Poll: Security Guards V.S. 12-year old punk


New member
Sep 16, 2011
Good on him, the guard was doing his job, the kid was being disruptive and the kid was trying to assault the guard.
So sick of people getting all PC and crying about adults teaching kids to respect elders and authority.
That kid and his friends won't be pulling that again any time soon.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
LiquidGrape said:
Thedek said:
It's a stupid ass country then. It isn't abuse. It hurts certainly but hell even if you draw blood( and that is heavily over doing it and does in fact border on abuse) it wouldn't really do damage because of the way the ass is made. Lots of fat, no major blood vessels, or organs of any kind. I have in fact read multiple places where being shot in the ass is preferable to being shot anywhere else because almost all of the times an ass shot will just really hurt whereas even a shot in the shoulder has a reasonable chance of being lethal.

A smack to the ass with : hand, small implement like a leather belt, wooden paddle, things like that if used when deserved for anti-social and particularly disagreeable behavior when being told to stop fails to work. Is not child abuse. If anyone, be they: individual, organisation, or nation says otherwise they are both wrong, stupid, and contributing to the anti-social, hateful delinquency problem of much of the developed world's youth.

You can argue with me if you want but you are wasting your time as you will never convince me otherwise. Largely due to me seeing that children used to, on average, behave a great deal better decades ago than they do now. The main thing I noticed removed was physical punishment. Also it's parents not trying. You don't need to discipline your children if they behave to begin with or cease upon being told, doing so otherwise is abuse. However using it in proper cases seems to be one of the most reliable ways to both get a child to behave properly and respect authority.
Beyond the "simple" degrading aspects of spanking, the practice of corporal punishment is more and more often linked to psychological disorders and aggressive behaviour manifesting later in life. This perverse perception of it as a legitimate means of discipline is little more than the product of people ill-fitted for the role of parenthood terrorising their children into a state of submissiveness.
In my childhood years I (along with my brother and two sisters) was spanked silly whenever I pulled any sort of crap that utterly pissed my parents off. They aren't psychologically disturbed in any way shape or form and to this day have been very good parents in all, strict when they have to and lenient when it calls for it, and you bet your ass I'll do the same to my kids when they deserve it.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
This is what a security guard is supposed to. Stop trouble before it becomes worse. This works in both the short and long-term. I hope this taught the kid a lesson, so he doesn't do anything like that when he becomes older and is 'released from the protection of age.'

Also, a 12 year-old should know not to harass or verbally abuse the authority. The kid has some anger issues, I hope they're resolved. If he learns that he was in the right and can act like that whenever and wherever he wants, he doesn't have a positive future ahead of him. It reminds me of an incident I read in a fictional book. In the book, the authority failed to stop someone from doing something stupid. That someone got corporal punishment and was forced to leave the military he was training in. It's good to see that in this case, the authority did stop that someone from doing something worse.


New member
Jul 29, 2008
@2:00 Kid struggled and kicked the guard. Guard took him down, and you couldn't see how hard. But he can't struggle as much on the ground, sounds like a reasonable action. Another kid moves forward. Guard takes out baton, and keeps the kid down.

Only thing I see wrong is that the guard may have taken the kid down too hard. What we didn't see is how they restrained him in the first place. Or what the kid did in the first place. I can't defend the kid. Kid was resisting, the guard was being harassed by another kid. It was an adequate solution.

To the people saying he's only 12 and defending him. PLEASE tell me you're not serious. You have common sense, use it. At that age you know how to act. If you don't, well you'll end up like him.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Thistlehart said:
Shycte said:
I'm a bit shocked that people are for corporal beatings. A good parent never needs to beat their child.

Anyway, I'm off to bed, I'll look at this thread in the morning.
This attitude, right here, is the problem. So many people have a difficult time seeing the difference between simple spanking (and other forms of physical discipline) and beatings.

Spanking a child is not the same as beating them. Get it through your heads, please.

If you tell a child to go to their room (or stand in the corner or some other passive-aggressive nonsense) and think about what they've done, they're only going to think about how unfair you are and how they might avoid getting in trouble next time. Only a few children respond to this treatment, the rest end up like the kid in the video: self-important twerps with no respect for authority or consequences.
Funny thing is that you are wrong. Plain and simple. It is very possible to raise childs without ever laying a hard hand on them. Obviously you have to use force sometimes, but I can tell you that I know so many people in all ages, many of them around 12, that never ever been hit by their parents, and guess what? They aren't assholes.

What you are saying, "Only a few children respond to this treatment, the rest end up like the kid in the video: self-important twerps with no respect for authority or consequences", is a lie. It's not harder than that.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Oh, the poor little unique snowflake, product-of-his-environment angry little unloved precious children, the world has failed you! ...so it gives you a complete license to be a dipshit to the world without consequences ?

Yeah, i don't think so.

You act like an ass, you get treated like an ass, end of story.The security guard did his job, and did it well imo.

P.S. Your mom lied, you're not special to anyone but her :p


New member
Mar 10, 2009
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
I totally agree with that a parent you never ever hit their child. Again, sweden was the first country in the world to ban corporal beatings in the home. But! These aren't the kids parents, they are security guards doing their job and here's a shocker, you are supposed to obey security guards. If they jump you ask how high. Holding him against the wall simply didn't work as he countinued to resist, so he put him on the ground. As I wrote in the OP, the police investigated and found that they did nothing wrong.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Considering how I would have instantly punched the kid in the face, yeah I'd say the guard did the right thing and didn't go too far. If you're man enough to start sh*t then be man enough to finish it as well. And if the mother wasn't a good enough mother to teach this much then the kid is going to be in an awful lot of trouble when he grows up a little.

Your mommy ain't always going to be there to wipe your ass, punk. Stop being a pathetic snot nosed brat and deal with it.

