Poll: Metroid: Other M killed Samus


New member
Jul 25, 2008
HellsingerAngel said:
(significant art deserves debate. Shit does not deserve debate... but maybe YOU do)

Your sweeping generalisations, twisted rationalisations and deceptive logic are unbearable to read and the thought of having to counter all your bullshit makes me weary.

It's the half truths I can't stand. I can't just say they are lies, I must explain your deception.

It is OBVIOUS how MGS3's Snake is so completely different from Other M's Samus.

Naked Snake was a rookie compared to The End (he never gave up, he got his ass kicked early on simply because he wasn't a good enough solider yet) and being a prequel set as early on in the series that relationship actually fits! Adam has not been mentioned nor even alluded to in the past 25 years of Metroid games. This cannot be crowbarred into the series.

That MGS3 = Other M is just one of the many deceptive rationalisations you have used. You know DAMN WELL that they are completely different, you just want to poison any real discussion with a spurious and superficial comparison. A mere diversion, to muddy the issue and avoid reaching the undeniable damning conclusion: that Other M is trash.

If anything Naked Snake and The Boss is the RIGHT way to handle a Master-student relationship while Other M is exactly the worst way.

Samus exhibiting sarcasm in private then obeying Adam anyway doesn't show her independence, it's something an oppressed housewife would mutter to herself as her asshole husband orders her to the kitchen to make a sandwich for him.

Your speculation on the weapons legality, galactic federation and military obedience is also spurious but mostly irrelevant to the fact that the game never gives those reasons, only the reason that Samus is in such fucking deferential love with Adam that she loses all personal will. Adam gives no reason, utterly arbitrary. This isn't just lazy plot writing, this is lazy game writing. Need a new power? Just have Adam allow it.

You are just rationalising and using every fallacious and underhanded debating tactic in the book. Why do I waste my precious time? In vain hopes that you will learn?

Pah. It's probably all in vain, you will probably reply with more twisted logic, deceptive comparisons and generalisations where it is not about finding the truth but distorting perspective. You remind me of Michael Moore.

Monk Ed

New member
Feb 11, 2010
Treblaine said:
HellsingerAngel said:
(significant art deserves debate. Shit does not deserve debate... but maybe YOU do)

Your sweeping generalisations, twisted rationalisations and deceptive logic are unbearable to read and the thought of having to counter all your bullshit makes me weary.

It's the half truths I can't stand. I can't just say they are lies, I must explain your deception.

It is OBVIOUS how MGS3's Snake is so completely different from Other M's Samus.

Naked Snake was a rookie compared to The End (he never gave up, he got his ass kicked early on simply because he wasn't a good enough solider yet) and being a prequel set as early on in the series that relationship actually fits! Adam has not been mentioned nor even alluded to in the past 25 years of Metroid games. This cannot be crowbarred into the series.

That MGS3 = Other M is just one of the many deceptive rationalisations you have used. You know DAMN WELL that they are completely different, you just want to poison any real discussion with a spurious and superficial comparison. A mere diversion, to muddy the issue and avoid reaching the undeniable damning conclusion: that Other M is trash.

If anything Naked Snake and The Boss is the RIGHT way to handle a Master-student relationship while Other M is exactly the worst way.

Samus exhibiting sarcasm in private then obeying Adam anyway doesn't show her independence, it's something an oppressed housewife would mutter to herself as her asshole husband orders her to the kitchen to make a sandwich for him.

Your speculation on the weapons legality, galactic federation and military obedience is also spurious but mostly irrelevant to the fact that the game never gives those reasons, only the reason that Samus is in such fucking deferential love with Adam that she loses all personal will. Adam gives no reason, utterly arbitrary. This isn't just lazy plot writing, this is lazy game writing. Need a new power? Just have Adam allow it.

You are just rationalising and using every fallacious and underhanded debating tactic in the book. Why do I waste my precious time? In vain hopes that you will learn?

Pah. It's probably all in vain, you will probably reply with more twisted logic, deceptive comparisons and generalisations where it is not about finding the truth but distorting perspective. You remind me of Michael Moore.
I ... think you've got the wrong person there. He's not the one who compared Other M to MGS3. I am. And for someone who is apparently against the poisoning of debate, I don't know what else to call casting aspersions on another person's motivations. Let's be civil and honest here.

