Poll: Should There be Gay Characters in Kid's Shows/Films?


New member
Aug 13, 2010
Due to human stupidity and homophobia these days I actually think it should be focused more than hetrosexual characters. If the show is related to relationships obviously.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
SilentCom said:
I don't think kid's shows should have any type of sexual connotations.
Me too. Kid'ss shows should not show homosexuals, kid's shows should not show heterosexuals. Why mix sexuality into somethign that should not have anything to do with it at all? I don't have the lsightest against homosexuals, nor open homosexuals, I just don't think it's needed.
Kid's shows is there to entertain kids, parents are there to educate kids.
Mickey Mouse should be there to make kids laugh, not to teach kids that it's wrong to steal, lie, murder or that homosexuality is wrong. Parents should do all of the above and not put the responsibility of raising their kids to the entertainment industry.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
"Kids won't understand it"... only because they haven't seen enough of this kind of thing! If a kid grows up knowing their parents' gay friends or maybe even having gay parent, they don't question it.

Someone above me mentioned the Arthur episode with the girl who had two mothers. Of course not a huge amount of homosexual couples have children so it's not like we need to see two mummies/two daddies all the time, but considering roughly one in ten people are gay (and then of course there's bisexuals), one episode which shows a same sex couple out of hundreds of kids shows is not at all proportional. And this is one reason why kids grow up thinking homosexuality is something weird or not right.

It doesn't have to be a big deal. A kid's romantic cartoon film could still have the straight lead and their opposite sex love interest (after all, most kids will grow up heterosexual so most kids would relate to this), but at the very least, now and again, have something along the lines of a homosexual friend of the lead who gets their same sex love interest at the end of the film.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
Saying yes to adult shows and no to kids shows seems remarkably bigoted to me.

If being gay isn't a choice, then obviously some kids will end up gay and gay characters won't matter for straight kids because they can't choose to be gay.

If being gay is a choice, then you either have to acknowledge that some kids will choose it and try to give role models to them and exposure to the idea at a young age to everyone, or you have to come up with some justification for why being gay is objectively a bad idea beyond "it's not what I am" (spoiler alert: there isn't such a justification).

As for "sexualizing" kids, that's a remarkably stupid argument. Are we never supposed to show straight parents on television intended for kids? Adding gay characters is as easy as adding in a kid/animal/animate object with parents of the same gender. As a bonus, if it's a human or animal, the writers even get to do a horribly cliched adoption storyline!

In the same vein, you also have the option of showing characters who simply don't conform to some gender stereotypes. You can find a lot of these characters going back a ways into television programming, but more recently they're pretty hard to find, likely because such characters are immediately denounced as gay and somehow dangerous. Television for kids used to be filled with tomboys and boys who were more girly and, crucially, the message was always that you could be whatever you wanted to be and, in the end, those people were stronger and more interesting once they accepted themselves. Now whenever you see such a character, the moral is inevitably about how the kid will grow up to conform (the "just a late bloomer" storyline) or actually already does conform in some other important way (the "I may like dance, but I'm also a great football player" storyline). It's extraordinarily rare to see nonconformity in children represented as anything but an unfortunate, transient state or some weakness that a character is able to overshadow with some other conforming trait.

Yopaz said:
SilentCom said:
I don't think kid's shows should have any type of sexual connotations.
Me too. Kid'ss shows should not show homosexuals, kid's shows should not show heterosexuals. Why mix sexuality into somethign that should not have anything to do with it at all? I don't have the lsightest against homosexuals, nor open homosexuals, I just don't think it's needed.
Kid's shows is there to entertain kids, parents are there to educate kids.
Mickey Mouse should be there to make kids laugh, not to teach kids that it's wrong to steal, lie, murder or that homosexuality is wrong. Parents should do all of the above and not put the responsibility of raising their kids to the entertainment industry.
...kids' shows shouldn't have hetereosexuals or homosexuals? That leaves remarkably little room for...well...humans.

I guess you could feature some of the even smaller minorities like asexuals, but your requirements cut out, for instance, the possibility of any characters having natural parents on the show.

As has already been mentioned, no one here (well, being the internet, FEW people here) is talking about the actual sex part, just the relationship. There's nothing wrong, "confusing", or strange about a character having two same-gender parents. In fact, unlike adults, children will usually take it completely in stride. When you don't know much about reproduction, there's absolutely nothing confusing or contradictory about gay relationships or gay couples raising children. You see this all the time with kids too. When parents expose them to evidence that gay people exist, they typically try to "have a talk" with the kid to answer all the "questions" they expect the kid to have, but it's pretty rare that kids will have any questions at all until they know more about sex and reproduction.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Sure. Since its a kid show though it all has to be treated in that muted kind of naive lovey crush way. In addition, it should reflect the relative ratio of homosexual relationship in the world (i.e not everyone is gay yo).


