Poll: Proud to be British

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
I'm not proud to be "British" or specifically "Welsh", because the BNP exist.
They are an embarrassment.
Aug 25, 2009
I'm proud of being British overall. I think we've had a long and great history, and on the whole when we realised something was wrong we at least tried to do something about it, whether domestically or abroad. There are things I could nitpick at but that wouldn't diminish being proud, it would just be a few examples where I could say 'yeah we didn't do such a bangup job lads.'

That said, I hate the current government with a passion so bright it should by rights sear Mister Cameron's stupid smug face right off his fucking Tory bones.

Ah well, hopefully the Lib Dems will never recover from their shocking betrayal and within a few years anyone under the £150,000 per year tax bracket will realise their mistake and the Tories will be swiftly ousted. Harru!


New member
Feb 21, 2010
Yes i'm proud to be both British and English at the same level. Combined Britain and England have gone through so many things and have changed the world as we see it today, for good and bad. I could go on why i'm proud but i just can't be bothered. :D


Mar 28, 2009
emeraldrafael said:
RewardMe said:
Its not hatred, it white washing. If i made the statement that for much the United States history, it has only positively affected the world, you would cry out falsery.

And it was my great (times... I think its five. maybe. I can trace it back to 1766 as to where they first conincided) that an ENGLISHMAN Had sexual relations with a native american woman. The "knocking up" would be to the fault of you and your people.

Danzaivar said:
emeraldrafael said:
I'm 6% Cherokee. Lets talk about what you "did" for MY people.
6% Cherokee? It's fascinating how obsessed Americans are with genealogy. Americans and dog-breeders. Obsessed with the stuff!
Considering the native people of a country make up only 1% of its total 300 Million+, 6% aint too bad.
What percentage of the population it is isn't really important, it just means that you're one sixteenth Cherokee. That is, just one of your great-great-grandparents was Cherokee, or two of your great-great-great grandparents or something. It's not noteworthy and completely irrelevant here.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
current location - Portsmouth
usual location - Swansea
age - 21
opinion on being british: 'meh' or 'dammit guys we gotta sort our shit out!'


New member
Nov 2, 2010
I'm actually American, I just wanted to say props to you guys for stuff like Monty Python, The IT Crowd, etc....

Kernow Chris

New member
Oct 28, 2010
emeraldrafael said:
I dont call my self Cherokee cause of the 6%. Its 6% of my ancestry but had a larger influence on my life then anything else. Its the difference between ethnicity and ancestry. And ethnicity defines a person.

And thats great, I'll talk about it begin from america, but again, there's plenty of things you could talk to me about besides how my people were killed. Again, you odnt talk to a jew about the holocaust cause they say they're jewish, and to put it another way, you dont talk to a Brit about how the Colonies (with French aid, credit where credit is due), beat the world's biggest and strongest empire. You could talk to me about the differences of me being in America, or what my customs are, or... Or why I'm doing these travels. You odnt need to start with calling my ancestors savages.

to put it probably the greatest way, you odnt walk up to a person you find out is German and ask them about how they feel that their country men or ancestors (if they were in Germany at the time), felt following a psychopathic dictator bent on destroying many groups of people so blindly and resolutely.

And why cant i blame them? people think all Americans are fat greasy gutter mouthed gang bangers who think they are better then anyone else just by the way our leaders run the country, when only a small portion of the country even votes to elect those leaders and of those that vote half wont even agree cause it wasnt their candidate. Its stereotyping, and while I believe thats wrong (considering how I get stereotyped in my own country with people asking me to do a rain dance for them when we have droughts), when you physically go somehwere and the people are like that, its leaves a worse impression because you actually experience it.

And I cant speak for the French's actions in other portions of the world. its not an excuse but the difference there was gold while here it was furs. there wasnt a need to fight the native people because you werent trying to take something from them. You were doing what they did for many centuries. Yes, I realize the French were no better (maybe worse) then the way the British ran things in different portions of the world, but yo could probably say I'm biased since my mother always talked highly of the French. You may think I'm bad, but Its nothing compared to her. She wont even speak to a British person or anyone who's... Friendly, i guess is the best way to put it, and holds the British with high authority. She tells me everyday she hates the British blood in her and it... well... It pretty much devolves into a hate speech. So I could be far worse but I went to Britain with an open mind and do in fact have a good few British friends.
Ethnicity only defines a person if they want it to, a person is fully capable of defining themselves however they like in my honest opinion. And according to you, you're more ethnically Polish/Pollack than anything.

Funnily enough one of the first jokey comments I heard from my american friends here was, "Yeah, we kicked your ass, independance baby!" and he is one of my best friends, it's very British and we get on really well. I understand someone who is not used to British mannerisms could get offended if it is a touchy subject for them, but I think a lot of whay may have been said to you was not meant in a harsh way, but merely a culture clash...to some extent...

And one of the first conversations I had with one of my many german friends (I have taught English in Heuerssen and had a language exchange in Stadthagen)was about the war, and I didn't bring it up...

"people think all Americans are fat greasy gutter mouthed gang bangers who think they are better then anyone else just by the way our leaders run the country" I can assure you I don't and I actually respect the US in many ways, every country has fat people, every country has gangs, every country has arsehole politicians... America just gets more attention as it's culture is everywhere and they are the only (debateable - china?) superpower left... Sure, I've met people who fulfil stereotypes, stereotypes are formed from some shred of truth of course, but if I pasted a closed impression of everyone from that country on the people I had met, I for sure wouldn't enjoy my time whereever it was I was going. You said you met 300odd people? well the population on the UK is over 64,000,000... surely, they all aren't like that...

And if people really called your ancestor, I remember you said you 5x Grandmother, then maybe they aren't worth talking to and are just prejudiced and shouldn't be used as an example for a whole race?