Now. You make a tremendous point here that I either ignored or forgot in my enthusiasm. Upon further review, yeah, the critical difference between Other M and MGS3 is that Naked Snake was a designated rookie, so the degree to which he gets owned, breaks down, mopes, etc, is more acceptable. The point I was making was that Samus is getting worse treatment for her frailties than Naked Snake despite being significantly more badass than him; the counter argument that you make clear to me here is that she was not more badass enough than Naked Snake given her prodigious experience compared to his being a rookie.

Now, to be clear, I agree that Other M's story was grossly mishandled. Even outside of the storytelling, I wish Samus had looked and sounded more mature (like she did in Smash Brothers Brawl, which is still today my favorite depiction of her), had been surrounded by more average-sized men to highlight what an amazon she really is, etc. I also wish she had been more petulant about taking orders -- or that her dislike of taking orders had at least been mentioned as in previous games.

But I don't think any of that makes any of it sexist or character-destroying. I particularly don't think the latter because now that this is all behind Samus, she'll be a much more overtly strong character in future installments.

As another poster in the other Other M topic put it so succinctly: "My opinion on the story? It wasn't sexist, character destroying or anything.

It just sucked."

Minor addendum: You say that Adam and her relationship to him had not even been alluded to in the past 25 years of Metroid games, but that's just not true. Adam was a major character -- well, a version of him -- in Metroid Fusion.

Ethylene Glycol

New member
Sep 21, 2010
LeonLethality said:
Ethylene Glycol said:
LeonLethality said:
Ethylene Glycol said:
I find myself wondering whether all those people who like the way Samus was characterized in Other M have actually met a real woman.
Mind explaining what you mean by this statement?
Real women--especially in the modern day and age--are not nearly as submissive or emotionally fragile as the kind of woman Team Ninja turned Samus into. If you'd ever met one, you wouldn't need to have this explained.
I've met many, my oldest friend is a woman, sorry for not being that whole social outcast stereotype people like to give gamers.
No, you're an even worse stereotype. I'll leave it up to your imagination just which one you are.

Explain how Samus was being submissive please. And when you see someone close to you going out to die I'm sure anyone would get emotional, same goes for seeing someone you just killed being alive right in front of you.
There's a difference between following orders and whining. Samus' entire mantra being boiled down to "what would Adam do" is a pretty good example of how to make a character whiny and submissive. And giving the main character the only VA in the game who can't even act is just adding insult to injury.

Thanks for the "you've never met a woman" insult though. I think this is the first time I have ever gotten that.
Don't worry--I'm sure it won't be the last.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
I like how some of the first comments below it say "did she read the MANGA? (Clearly not)..."

That in itself is utterly retarded. Why in the hell would you make people read a freaking comic book in order to fully understand the story? That's be like Bioware taking half of Mass Effect's story and putting it into comic books so you wouldn't get the whole picture until you played the game AND read the books.

I have never played the games, and I don't plan on it. Metroid never appealed to me (mainly because it was on a console I never owned), and the one time I tried it I very much disliked the controls.

If anyone here knows of Benzaie from That Guy With The Glasses, he did a 5 second review of it. http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/bt/benzaie/5-second-games/27881-ben-metroid-other-m-in-5seconds


New member
May 27, 2008
There has always been characterization in the metroid games.
Before other M, samus had a personality, and now she's been replaced by Barbie Aran, Samus' idiot sister.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
I do beleive, my good sir, this is where I state: you're wrong!

Treblaine said:
It is OBVIOUS how MGS3's Snake is so completely different from Other M's Samus.
Woah woah woah. When did I ever say Metal Gear Solid THREE!? I beleive I directly quoted you who had said, and I quote:

HellsingerAngel said:
Treblaine said:
And when video game protagonist ARE given a lot of lines of dialogue more often than not it is less Metal Gear Solid codec conversations or even Max Payne graphics novel and more often like Gears of War or Assassin's Creed.
So now who's turning the argument to half truths? Not I, sir.

Treblaine said:
Naked Snake was a rookie compared to The End (he never gave up, he got his ass kicked early on simply because he wasn't a good enough solider yet) and being a prequel set as early on in the series that relationship actually fits! Adam has not been mentioned nor even alluded to in the past 25 years of Metroid games. This cannot be crowbarred into the series.
Now I have no beef with Naked Snake here. I didn?t even mention Naked Snake. Wait, what? You?re suing an argument completed based on a character that was never mentioned, saying that my entire argument is based off his characterization? Yup...

