Poll: My friend has shocked and appalled me. Now I feel numb...


New member
Jan 17, 2011
googleboy said:
Craorach said:
The family member in question recused themselves as required by our local law. No statute has been officially breached. There is zero room for doubt under the circumstance. My knee-jerk reaction is to do as Bara_no_Hime suggests and be discreet.
You were not there, you are not a legal expert and you do not have access to ALL the information.

You, like every other member of the public, has no right or authority to judge people based on rumors or suggestion. Only qualified legal experts can do this.

When, or if, the legal system of your country deems him guilty of a crime.. he is guilty.. until then he may or may not be.

If, or when, the legal system of your country deems him innocent of a crime.. he is innocent.

What you are suggesting doing WILL ruin his life regardless of his guilt. There are only a handful of crimes you can start a rumor of someone commiting that are worse than rape. Hell, even suggesting that someone is a theif can cause them to lose their job.

Again, it is not your job to judge, convict or notify the public.. leave it to the people who's job it is.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
well, Till the da proves it, you cant really say anything publicly that would reach him or put him in poor light, cause thats slander and can get you ina lot of trouble in a civil court.

hell, even if it is true he can still sue you for it.

personally, my option A would be he wouldnt be breathing if he raped someone close to me.

But my option B is to have a good friend of yours just sorta trail him and make sure he doesnt rape anyone else.

... but then again, I live in a small(ish) town, and have a good bit of pull thats kept me out of trouble due to connections.


New member
Oct 18, 2010
kill him. Or just go with B as long as you KNOW he did it people do lie about this thing from time to time.

emeraldrafael said:
... but then again, I live in a small(ish) town, and have a good bit of pull thats kept me out of trouble due to connections.
*puts on sunglasses*

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Unless you are 100% sure this is true I wouldn't go around spreading rumors, something like this can easily get him killed, this really is no joke.

I personally would talk to him about it and try to find out what really happened, but only if he's a close friend, otherwise leave it to the judge.


Lost in Space
Jul 27, 2009
Craorach said:
googleboy said:
Craorach said:
The family member in question recused themselves as required by our local law. No statute has been officially breached. There is zero room for doubt under the circumstance. My knee-jerk reaction is to do as Bara_no_Hime suggests and be discreet.
You were not there, you are not a legal expert and you do not have access to ALL the information.

You, like every other member of the public, has no right or authority to judge people based on rumors or suggestion. Only qualified legal experts can do this.

When, or if, the legal system of your country deems him guilty of a crime.. he is guilty.. until then he may or may not be.

If, or when, the legal system of your country deems him innocent of a crime.. he is innocent.

What you are suggesting doing WILL ruin his life regardless of his guilt. There are only a handful of crimes you can start a rumor of someone commiting that are worse than rape. Hell, even suggesting that someone is a theif can cause them to lose their job.

Again, it is not your job to judge, convict or notify the public.. leave it to the people who's job it is.
Legally I am obliged to do nothing, you are undoubtedly correct. I have a morale obligation to protect those nearest to me however. There must be middle ground.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
googleboy said:
Jordi said:
googleboy said:
awesomeClaw said:
Slimshad, Under normal circumstances I agree with you. The fool filmed himself and sent threatening letters to the victim.
Then the guy is a fucking lunatic (pardon the language). I wouldn't tell anyone anyways, but be very, VERY careful. Telling people would seriously hurt the prosecution, and might make the guy angry about it. I wonder what the hell he was thinking.

I would just say to your family that you found out there may be a rapist, and that they should keep a watchful eye on the community. Do not name names, and tell them at all costs not to spread it, otherwise the prosecution might be weakened.


Senior Member
May 8, 2011
That's a really hard situation. There is really nothing you can do. In your situation, you can only warn the people you do know. The best thing you can do is pretend like nothing has ever happened and try to become a closer "friend" with the guy. If you become his "friend" you can watch out and make sure he doesn't do anything to any other women.


New member
Feb 26, 2010
Bara_no_Hime said:
Warn them QUIETLY. Make sure they know that they could screw up the DA's case badly if they gossip.
I agree with Bara If your 100% sure he did it then warn everyone that can contact him that he may consider "Using" but no matter what you do make certain that you do your best to make sure nothing can interfere in a negative way with the DA case.

BTW Do you really consider this person a friend anymore? Is he still the person you grew to love (As a friend) or is he just a beast using the shell that used to be called your friend?


New member
Jan 17, 2011
googleboy said:
Legally I am obliged to do nothing, you are undoubtedly correct. I have a morale obligation to protect those nearest to me however. There must be middle ground.
In this, there is no middle ground.

