Poll: MMOs of 2012


New member
Dec 31, 2009
I already tried Swtor and they love our country(Romania) so much that we are going to get the game in March(woptie effing do).Mind I remind you that we got a big EA studio in Bucharest? Just to point that out.

On the other hand,I've been interested in the development of Guild Wars 2,which I am planning to play with my WoW friend when it comes out as a "filler" let's say when we are not raiding.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
While Tera looks nice, death to the trinity and for that, GW2. If there's one thing I hate is requiring a group to have X amount of people filling role Y or the party is doomed to fail. Requiring a heal-bot and tank bores the hell out of me. GW2 kills the trinity, has very mobile combat, and ignoring a mission will have a consequence. Best system for partying I've seen and all around appeals a helluva lot more than the others. No subscription is a big plus too.

Not much info on TSW that I've seen so no comment on that, TOR is a WoW clone, no love for Firefall? but it's F2P so I can play whenever and not care about monetary commitment.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
ToR technically is released 2011 So can you still count that?

The referenced blade and Soul is going to be a typical meh MMO. I mean if your promo trailer reuses the same scene with a mob growling in two different locales its a pretty safe bet there will be a Massively Multiplying the same Opponents syndrome. It will be just like the other asian MMOs and that pretty much equals boring and unoriginal.

Terra will end up failing. It has no established brand in an oversaturated market and its only hook is being more physics based. Might have done good in say 2007, but next year? no. Plus it still will suffer from asian MMO syndrome. It pretty much looks and plays (at least from what the gameplay footage shows) no differently than any other asian MMO.

The secret world is an enigma... In part because actual gameplay footage is somewhat limited. What ive seen of it, looks rather uninspired gameplay wise. It also has what appears to be an archaic art direction that makes the game look like it was built in 2007. Also, Anarchy online, Cabal, Age of Conan were not particularly enjoyable. Dreamfall and the longest journey were pretty niche oriented and beyond that the company has had a long and storied history of making games most people have never heard of or even played. but I truly doubt that TSW will have a chance. Weak development team, Archaic graphical aesthetics, unoriginal game play mechanics. Regardless of how promising the cinematics are, or the story direction might be I dont think it has enough to do much more than to limp along for a few years and quietly fade into obscurity. There is a lot of history going against TSW and somehow I just dont see it breaking with that tradition and becoming some MMO juggernaut.

Guild wars 2 has potential, however Guild wars 1 had potential before it was released too. Hard to project exactly how it will play out. Id say its going to be one of the best, if not the best MMO released in 2012. However that still technically isnt saying much.

Id say Guild Wars 2 or The secret world will be the best 2 MMOs released in 2012, but really thats still at best a second place trophy considering that at least one of them will fall by the wayside and crushed underfoot of the 2011 released The Old Republic. GW2 will survive on the strength of its F2P-ish nature, but I get the feeling TSW is doomed to limp along like a wounded MMO until it quietly heads to the vast MMO graveyard.

I would also point to the MMO that will come out after Kingdoms of Amalur comes out will likely be a contender as KoA is there to try to establish the world/IP for the MMO, which is certainly a solid way to go about doing it. However that wont likely see the light of day till 2013 or later. So, 2011 or potentially 2013... 2012 doesnt look all that great from an MMO perspective, but that is ok because 2012 doesnt look that great from a game perspective either and many people will still be working off their 2011 backlogs.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
GW2 all the way for me.
TOR would have been interesting for the storylines and the Star Wars IP, but shelling out a monthly fee is absolutly not for me.
Secret World doesn't hit a chord with me - I'ld rather play world of darkness as Pen and Paper.
Tera Online - monthly fee & looks grindy... not my choice.

I wouldn't say those are bad MMOs, but they aren't for me or have an entry barrier that puts me off.
I will say that I fully expect Wh40MMO to tank like the titanic. It is an absolut abomination to the fluff (IG and Marines balanced against each others - oh the horrors) and doesn't show any promising signs of inovations. If an experienced designteam like Mythic couldn't do it with WAR, then a bunch of fledglings will not make 40k into an enjoyable experience.

