Garrus and Tali. Third has Legion, Garrus, Tali, Samara, Mordin. 5 > 2. Over twice as awesome! Not to mention the random NPC people. Engineer Donelly or w/e is basically awesome. EDI v Joker is also basically greater then life.


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
Sacond one definitely The only crewmate I didn't like in the second one was Mordin. As opposed to the first one where I hated Kaiden, Ashley, and Tali. Plus Garrus is much cooler in the second one. He was kind of a dildo in the first.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I far preferred the first game's crew, mostly because they actually talked to you and wanted to get to know you. The new crew, even those returning members, were generally sullen and refused to speak until their loyalty quests were completed...except you couldn't even get the loyalty quests until halfway through the game, at which point I no longer cared. Not to mention how random it is to have someone you don't even know asking you for help on a deeply personal problem. It broke immersion for me. But then, I had a lot of issues with this game, and the crew was only a fraction of that.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Alarien said:
Frankly, Legion is my favorite character as a crew member, so far

I also enjoyed Thane quite a bit and they finally developed Tali into being more than a plotpoint to explain the Geth, which is all she was in ME1.

Garrus still remains sort of shallow, but overall I still like him.

Ashley and Kaiden are both acceptable, if a bit irritating, in their own way.
Yes, and the fact that he's made up of Discarded pieces of Shepherd's old armour's pretty cool too. He's easily my favourite Crew member, and the one with the most personality.