Poll: Should Kids Be Allowed To Carry Guns?

Guitar Gamer

New member
Apr 12, 2009
maybe 1 in 100,000,000, kids is probably the least bit qualified to carry fire-arms.You know the odd kid who can actually be mature enough not to use it myself not encluded


New member
Mar 28, 2009
SmogCzar said:

This is a nice little fact sheet put together by the NRA-ILA about the Clinton AWB of 1994 for those of you who want an all out gun ban. This will tell you why it won't work. I would have to agree with Samurai Goomba and CmdrKinslayer. Minors shouldn't be and aren't allowed to carry. I am of the age that I can legally buy everything the Bureau for All Things Fun allows. I took hunter's education and learned about proper firearm safety from my dad. I am planning to apply for a concealed carry license when the next class comes around. I also plane on keeping my nose clean so I can fully exercise my constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. It was this right that allowed us to win our independence but keep it from the British during the war of 1812. There is gun crime in Britain and they virtually have a gun ban. Banning guns will do nothing, but what do I know I am, after all, a right-wing extremist who clings to his guns and religion.
i like you a lot already.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
After being shot at by the 13 year old idiots with guns back in my home town in the uk.....not a bloody chance.


New member
Apr 3, 2008
Captain Blackout said:
link670 said:
Short answer
Long Answer
Who would say yes to this?
Because this answer can't be said enough!


New member
Sep 20, 2008
I don't think this sent the first time so:

I said yes because I need to train for my future career as a professional hitman.

US Crash Fire

New member
Apr 20, 2009
yes under these stipulations

its a .22lr or smaller caliber registered RIFLE
its at a shooting range or other aproved area
their legal guardians are present
the legal guardian must have direct access to the child at all times
they must both go to a MANDATORY weapons safety course approved by the state
all range or area rules must be followed at all times.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
Everyone should carry guns at all times. Kids should carry guns to school, nurses should carry guns into the hospital, everyone should be handed a gun before they enter a plane to prevent terrorism. Can you see how safe that would be? everyone able to stop violence by being able to shoot any threat on a moments notice. Since everyone has a gun, no one would want to take out their gun in fear that another person will shoot them. Incidentally, every nation should have intercontinental ballistic missiles for the same reason. I'm drowning in sarcasm. Yo dog, I heard you like guns so I put a gun on your gun so you can shoot while your shooting.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
10 year olds with guns, yeh that can't possibly go wrong.

If I was allowed to carry one I would never use it to harm someone unless they were intent on harming me, even then I would just threaten them with it, I would only let loose if they were holding a gun to me.

remember "all under 18's" includes the underage members of 4chan... BAD IDEA

link670 said:
Singularly Datarific said:
Nmil-ek said:
If kids can carry guns I demand the right to drive a tank.
Here Here...


New member
Feb 2, 2009
I get the logic of giving them a better way to defend themselves, but kids with guns is going to cause more deaths than it will save lives. Imagine the old "My dad could beat your dad" arguments, but replace dad's with guns.

Then imagine that argument turning into a full gunfight.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
guardian001 said:
mike1921 said:
...................... irrelevent to what I said [...] I know the last one'd be prevented if the kid had to pass training to use a gun.
Read the last sentence bud... it quite clearly relates to what you said... accidental suicide != protection.
I said the reason a kid would have a gun is protection. I didn't say this kid
If you had actually bothered to read the last article, you might have seen:

"the boy's father was supporting his son from behind when the shooting happened."
saw that
"Police said the boy, Christopher Bizilj of Ashford, Conn., was with a certified instructor"

meaning that not only was he instructed, somebody else was helping him hold the weapon.
Meaning either this kid can't handle the recoil or they instructed him wrong.
You say kids should be allowed to carry guns for protection. Kids, you know, the ones who make videos of themselves doing unbelievably stupid things?
Adults do that to, also the training I suggest would lower the number of idiots.
The ones who, despite having been told not to do something, will run off to do it, usually resulting in severe pain? The ones who don't learn from these mistakes and make a second video of them doing something equally stupid?
if the result is severe pain than who cares?
Training essentially means nothing. You can teach a person anything, but what you can't do is make them give a shit. Or even remember it. Did your parents ever tell you what was and wasn't safe? Did you ever pay attention to what they said? What makes you think these kids will retain the information for more than 15 seconds after they receive their license?
They told me what and wasn't safe, and I sorted out the bullshit (my mom is illogically afraid of going up stairs for example, I knew it when I was 7). Yes I pay attention to it, unless I'm playing RON or am online, in which case I have ear phones on. Also, if they let 16 year olds (17 year olds in New Jersey) drive 3000 ton vehicles, things much more fucking dangerous, that they are trained on how to use, my last worry is them getting guns.
Sure, there will be responsible kids who won't make complete fools out of themselves and hurt somebody, but there will also be the ones who bullshit their way through the instructions and do something stupid afterwards. It's just not worth the risk.
It's not a risk, it's a guarantee, irresponsible kids already do that. Unless somehow this would stop that I can't see how I could argue with what you said.

