Poll: Skyrim- Who did you side with and why?


New member
Sep 30, 2009
Imperials, because racism is a crime, and crime is for Khajit.
I spent some 15 minutes thinking whether or not to use that joke, but in the end, I believe in the sense of humor of others who've played Skyrim, given that it's really a bit of an inside joke.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
Kimarous said:
I sided with the Imperials. Not so much for any particular love or loyalty to the Empire; hell, before I got the game, I was all "the Empire deserves to collapse until a new leader can reunite Tamriel." I changed my tune when I actually met the Stormcloak leaders... they're TERRIBLE! Dawnstar has a paranoid wreck, Riften is oblivious that she has no real power, Winterhold just mopes and whines instead of actually trying to fix things, and Ulfric is so caught up in a war he caused that he neglects the citizens under his direct control! Hey, future High King; I think you can step away from the war room for a few minutes to take care of the serial murderer on the loose! At least the Imperial leaders seem halfway competent (well, minus Falkreath, but his steward keeps things in order).
You will find the leaders are often semi-parallels of each other.

Winterhold: Morthal. Both aren't liked by their people. Winterhold has legitimate reason to be unhappy - his entire town fell into the Ocean. Well, a tiny bit survived, but W/E. Fact of the matter is, no-one listens to him. He sends the Dovahkiin on quests to regain some status for Winterhold - collecting artefacts of her past to gain some standing with the other Jarls - but he is almost literally a Jarl without a hold. His biggest failing is that he hates the Mage college, but that is because he suspects them (Incorrectly) of causing the great collapse. Morthal is in the opposite problem, where she trusts the mage, but the town don't and don't like her decision making.
Dawnstar: Falkreath. Both more obsessed in their personal endeavours than in the town they govern. Dawnstar is in it for the Glory of the war, to drive the Imperials out and reclaim Skyrim for the Nords. Falkreath is in it for his own personal pleasure. He couldn't care less about his hold, so long as his belly stays full and bandits fill his coffers.
Markarth: Riften. Both aren't run by the Jarls, but by a corrupt family using another faction to elicit control of the hold. In Riften, its the Blackbriars and the Thieves Guild. In Markarth, its the Silverbloods and the Forsworn. Hell, these are probably the two most paralleled towns. They are at the farthest point on the map to opposite directions of each other, both have the same problems, both have the same sort of leader and both are two of the largest cities in the game (Not sure exactly where Solitude or Windhelm sit in size comparison to Riften).
And Finally, Solitude: Windhelm. Both are under a rather lackluster leadership ATM. Ulfric is obsessed with the war, Elisif is just plain incompetent in command. Both suffer from problems: There is a murderer in Windhelm, a Necromancer witch queen in Solitude. Both are the capitals, and in both the Stewards run the hold whilst the other does whatever (Elisif mope about her dead husband, Ulfric go on about the war).

Now, I chose Stormcloaks. My reasons for this can be found on any number of other threads; use the search bar.


New member
Oct 2, 2011
I begrudgingly sided with the imperials because the Stormcloaks are backwards racist morons and the imperials are the only hope of eventually defeating the butthole Thalmor. Still, I didn't like either option and on my first play through I ignored them both.


New member
Feb 7, 2008
Stormcloak, since I basically knew nothing about these factions; I went into Skyrim "blind", if you will. All I knew was that there was: 1. Dragons and 2. Nords.

So while the Rebels were nice and chatty to me on the horsecart ride at the start, the Imperials tried to knock my block off, despite the Captain being informed I wasn't on the execution list.

Yeah, fuck those guys.

(Apparently, the hilarious bit is that my character is a High Elf. I haven't got very far in the main plot yet since my laptop keeps melting.)


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
Renegade-pizza said:
Imperials. They are kinda running an entire continent and they prevented Tamriel from being genocided...so, hail the Empire! We have cookies!
They are not running the continent. They run Cyrodiil and High Rock ATM, and have a civil war in Skyrim. They abandoned Hammerfell, and lost their other territories to the Thalmor. They are not an all powerful being, and are in a bit of trouble after the Great War.

Lazy Kitty

May 1, 2009
I like the Roman Empire.
All the organization...
The legions...
Good times...
And then they lost their old values when they started worshipping a single god and the empire started to crumble...


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Imperials because Ulfric is a pethetic excuse for a Jarl and
He is an unwiting pawn of the Thalmore.
So Imperials as the only group I dislike are those that run Alinor/summerset Isle.

I will happily slaughter my way through Every thalmor I see if the DLC takes me to Alinor.

Also the concept goes "divide and conquer" If the Empire were to loose Skyrim like it lost Valenwood, Elswyre and Hammerfell it would be left with only Cirodil, Morrowind High Rock and Black Marsh (and Morrowind doesn't really count after the Loss of Vivec City).

