Poll: Skipping school?!


New member
Dec 31, 2009
I've skipped school once, and that was with my parents consent.
Didn't do a final project, so I buckled down and did it that day

OT: Most of the time, its wrong to, like just to dick around. But if you have a loved one in the hospital, or lets say, didn't do a final project... then yea, I wouldn't care.
Just don't do it to much.

Edit: OH, and I skipped another to go to a local theater to watch a production of Les Miserables. Let me just say I'm glad my parents felt getting cultured was important.


New member
Jul 26, 2009
I skipped a few when I was in college (but usually only to do unfinished homework).

Skipped loads during university. For one module, I only went to the first lecture and the final exam, and got a First :D


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2010
Completely depends:

1): Arrrrgh, cba school, who needs qualifications anyway? = WRONG

2): Finally after a long time, we've finally managed to book a small gig for our band - but it's on Monday... = RIGHT

Use common sense, some things are just more important than 1 day of school, but very few things are more important than school as a whole: don't fall behind.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
dudycat1 said:
TehCookie said:
dudycat1 said:
i regully skip maths class because im bad at it and everyone in my class is a chav who is destined for and epic carrea in mac donalds i can get more done just using my maths revision book i enjoy most over lessons though exept from RE
Please tell me you are going to your English classes though.

OT: The only class I skip is Japanese, because the college curriculum is the exact same one that I had at my high school. I thought it would go faster and that halfway through the semester I would learn new things, but it's actually slower than high school and I wished I tested out of it.

i go to english because im awsome at it and science to if im going in that direction
Then please have some forum etiquette and type in proper English.

Red Right Hand

Feb 23, 2009
Yeah, a whole day is alright once in a while, but there are also some completely useless periods that we were supposed to go to. So, we would just get a toke instead. Time well spent methinks, considering the fact that we all did alright at school and are all now in higher education. So yeah, if you can actually handle not learning the stuff in the classes that you miss then I think it's totally fine.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
I only skip it if I had a good excuse. For instance, being legitimately sick.

Which reminds me, I haven't skipped school in forever. There were multiple days this term where I was really sick and would have benefited greatly from a health perspective by skipping school, but I didn't because I needed to work on my woodworking project. Sucks, but it's for my grade. I just wish I wasn't in a class where taking a day off could mean losing 12% of your grade (our final project, which I'm working on now, is 60% of our grade and is on a grading scale, which means one day could be the difference between finishing and not finishing, and the difference between a 90 and a 70).

I don't skip school mostly because I need my grade, but I don't mind people that take sick days (because I know how much it helps, I averaged 2 sick days a month earlier this year and it boosted my grades tremendously).


New member
Apr 21, 2009
I think it's okay.

But if it starts to get excessive it isn't really that smart a thing to do.

Scout Tactical

New member
Jun 23, 2010
believer258 said:
Scout Tactical said:
MassiveGeek said:
... Cocaine?

Why would I take cocaine? I don't smoke, drink or do drugs anyway. I didn't mean "coke" as a slang for cocaine, I meant coca-cola, you know, sugar stuffed bad-for-you-but-tasty that most teens drink. :p
Look, I don't know what street aliases kids are giving to their drugs these days, but even if the police don't catch you with your "coca-cola", you can suffer some serious long-term health problems. I can see I'm probably not going to convince you to give up hard drugs, but remember, cocaine can be lethal if mixed with all of the ecstasy, heroine, and meth you are no-doubt abusing. ;)
Either you're trolling, or you're the biggest dweeb this side of Star Trek.

Coca-cola is a soft drink, soda, pop, whatever you want to call it, and you're a dumbfuck - it had cocaine in it at one point in time, but there has been no cocaine in coca-cola for over 60 years now.
One of the things I miss most about 4chan is that it is perfectly acceptable to just post a reaction image of, say, a facepalm, and go on without further explanation.

Yes. I am making a joke. No, this is not trolling, because it has humorous intent, not the intent of making anyone angry. If you'd taken the time to examine my profile, you'd notice I'm from the United States. There is essentially no way to live in the US and not know what Coca-Cola is.

So consider holding off on calling people a "dumbfuck" until after you can get the most simple, unsubtle types of humor. Seriously, I even added a wink to the end. How non-serious do I have to make this?