And it was the United States of America, that operated Manifest Destiny, that caused the wars and committed genocide against the American Indians, Britian had long been kicked out by the rebels (and credit where it is due) and France.

And the British blood in her... from her 4x Grandmother? I'm sorry but that is a tiny percentage... Has any British person physically done anything to her?


New member
Mar 12, 2009
Yes. I'm proud to be British, and I'm proud of my country and her accomplishments. We're not perfect and never will be, we've plenty of things to regret, but over all, I love this place and I'll be forever loyal to my Queen and country.

I think people need to remember that Britain is not just a government, and not just an island, but a people. Stand by your countrymen the same way you would your family: You may not get to choose them, but they are yours, and it's your duty to support, protect and above all, remain loyal to them.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
I'm proud to be British insofar as I find that there are many parts of my heritage that I find laudable and feel privileged to be able to benefit from them. Of course there are also many parts that are deplorable.

I feel that if I truly love my country then I'll do my best to emphasise the former and eliminate the latter.


New member
Jul 15, 2010
Proud to be British? No, Proud to be Scottish? Hell yeah.
Age: 17

I think that answers your question pretty well, yes?

The Harkinator

Did something happen?
Jun 2, 2010
I am English but also refer to myself as British. I am proud to be British and respect people who created cultural, technological etc achievments but more proud to think of my generation who will hopefully get the chance to make some more. I'm 16 BTW.

P.S. While not happy with the government or what theyre doing e.g. £9000 for university fees but understand that theyre up to their necks in s*** like other countries. Many nations governments are doing things that are going to be unpopular but will be needed so dont hate the governments of your respective countries, just look at the policies they use (all of the factors of the policies) and think about what they have to do. They do work hard and have a lot of stress (look at before and after pics of Blair and Brown so many more grey hairs) and occasionally muck up.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
I am from Irish decent and am American. I defiantly didn't send money to the IRA. I am not ignorant. I do not hate the British for no reason. My country has never done anything wrong. I do not believe Britain has ever invented anything important nor done anything good. I am not trolling. etc etc

Your View: America is not Britain. America>Britain.
O.K, we get it.

You yanks passionately posting your anti Britishness makes me think that you may be slightly guilty. (especially as you resort to stating how good France is)


New member
Jul 10, 2008
What I'm not proud of is the keychain I bought at Heathrow. The thing broke after 2 days. What happened to you England? You used to be a manufacturing powerhouse. Now look at ya.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
Srdjan said:
Fuck no, because I'm not one.

And England never did anything good, for anybody, ask any American, Scottish, Irish, Chinese, Japanese, African, Arab or Indian people you tried to enslave, also ask any Serbs you left for the Turks and later destroyed their country, several times, or ask Turks you betrayed later, or Russians to whom you did the same. Ask French whose country you occupied for hundereds of years, and later left for Germans to destroy it, or ask German, from who you snatched all colonies from and whose unification you opossed several times, also Italy's.

Everyone hates you and who says they love you do that just because thay can use you at the moment.


Oh wait, he's serious.


Okay, I'm done now.


New member
May 25, 2008
I would say I am proud to be British, I love my country and I feel our laws and most of the people are fair and open-minded. I was born and have always lived in Scotland, I wouldn't mind a move to a warmer climate but Britain will always be my home and would always have a place in my heart :)


New member
Jul 6, 2010
I love being british, i love almost everything about being british (english). why shouldn't i be? sure our government is fucked but im no that bothered


New member
Nov 12, 2009
emeraldrafael said:
Druss the Slayer said:
our impact on the world and living standards/human rights.
Yeah.... As an american, I cant say yes, so my answer would have to be no, but i wouldnt go flaunting that around. Britain isnt exactly know for its peaceful and respectfulness in its treatment of the native people.

Granted, I dont have much room to talk with what my country's foreign policies usually are, but yeah.
I was debating whether or not to say that for fear of getting banned or flamed.


Space. Lance.
Jun 7, 2010
Oh That Dude said:
CarpathianMuffin said:
I'm Welsh, and I have many relatives over in the British Isles, not to mention the person closest to me.
I may not be native British, but I do take some pride in what little I am.
Wales is part of Britain and the British Isles, like it or not...
And I'm fine with the geography the way it is.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
AnAngryMoose said:
Well, if your serious you can see what it got me.

Kernow Chris said:
Has anything been done to my mom by a british person? No, I dont think so. Its more of an imbedded hate. I remember we were in Canada once and a British Canadian hit our car while it was parked, but I dont blame that on him being British. He was drunk, but again, I dont blame that on him being British. I'll admit, maybe I shouldnt be holding the actions of 300 against the entirety of a nation, but its not exactly encouraging to see 80% talk to you like that (estimated, every number i've used has been). And like I said, I did make friends there. besides, I said earlier if i called myself anyhting it would be Cherokee-Polish/Pollack American. those two above everything else have influenced my life.

Redingold said:
Well, thats pleasant. Thank you for saying I'm unwanted child, but its still not the worse I've heard. Also, no, my British % is lower because it depends how full-blooded your ancestors are. Its been so diluted by my other ancestors being more Cherokee, Polish/Pollack, German, Italian, and the 4% thats a combination of almost all the other countries in Europe combined. really, with the only 1% being British I dont usually count it as separate, but since i needed to show my British blood, thats how much of it I am.

Also, how can you say I've "immersed" my self and not inherited when pretty much all my mom taught me was Cherokee customs. I didnt just choose it and say, "thats neat, I'll call myself that." Its what I've grown up with all my life through one of my parents teachings.

And its clearly been admitted by multiple people multiple times that the British humour is to take a joking jab at you, So after the Brits I met saw I was riled most decided to keep at it to bother me.