Poll: Sci-Fi vs. Fantasy,who wins?


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Fantasy, because they have magic, the very incarnate of deus ex machina. hence, there will always be some sort of magical item locked away that they could find and use to wipe out the sci-fi enemy.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
weker said:
I like Sci Fi more as it tends to not sit with the crappy, basic myths and legends like Minotaur, trolls, orc and elves, which I have grown very tired of. Only issue is my opinion may become the same for Sci Fi as it seems the Cyber punk theme is starting to make a wedge with Hard Reset, Human Revaluation and the Syndicate.

Da Orky Man said:
To all of you, try staring down this:

The God-Emperor of Mankind fighting the Warmaster Horus, his genetic son? I think we all know who wins here...
Okay yer you just extended my opinion that Sci-Fi is better by a mile. I do find it strangely ironic that one of the best Sci-Fi worlds uses such vast quantities of fantasy elements.
well, for somebody who's never played Warhammer (i assume this is warhammer) and just seen videos of it, it looks like they were just trying to make something like the world of warcraft (or some other fantasy story), but in space.


New member
May 27, 2009
tthor said:
weker said:
I like Sci Fi more as it tends to not sit with the crappy, basic myths and legends like Minotaur, trolls, orc and elves, which I have grown very tired of. Only issue is my opinion may become the same for Sci Fi as it seems the Cyber punk theme is starting to make a wedge with Hard Reset, Human Revaluation and the Syndicate.

Da Orky Man said:
To all of you, try staring down this:

The God-Emperor of Mankind fighting the Warmaster Horus, his genetic son? I think we all know who wins here...
Okay yer you just extended my opinion that Sci-Fi is better by a mile. I do find it strangely ironic that one of the best Sci-Fi worlds uses such vast quantities of fantasy elements.
well, for somebody who's never played Warhammer (i assume this is warhammer) and just seen videos of it, it looks like they were just trying to make something like the world of warcraft (or some other fantasy story), but in space.
In terms of space marines, then yes. Space marines have a crusader/ paladin sort of look with many of their people and troops wearing tapestries, robes, and other such artifacts. the other races like Imperial guard and elder, are less religiously symbolism.

Just so you don't invoke anger in some die hard fans if anything WoW (and star craft) copied Warhammer (not 40k) as originally blizzard worked for games workshop, but their project was canceled with them left with some of the remnants, which the recycled into warcraft and/or starcraft.
Apr 5, 2008
To get an overall winner, this epic confrontation should be broken down a little, rather than just going in straight at the "It just wins because..." level.

We shall engage in 3 battles. The first at ground level with the troops, beasts and weapons of the respective genres. The second shall be a battle of the greatest warriors, leaders and representatives. The third shall be a titanic, cosmic battle with no holds barred. Begin:

Round 1:
Star Wars battle droid army gains an early lead over Sauron's orc army, due to the range of their energy weapons. Elves join the fray but their arrows are unable to injure the metallic menace. Star Trek personnel beam in and out of battle, killing dwarves with their phasers but taking very little damage in return.
A horde of undead zombies, led by a lich are able eventually to push back the robots, but some Predators join the fight and make short work of them.
Winner: Sci-Fi

Round 2:
Luke Skywalker and Yoda start jumping about the place, throwing their lightsabers every which way. Rand Al'Thor balefires them. Neo and Morpheus dodge the balefire in bulletime and are about to use their Kung Fu when Belgarath the Sorcerer wills their modem connection to go offline, disconnecting them.
Spock sneaks up on Belgarath and drops him with a nerve pinch just as Arnie the Terminator kills Rand Al'Thor with a one-liner (and pulling out his spine). Gandalf and Pug appear out of nowhere and with waved hands and staves, Spock and the Cyberdyne Systems T-101 are disintegrated.
Winner: Fantasy

Round 3:
As the Covenant armada begins razing the surface of different continents and the Death Star begins charging up it's main laser, Garion, with the Orb of Aldur gathers his will and says "Burn". They explode into flame.
The Reapers finally arrive through a Mass Relay but without Shepard, who was inadvertently killed by a Beholder in the previous round, the Reapers are able to roam unchecked. The Bhaalspawn, fresh from his fight with Melissan fancies one last hurrah. The Reapers start talking in deep voices while the last child of Bhaal unleashes various spells including Time Stop, Abi Dazim's Horrid Wilting and Comet. Abi Dazim has no effect as there is no moisture in the Reapers, but being hit by comets does the trick.
Jean Grey as Phoenix and Galactus unite to strike the killing blow against fantasy once and for all but Thomas Covenant and Sparhawk with the Bhelliom wipe them out before they enter the solar system.
Winner: Fantasy

Overall Winner: Fantasy
It seems sci-fi doesn't have an answer for the unbridled might of fantasy's hardest hitters, though at ground level, the superior technology, communications and shields/teleporters give them a clear edge. But after the troops are done, fantasy's greatest heroes make short work of them and their leaders and generally with little more effort than concentrating.
The laser may be mightier than the sword but magic is mightier than technology!