Elf Defiler Korgan

New member
Apr 15, 2009
Seems legit.

The guards did nothing wrong, assuming they had a lawful reason to take the kid into custody in the first place. They seemed quite relaxed and restrained actually. The second guard should have arrested the other youth who threatened to attack him.

So what I'm saying is the guards should have both done a coup de grace. Leaping 220+ lbs foot stomp. Rape via wiimote before or after is subject to discretion.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
kebab4you said:
Justice preserved, thank fucking god. Would been so sad if the kid got anything out from this.
Hadn't seen that one, thanks for sharing.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Honestly there's not enough proof in that video to say if what the guard did was right or wrong.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Caramel Frappe said:
...Mm, I saw actually nothing wrong with what the guard did. The kid was unsettling, kept giving him serious issues. It's one thing to taunt and mess with a guard, but when you're held by a guard acting up- you will be put down. He didn't beat nor use extreme force, he just seemed like to make sure the kid understood the situation he was in.

Even when the kid was in serious trouble, he kept struggling and dragged his feet when carried away. Obviously deserved it, not just because but failing to corporate through the whole thing. Also find it funny that the other kid kept messing with them, obviously thinking he'd get somewhere until going to far thus made him get into trouble too.
I agree. I always say "If you can't take it, don't dish it." If someone talks down to me, they can expect me to respond in kind. Treat others how you want to be treated, right? Respect is a two way street, and I think the guy handled it very well. What is he supposed to do, just stand there and take it? No, it's not his job to be a verbal punching bag. The guard responded well to a situation where the kid was unruly. Now, I don't speak swedish, so please don't quote me saying "I speak swedish and the kid in the video was only complimenting the guard" because then I will just look silly.


New member
Jul 21, 2011
thedeathscythe said:
I agree. I always say "If you can't take it, don't dish it." If someone talks down to me, they can expect me to respond in kind. Treat others how you want to be treated, right? Respect is a two way street, and I think the guy handled it very well. What is he supposed to do, just stand there and take it? No, it's not his job to be a verbal punching bag. The guard responded well to a situation where the kid was unruly. Now, I don't speak swedish, so please don't quote me saying "I speak swedish and the kid in the video was only complimenting the guard" because then I will just look silly.
Not sure if you caught the translation earlier in the thread, but the kids were using a lot of profanity and making quite a few death threats.

I watched it again...and seriously. That's standard routine. They're job is to prevent problems. If the kid was so uncomfortable then he should've stopped squirming and politely apologized and asked if they could restrain him in a gentle fashion. But if they had the respect to do that, then they wouldn't BE in this whole mess I suppose. I once again applaud the guy for doing his job so well without incident. Especially given the circumstances.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
My favorite part is when the guards bust out the asps, all of those teenage tough guys suddenly evaporated like a fart in a wind tunnel.

Sorry, but as a black kid growing up in America we learned real quick that cops can be your friends if you're in trouble, and your enemy if you ARE trouble. Either way, polite manners and an obedient attitude are far better methods of avoiding beatdowns and getting let off with a warning than running your mouth and being resistant. The majority of cops I ever met aren't actual 100% dicks 100% of the time.. just people with a stressful, thankless job. Either way, no sense in getting your ass kicked for youtube entertainment purposes.. if a cop is hassling you, my suggestion is just to remain as calm and polite as possible. If he's gonna arrest you, then let him. It's much easier to explain things to a judge later that night or the next morning after a bit of inconvenience than explaining it to him after a bit of inconvenience and a trip to the hospital for stitches.

And for all you tough guys out there that will immediately call me some sort of coward, I'll go ahead and pre-emptively laugh at you because you've either never really had a run in with the law or you enjoy doing EVERYTHING the hard way.

Either way, that's not the road for me, but thanks.


New member
Oct 7, 2010
That kid got what he deserved. You should respect authoritarian figures, no matter your age.

Does anyone here speak Swedish? I would quite like to know what the people were saying.


New member
Jul 21, 2011
Supertegwyn said:
That kid got what he deserved. You should respect authoritarian figures, no matter your age.

Does anyone here speak Swedish? I would quite like to know what the people were saying.
Here, someone posted this earlier in the thread, I assume it's accurate as a few have confirmed it. (I apologize for repeating information, just trying to help out.)
Mjauv said:
What had happened was that the kid was riding between the tram-cars which is both foolish AND dangerous. Really dangerous.

What he's saying to the guards are:
"let go of me you fucking whore"
"let go"
*groan of, probably, pain*
"let go of me you fucking whore, LET GO OFF ME!!!"
"I swear to god I'm gonna fucking murder you, you fucking whore"
*more groaning*
"fucking whore"
"you shall fucking let me go" (he's trying to give the guard an order)
"let me go" (the guard tells him no)
"you are breaking my fucking arm"
*at this point he starts kicking the guard*
"you fucking whore" (at this point, the guard says "STOP KICKING" and wrestle him to the ground)
at the ground, more groaning of pain
"enough! Ah my leg!"
"ah he [the guard] fucking hit me"
"let me go"
(the guard explains to a bypasser that the kid kicked him at about 02:30)
"well he kicked me IN THE FOOT! FUCKING WHORE!!!"
"Get off!"
"I'm not kicking! Let me go!"
(at about 03:05 he says something I can't hear exactly but I do think he says something like "back off, you oughta watch your fucking back")
at 04:20 when the other guards arrive the guards tells him that he's under arrest under PL13 (Police Law §13 which is disturbing the peace)
"what are you doing?"
"what the fuck are you laughing about?" (directed to somebody outside the picture)

the kids friends start off by telling the guards about his age and that he won't be prosecuted, they then go back and forth between insults ("fucking cunts", "assholes" and such) and claiming "he didn't do anything"