New member
Nov 2, 2009
I started wagging as I got older. I'd never dare to do it in my junior years, but the older I get the less I cared about following arbitrary rules. I'd quite often just bus it home during school if I didn't feel like going.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
I used to skip school constantly. Fortunately for me, it never impacted on my grades.

That said, I don't think its a good idea. I was extremely lucky that I had the knowledge and ability to get the grades I wanted and expected while still skipping school.

I think it's important to understand why you skip school. If you're skipping classes because you're too lazy to show up, think you don't have a duty to be there, or whatever, than you need to have words with yourself- how are you going to get on in the adult world if you can't commit to showing up to work every day? If you tell your boss "yeah, I couldn't be bothered coming in yesterday" you will be sacked- that's just a fact of life.

Aside from that, there are plenty of "good" reasons for skipping school, but it'd save you a lot worry and hassle if you could find another way to deal with those problems.
I used to skip school because I was being bullied by a teacher (long story). Once I could finally admit that, the problem was dealt with, I was put in another class, and it was all dealt with.

In the OP's case, I don't blame you for not showing in. Schools these days seem to be so caught up in wasting their student's time- if you're not there to learn, how can they expect you to show up? If you're done with your work and there's nothing going on, why not knock off early? After all, even worker-bees do that.


New member
Jan 11, 2009
Wutaiflea said:
I used to skip school constantly. Fortunately for me, it never impacted on my grades.

That said, I don't think its a good idea. I was extremely lucky that I had the knowledge and ability to get the grades I wanted and expected while still skipping school.

I think it's important to understand why you skip school. If you're skipping classes because you're too lazy to show up, think you don't have a duty to be there, or whatever, than you need to have words with yourself- how are you going to get on in the adult world if you can't commit to showing up to work every day? If you tell your boss "yeah, I couldn't be bothered coming in yesterday" you will be sacked- that's just a fact of life.

Aside from that, there are plenty of "good" reasons for skipping school, but it'd save you a lot worry and hassle if you could find another way to deal with those problems.
I used to skip school because I was being bullied by a teacher (long story). Once I could finally admit that, the problem was dealt with, I was put in another class, and it was all dealt with.

In the OP's case, I don't blame you for not showing in. Schools these days seem to be so caught up in wasting their student's time- if you're not there to learn, how can they expect you to show up? If you're done with your work and there's nothing going on, why not knock off early? After all, even worker-bees do that.
Yeah, I don't get that particular teachers principle of not letting ANYONE go unless it's really urgent, like a doctors appointment, until after class. Even if we're completely done with everything, she still keeps us there to do some nitpicking that's completely useless, it really sucks(a bit especially since she's a real eyesore, she's obese and never wear fitting shirts which is rather disturbing... you can see her whole gut hanging out -shudders-).


New member
Jul 6, 2010
I never go in on the last day of term, all we do is play games, and i can do that at home, also home doesnt have internet filters


Posting in the wrong thread.
Sep 3, 2009
It depends on the consequences I think. I know that the last day of school is often pointless and you don't learn anything. I think its only purpose is so that your last day of school is a day where you go and don't do anything. "Who wants their last day of school to be a work day?" I imagine the administrators thinking.

My school always had a thing where they would actually suspend you for skipping the last day of class. So I never did.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
I skipped school probably more than I should have in year 11 but I always managed to catch up quickly so it didn't worry me too much. I said I wouldn't skip in year 12 but I kinda broke that though I never skipped certain classes that I knew were important. I was mostly skipped cuz I was lonely at school so I left to see my friends and boyfriend.


New member
Nov 3, 2010
Only if you have a good reason.

For one a lot of our classes fell out that day because most of our teachers were sick. However our last class was still scheduled. Meaning we have to wait 5 hours in order to turn in our assignements what would only take 5 minutes while we just could have mailed it to him but they demanded that we delivered it personally to him.

I went home I mailed my assignement to him and everything was fine.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
Only for one class and thats only if they make you do something really stupid like dancing.


New member
Jun 27, 2008
I skipped like 4 classes, and two of those I was sick so I didn't want to get up that morning. Another was over sleeping and the last was cause I was studying for a test and didn't want to stop.