New member
Sep 30, 2009
I say, wherever Dragonball Z goes, so too does victory. By super-saiyan 3 levels, all possible opposition is annihilated. Ignoring Dragonball Z for a minute, let's look at some of the most powerful forces in the various sci-fi and fantasy worlds.

Sci-fi: Low-orbit ion cannon/obscenely huge and powerful wave motion cannons. The Death Star and other technological feats of similar size and power, pretty much. I don't think we've ever seen the absolute most powerful fighters in the entire Dragonball mythos truly cut loose and straight up destroy a planet, but it's hard to believe any of the Dragonball Z characters could vaporize a planet like the Death Star did.

Fantasy: Well, maybe there's some opposition to be had, as there are any number of characters in any fantasy story that are gods or god-like. The best example that leaps to my mind would be the gods in David Eddings Belgariad, particularly UL, the father of a whole world. Of course, their powers are based around simply having unimaginable will-power, and against the colossal pride and willpower of Vegeta, I think they would at least have their hands full.


make cupcakes not bombs
Sep 14, 2008
PUR3_GAM3R33 said:
mb16 said:
oh noes! they have swords....


"Your foe is well equipped, well-trained, battle-hardened. He believes his gods are on his side. Let him believe what he will. We have the tanks on ours."
woah,that's cool,what game is that from?
eve online (although you will only get battles like that with high level "endgame" play)


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Too freakin' contextual to say. Many authors go totally over the top when they write stuff, hence the billions of Warhammer 40k soldiers. :p

Sci-fi has a planet busting bomb, you say? Fantasy has Milamber, a magician who destroyed a planet by causing it to collide with its own moon.
Sci-fi could kill everyone from orbit? Fantasy could kill everyone in orbit from the ground.
Sci-fi has bombs? Fantasy has dragons. :p

There's a point when technology becomes almost indistiguishable from magic, and we've reached it with the examples being provided in this poll. There are so many millions of variables and interpretations that providing a solid answer to this question would be impossible.

That said, I voted fantasy, because I like it more. :p

Toaster Hunter

New member
Jun 10, 2009
It all depends on which side has the plot armor, which can stop everything form deus ex machina to orbital bombardment.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
hittite said:
Hmm. While it is true that fantasy can call upon the gods. They're much more likely to seduce your sister, get drunk and forget about the whole affair. Planetary kinetic bombardments, on the other hand...
Too true.

Yeah i would go with Sci-Fi too.
Calling gods takes time. You need to set up a ritual, sacrifices etc. Now on the other hand, vaporizing your enemies takes no time at all. Point and fire.

Also, gods can be fickle. How do you know they wont turn on you?


New member
Jul 28, 2010
PUR3_GAM3R33 said:
Ok,so I was looking around Google images for epic battle wallpapers and I came across this:


and that got me thinking what if the forces of Sci-Fi fought the the forces of Fantasy,I'm interested to see peoples opinions on this.
So now I'm stuck imagining the most epic of battles compromising my vast (but not conclusive) knowledge of these two themes.

There are many heroes and villains and it's all very important so I need to let it play out a bit before I give a sure and competent answer.

I feel more than a little ill...

Random berk

New member
Sep 1, 2010
KingsGambit said:
A very well thought out post, which I can't really argue with because apart from the ground level stuff like orcs, zombies and Gandalf, I don't know all that much about fantasy. My question is, can these uber-powerful wizards and sorcerers still use their magic on targets that can attack from beyond a range that they can see (and come to think of it, they live in a time before space exploration, would they even think to attack the Death Star or the Reapers orbiting the planet, even if they were within range of a magic spell?)


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
SirBryghtside said:
Housebroken Lunatic said:
SirBryghtside said:
Well, fantasy can pretty much call the God card depending on the setting, so they would clearly win.
Not necessarily.

There are sci-fi settings with actual gods and where the sci-fi stuff basically defeats the gods anyway, regardless of their unnatural super-powers or supposed omnipotence.
When I said 'God card' I more meant 'insane over-the-top spell which wins everything'. Although I guess that does happen in sci-fi too... hm.
Q can click his fingers and rearrange the whole universe, you can't get more powerful or 'god like' than that. And there are many of them....


New member
Jul 21, 2011
I've always preferred Sci-Fi. Some fantasy i have read that is considered good relies too much on "Magic McGuffins" for their plot. Though i've read bad Sci-fi that relies on "Technological McGuffins". So i guess it does depend on the quality of writing, but i lean more toward Sci-Fi a lot of the time.