HellsingerAngel said:
You know what? Just as an add-on, I'd like to discuss this. Particularly the bolded part. So when a man does the exact same thing as Samus, it's ok, but when a woman does it, it's sexist? Double standard much? Don't even try to pretend like Solid Snake doesn't whine about war being terrible and such. That's just about all he does after grunting and saying "Metal Gear" during his cutscenes and Codex scenes. So yeah, I'd like some feedback from anybody on this.
Now I have really no issue with saying that Naked Snake is nothing like Samus. You know why? He?s not even Solid Snake, the character I was talking about! Yes, yes, he?s a clone. Whatever. Big Boss within Metal Gear Solid, the game I actually referenced, is a completely different individual and both have varied personalities. The fact is, you argued pointlessly, slandering my intelligence for that matter, when you either misread or don?t even know your subject matter!

The other fact that you seemed to neglect was the fact that Adam has been mentioned. In Metroid Fusion, the game that would follow these events, Samus actually gives him a pretty big honour by christening her ship in his name:

Wikitroid said:
Despite her recent illness, Samus was not given furlough by the Federation. She was immediately issued a new Gunship with an onboard computer to serve as an aide. This computer?s personality reminded her heavily of her former Commanding Officer and so, with irony noted, she chose to name it Adam in his memory.
Sitation: http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Samus_Aran
This was mentioned in a game made eight years before Metroid: Other M, so he's clearly existed for awhile now. Pretty good reason as to why he's in the story that reveals the most character development about her, too. Just goes to show how you didn't read any of the comments posted before, nor have a good grasp of Metroid subject matter.

Treblaine said:
That MGS3 = Other M is just one of the many deceptive rationalisations you have used. You know DAMN WELL that they are completely different, you just want to poison any real discussion with a spurious and superficial comparison. A mere diversion, to muddy the issue and avoid reaching the undeniable damning conclusion: that Other M is trash
I do know they're completely different. Since when have we been talking about the games as a whole!? Stop trying to change the subject! We're talking about the lead roles within particular games. Aside from the fact that you used the wrong game, I never, ever made the comparison between Metal Gear Solid and Metroid: Other M. I made a comparison between Solid Snake and Samus Aran as characters!

Treblaine said:
If anything Naked Snake and The Boss is the RIGHT way to handle a Master-student relationship while Other M is exactly the worst way.
Considering I have absolutely zero knowledge on the subject matter of Metal Gear Solid 3, I'm going to refrain from making any sort of argument about this. It's not that I wouldn't like to, I just haven't played or watched the game full through and have no idea how their relationship went. However, Hideo Kojima is a hack, in my eyes, and I assume it went pretty poorly. Then again, people seem to eat his shit up, so hey, maybe I'm wrong. I'd lvoe for someone to buy my a PS2 as well as a copy of the game (or even lend it) and I promise I'll get back to you once I can fully understand the subject matter.

Treblaine said:
Samus exhibiting sarcasm in private then obeying Adam anyway doesn't show her independence, it's something an oppressed housewife would mutter to herself as her asshole husband orders her to the kitchen to make a sandwich for him.
Or it means she hates the idea of having to hold back because of some law put into place. If you're a commander, you answer to someone. That someone would be the Galactic Federation. It means there's some sort of policy or procedure in place, much like the restriction of freeze guns or power bombs. It means that Adam would need to follow said procedures. It means if Samus is under his command, because he's the ranking officer or official authority on the mission, she has to do what he says. This isn't a choice, this isn't emotional, this isn't even some sort of daddy complex issue, this is pure fact. In a military organisation, those who are not direct personel of said organisation are bound to their juristiction. Just because Sakamoto chose not to spell it out for you (which was another complaint about the game, so yeah lose-lose situation) doesn't mean it isn't true. there's two curcial pieces of evidence within the game that clearly prove my point to be correct. Where's your "Adam, I want to be dominated by you!" quote, Mr. "I don't except speculation!", hmm?

Treblaine said:
Your speculation on the weapons legality, galactic federation and military obedience is also spurious but mostly irrelevant to the fact that the game never gives those reasons, only the reason that Samus is in such fucking deferential love with Adam that she loses all personal will. Adam gives no reason, utterly arbitrary. This isn't just lazy plot writing, this is lazy game writing. Need a new power? Just have Adam allow it.
You're correct. It is speculation. However, it's steeped deeply in facts surrounding the nature of the speculation. As stated above, there are weapon restrictions for other characters, if short lived because of their lack of weaponry. Freeze guns are shown to be extremely powerful weapons, killing most organic creature with one shot and sevearly limiting and damaging all others. Every single soldier in that game was killed in one shot and Samus lost focus on her armour. Not even Ridley could manage to completely sever that link while crushing her. The fact that Samus owns a Freeze Shot upgrade for her cannon, as well as her power bombs which are also stated to be extremely harmful to organics, means that both are restricted to special use only. Then you look at the rest of her gear like Super Missles and you can sort of connect the dots with how legit her weapons are, aside from the plasma cannon which even Anthony needed permission to use, but she's allowed to fire willy-nilly.