New member
Apr 10, 2008
Snake Plissken said:
There is a big difference between "should there be?" and "is it okay if there are?". Should there be, as in, is it imperative that there are? No. Is it okay if there are? Sure.

It shouldn't be imperative that we represent every culture and subculture in any sort of medium, but it shouldn't be regarded as a negative thing if we do.
This right here, spot on pal.

I voted for option two simply because I don't believe that sexuality in any form should come up in really kiddy shows at all.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Bara_no_Hime said:
LCP said:
Hell no... It's too messed up... Sorry but teaching "being gay is an alright choice" Doesn't sit well with me.

Anyway why the hell is there sexuality in a kids show?
BreakfastMan said:
The far more important question, in my mind at least, is why kids shows need to be talking about any kind of sexuality in the first place.
DarkRyter said:
Neither hetero or homo.

Kids really don't give a fuck about sexuality. Just focus on the counting puppets and friendly dinosaurs.
Gunner_Guardian said:
Traditionally kids shows have almost no sexual themes what-so-ever and you could argue that all the characters are asexual in the context of the show.
DuctTapeJedi said:
I don't think that sexuality should be a part of kids' shows at all.

However, I remember back when 'Arthur' had an episode where they had a little girl that had two moms. That's fine, and should be treated as exactly what it is: equal.
Ensiferum said:
I honestly don't think kid's shows need sexual connotations in general.
Why do all of you assume that this has anything to do with sexuality?

A wonderful example of a gay character, as noted by DuctTapeJedi, is when a character has "two moms" or "two dads". That's all we're talking about here - introducing the idea that gay people are a normal part of society.

As I mentioned above, I was already an adolescent and already struggling with being bisexual when I first learned that gay people even existed. If I had known that liking girls was okay (that there wasn't anything wrong with me) then I would have been far less freaked out by it at the time.

I was harmed by the lack of gay characters in children's programming. It isn't about sexuality, it's about saying that gay people exist. It's as simple as "two mommys".

Edit: fixed a typo
Those kind of News should be broken by the parents, not cartoons.

To be honest, pardon my lack of decency for saying this but, if you didn't know gays existed while as an adolescent somebody didn't do their job right.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
As a gay guy I can say yes to this, but you have to be careful in the overall tone and presentation of the characters that you choose and how they are portrayed. Either way it doesn't matter because someone will get mad about the characters. The best you can do is portray the characters in a positive light and hope that you can help the kids understand.

I know people who don't accept how I live. But me I'm a gamer, I'm clean living, and I don't shove my life down peoples throats. *shrugs* Either way I know my way of living will offend someone and the best I can do is state my case and if they don't like it. Screw them. The same goes for the kids shows though portrayal is the biggest problem because someones job is on the line I just hope people will be smart. Too forceful and you get the homophobes mad, to stereotypical and you get the members of the LGBT community mad.

I hate humanity sometimes.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
I think it should be allowed to teach children acceptance of people regardless of their sexuality.


New member
Apr 10, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:

Terrible idea. It would infect our children. All butch manly characters on kids TV. Definitely. Mehhhhhhh.
Ar... Are you oimplying that South Park and Family Guy are meant for kids?
Dude... What the fuck?
Even The Simpsons wasn't really intended for childeren origionally.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
I haven't seen anybody mentioning the angle that many queer people are aware that they're queer, at least on some level, from a very young age. I was peripherally aware by the time I was seven, and some well-done queer characters in the TV I watched (although admittedly I didn't watch much) might have helped me be slightly better adjusted as a teenager. That's true for a lot of queer kids, from what I've read.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
I dont think sexual orientation matters in a kids show... but i voted no for the simple reason which "kids" show explores any sexuality setting a sexual role model probly isnt the way to go.


Gone Fonzy
Jun 9, 2010
When you say kids, I think 12 and under, and no, there is no reason for a show with the target demographic to shoe horn homosexual characters in it, besides Bert and Ernie. When they start hitting puberty, then it is fine as long as the characters are well written.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
moretimethansense said:
Ar... Are you oimplying that South Park and Family Guy are meant for kids?
Dude... What the fuck?
Even The Simpsons wasn't really intended for childeren origionally.
Hit point remains valid. Erny and Bert alone would have been enough to prove it.
Just because you don't stamp sombody with the mark "Gay" doesn't mean that there aren't any homosexual characters.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
SilentCom said:
I don't think kid's shows should have any type of sexual connotations.
I agree for stuff like Teletubbies obviously, but by the time they're about 7 or 8 shows start have something where the boy has a crush on some girl and its played quite light-heartedly.