I say it's worth the risk guarantee. Maybe it's just because I cheer when an idiot kills himself.
nova18 said:
I get the logic of giving them a better way to defend themselves, but kids with guns is going to cause more deaths than it will save lives. Imagine the old "My dad could beat your dad" arguments, but replace dad's with guns.

Then imagine that argument turning into a full gunfight.
...what kind of idiots did you know in school? If my replica pistol from the 1870s was real I could take down a guy armed with a rocket launcher if I'm fast enough.
nova18 said:
I get the logic of giving them a better way to defend themselves, but kids with guns is going to cause more deaths than it will save lives. Imagine the old "My dad could beat your dad" arguments, but replace dad's with guns.

Then imagine that argument turning into a full gunfight.
...what kind of idiots did you know in school? If my replica pistol from the 1870s was real I could take down a guy armed with a rocket launcher if I'm fast enough.
traceur_ said:
10 year olds with guns, yeh that can't possibly go wrong.

If I was allowed to carry one I would never use it to harm someone unless they were intent on harming me, even then I would just threaten them with it, I would only let loose if they were holding a gun to me.

remember "all under 18's" includes the underage members of 4chan... BAD IDEA
.........The average member at /b/ probably isn't smart enough to pass the training that me and the OP both required. You're arguing against either a strawman or some fucktard who thinks kids should have guns without being told how to use them in which case report and move on.


Swarm Agent
Sep 12, 2008
Nmil-ek said:
If kids can carry guns i demand the right to drive a tank.
Now that is some black humour just there.. actually made me laugh.
Short answer- no
Long answer- Go to hell, i think guns should just be stopped full stop.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
Notsomuch said:
Everyone should carry guns at all times. Kids should carry guns to school, nurses should carry guns into the hospital, everyone should be handed a gun before they enter a plane to prevent terrorism. Can you see how safe that would be? everyone able to stop violence by being able to shoot any threat on a moments notice. Since everyone has a gun, no one would want to take out their gun in fear that another person will shoot them. Incidentally, every nation should have intercontinental ballistic missiles for the same reason. I'm drowning in sarcasm. Yo dog, I heard you like guns so I put a gun on your gun so you can shoot while your shooting.
So irrelevant.


New member
Nov 2, 2007
Just no.
I mean, come on, kids are irrational dipshits, even more so than adult dipshits.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
SmogCzar said:

This is a nice little fact sheet put together by the NRA-ILA about the Clinton AWB of 1994 for those of you who want an all out gun ban. This will tell you why it won't work. I would have to agree with Samurai Goomba and CmdrKinslayer. Minors shouldn't be and aren't allowed to carry. I am of the age that I can legally buy everything the Bureau for All Things Fun allows. I took hunter's education and learned about proper firearm safety from my dad. I am planning to apply for a concealed carry license when the next class comes around. I also plane on keeping my nose clean so I can fully exercise my constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. It was this right that allowed us to win our independence but keep it from the British during the war of 1812. There is gun crime in Britain and they virtually have a gun ban. Banning guns will do nothing, but what do I know I am, after all, a right-wing extremist who clings to his guns and religion.
I hate to point this out, but here in Britain, we aren't planning to retry invading you again (although 'invade' isn't the right word for 'putting down a revolt').

And yeah, we have gun crime, and there was about 9500 reported crimes involving them in 2006 (news report [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6960431.stm]). Knife crime is a bigger problem, with around 22,000-ish cases.

In the same year, the USA had approximately 400,000 cases of gun crime (Justice department statistics [http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/glance/guncrime.htm]).

Now, in the 2006 there was approximately x7 Americans to Brits (i.e. for every person in Britain, there was 7 people in America), so lets scale that up:

Scaled up gun crime in the UK: 66,500
Scaled up kinfe crime in the UK: 154,000

So, its pretty clear, to me, that we have far less gun and knife crime in the UK than the USA for our population. Not saying it proves a gun ban would work for America, but it suggests that would be the case. And hunting guns are different to pistols, automatic pistols, etc.

EDIT: Fixed figures - misread the graphics initially.