I'll even go as far to say that her regular missles are frowned upon, really. Anthony had a big build-up of how they would need some sort of concentrated blast and even Samus hesitated before using them. Adam gave a pretty mean scowl, too, once the shot was fired, disapproving the action. Normally I would say that maybe this had to do more with the fact that they had bad blood, but her leaving didn't seem to be an issue throughout the game to Adam, only Samus. Also, to reinforce this idea of missle being restricted weaponry, before they even agreed upon limiting her equipment, Adam had to authorize missle use against the giant bug swarm monster. All this really just proves the point that, yes, this universe has weapon restrictions and the characters are aware of them, even Samus. This could even further be looked upon by her constant need to reaquire her Chozo technology because the Federation bans it, but now that's just wild speculation.

Now the whole argument comes back to why Samus would even listen to the Federation. Gee, I'm not sure. Maybe because they dictated every major action within the past twenty-five years!?

Wikitroid on Mission Zero said:
After becoming the most famed and capable of all Bounty Hunters, succeeding in missions everyone considered impossible, Samus was summoned by the Galactic Federation.
Wikitroid on Prime 2 said:
Samus was given yet another assignment from the Galactic Federation, which was to track down a missing brigade of Federation Marines...
Wikitroid on Prime 3 said:
Six months later, Samus was summoned to the battleship G.F.S. Olympus, in orbit with the rest of the Federation fleet above the planet Norion, receive her instructions for her next assignment.
Wikitroid on Metroid II said:
It is known that at this point, the Galactic Federation had deemed the Metroids to be too dangerous to exist. After several failed attempts by their own troops, The Federation ordered Samus to exterminate them herself, given her long experience in dealing with the creatures.
Wikitroid on Super Metroid said:
Samus, knowing how valuable the Metroid Hatchling could be to the Federation, headed to the Ceres Space Colony, and chose to turn it over to the scientists there, who believed they could harness the infant?s power for the good of mankind.
Wikitroid on Metroid Fusion said:
SR388 was now free of Metroids, and so the Galactic Federation decided to send in a research party to investigate the planet. Due to her previous experience with the planet and its inhabitants, Samus was hired to serve as a guide to the researchers, to collect samples of life for the Biologic Space Laboratories research station.
Metroid Fusion...yet again said:
Despite her recent illness, Samus was not given furlough by the Federation. She was immediately issued a new Gunship with an onboard computer to serve as an aide. This computer?s personality reminded her heavily of her former Commanding Officer and so, with irony noted, she chose to name it Adam in his memory. Samus was then sent to the BSL research station where the last batch of creatures from SR388 and the infected parts of her Power Suit were sent. She was to investigate an unexplained explosion in the Quarantine Bay.
I don't know if you noticed by the massive amount of quotes, but she does a lot of work for the Federation. She's practically married to them. However, she is still considered a civilian, as her leaving Adam's squad stripped her of her military rank. This is noted several times in the first cutscene explaining her realtionship with Adam. She said she was "a former member of the Galactic Federation Army", she "left Adam's command and started down my path a a solitary bounty hunter" and that Adam was "[her] former superior officer". So while she does get all these flashy contracts and does a lot of solo work for them (thus allowing her weapons-free mode) she is still under both the juristiction and rank of any military personel.

Treblaine said:
You are just rationalising and using every fallacious and underhanded debating tactic in the book. Why do I waste my precious time? In vain hopes that you will learn?