GW2 hasn't shown any signs of weakness so far and even the initially somehow strange engineer seems to become a well rounded and fitting class choice. If anything, I hope they will expand the options for sylvan facial features to incorporate more alien designs... they look too human for my liking right now.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
s69-5 said:
Chase Yojimbo said:
Interesting... I have never heard of it, but if I were to ever play a Japanese MMO, this would be it.

However, that will not be, for I will instead be spending most of my days with GW2, as it has impressed me the most so far.
It's actually Korean.

GW2 looks cool. I didn't mind GW1 but was not much a fan of the oppressive level cap. Though solo'ing "Cap Son" on the tutorial isle was epic - lots of bait, lure, kill, run to different entry point, rinse, repeat...
NCSoft, the publisher and parent company, is Korean. The Guild Wars creators/developers, ArenaNet, are based in Seattle, here in the USA. NCSoft is no more responsible for Guild Wars 2 (and Wildstar, if I read correctly) than Microsoft was for Halo.

OT: I'm voting for Guild Wars 2, but I'd like to add Wildstar and Firefall to the list.

Wildstar [http://www.wildstar-online.com/en/] is basically what The Old Republic could have been if Bioware Lucasarts (I can't blame Bioware for that) wanted to push the envelope a little more in terms of gameplay innovation (also published by NCSoft, but this one developed by Carbine Studios [http://www.carbinestudios.com/en/about-us/]). May or may not be coming out in 2012...

Firefall [http://www.firefallthegame.com/home] is on track so far to be the first successful MMOFPS, with a sweet future-tech spin on it and some interesting tactical gameplay and RPG elements.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
I liked Guild Wars for keeping the PvP section separate and alive from the main quest (well, as an option). Being able to jump right in with a character without having to spend MONTHS of doing meaningless, boring busywork was a great move.

Naturally, I haven't seen an MMORPG to date that has the good sense to do that; or do so without gimping/punishing the players who don't grind.

If Guild Wars 2 does the same, and DotA2 isn't out by then (and since it's in Valve Time, it may never actually come out), then I might give it some thought.

Otherwise, MMOs will remain dead to me. Any game that puts grind and busywork ahead of actual gameplay, I don't consider a legitimate game, and nearly all MMOs out there do precisely that.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
I stopped being into guild wars 2 when I saw those retarded big head/eyes small body gnome things. They almost exclusively destroyed my interest in that game.
Also I'd like to point out to OP that SWTOR comes out this year. ten days before the end of this year but still this year (my Christmas will be quite sad and awesome at the same time).


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
Metalhandkerchief said:
Korten12 said:
Metalhandkerchief said:
I'm done with MMOs designed for brainless retards, mice-on-a-wheel, kids and grannies. I'm only looking forward to The Secret World, and while I can respect what Guild Wars 2 is trying to do, it's not nearly as feature-heavy or developed/invested as TSW, and additionally I can't stand another fantasy themed MMORPG.

SWToR and TERA (especially TERA) can go die in a fire.
What do you mean by that?
Just that TSW has 2 yeas of active development and 10 years more pre-production backing it, in addition to a bigger budget and approx. twice the staff. In addition, the most awesome game engine in MMORPGs so far.
ArenaNet has 270 while Funcom has 322, that's only 42 or so more. I know in that one thread you said that the majority of ArenaNet was third-party for like marketing, but a marketing staff if was third-party wouldn't count into the overall team.

Also GW2 has had a development time of 4 years of active development since 2007. :p


New member
Mar 15, 2010
s69-5 said:
Korean - as in Blade & Soul -- not GW2. You kinda missed the first post in the chain...
Yes I did. My bad. Either way, a good year for NCSoft, eh?