If his case is so blatently cut and dried then he would have already been arrested.


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
Well, until there's an actual conviction then going around saying that the guy is a criminal is out of the question (and libellous).

It does stand to reason that you should discreetly inform the women you know that an incident happened for which a case is underway against the guy, and that they thus might want to be on guard until the trial has ended.

So a discreet version of B, recanting that an incident for which a trial is underway happened to female friends, who can be trusted to keep it to themselves.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Definitely B, and if you can convince your friends to alienate him, do so. It may seem like a dick move, but this guy doesn't deserve to live it up until his judgement day comes, let him know now with your actions that you guys don't tolerate that kind of stuff and cut him from you guys completely.


New member
May 19, 2009
B. But this causes a slight problem, almost a paradoxal one.

Ofc, you should warn those near you so they could be safe from him. But what right do you have to destroy what is left of hes reputation? You realize that if he is indeed guilty and goes to jail and then gets freed, do you realize that you might have had destroyed all of the stepping stones that might have allowed him to get back to society.
I just want to make you think about the fact that, by warning everyone (Literally) specially iof you live in a smaal community, you can destroy hes future of having a change to turn hes collars around* (* If you know what I mean)

Also, by spreading this around you are putting yourself, DA and hes office to questionable situation. Which can lead to jail, because the information that you have is confidental. You should too anything too hasty because you might get others and yourself in to a problems.

Please, understand this:
-Even if you think you would be a white knight with the option B. You might compromise the whole case, DA's authority, the authority of hes office and your safety - let alone the safety of the people around you. Since the information you have is legit but from questionable source you should be careful - at the wors case you might end up in jail.


The 94th Blind Messiah
Nov 12, 2009
This guy is a passive aggressive person from the sounds of it. He thinks he can just go on living his life as normal as long as he is charming, and the worst part is, people are letting him do it.

You shouldn't hide the fact that he is a rapist, especially one who feels no remorse. But don't expect everyone to cut him out the way you have. In my experience, people are more quick to side with a passive aggressive person. I am not sure why, but it's just my experience. At least at the end of the day, you will know that the people that still hang out with him are idiots, and the people that don't have half a brain.

So my advice: Tell people. Don't be super preachy or righteous about it. Just tell people the truth. The truth is specific and bad enough that people can make up their own minds about if they want to be associated with him any longer or not. But tell people.

And I hope he goes to prison and gets a large companion for a cell mate named "Bubba" who is always big spoon.


Lost in Space
Jul 27, 2009
Craorach said:
googleboy said:
Legally I am obliged to do nothing, you are undoubtedly correct. I have a morale obligation to protect those nearest to me however. There must be middle ground.
In this, there is no middle ground.

If his case is so blatently cut and dried then he would have already been arrested.
It appears actually that this poll has been rendered moot. I just saw him being 'perp' walked on the 11 o'clock news. The report says that he is accused of not just the one but of five assaults since January. This one appears to have worked out.

For those who asked, no I would not consider him a friend because it appears that I never really knew him at all. Thank you all for your time.


Elite Member
May 22, 2009
Quietly suggest to friends in danger that your 'rapist' friend has been accused of engaging in dangerous behavior as of lately.

I wouldn't paint him as a rapist just yet, pending the court decision. Though I would definitely warn people close to you of his alleged propensity to engage in harmful behavior.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
googleboy said:
It appears actually that this poll has been rendered moot. I just saw him being 'perp' walked on the 11 o'clock news. The report says that he is accused of not just the one but of five assaults since January. This one appears to have worked out.

For those who asked, no I would not consider him a friend because it appears that I never really knew him at all. Thank you all for your time.
Congratulations, the media has done what you wanted anyway.

Convicted him in the court of popular opinion without his actual court case being seen by those qualified to do so.

His life is now ruined no matter if he is found guilty or innocent.

If he's guilty he deserves it, yes, but that is for the courts to decide.. not you, not the public, not the media.

Bravo 21

New member
May 11, 2010
sleep, thats all i can really sugest, more will make sense in the morning. since he seems to have been arrested, there is no longer anyghing else you can really do, other than help out the victim


New member
Apr 8, 2011
If you truly believe in the notion of "innocent until proven guilty", answer is A.
If you believe beyond a shadow of a doubt he did it and has yet to be prosecuted, B is the answer.
If you want to make it harder for prosecution to find unbiased jurors and thus increase the chance of the defense attorney pulling the "tainted jury" card, option C.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
If you're 100% sure on the matter, then he's a worthless **** who deserves to have his social standing ruined beyond repair.

Tell people.