Pah. It's probably all in vain, you will probably reply with more twisted logic, deceptive comparisons and generalisations where it is not about finding the truth but distorting perspective. You remind me of Michael Moore.
I am rationalizing. I'm trying to bring a rational point to bare on a subject that is debatable. I'm not sure why that's wrong, but you certainly have something against rational thought.

www.dictionary.com said:
Show Spelled [rash-uh-nl-ahyz, rash-nl-ahyz] Show IPA verb, -ized, -iz-ing.
?verb (used with object)
to ascribe (one's acts, opinions, etc.) to causes that superficially seem reasonable and valid but that actually are unrelated to the true, possibly unconscious and often less creditable or agreeable causes.
to remove unreasonable elements from.
to make rational or conformable to reason.
to treat or explain in a rational or rationalistic manner.
Mathematics . to eliminate radicals from (an equation or expression): to rationalize the denominator of a fraction.
Chiefly British . to reorganize and integrate (an industry).
[sarcasm]But hey, maybe you can come up with more crackpot theories on subject matter that was never mentioned. Or insult me some more. That seems to be working, right? Because you don't look like a blithering idiot now, basing your entire argument on fallacious points, or even fictional ones, for that matter. It's true, I'm just the worst debater you've ever run into and you're clearly of the superior mind. How could I ever stand up to someone who can't even take the time to read a well thoughtout argument, place quotations and source material to back his opinion up with some facts and not make tangent points that myteriously come out of no where?[/sarcasm]

And check this piece of work out...

Monk Ed said:
I ... think you've got the wrong person there. He's not the one who compared Other M to MGS3. I am. And for someone who is apparently against the poisoning of debate, I don't know what else to call casting aspersions on another person's motivations. Let's be civil and honest here.
So now it comes to light that you attempted to sully my argument by using someone else's point and then putting my username as the quoted!? You're calling me the underhanded one? You're calling me the fallacious one? You dare say my logic is deceptive when you pull this shit off!?

3277 and these are the levels you stoop to?

Our debate is over.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
I´ve always thought that game mechanics were the most important part of a videogame, but after reading this thread I think that playing the game isn´t nearly as important as the cutscenes (kind of an inverse Metal Gear, isn´t it?).

Also, how come respecting your father figure and being a housewife are considered improper behavior for a woman?

What would your parents say? Sorry mom you are not a remorseless killing machine ergo you suck and you are not real.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Delock said:
I'm currently replaying Metroid Fusion, and I'm realizing that Samus isn't the emotionless, hard, unfeeling character people remember her as. Yes, she isn't as bad as (what I've heard) Other M's Samus is like, but she does have a fairly emotional side to her. Sure she still is a badass, but she's human. However, I never really thought about it in-game as she was, to me, mostly just my avatar in the world she inhabited.

The article however seems to be a bit extreme. It "killed" Samus? Really? [sub][sub]I would have said the manga did that [/sub][/sub] One bad game made by a different developer =/= "WAH! CHARACTER IS RUINED FOREVER! WAH!" [sub] especially when said character has been largely undefined for the longest period of time [/sub]

What I would say about Other M however, is that it should be an example to not try to define Nintendo Classic types of characters (strangely, Master Chief fits this bill, and yet he's better in the books than in the games. Go figure). Everyone's Link is different, as is everyone's Mario. Sure they share certain aspects, but those are more of the skeleton of the character, which is what the player builds off of.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop for a sec. THERE'S A METROID MANGA?!


New member
Nov 19, 2009
minoes said:
Also, how come respecting your father figure and being a housewife are considered improper behavior for a woman?
Y'know, that's a thought has been bugging me for awhile. There shouldn't being anything wrong with Samus treating Adam with the same respect he does to her or acting in a feminine manner. I guess it's because gamers have been starved for feminine icons for too long.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
Aiddon said:
minoes said:
Also, how come respecting your father figure and being a housewife are considered improper behavior for a woman?
Y'know, that's a thought has been bugging me for awhile. There shouldn't being anything wrong with Samus treating Adam with the same respect he does to her or acting in a feminine manner. I guess it's because gamers have been starved for feminine icons for too long.
I don't see why she can't do both. She's a woman. She's a bounty hunter. She'll have emotions. She'll kick ass. Why do they have to be synonymous?


New member
Feb 5, 2010
So because "90%" of the people who replied to the article are rabid sexists, the article is wrong?

This game turned Samus into a stuttering, daddy-dependant moron. I'm surprised it didn't force her to get bare foot and BACK IN THE KITCHEN to make the space marines sammiches.

Its not even that portraying a woman as vulnerable in games is inherently anti-feminist, its that portraying a previously strong woman as a babbling sycophant is really offensive just so far as characterization in general goes.


