Poll: Skyrim- Who did you side with and why?

Ix Rebound

New member
Jan 10, 2012
All factions in this game have their upsides and there downsides, none of them are perfect, example

Imperials- banning of Talos worship
Stormclokes- kinda racist

For me i sided with myself
What about you Escapists?


New member
Dec 1, 2009
Stormcloaks the whole way.

Whether you think that a straightforward attitude is a good one to have ( I do), I think everyone can agree that he a fucking badass.

I find Ulfric to be the better leader.

I think a Skyrim and Hammerfell united against the Thalmor stands a better hope than a broken, unpopular Empire lying to themselves that they will one day be strong enough.

The Empire allows foreign agents to roam their lands, capture their people, torture, and kill them.

The Empire tried to cut off my head.

Vikings > Romans

ULFRIC'S VOICE. Yee gods, its like a Scandinavian Morgan Freeman who only talks about honor, freedom, and fighting.


New member
Apr 30, 2011
Stormcloaks for the reason that the High Elves have always been asshole in every Elder Scrolls game. The Nords hatred of foreigners come from the fact that no one backed them up when their religion was at stake. The Imperials are just the puppets of the smug Thalmor who are as racists as the Nords with no real justification other than we are better then everyone. Also as a long time Elder Scrolls player Eight Divine just doesn't sound right.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
The Empire, because FOR THE EMPEROR! I prefer Karl Franz or the God-Emperor though.


Karma Haunts You
Jan 5, 2011
Imperials hate the elves too but they can't upright admit it because of the treaty. If the empire collapsed it would not be good.

I kill every Thalmor I see.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
I side with the people who don't like Skyrim. Because in my opinion, they have every reason to hate it.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
I sided with the people who used the search bar, because seriously, there's a thread like this that's barely half a month old.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
I sided with the Imperials. Not so much for any particular love or loyalty to the Empire; hell, before I got the game, I was all "the Empire deserves to collapse until a new leader can reunite Tamriel." I changed my tune when I actually met the Stormcloak leaders... they're TERRIBLE! Dawnstar has a paranoid wreck, Riften is oblivious that she has no real power, Winterhold just mopes and whines instead of actually trying to fix things, and Ulfric is so caught up in a war he caused that he neglects the citizens under his direct control! Hey, future High King; I think you can step away from the war room for a few minutes to take care of the serial murderer on the loose! At least the Imperial leaders seem halfway competent (well, minus Falkreath, but his steward keeps things in order).


New member
Oct 21, 2008
First I played as a Nord and when I learned what the Stormcloaks stood for and more about Ulfric I hated them and decided that I'd eventually join the Legion.

Then, for the sake of pure nonsensicality (which is a word I totally just made up) I created a High Elf Mage and will be joining the Stormcloaks soon. I find it odd that nobody seems to have anything to say about a High Elf-The same race that is attemtping to take over Skyrim-wanting to help the Stormcloaks who absolutely despise elves and magic alike.

Like seriously, what the hell, Bethesda? I'm the same race as the Thalmor and yet not a soul has said anything remotely close to questioning why in the hell I'd want to help a man who hates my race and wants me to leave Skyrim. Makes NO sense.

But, then we have Phil the Kitty, the most BAWS Kahjiit Sheild/Waraxe fighter ever. Phil the Kitty doesn't give a damn about the petty squabbles between savages and noble snobbery. Phil the Kitty only cares about getting his hands on the next-sharpest axe he can find and slaughtering any who stand in his way, Legion or Stormcloak.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
I sided with those who responded in last 50 threads called "which side you sided".
They have my axe !


New member
Dec 24, 2009
Ah I see this thread has come again. :) Personally I like the Nords, and I liked Tiber Septim(I never heard "Talos" until Skyrim. In Morrowind and Oblivion all I heard was Tiber Septim did I miss something?). To see them oppressed by not being allowed to worship Talos, AKA Tiber Septim the guy who founded the freakin empire, being hounded by snooty, conniving, conceded, High-Elf bastards that round people up and torture them, lied to, its just too forgive.

You cant just tell them not to worship their God-hero they've idolized and known countless centuries! Who was supposed to be your God too. Ive heard "By the Nine's" so many times when ever some Elf or some uppity lord says "By the eight" I wanna draw my mace and knock the teeth out their mouth! :mad:

If it was just that I'd still be 100% for Ulfric(who got screwed big time by the Empire), but its clear the Empire is weakening and their damn near letting the Thalmor in the backdoor. The Imperials of Cyridol clearly dont mind the Thalmor busting Skyrim's chops as long as they arnt bothered. Skyrim will be just fine on its own thank you very much.

I dont think any one would willing(or intelligently) send in army into a land plagued by Dragons, and thats guarded by The Mighty Dovakin, So bring em on! In fact the next DLC should be a mini-conflict between the Aldermeri Dominion and Skyrim, so that I can show them just what a God really is.


New member
Jul 26, 2010
Imperials. They are kinda running an entire continent and they prevented Tamriel from being genocided...so, hail the Empire! We have cookies!


New member
Aug 4, 2009
I felt that banning of religous freedom was worse than the racism of the stormcloaks but the game did a good job of making you feel like an asshole no matter what. They were both war minded bell ends and there wasnt any sort of good guy simply those with different, dumbass, faults. mind you the stormcloaks are nationalists and ive never met a nationalist who's jaw i didnt want to break later on so...
I think they did a good thing making the supposed 'good guys' who seem great at the start behave like children weilding power because thats how they behave. The imperials are assholes as well but i havent played through their quests yet so i couldnt judge. The stormcloaks just strut around telling everyone else how to behave as they hold brute force in a very similar way to the thalmor and while i havent finished their questline either i wouldnt be surprised if they enforced talos only worship and banned all other forms.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
After I read that the Empire was supposed to have been founded by a Dragonborn I figured that I should side with them and kill Ulfric who also had the power to shout. That once they all figured I was an insanely dangerous monster who could crush entire armies single handedly I would get to rule Skyrim as a vassal of the Emperor and have my children marry into the royal family to keep me happy.


The Purple Mage
Nov 9, 2009
The Stormcloaks were overtly racist with backwards views on magic and would definitely lose a war with the Thalmor. I don't care how bad ass Ulfric is... wise he is not. The empire is eventually going to get another PC and then they're going to mop the floor with the Thalmor.

And then the worship of some guy, who was admittedly pretty good, as a God will be acceptable again. That's right, those Nords will be able to worship Jesus Talos again. Oh I didn't... there goes my perfect record.


New member
Dec 25, 2011
It's gotta be the empire. I won't be satisfied until we've stamped all resistance out of those damned Nords.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
In most fantasy and sci-fi, siding with the rebels/outlaws/outsiders is usually the right move so I sided with the Stormcloaks but when they started making me do things I didn't like and felt guilty for, I regretted it. Carried on anyway, though.