Poll: Proud to be British

Jul 11, 2008
falling intellectual standards corrupt/incompetant goevernment both central and local. A loutish mass of ignorance filling the streets with their putrid filth. I can't stand this country or the vast majority of the weak willed idiots that spawn here.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
aether-x3 said:
Proud to be British? No, Proud to be Scottish? Hell yeah.
Age: 17 20

I think that answers your question pretty well, yes?
That's me.


Wadders said:
Srdjan said:
Fuck no, because I'm not one.

And England never did anything good, for anybody, ask any American, Scottish, Irish, Chinese, Japanese, African, Arab or Indian people you tried to enslave, also ask any Serbs you left for the Turks and later destroyed their country, several times, or ask Turks you betrayed later, or Russians to whom you did the same. Ask French whose country you occupied for hundereds of years, and later left for Germans to destroy it, or ask German, from who you snatched all colonies from and whose unification you opossed several times, also Italy's.

Everyone hates you and who says they love you do that just because thay can use you at the moment.
Aww did big nasty England pick on your country?

Get the fuck over it, every country has done bad things.
Two things sprung to mind reading this. Regarding the quote and the quote within the quote.

1: Slightly trollish, but not entirely unjustified, every country has done bad things. Feeling a bit put upon perhaps? Just a thought.

2:Entirely incorrect, get your history fixed. Scotland and Northern Ireland are both parts of Britain. That said there is plenty of evidence that politically this union is not the happiest.

But that's a whole other kettle of fish.


New member
Nov 6, 2009
[quote[What I'm not proud of is the keychain I bought at Heathrow. The thing broke after 2 days. What happened to you (Britain)? You used to be a manufacturing powerhouse. Now look at ya.[/quote]

Useless government after useless government, selling everything. That is what happened. And don't get me started on Heathrow, and the last terminal they opened.
I'm sorry, this is going to be a long post This isn't meant to be trollish, I appologise if it comes over that way.

Half Scottish, half English. Consider myself Brit.
Am I proud?
An interesting and colourful history, I enjoy studying it. Do I like the history? Well, like most nations, there are dark moments. I love reading it and researching it, that doesn't mean I support what the english/british/europeans did. But history is my passion. As is politics. But no. I'm not proud. Whilst I'm happy to call myself British, I am not proud of my nation these days.

We've gone from an industrial and manufacturing powerhouse to a crap hole. Since 1994, our politicians have moved closer together, converged into the group we have now - 3 parties, filled with self-serving, corrupt, spineless cretins. Wastes of humans. Politicians with no experience or knowledge of the real world. All of them spouting the same bullshit, trying to get the same people. Theres only a select few MPs in the 'big 3' who have stuck to their political guns, and are branded 'raving socialists' or 'extreme (racist) rightwing loons'. We have politicians, who are meant to represent the 'working man' - who went to some of the best private schools in the country, and Oxbridge unis.
It pains me that the people of this country were stupid enough to vote Thatcher in three times (once was enough!). It pains me even more that this 'socialist' Tony Blair was voted in by such a moronic public. Twice.
I'm not proud. A lazy public, who want to call in a cheap eastern european *builder/plumber/etc*, but then complain that they have no jobs. A rude public, an alcoholic and sex mad public, who go out and get plastered on Wednesday nights, then have a quickie up a lamp post round the back of the night club, get knocked up or get yet another STD. I'm not making this up. My town - Wakey - is (or was last year) the EU captial of teen pregnacies. We have an awful ammount of STD clinics for 16 year olds. Specially opened for 16 year olds.

Almost all the industry has gone. The only things we make ourselves these days is military equipment - but thanks to the spineless cretins in power, we don't get it. Billions wasted on a tank project (FRES), that was supposed to deliver 2000 light tanks by 2006. 4 years later, 7 billion over budget, and they haven't even picked a design yet. Meanwhile, 1 labour ex-defence minister has now recieved a wonderful job on the board of directors at a defence firm.
We have an awful transport network. Slow, expensive, it rarely, if ever works. Look at the railways. The track is owned by one group. The locomotives are owned by (...5 last time I bothered counting) companies. The rolling stock is owned 3 others, and the stations by yet another. Freight is run by 3 different groups, who are split up again and own/run different things. Want to buy/make more rolling stock/locos? Ha, good luck. My town had Britain's last railway plant in it. Sold to a Spanish company. Who decided to close it, in 2004. Now, if we want to buy trains, we have to go to Italy and Spain. And, my town (and the few surrounding) have suffered, as a fairly big employer has just buggered off.

We have an odd population, as I've already commented on. Ask them what they want nationally, and they'll usually say a good NHS, public transport and defence force. But pay for it? Hell no. They'd rather have a 60in plasma TV and the latest BMW than have to pay taxes for it. Then there's the media. Gutter press at it's finest, and lets not forget the Daily Dianna stories from the express. How long has she been dead?

Where would I go? I like the idea of Russia, having visited a few times. The people are friendly, polite, and the few I've really gotten to know are hilarious. But I'm not going to kid myself. I was born on this island, and I want to end my days on this island. And whilst I'm not proud of what Britain is these days (and where it's going to end up, thanks to the centralised liers) - I don't think I could live anywhere else. Where else do people complain so much, and in such an entertaining way?


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Karilas said:
Its not Xenophobic. Listen, its the holidays, and I dont wnat to open this back up again. I was just left with a bad taste after my experience. If I go back, knowing htis now, I'd probably have a better time. But till then, this just hangs over. Its not against british people, its just my experience.

please, lets not open this back up again.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
Yeah I had a shit time getting robbed in Ireland. Didn't leave me all bitter at the Irish, just the pikey bastards who robbed me.

Anyhoo, I'm gonna drop it now, I was just playing with you anyways, I don't see why people get so sensitive about that shit.

As far as genocide goes...


It's great to have something historical to cling to. I'm a northerner. Damn all those southerners and their people!

Srdjan said:
Fuck no, because I'm not one.

And England never did anything good, for anybody, ask any American, Scottish, Irish, Chinese, Japanese, African, Arab or Indian people you tried to enslave, also ask any Serbs you left for the Turks and later destroyed their country, several times, or ask Turks you betrayed later, or Russians to whom you did the same. Ask French whose country you occupied for hundereds of years, and later left for Germans to destroy it, or ask German, from who you snatched all colonies from and whose unification you opossed several times, also Italy's.

Everyone hates you and who says they love you do that just because thay can use you at the moment.
Really? I seem to remember a little thing the English did in 1939, y'know, when Hitler was busy occupying Poland and eliminating the Jew Menace?...

Sure we've got a bloody history, but we haven't always been the aggressors.