Poll: Metroid: Other M killed Samus

Priest of Lies

New member
Mar 16, 2011
Samus is always supposed to be a silent protagonist!! Giving her a voce would'nt have been so bad if she did'nt monolouge about everything! Also, notice how even when Samus is wearing her armor, you can tell she's a girl. They slimmed it down like every new console and it is'nt that surprising especially since you see her in the opening cut scene without her armor!

Theron Julius

New member
Nov 30, 2009
There should really be a "Sort of" option here.

I don't think Other M killed Samus. It's just a bad title in the series. Any character can recover from a bad title. Legend of Zelda recovered from those unspeakable abominations released in 93. If you don't believe me or haven't heard of them watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibK0Nj0sjyU (Don't watch too much of it. It's awful.). Then a few years later the Zelda franchise released Ocarina of Time, one of the best of the entire series.

So yes, I believe that Other M was at least a major blow to the Metroid series, but I think Metroid can recover from it.

Monk Ed

New member
Feb 11, 2010
Priest of Lies said:
Samus is always supposed to be a silent protagonist!! Giving her a voce would'nt have been so bad if she did'nt monolouge about everything! Also, notice how even when Samus is wearing her armor, you can tell she's a girl. They slimmed it down like every new console and it is'nt that surprising especially since you see her in the opening cut scene without her armor!
Samus has had dialog and opinions for over 16 years, since as far back as Super Metroid, and fully expressed in Metroid Fusion. What do you mean she was always supposed to be a silent protagonist? Samus has had a voice ever since there were other people around for her to talk to! (And an awesome one at that, at least before Other M!)

Clearly, Metroid Prime has screwed up Samus's characterization for a generation of gamers by silencing her and stuffing her back into the proverbial kitchen where nobody wants to hear her opinions or see her personality. (j/k, I'm just letting off steam.) And that's a shame, because her characterization in Fusion was so awesome, too, 100% spot-on, (I've been replaying it recently and can see just how awesome it would have been if it had been kept for Other M). Metroid Prime wasn't even made by Nintendo anyway, and is of ambiguous canonical-ness.

Priest of Lies

New member
Mar 16, 2011
When I said she was a silent protagonist, I was refering to the origanal Metroid games on the NES and Game Boy, back when it was just side scrolling action. It was a simpler time then seeing as all you had to was keep hunting down the metroids. You're right, I did forget to include the part from Super Metroid(I never got to finish it because my older brothe would'nt share the SNES at the time, but before that point, Samus did'nt talk. But I have'nt played to many recent installments in the metroid series. And like I said before, Samus talking would'nt be so bad if they picked a different voice actor.