Poll: Should Kids Be Allowed To Carry Guns?


New member
Jun 16, 2004
No. Way.

I don't think most adults should be allowed to have guns. Yeah, yeah, guns don't kill people and so on, but that's not the point.
No one untrained should be given a gun... If you start swing around a sword without knowing what the hell you're doing you'll just end up cutting your own leg off. Likewise, you shouldn' even carry a gun without knowing how they are supposed to be handled, let alone fire a full-automatic without having any idea how the recoil will affect the gun.

Just search youtube.com for "gun handling funny" and see what I mean. They don't have a video of that moron who fired an uzi and had the gun turn 180 degrees from the recoil though.

It's not because you make your average Joe too dangerous by giving him a gun, it's about the fact weapons should be handled by professionals, not by people who think they know everything they need from watching some Hollywood action flicks.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
I have to agree with EVERYONE ELSE in the world and say no. Giving kids guns is like giving a schizophrenic, PTSD cat a rocket launcher. Sure it might pass a firearm test when it was normal, but once you let it loose, it would attack anything on sight.


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
Doug said:
Well, given a gun gives power to the person with the gun to scare others with the threat of being shot, I'd say kids are a marginally higher risk group for random postal events than adults, but even then, I think both kids and adults shouldn't have access to guns (outside of police and armed forces duties, of course)
Eh, I'm rather firmly of the opinion that the government should go fuck itself. I'll probably never agree with people on this thread. That said, on to argument.

If the parents are responsible, teach their child right from wrong, and exactly what a gun can do, then there is no problem. Teach the kids that the world does not revolve around them and that initiating violence is never an acceptable option, and almost all of the problems with it will go away.

Maybe I'm just crazy, but I honestly believe that in 99.9% of cases, if the parents do their jobs right, act responsibly, and teach their children, they will be no less responsible than any adult.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
WHAT! THE! FUCK! WHO IN THE RIGHT MIND WOULD THINK KIDS HAVING GUNS IS A GOOD IDEA?! If they have a gun what the fuck is to stop them from useing it when one moron says something insensetive and the kid packing heat decides that cold blooded homocide is the wittiest come back?! Someone that young is to fucking immature to be trusted with something like that and make rational descession with something that WILL kill you with one reckless pull of a trigger. If its the matter of self defence then there are perfectly legal and most importanly NONFATAL defencive instraments i.e. pepper spray or tazers but whether or not kids can be trusted with those either is debatable but at least they're not as likely to kill. If I could then I would Make guns illeagal to any one out side of Law enforcement so at the very least I can take comfort in the fact that the odds of a law allowing this are slim and none at best.


New member
Jul 13, 2004
Well it makes more sense (to me) that you'd let someone who's officially qualified manage something, rather than let someone manage something simply because 'theyre old enough and they got rights dang it'.

Don't get me wrong, I agree kids should definitely not handle live fire-arms, they lack the maturity and life experience to appreciate how deadly a weapon is, not to mention the implications of murder are beyond their understanding. But saying 'screw regulations, I used logic and called him a dumb ass' is kinda dumb in itself, you should always back up your reasoning with sound arguments.

Refusing to discuss a topic, refusing to give arguments other than 'because' and refusing to consider the other sides point of view, is what RELIGION does. I mean come on, we need to scour that crap method of thought from the planet. >_>


New member
Nov 27, 2008
Trivun said:
If anyone says yes in this poll I may well have to kill them. With a gun. Oh, the irony...

Why the hell should kids carry guns? Has anyone heard of the murder of Rhys Jones in Liverpool last year (incidentally, on my birthday...)? 22nd August, Rhys Jones (11) was shot dead by a 16 year old, who was playing around with a gun showing off to his mates. He proceeded to try and cover up his crime, but was caught and sentenced earlier this year. That's what happens when you let kids play with guns. Innocents get hurt.
No, that's what happens when you let kids who don't know what they're doing when it comes to guns use guns. If they knew adequate gun safety, that wouldn't have happened, unless it was intentional, in which case, they would have found a way regardless.