So As a result I Shout "The Emperor Protects!!"


Lord of Infinite Grins
Jun 30, 2011
Stormcloaks, since they didn't try to cut my fucking head off!

Everyone forgets this lol

Baron von Blitztank

New member
May 7, 2010
Stormcloaks, I was willing to forgive the Empire for trying to chop my head off but after completing the Dark Brotherhood questline I'll fight the Imperials with teeth and claws to get revenge!

Emperor Nat

New member
Jun 15, 2011
First playthrough, Nord Warrior//Light Armour, Imperials. I saw my character's personality as very much a soldier - he recognised that the Imperial troops were largely innocent, despite the political mistakes they have made. He also saw that opposing the largest faction in Tamriel isn't a wise thing to do.

Second playthrough, more focused on RP than the last one, I was a breton mage who'd come to study in the college of Winterhold. This time, siding with the Stormcloaks because my magey fellow understands that despite some of the dickishness and racist tendencies, they're scared people trying to fight for what they believe in.

El Presidente

Regular Member
Dec 26, 2011
On my first playthrough, neither. They're both led by massive bell-ends.

I did both on subsequent playthroughs though, just for the sake of completion.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
The Empire; Scandinavian proto-Nazis can go die in a fire.

Here are my reasons;
1) Ulfric has cooperated with the Thalmor in the past, making him a massive hypocrite
2) Stormcloaks aren't looking at the long-term picture; Skyrim's independence is ultimately only beneficial to the Aldmeri Dominion as it would break up the Empire (Cyrodil and High Rock would be physically seperated. United you stand, divided you fall.
3) The stormcloaks are largely, actually no, scratch that, pretty much all asshole racists; I hate racists.
4) The requirements of the Thalmor to monitor a Skyrim where "accidents can happen out in the wild" (my own words, as I have a fondness for ruining the day of any Thalmor agents I run into) will eat up resources, especially considering how far from home their agents are.
5) The Thalmor cause is undermined by the fact many import loyalist figures in Skyrim are pro-Talos as far as I can tell; the Jarl of Whiterun, the steward of Markarth and the second-in-command of the Imperial legions in Skyrim all revere him still. Removing any of these would likely incite war, something the Thalmor ultimately don't want until the Empire has been further weakened.

The way I see it;
1) The Imperial victory has restored confidence in the Empire's ability to enforce its order
2) It would likely make Black Marsh and the Aldmeri Dominion think twice about further campaigns any time soon.
3) The legionaries who fought in the war are now bloodied veterans, meaning that when the resources are available, they will be available for future campaigns.
4) The Thalmor operating to undermine Imperial rule in Skyrim will be punished, resulting in a purge which will deny them several or many talented individuals

Just my thoughts

Davey Woo

New member
Jan 9, 2009
I went with the Stormcloaks, I would have just stayed neutral, but I needed some quests to do because I was bored.
I just didn't like the imperials considering at the start of the game they were trying to kill me.


New member
Jul 4, 2006
With my first character I didn't do any.
With my second I joined the Imperials, and third was Stormcloaks
(which seemed rather apt seeing as I had assassinated the Emperor...)

I have to say though, I much prefer the Imperials. The Stormcloaks are just racist arse holes. It was my Khajit who joined them and they seemed very wary of that.

What was interesting was they way how, in the beginning, you pretty immediately think that the Empire are the bad guys (what with trying to behead you and all) but then as time goes on you see that it's actually the Stormcloaks who are the dicks.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
I sided with the Stormcloaks because Vikings, nothing more intelligent than that. If it made a difference I would have remained neutral as I didn't care for either side.


Watch the spinning tails...
May 2, 2010
I haven't made a choice in the game yet because, frankly, both options are awful.

The worse of the two is easily the Stormcloaks. To say they're 'kinda racist' is a massive understatement. Many of them believe that Skyrim should only belong to the nords and that no other races should be allowed to live there. The number of annoyingly over the top Stormcloaks is horrible.

And what's worse is that they follow Ulfric who uses lies, fear, and anger to rally people behind him. He isn't leading the revolution due to Talos worship, or because of the Thalmore. He's doing it because he wants to be the one in charge. Yes, the man does butter his words and knows how to rally people behind things they're obviously going to get behind. But that's not the person I'd like to have in charge. In the end, he's little more then a spoiled, egotistical sociopath who isn't afraid to step on anyone who gets in his way.

The empire... yea, they're not good in terms of letting the Thalmor commit horrible acts. And it's true that they were introduced from the beginning to be overly evil themselves in a lot of ways. Such as trying to kill people not even related to the rebellion. But I still prefer them over the alternative. In the end though, both options are just bad.

Smurf McSmurfington

New member
Jun 24, 2010
Imperials - because unlike Ulfric and his followers, they actually do see the big picture, and aren't too caught up with religions.