Once its at that, then yeah. The only way you curb all this bullshit discrimination and hatred is by having it become something that's just normal.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Bara_no_Hime said:
LCP said:
Hell no... It's too messed up... Sorry but teaching "being gay is an alright choice" Doesn't sit well with me.

Anyway why the hell is there sexuality in a kids show?
BreakfastMan said:
The far more important question, in my mind at least, is why kids shows need to be talking about any kind of sexuality in the first place.
DarkRyter said:
Neither hetero or homo.

Kids really don't give a fuck about sexuality. Just focus on the counting puppets and friendly dinosaurs.
Gunner_Guardian said:
Traditionally kids shows have almost no sexual themes what-so-ever and you could argue that all the characters are asexual in the context of the show.
DuctTapeJedi said:
I don't think that sexuality should be a part of kids' shows at all.

However, I remember back when 'Arthur' had an episode where they had a little girl that had two moms. That's fine, and should be treated as exactly what it is: equal.
Ensiferum said:
I honestly don't think kid's shows need sexual connotations in general.
Why do all of you assume that this has anything to do with sexuality?

A wonderful example of a gay character, as noted by DuctTapeJedi, is when a character has "two moms" or "two dads". That's all we're talking about here - introducing the idea that gay people are a normal part of society.

As I mentioned above, I was already an adolescent and already struggling with being bisexual when I first learned that gay people even existed. If I had known that liking girls was okay (that there wasn't anything wrong with me) then I would have been far less freaked out by it at the time.

I was harmed by the lack of gay characters in children's programming. It isn't about sexuality, it's about saying that gay people exist. It's as simple as "two mommys".

Edit: fixed a typo

Edit 2: And no one said "every" show - just some. Parents (or teenaged flirtations) are the best way to handle this - if neither exists in the show, then it doesn't matter. The issue is that, when there are parents or flirtations, they are always hetero.
I think the main reasons people thought what we did was because there's only so many ways to indicate that a character is gay.
There are good examples of how to do this for kids, but it's a delicate subject to address any sexual preference as a characterization and not have actual sex factor in.

Again, though-- "Post Cards with Buster" from Arthur showing a little girl with two moms=fantastic method of exposing kids to diversity while staying kid friendly.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
No, there is no need to highlight someones sexuality, acceptance comes when people stop making a big fucking deal about it and starts seeing other people as their whole being rather than one aspect of them.


Im not saying don't put in various different characters, just don't highlight a gay character in particular and say it's OK to be gay. Positive discrimination is still discrimination.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
As long as the gay character isn't there just for the sake of being there and they don't bury them in stereotypes I wouldn't mind seeing a gay character in a show like that.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Bara_no_Hime said:
Why do all of you assume that this has anything to do with sexuality?

A wonderful example of a gay character, as noted by DuctTapeJedi, is when a character has "two moms" or "two dads". That's all we're talking about here - introducing the idea that gay people are a normal part of society.
I was actually going to post this myself when I saw a couple others had already done it. I'm not going to go into the "why" because that would be a topic in and of itself (and likely not a pleasant one), but I agree completely. There is no reason here to assume that just because the characters are homosexual/bisexual that there needs to be any sex involved at all. Quite frankly, this reminds me of the Cosby show.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
Bara_no_Hime said:
interspark said:
this has been bothering me for a while, we have a community that is in a largely public agreement that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, and yet, in kid's shows you'll often see male and female characters who are attracted to one another but never those of the same sex? and you can say "kids wont understand that" but i know for a fact that when i have kids, i certainly won't let them grow up under the delusion that only people of opposite genders can fall in love and get married!

so what are your opinions?
This. Well said.

When I was growing up, I had no idea that being gay was even an option. No one told me it was even possible. Which really screwed up things for a while when it turned out I was bisexual - imagine how confusing that was when I had no idea that gay people existed?

Of course, I grew up in the 80s, before the Internet. Oh, how having the internet would have helped me not spend years wondering what was wrong with me before I found out that liking other girls wasn't strange at all.

The sad thing is, my parents aren't even homophobes - they have no problem with gay people, and are generally okay with my personal gay-ness. But they didn't think it was an appropriate topic for children. See? This is why children need to know about all human relationships (not how they work, but that they exist) when they're still children.
But aren't you kind of.. recruiting kids to be homosexual if you confront them with it too much? I'm sorry if it sounds crude but I don't think that our current situation represses homosexuality, aside from bullying and such ofcourse. In fact, the people I know who are homosexual have known all their lives, without kids shows telling them that it's an option.