Metalhandkerchief said:
Funny thing - if Microsoft didn't purchase Bungie mid-way through development of Halo, it would have been a Mac exclusive title, just like most of Bungie's previous titles. So in that regard Microsoft are more responsible for the faith of Halo than Bungie as the development studio.
I assume you meant "fate", and yes it was. Microsoft provided Bungie the financial backing, distribution channels, and console flagship status that helped make Halo what it is today, but they were smart enough to back off and let Bungie complete their work independently. Microsoft did not interfere with content and mechanics development, leaving Bungie freedom to develop the breakout hit in peace. That makes Microsoft and Bungie the perfect parallel to NCSoft and ArenaNet, and leads back to the point I made (which turns out to be irrelevant to the conversation I made it in, but oh well), that Guild Wars is not at all a "Korean" game. It's as "Western" an RPG as fantasy RPGs get: developed by Americans for America (and Europe).

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
on that list?
just TERA.
in general?
Dark Mellenium
s69-5 said:
[HEADING=1]Blade & Soul[/HEADING]​
and if it count's Diablo 3. though Diablo 3 is less about the game being interesting and more about the possibility of making money off it

as to the rest of the list. why would i be looking forward to any of it? ToR is more hotkey based BS, IE combat i can sleep through.

and i've not heard of The Secret World >.> go figure eh?

as for Guild Wars 2, well its a sequel, and Guild Wars 1 didn't build up any good will for me to care its coming out, and honestly i'd forget it was coming out if you hadn't brought it up


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
Kitsuna10060 said:
on that list?
just TERA.
in general?
Dark Mellenium
s69-5 said:
[HEADING=1]Blade & Soul[/HEADING]​
and if it count's Diablo 3. though Diablo 3 is less about the game being interesting and more about the possibility of making money off it

as to the rest of the list. why would i be looking forward to any of it? ToR is more hotkey based BS, IE combat i can sleep through.

and i've not heard of The Secret World >.> go figure eh?

as for Guild Wars 2, well its a sequel, and Guild Wars 1 didn't build up any good will for me to care its coming out, and honestly i'd forget it was coming out if you hadn't brought it up
A common misconception lots of people have is that GW2 is going to be very much like GW1 which it isn't. Except for Lore, Races, and some classes. GW2 and GW1 are both VERY different games.


Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Korten12 said:
Kitsuna10060 said:
on that list?
just TERA.
in general?
Dark Mellenium
s69-5 said:
[HEADING=1]Blade & Soul[/HEADING]​
and if it count's Diablo 3. though Diablo 3 is less about the game being interesting and more about the possibility of making money off it

as to the rest of the list. why would i be looking forward to any of it? ToR is more hotkey based BS, IE combat i can sleep through.

and i've not heard of The Secret World >.> go figure eh?

as for Guild Wars 2, well its a sequel, and Guild Wars 1 didn't build up any good will for me to care its coming out, and honestly i'd forget it was coming out if you hadn't brought it up
A common misconception lots of people have is that GW2 is going to be very much like GW1 which it isn't. Except for Lore, Races, and some classes. GW2 and GW1 are both VERY different games.
oh, i've looked in GW2, i have friends that will play it thus i've had it rammed down my throat, i still don't care.

but to clarify a bit, non of the races save the Char look interesting form ether a design (TWO flavors of human is really weak) or back story perspective, the setting for the world seems rather meh, but then just skipping a head 250 years and saying 'some shit went down' isn't gonna help some one get into things, when they didn't care before.

they seem to be heading in the right direction combat wise, but i've seen no video to back it up, and combat at this point, IS the most important thing, since that what I'm going to be doing the most of. which is what completely killed my interest in ToR, it being more of the same dull setup (seirusly its possible to have a 'game with story' and have an engaging combat system >.< )


New member
Jul 31, 2011
I already play Final Fantasy XIV and I intend to get into Star Wars: The Old Republic and The Secret World. Also, I kind of want to see what Final Fantasy XI is all about.