New member
Feb 5, 2010
HellsingerAngel said:
Aiddon said:
minoes said:
Also, how come respecting your father figure and being a housewife are considered improper behavior for a woman?
Y'know, that's a thought has been bugging me for awhile. There shouldn't being anything wrong with Samus treating Adam with the same respect he does to her or acting in a feminine manner. I guess it's because gamers have been starved for feminine icons for too long.
I don't see why she can't do both. She's a woman. She's a bounty hunter. She'll have emotions. She'll kick ass. Why do they have to be synonymous?
Um... its wrong because having a highly trained killer break down into an overly-sensative twat in the middle of combat is annoying as hell? Forget feminism, they made the character Samus--man or woman--the most hate-able character of the year.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
redarmyagent said:
Um... its wrong because having a highly trained killer break down into an overly-sensative twat in the middle of combat is annoying as hell? Forget feminism, they made the character Samus--man or woman--the most hate-able character of the year.
Worse than Kratos "The ultra psycho dad"?


New member
Nov 19, 2009
HellsingerAngel said:
Aiddon said:
minoes said:
Also, how come respecting your father figure and being a housewife are considered improper behavior for a woman?
Y'know, that's a thought has been bugging me for awhile. There shouldn't being anything wrong with Samus treating Adam with the same respect he does to her or acting in a feminine manner. I guess it's because gamers have been starved for feminine icons for too long.
I don't see why she can't do both. She's a woman. She's a bounty hunter. She'll have emotions. She'll kick ass. Why do they have to be synonymous?
No clue, but we are GOING to need more feminine characters if gaming is to expand. The closest thing we have to this Samus so far might be the female cast of Odin Sphere or Lenneth Valkyrie.


Difference between Samus and Kratos though is that Samus has never been shown to ENJOY killing.


New member
Feb 5, 2010
minoes said:
redarmyagent said:
Um... its wrong because having a highly trained killer break down into an overly-sensative twat in the middle of combat is annoying as hell? Forget feminism, they made the character Samus--man or woman--the most hate-able character of the year.
Worse than Kratos "The ultra psycho dad"?
LOL ok you totally win that round.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Aiddon said:

Difference between Samus and Kratos though is that Samus has never been shown to ENJOY killing.
And no one finds it weird that he is a merciless killer and an adulterer who "loves" his family.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
minoes said:
Aiddon said:

Difference between Samus and Kratos though is that Samus has never been shown to ENJOY killing.
And no one finds it weird that he is a merciless killer and an adulterer who "loves" his family.
Quite; he may be an interesting character study but he is a HORRIBLE human being who deserved every bad thing that happened to him


New member
Sep 11, 2008
To anyone saying this is just an example of Nintendo not being able to please the fanboys, it's a little more complicated than that. Yes, some fans may have asked for Samus to have more characterization or whatever. Yes, maybe those very same fans did not like that characterization in Other M.

So what?

Let's say I'm an auto mechanic. You're a dude with a car, but your car has a problem. The pump for the windshield washer fluid in your car has stopped working. You take your car to my auto shop and I promise to fix it for you. When you get your car back, you find that your car does indeed spray windshield fluid onto your windshield whenever you use the appropriate button/toggle/switch/whatever, but it's just tiny little trickle that barely even covers the bottom half of the windshield. Clearly, I did a bad job at fixing your car. Would you be upset at me? Well, you should be!

What I'm trying to get at with my analogy is that it's one thing to do what the fans ask. The other half of that, however, is doing it WELL. And while I haven't played Other M myself, I've seen all the criticism, and they all appear to agree on the points mentioned in this ign article. They botched Samus's characterization, pure and simple, and the fans have every right to be upset.

Monk Ed

New member
Feb 11, 2010
RDubayoo said:
To anyone saying this is just an example of Nintendo not being able to please the fanboys, it's a little more complicated than that. Yes, some fans may have asked for Samus to have more characterization or whatever. Yes, maybe those very same fans did not like that characterization in Other M.

So what?

Let's say I'm an auto mechanic. You're a dude with a car, but your car has a problem. The pump for the windshield washer fluid in your car has stopped working. You take your car to my auto shop and I promise to fix it for you. When you get your car back, you find that your car does indeed spray windshield fluid onto your windshield whenever you use the appropriate button/toggle/switch/whatever, but it's just tiny little trickle that barely even covers the bottom half of the windshield. Clearly, I did a bad job at fixing your car. Would you be upset at me? Well, you should be!

What I'm trying to get at with my analogy is that it's one thing to do what the fans ask. The other half of that, however, is doing it WELL. And while I haven't played Other M myself, I've seen all the criticism, and they all appear to agree on the points mentioned in this ign article. They botched Samus's characterization, pure and simple, and the fans have every right to be upset.
Good analogy, although there seem to be not two but three camps, the third being those who wished for her to stay silent.