Poll: Should Kids Be Allowed To Carry Guns?


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
No. These people lack the maturity to understand what carrying a firearm means, as do most people. I submit that guns should be kept on private property only, save for sporting events.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
No on the grounds that the bulk of kids lack the absolute impulse control to restraint themselves from abusing the power of said weapon and/or using it on, for example, on the wierd kid they don't like.

As for my source, why its the University of 'it stands to reason' ;)


New member
Feb 4, 2009
Doug said:
No on the grounds that the bulk of kids lack the absolute impulse control to restraint themselves from abusing the power of said weapon and/or using it on, for example, on the wierd kid they don't like.

As for my source, why its the University of 'it stands to reason' ;)
And exactly the same thing could be said for most adults.

People suck, and giving them an opportunity to suck further is just asking for trouble.


New member
Jan 25, 2009
Stormcloud23 said:
Pandalisk said:
Whoa whoa whoa, are we talking about carrying them around in general? because that i say no, because kids can be idiots who dont think

However carrying guns such as on hunting trips is perfectly alright provided they have a responsible adult and have been taught how to use the gun safety. My grandad took me hunting since i was 12 many times
No, just around in general. Hunting is fine.
Oh well in that case good fucking christ no


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
Stormcloud23 said:
Hello everybody,
The title warrants a very immediate explanation so here goes:
Today during my martial arts class a friend of mine stated that kids (defined <18) Should be allowed to carry guns everywhere from school to the mall provided they pass a government firearms test. I of course took the side of logic and reason and immediately called him a dumb ass. We then asked a few other people at the class, and all of whom answered with an immediate "no". In an attempt to further prove my point I now ask you.
I'd have to say that any kid should be allowed to carry a gun, provided they take the requisite safety courses, possibly with much more emphasis on the danger of accidental discharge and the like, and licensing tests.

The same holds true for anyone, of any age. If people really want to carry a gun, and they are able to obtain the license for a handgun, I don't see why they should not be allowed.

That said, any gun violence in minors should be treated as if the offender was an adult.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
GRoXERs said:
Doug said:
No on the grounds that the bulk of kids lack the absolute impulse control to restraint themselves from abusing the power of said weapon and/or using it on, for example, on the wierd kid they don't like.

As for my source, why its the University of 'it stands to reason' ;)
And exactly the same thing could be said for most adults.

People suck, and giving them an opportunity to suck further is just asking for trouble.
Yup, but I come from a country were privately own guns are rare outside of law enforcement and criminals, so I didn't think to add 'and get rid of them outright' ;)


New member
Jun 6, 2008
No, your friend isn't using logic. NO ONE, regardless of age, should have a gun, or any other weapon. Unless that person has went though intense training and has a licensee to carry a weapon. Like how martial arts trains people, a person should go through and pass training like that. With that, then someone of 16 years old could carry a weapon such as a gun. That is of course ONLY if they pass with perfection, like martial arts classes.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
I myself am a member of the NRA and I must say that giving a child the equivalent of a conceal carry permit is a bad idea. While it is a good thing to teach a child the proper use of a firearm this should be done under trained adult supervision; and while an accurate understanding of what a firearm can do and an appreciation for the danger it can be will decrease the likelihood of a child using a gun in a manner that would harm others, giving a blanket license to children to carry a gun anywhere they like is just plain a bad idea.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
I would say no, but I think I understand the reasoning people want kids to want guns. My reasoning is that because there are "kids" who get guns and go on killing sprees regardless on whether people think they should is not, giving everyone else a gun gives them a chance to defend themselves. I think it's still a very bad idea giving anyone under 18-ish a gun, i think i depends on the age people refer to as "kids". 10-16-ish probally isn't the best idea though.


New member
Jun 6, 2008
Random argument man said:
Let's rephrase your question. Should people be allowed to carry guys?

link670 said:
Short answer
Long Answer
Who would say yes to this?
Too much temptation to make a bad terrorist joke... (No RAM NO!).
it was from 0!


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Of course not. You can get fake ID's etc, so they'd get fake passes in the test, when they weren't suitable to be carrying a weapon.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Agayek said:
Stormcloud23 said:
Hello everybody,
The title warrants a very immediate explanation so here goes:
Today during my martial arts class a friend of mine stated that kids (defined <18) Should be allowed to carry guns everywhere from school to the mall provided they pass a government firearms test. I of course took the side of logic and reason and immediately called him a dumb ass. We then asked a few other people at the class, and all of whom answered with an immediate "no". In an attempt to further prove my point I now ask you.
I'd have to say that any kid should be allowed to carry a gun, provided they take the requisite safety courses, possibly with much more emphasis on the danger of accidental discharge and the like, and licensing tests.

The same holds true for anyone, of any age. If people really want to carry a gun, and they are able to obtain the license for a handgun, I don't see why they should not be allowed.

That said, any gun violence in minors should be treated as if the offender was an adult.
Well, given a gun gives power to the person with the gun to scare others with the threat of being shot, I'd say kids are a marginally higher risk group for random postal events than adults, but even then, I think both kids and adults shouldn't have access to guns (outside of police and armed forces duties, of course)


New member
Mar 20, 2009

Why was this even brought up? Kids are irresponsible morons! (most of them, or at least most I know) I know that isn't entirely true, But this is coming from a kid who's an irresponsible moron.

But kids would never pass the firearms test no matter how good they think they are.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Hmm.... only if they are running with scissors and eating the candy from the medicine closet at the same time.