However, I voted no on this. Based on the OP, the actual question is not "Should kids ever be allowed to carry guns?" (In which case, I'd say yes, going hunting or to the shooting range is perfectly acceptable., but "Should kids be allowed to carry guns everywhere", which is just a horrifically bad idea.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Agayek said:
Doug said:
Well, given a gun gives power to the person with the gun to scare others with the threat of being shot, I'd say kids are a marginally higher risk group for random postal events than adults, but even then, I think both kids and adults shouldn't have access to guns (outside of police and armed forces duties, of course)
Eh, I'm rather firmly of the opinion that the government should go fuck itself. I'll probably never agree with people on this thread. That said, on to argument.

If the parents are responsible, teach their child right from wrong, and exactly what a gun can do, then there is no problem. Teach the kids that the world does not revolve around them and that initiating violence is never an acceptable option, and almost all of the problems with it will go away.

Maybe I'm just crazy, but I honestly believe that in 99.9% of cases, if the parents do their jobs right, act responsibly, and teach their children, they will be no less responsible than any adult.
Decent point, but just examine the mental state and upbringing of the average teenager in the times we live in. Half of them are wannabe gangsters who wear their pants around their ankles and smoke anything that produces any semblance of effect on their mind.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
No. Letting kids carry lethal weapons in a non-regulated scenario is asking for disaster. You can't expect them to exercise restraint at all times...

I'm assuming he meant handguns, too, as carrying a rifle everywhere would be a tad inconvenient.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Agayek said:
Doug said:
Well, given a gun gives power to the person with the gun to scare others with the threat of being shot, I'd say kids are a marginally higher risk group for random postal events than adults, but even then, I think both kids and adults shouldn't have access to guns (outside of police and armed forces duties, of course)
Eh, I'm rather firmly of the opinion that the government should go fuck itself. I'll probably never agree with people on this thread. That said, on to argument.
Erm, ok? I have no idea why that affects this topic, but still.
Agayek said:
If the parents are responsible, teach their child right from wrong, and exactly what a gun can do, then there is no problem. Teach the kids that the world does not revolve around them and that initiating violence is never an acceptable option, and almost all of the problems with it will go away.

Maybe I'm just crazy, but I honestly believe that in 99.9% of cases, if the parents do their jobs right, act responsibly, and teach their children, they will be no less responsible than any adult.
I agree with your model, but in practise, there are cases of mental illiness (presumably genetic in this case), and cases of parents who don't do their job right, the reality of kids getting more access to firepower and training to use said firepower will most probably be a rapid increase in school shootings.


High Priest of C'Thulhu
Dec 7, 2008
I initially was just going to say no, but then I realized I should back it up with something so... Columbine. Kids (and that means myself) are idiots and full of rage, giving powerful weapons to idiots is a bad idea.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
No. Just no. Why the hell would a kid be allowed to carry a firearm but not do any of the other things they're prohibited to do? Hell, I'm closer to saying that no one should be allowed to carry guns (besides law enforcement and military personnel of course).

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
Yeah, I'm glad the OP wasn't in the 'yes' group. Because I came in here ready to say 'You, sir, are a freaking idiot.'

Absolutely not. Adults shouldn't be carrying guns (generally, not referencing hunting), so kids should in no way carry a firearm. That's freaking crazy.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
I'm more worried about the kids shooting themselves in the foot than going on a murderous rampage.


New member
Feb 12, 2009
I'm a kid. I don't think we should have guns. I've used them, fired them at targets. If you get mad, i ask you, like someone pisses you off badly, what are you going to do. One expression:

that's it. You cant end of story.


New member
Nov 16, 2008
It seems that the majority has forgotten half the statement. They would have to pass the firearms test. This would have to include psychological testing etc so they wouldn't be given to kids that would do somethiing bad with them. Having said that, I think we're better off giving them tazers instead. On probation.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Stormcloud23 said:
Hello everybody,
The title warrants a very immediate explanation so here goes:
Today during my martial arts class a friend of mine stated that kids (defined <18) Should be allowed to carry guns everywhere from school to the mall provided they pass a government firearms test. I of course took the side of logic and reason and immediately called him a dumb ass. We then asked a few other people at the class, and all of whom answered with an immediate "no". In an attempt to further prove my point I now ask you.
Are you SHITTING me? As soon as some kid gets told something they don't like, they'd shoot somebody almost immediately.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
5 'yes's.

I remember being an impulsive dipshit when I was a kid. I don't see how throwing lethal firearms into the mix is a good idea. I'd want a kid-size sniper rifle though. Strap it to my back 'n all. Put on some aviator glasses..Oh yeah.